



1、Unit 4李仕才考点规范练(选修 6 Un it 4 )【短文语法填空】根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。In Margaret s opinion,there was no consistent view on beauty.It isl.reason able(reas on) that our ideas of beauty are cha nging with time.For example,in 19th - century Europe, womenused to 2.wear(wear) corsets to achieve a bod

2、y shape, but it3.is_con sidered(c on sider) un healthy no w.Ma ny factors have bee n in flue ncing us while we arejudgi ng what is beautiful ,of 4.which culture rema ins a major one.ln somecountries , some womentryto keep slim 5.while in other cultures ,6.1 ooking(look) thin is not what a woman desi

3、res at all.There areno precise criteria which can beused 7.to judge(judge) what is beautiful because of many factors,8.but it isnecessary for humanrace to survive.Physicalbeauty is very important ,but some goodpersonal qualities are 9.more important(important)than physicalbeauty.lnotherwords, a pers

4、on s inner beauty is the most important thing that we should10.truly(true) see.I.阅读理解The world is getting warmer.Animals have begun to change in response to the new con dition.And some of them have become smaller.Some scie ntists thought this might be an adaptati on to awarmer world;smaller bodies s

5、hould be able to lose heat better.But now a new study published inSciencehas found that for red knot birds,that s not the case.Ecologist Jan van Gils and his colleagues have bee n study ing these birds for33 years.Over the course of their research,va n Gils and his team have found thatin Russia wher

6、e the red knots summer,snowmelt and spring have been advancing by half a day peryear on average.Over more tha n thirty years,the researchers caught and measured n early 2,000birds .In years whe n the sno wmelt had arrived particularly early,the birds were likely to be smaller andhave shorter bills(鸟

7、嘴).2The birds leave the coast of Wester n Africa,where they win ter,a nd fly northtoward Russia with no clue as to what the weather is like there.The birds are supposed to arrive inspring,so they can lay their eggs and when their chicks hatch out,there will be a wealth of arthropod(节肢动物)in sects to

8、feed their young.But even though the red knots are advancing their arrival date by about a quarter of a day peryear,it is not eno ugh to keep up with the sno wmelt.A nd in years whe n the sno wmelt arrives early,thearthropods reach the greatest qua ntity before the birds n eed them.Therefore,chicks

9、miss out on eating well and they grow up to be smaller and have shorter bills.Being smaller and having a shorter bill isn t a problem in Russia but it isin Africa.There,adult birds feed on thin-shelledbivalves( 双 壳贝类),Loripeslucinalis.But the bivalves are buried deep.However,otheroptions,Dosiniaisoc

10、ardiabivalves and seagrass rhizomes(根茎),which only the youngest birds rely on,are not abundant ornutritious.Van Gils and his colleagues found that,in their first year,shorter-billed redknots don t survive as well in Africa. “A few short - billed birds make it, ” van Gils says, “but themajority of bi

11、rds that survive are the long- billed birds. ”1 .Ja n van Gils and his colleagues reached the con clusi on by_ .A. compari ng red knots with other birdsB. dividing 2,000 red knots into several groupsC. watchi ng and exam ining red knots for three decadesD. an alyz ing studies that have bee n publish

12、ed inScience2. What in flue nee does early sno wmelt have on red kno ts?A. Their chicks don t have eno ugh to eat.B. Their eggs take more time to hatch out.C. They n eed to find other places for summer.D. They arrive in Russia half a day earlier each year.3. Few adult short-billed red knots survive

13、in Africa because_ .A. they can t find arthropod in sects to eatB. they can t access Loripes lucinalis bivalves3C.the Dosinia isocardia bivalves they n eed are rareD.the seagrass rhizomes they feed on are not nutritious4.Whats the purpose of the text?A.To tell a story.B.To provide facts.C.To make an

14、 announcement.D.To put forward suggestions.“It hurts memore than you”, and “This is for your own good” these are the statementsmy mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and dohomework.That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we

15、 decided it was allright not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made iteasy for us. They thought that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. Westoppedmaking our children do homework. Wegave them calculators, turned on the televisi

