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1、1. differ vi. 不一致不一致, 不同不同, 相异相异, 不同意不同意, 意见相左意见相左常见的搭配有:常见的搭配有:a and b differ in a differs from bsb differ from/ with sb on/ about / over /upon sth拓展拓展different adj. difference n. be different from 与与不同不同 make no difference to sb. make a difference 对对没有影响没有影响起作用起作用,产生影响产生影响现代飞机跟早期的在很多方面有所不同。现代飞机跟早期

2、的在很多方面有所不同。modern airplanes differ from early ones.对于如何解决问题对于如何解决问题, 我跟他的意见不一致。我跟他的意见不一致。i differ with him on how to solve the problem. 即时练习:即时练习: 用介词用介词 from, with, on, about, upon 或或 in 填空。填空。 (1) we differ _ him _ _ that question. (2) the two nations differ _ culture and religion. (3) the climate

3、 here differ _ that of the south.from/withon/about/upon / overinfrom/ with2. exact a. 精确的,准确的,精密的,严谨的精确的,准确的,精密的,严谨的her exact age an exact thinker we need exact instruments. exactly ad. 精确地,准确地,确切地;精确地,准确地,确切地;(答语,表示赞同或答语,表示赞同或强调正确)的确如此,正是强调正确)的确如此,正是真题再现真题再现(2008四川)四川)-i think tracy needs to find h

4、erself a new job. - . this is what we have been talking about.a.exactly b. cheer up c. please dod. really3. pay off 带来好结果,取得成功带来好结果,取得成功 pay sth. off 付清,偿清付清,偿清 pay sb. off 付清工资解雇(某人)付清工资解雇(某人)他的计划成功了吗?他的计划成功了吗?did his plan pay off?他们三年才还清债务。他们三年才还清债务。it took them three years to pay off the debt.4.

5、undertake vt.实施,从事,着手做,承担实施,从事,着手做,承担, 担任担任, 许诺许诺, 保证,采取保证,采取,答应答应undertake sth 承担某事承担某事 a task/ project 承担一个任务承担一个任务/项目项目undertake to do sth 许诺做某事许诺做某事/ 同意做某事同意做某事undertake that 保证保证我愿意承接这项变革的责任。我愿意承接这项变革的责任。 i can undertake the responsibility for the changes.他许诺当我们的向导他许诺当我们的向导.he undertook to be o

6、ur guide .这个过程很难实施。这个过程很难实施。the procedure is difficult to undertake.即时练习:即时练习:完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 (1) he will _ next month (去旅行去旅行). (2) he _ (承担了一承担了一项新任务项新任务).undertook a new taskundertake a journey 我不能保证我能按时做完它我不能保证我能按时做完它. i cant undertake you that ill finish it on time .5. disturb vt. 扰乱扰乱, 使不安使不安,

7、弄乱弄乱 disturbed adj. 被扰乱的被扰乱的, 烦恼的烦恼的, 不安的不安的 disturbing adj. 令人不安的令人不安的 / 引起烦恼的引起烦恼的 即时练习:即时练习: 用用disturb, disturbing, disturbed填空。填空。 (1) im very _ about alice. (2) dont _ the papers on my desk. (3) this country is in a _ state. (4) what _ news it is! (5) a light wind _ the surface of the water. di

8、sturbeddisturbeddisturbingdisturbingdisturb6. cast down:feeling unhappy and depressed使沮丧使沮丧, 低沉,低沉, 使下降使下降, 推翻推翻 be cast down (by sth) (因某事)沮丧,不愉快因某事)沮丧,不愉快 实验失败使得他很沮丧。实验失败使得他很沮丧。 he was much cast down by the failure of the experiment. 不要沮丧。继续保持你的精神。不要沮丧。继续保持你的精神。dont be so cast down. just keep up y

9、our spirits.研究克隆的科学家们沮丧地发现多莉得的病更容易发研究克隆的科学家们沮丧地发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的动物身上。生在年老的动物身上。cloning scientists _ that dollys illnesses were more _ a much older animal.were cast down to findappropriate to 即时练习:即时练习: 将下列句子译成英语将下列句子译成英语 (1) 听到这个消息他很沮丧。听到这个消息他很沮丧。 _ (2) 发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。 _ cast away丢弃丢弃, 抛弃抛

10、弃, 使失事使失事, 使漂流使漂流 cast off 放弃;丢弃放弃;丢弃, 摆脱摆脱 cast out赶走赶走, 驱逐驱逐he was cast down to hear the news.finding out the truth made him cast down. 7. altogether dolly lived for six years, altogether adv. 全部,总共全部,总共 这个中心区在这次飓风中失去了这个中心区在这次飓风中失去了1000多棵树。多棵树。altogether the centre lost more than 1,000 trees in th

11、e hurricane. 总而言之总而言之 总之,我们的成就是巨大的。总之,我们的成就是巨大的。 完全地完全地(completely) 他并不完全确信接下去做什么。他并不完全确信接下去做什么。altogether, our achievements are great.hes not altogether sure what to do next.cf: all together与与altogether 作作“总共总共”解时,它们可以互换使用。解时,它们可以互换使用。 我们班总共有我们班总共有42个学生。个学生。 all together作作 “一道一道,一起一起” 解时解时,不能用不能用al