16、on, left the teachingto the teachers and went on vacation.Nowteachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past15 years, are realizing weve madea terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon Clomps who says ofher students “so passive ” and wonders what has happened

17、. Nothing is demanded of them,she believes. Television, says Clomps, contributes to childrens passivity.“were talkingabout a generation of kidswho has never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them, instead ofsaying go and look it up , you tell them the an swer. It

18、takes greater energy to say no to a kid. ”Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. its time for parents toend their vacation and come back to work. It s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell themit hurts you more t han them but it s for their own good. It s s time to start t

19、elling them“no”again.1.We learn from the passage that the authorsmother used to lay emphasis(重点 )4on _ .A.learning LatinB.being well behavedC.natural developmentD.education at school2._By “permissive period in education ” (L1, para.2) the author means a time _.A.when children are allowed to do what

20、they wish toB.when everything can be taught at schoolC.when every child can be educatedD.when children are permitted to receive education3._ The main idea of the passage is that.A.parents should leave their children aloneB.kids should have more activities at schoolC.its time to be more strict with o

21、ur kidsD.parents should always set a good example to their kids 参考答案: 1.B; 2.A; 3.C 解析: 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文章 , 本文介绍了父母亲对孩子疏于管教 ,听之任之对孩子的学习带来 的负面影响 , 建议父母严格要求自己的孩子。1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段“ This is for your own good these are the statements my mother used to make years ago whenI had to learn Latin.”(几年前母亲经常说“这是为了你好”来要

22、求我把事情做好 )即作者的母亲过去是很注重纪律的 ,对作者要求严 格。可知,故选 B 项。2.A 词义猜测题。根据后面的句子“ .in which wedecided it was all right not to pushour children to achieve their best in school”可知,指在这段时期里,让孩子做他们想做的事情。故选 A 项。3.C 主旨大意题。文章在第三5段中提及父母为孩子做了太多的事情,放任孩子自由,导致孩子没有受到挫折的打击,所以应该对孩子有更高的要求。故选C 项。n.完形填空(2016 河南六市第一次联考)When I was diagno

23、sed with breast cancer a few years back,I reacted like mostwho receive a cancer diag no sis and the first thi ng that came to mind was a“ deathsentence ”. 1 ,in stead of compla inin g,I decided to look for the2 side ofit.I realized that I was about to 3 a new beginning.l knew that I had to develop a

24、nd gain 4 from all myexperie nces.Eve n with the pain I had to5 througheach diagnosis,and all the6 I ve dealt with all my life,I still felt trulylucky.I 7 myself that I still have my life,so why am I to8?One day,I had an unu sual experie nce.l tur ned that experie nee into a9 andI called it“Peace .W

25、ritinghad become therapy(治疗)for me.I took that poem,along withmany others I had 10 during my breast cancer period and placed them in bookform.I was 11 eno ugh to have that book published .I later had ano ther inspirational children s book12 ,with a third one13 .I m hoping thatanyone who has the cha

26、nce to read my first book of poems will ben efit from it.Mypoemsare from the heart,a nd I wish to have a positive 14on some one who s ill .I15_ believe when you survive a serious16 like cancer,it s for a reason,andI want to live to17 exactly what that is for me.That s what I m all about now,inspirat

27、ion.l would have18 become awriter,produci nginspirationalpoems and stories,ifI had not gone through all thatI did .I m a trueexample that you can19can cer,as long as you have faith andallow that faith to20 your path.1 .A.HoweverB.BesidesC.ThereforeD.Otherwise62.A.badB.oppositeC.rightD.positive3.A.ma

28、rkB.missC.faceD.fi nd4.A.adva ntageB.stre ngthC.kno wledgeD.skill5.A.expressB.hideC.goD.bear7B.strugglesD.businessesB.showedD.taughtB.encourageD.pleaseB.novelD.playB.learnedD.collectedB.luckyD.shockedB.translatedD.reviewedB.above the averageD.on the wayB.influenceD.conclusionB.honestlyD.widelyB.diag

29、nosisD.diseaseB.find outD.pick outB.alreadyD.neverB.developD.treatB.crossD.walk川短文改错In July 21,I,together with some people,gathered at Youth Square at 5 am.Then we6.A.chancesC.decisions7.A.persuadedC.reminded8.A.complainC.disappoint9.A.poemC.diary10.A.readC.written11.A.confidentC.careful12.A.publish

30、edC.typed13.A.in8boarded a bus,where took us to Wuling Mountain,taking us two and a half hour.To tell the truth,WulingMountain is a really attractive spot,where the scene was beautiful enough.When first climbingmountain,I feltexcited,and walked fast,onlytake some pictures now and then.There was a la

31、rge number of tourists that day,making the pathcrowded.At noon,I had a simply lunch,for I took some food with me.We had returned at four o clock,laughing and talking.Tired but happy,we arrived home safely and sound.考点规范练 ( 选修 6 Unit 4)I.【解题导语】 本文是说明文。受到全球变暖的影响,在融雪期特别早的年份孵化出来的红 腹滨鹬会体格变小、鸟嘴变短 , 这直接影响它

32、们的生存。1. C 细节理解题。 根据第二段中的“ Ecologist Jan van Gils and his colleagues have beenstudying these birds for 33 years. ”及“ Over more than thirty years,the researchers caught andmeasured nearly 2,000 birds. ”可知答案为C 项。2. A 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“ And in years when the snowmelt arrives early,thearthropods reach the gr

33、eatest quantity before the birds need them.Therefore,chicks miss out on eatingwell.”可知,如果融雪期提前到来的话,等红腹滨鹬的幼鸟孵化出来时,它们已经错过了节肢动物数量最多的时候,因此没有足够的食物吃。3. B推理判 断题。 根据倒 数第 二 段 中的 “ . . .adult birds feed on thin -shelled9lucinalis 这种贝类在地下比较深的地方 , 因此嘴短的红腹滨鹬吃不到它们 , 影响生存。4.B 写作目的题。通读全文可知 , 本文介绍了在融雪期特别早的年份孵化出来的红腹滨

34、鹬会 体格变小、鸟嘴变短 , 从而直接影响它们生存的事实。n.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者身患癌症,但没有抱怨,而是通过写诗歌和小说来阐述人生 , 最终战胜了病魔。1. A 上文说,作者对于患上癌症首先想到的是“死亡判决” ;下文说,作者并没有抱怨。 据此 可以判断,空处前后文之间是转折关系,故 A 项正确。2. D 根据该句中 instead of complaining 可知,作者没有选择抱怨而是决定寻找癌症积极 的一面 ;D 项意为“积极的”,符合语境。3. C 根据语境可知,作者将面对新的开始。 face 意为“面对,面临”,符合语境。4. B 根据该句中的 from all

35、 my experiences 可以判断,作者决定从自己的经历中获得战胜 癌症的力量 ;B 项意为“力量”,符合语境。5. D 根据该句中的 with the pain 可知,作者要忍受癌症的痛苦;D 项意为忍受”,符合语 境。6. B 根据该句中的“ Ive dealt with all my life.”并结合前文作者对患癌症的叙述可以判断,B 项意为“挣扎”,符合语境。7. C 根据语境可知,作者提醒自己,自己仍然活着;C 项意为“提醒”,故 C 项正确。A 项意为 “说服”;B 项意为“展示”;D 项意为“教”。8. A 根据上文第一段最后一句中的“ complaining ”并结合语

36、境可知,A 项正确。 B 项意为 “鼓励” ;C 项意为“失望” ;D 项意为“取悦”。9. A 根据下文的“ I took that poem ”可知,作者将那次经历写成了一首诗 ;A 项意为“诗 歌”,符合语境。10. C 根据上句中的 Writing 可以判断,这些诗是作者在患癌症期间写的,故 C 项正确。11. B 根据该句中的 enough to have that book published可以判断,作者足够幸运,出版了自己的诗集,故 B 项正确。A 项意为“自信的”;C 项意为“仔细的”;D 项意为“震惊的”。12. A 根据上句中的 have that book published 及本句中的 another 可以判断,作者又出版 了一本书,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“翻译” ;C 项意为“打字”;D 项意为“审查”。13. D 根据该句中“ another.with a third one ”可以


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