12、together替换。如:他们一起来。替换。如:他们一起来。 altogether意为意为“完全地,彻底地,总计,总而言完全地,彻底地,总计,总而言之之”,不可与,不可与all together互换,用于否定句时是部互换,用于否定句时是部分否定。如:他完全不可能。分否定。如:他完全不可能。there were altogether/ all together 42 students in the class.they came all together.its altogether out of the question. 我并不完全赞同你的看法。i dont altogether agree

13、 with you.8. object to 反对;不同意反对;不同意 object to sb/sth object to doing sth object to sb doing sth have/make an objection to (doing) sth反对反对/不赞成某人某事不赞成某人某事反对做某事反对做某事反对某人做某事反对某人做某事对对表示反对表示反对我们反对惩罚整个班级因为一个人的错误。我们反对惩罚整个班级因为一个人的错误。we objected to punishing the whole class for ones mistake. 多莉的出现引来了巨大的反对多莉的出

14、现引来了巨大的反对, 激发了传媒的热炒和公激发了传媒的热炒和公众的想像力。众的想像力。 dollys appearance _ and _ the and public imagination.raised a storm of objectionshad a great impact on 9. obtain vt. (尤指经努力)获得,赢得(尤指经努力)获得,赢得他没能获得奖学金。他没能获得奖学金。he didnt obtain a scholarship.常用结构常用结构obtain sth from sb/sth 从从获得某物获得某物比较比较 attain vt. (通常通过努力)获得

15、,得到;通常通过努力)获得,得到; 到达(某年龄,水平,状况等)到达(某年龄,水平,状况等)10. forbid vt.禁止,不准,不许禁止,不准,不许(反义反义permit,allow) forbade /forbad, forbidden, forbidding 公共场所应禁止吸烟。公共场所应禁止吸烟。forbidsth. doing sth.sb. to do sth.thatsmoking should be forbidden in public places.我不准你告诉任何人我不准你告诉任何人i forbid you to tell anyone. 她的父亲禁止她喝酒。她的父亲禁

16、止她喝酒。 法律禁止在这块土地上建筑。法律禁止在这块土地上建筑。即时练习:即时练习:完成下列句子完成下列句子(1) the school _ (禁止学生吸禁止学生吸烟烟).(2) he is forbidden to _ (进进入这个房间入这个房间).forbids the students to smokeenter the roomher father forbids her to drink wine.the law forbids building on this land.有些国家比如中国和英国继续收集克隆能提供丰富有些国家比如中国和英国继续收集克隆能提供丰富的医疗帮助的证据。的医疗

17、帮助的证据。 some countries such as china and the uk continued to _ of the _ medical aid that cloning could provide. 11. accumulate vt. vi 积累,聚集积累,聚集 accumulation, accumulative他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。he _ by hard work.我不在期间灰尘积聚了起来。我不在期间灰尘积聚了起来。_ during my absence. accumulated fortunedust accumulated

18、accumulate evidenceabundant12. (be) in favour of 赞成;有利于赞成;有利于=support/be for 与与be against相对。相对。 他赞成这项计划吗?他赞成这项计划吗?is he in favour of the plan?拓展:拓展:in sbs favor do sb a favor =do a favor for sbin favor with sb.对某人有利对某人有利帮某人忙做帮某人忙做受某人支持受某人支持目前我没有得到大家的支持。目前我没有得到大家的支持。at present i am not in favor with

19、you.今天你能帮个忙去学校接迈克吗?今天你能帮个忙去学校接迈克吗?could you do me a favor to pick up mike from school?13. owe vt. 欠;应该把欠;应该把归功于;感激,感恩归功于;感激,感恩 经典例句经典例句 he owes his father 50. = he owes 50 to his father. 他欠他他欠他父亲父亲50英镑。英镑。 we owe this discovery to newton. 我们的这一发现归功於牛我们的这一发现归功於牛顿。顿。 常用结构常用结构 owe sb. sth. = owe sth. t

20、o sb. 欠欠(某人某人)债债 owe sth. to sb./sth.将某事物归因或归功於某人将某事物归因或归功於某人/事事 短语填空短语填空 he _ his success_ his parents! 他把自己的成功归功于他的父母他把自己的成功归功于他的父母 we _ a great deal _ our parents. 我们深受父母之恩。我们深受父母之恩。 we _ _ newton the principle of gravitation. 我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。 14.bother 14.bother ; ;n.n. ;令人;令人烦恼的事或人。烦恼的事或人。bother sb.with/about sth.bother sb.with/about sth.为某事打扰或麻为某事打扰或麻烦某人烦某人bother about/with sth.bother about/with sth.为某事烦恼为某事烦恼bother to do/doing sth.bother to do/doing sth.操心做某事操心做某事it bothers sb.that/to do sth.it bothers sb.that/to do sth.使某人苦恼使某人苦恼的是的是vt.v


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