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1、2010年高三备考英语“好题速递”(19)选择题一、单项选择1have a good rest, you need to _ your energy for the tennis match this afternoonaleavebsavecholddget2her son, to whom she was _, went abroad ten years agoalovedbcaredcdevoteddaffected3mary finally _ bruce as her life-long companionareceivedbacceptedcmadedhonored4when sh

2、all we start?lets _ it 8:30is that all right?asetbmeetcmakedtake5be careful when you cross this very busy streetif not, you may _ run over by a carahavebgetcbecomedturn6hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have _ one-year-old twins at the headaisolatebsepar

3、ated cdivided dremoved7after trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself, he _ it into the seaatransportedbunloadedcreleaseddhandled8the teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to _ the pointatook upbcaught onccarried outdmade for9a man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder

4、last nightaadvisedb attendedcattempteddadmitted10in our childhood, we were often _ by grandma to pay attention to our table mannersademandedbremindedcalloweddhoped11modern plastics can _ very high and very low temperaturesastandbholdccarrydsupport12ow! ive burnt my myself!how did you do that?atouche

5、dbkeptcfeltdhold13if a student is indeed wise, he or she should not enter the house of the teachers wisdom, but _ go to the world of his or her own mindajustbotherwiseconlydrather14the environmentalists said wild goats _ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environmentaescapeba

6、bsencecattendancedappearance15dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _ of little childrenahandbreachcspaceddistance二、完形填空one evening, mr green was driving his car along a lonely country roadhe had _1_10 000from the bank in townsuddenly a man in rags stopped him and asked for_2_mr green

7、 told him to get on it and continued his way_3_he talked to the man, he_4_that he had just broken out of prisonmr green was very afraid at the_5_of the moneysuddenly he saw a police car and had a_6_ideahe_7_speed and drove as quickly as possiblethen he found the police car running_8_himafter a mile_

8、9_the police car passed him and ordered him to stopa policeman came upmr green had hoped to tell him about the trouble but the man put a gun to mr greens_10_the policeman said he wanted mr greens name and_11_and mr green obeyedthe policeman wrote it down in his notebook and put it in his_12_“you_13_

9、appear at the police station”he saidthen he talked to mr green about_14_drivingmr green started up his car againhe had_15_all hope of his10 000,but as he reached a more lonely part, the robber said he wanted to_16_mr green stopped and the man said“_17_youve been_18_to methis is what i can do in_19_”

10、and he handed mr green the policemans_20_,which was stolen while the policeman was talking to mr green1atakenbheldcbroughtddrawn2amoneybhelpca liftda ride3aasbsincecthendbecause4arecognizedblearnedcsupposeddexpected5asightbideactouchdthought6afastbbrightcstraightdbad7aput onbgot onctook ondhad on8ab

11、ehindbwithcafterdbeside9aand sobor socand so ondor so on10aheadbshouldercbackdneck11anumberbhomecplacedaddress12acarbpocketchanddtrousers 13ashallbwillcwoulddneed14acarefulbnormalcdrunkddangerous15agive outbgive awaycgiven updgive in 16arun awaybbreak awaycset outdget out17aim sorrybyoure welcomecth

12、ats all rightdthank you18akindbpolitecknowndnecessary19aallbfactcreturndthe end20agunbpencmoneydnotebook 三、阅读理解aanthropologists are scientists that study people who often lived hundreds or even thousands of years agoitems those men, women, and children left behind when they died everything from clot

13、hing to jewellry and toolstell anthropologists a lotand sometimes even their words surviveexperts believe that a discovery in mexico is the oldest example of writing ever found in the americasthe people who created it probably lived 3,000 years ago, long before christopher columbus arrived in the ne

14、w worldworkers digging in a rock mine happened to notice a stone block with marks caned onto its surfacethey found the large piece of stone near the city of cascajal, mexico, which was once the capital of an ancient people called the olmec“there are signs on the block that seem to show objects used

15、by the olmec during their religious ceremonies,” says drstephen houston, of brown university in the usa“there is a sign that looks very similar to a knife and another that looks like the chair of a king,” he explainshouston, an expert on the writing systems of ancient cultures, says the discovery is

16、 exciting because “it makes clear that the olmec could read and writeit is like hearing voices from the past”but experts dont know exactly what the writing saysfinding other examples of olmec writing could help decipher_the_puzzle“we could have whole sets of ancient writing which will basically make

17、 ancient people speak to us directly,” says houston“there are many puzzles to be solved, and this is just one of them”1according to the passage, what items do scientists often use to learn more about the past?aclothing and jewellrybbooks and stonescknives and chairsdpeople and animals2what is import

18、ant about the stone block mentioned in the passage?ait proves that people lived in this part of the world more than 3,000 years agobit allows scientists to translate the ancient language used in this areacit is evidence of the oldest form of writing ever found in the americasdit shows the people of

19、the area have a written language3why are scientists interested in ancient languages?ait can allow them to better understand ancient societiesbso they can speak directly with ancient peoplecit will help learn about the origins of modem languagesdthey can learn stories told during that time4which is p

20、robably the best title for the passage?aworlds first bookboldest writing in the new worldcwhat does it say?dnew language discovered5the underlined expression “decipher the puzzle” (paragraph 6) most probably means _adiscover when the olmec people livedblearn why the olmec civilization disappearedcle

21、arn how to speak olmecdfind the meaning of the olmec languagebwhy do men die earlier than women? the latest research shows that the reason could be than mens hearts go into rapid decline (衰弱)when they reach middle agethe largest study of the effects of ageing on the heart has found that womens longe

22、vity may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age“we have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 18 and 70 years of age,” said the head of the study, david goldspink of liverpool john moores university in the uk“within the heart

23、there are millions of cells that enable it to beatbetween the ages of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men,” said goldspink“this is part of the ageing process”what surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cellsa healthy 70-year-old w

24、omans heart could perform almost as well as a 20- year- old ones“this gender difference might just explain why women live longer than men,” said goldspinkthey studied more than 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the confusing influence of d

25、iseasethe team has yet to find why ageing takes a greater toll (造成损失)on the male heart, said goldspinkthe good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercisegoldspink stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker

26、 as they age6the underlined word “longevity”(in paragraph 2) probably refers to_ ahealth blong life cageing deffect 7the passage mainly talks about_ amens heart cells bwomens ageing process cthe gender difference dhearts and long life 8according to the passage, the uk scientists have known that _awo

27、men have more cells than men when they are bornbwomen can replace the cells that enable the heart to beatcthe female heart loses few of the cells with agedthe female heart never loses the pumping power with age 9if you want to live longer, you should_aenable your heart to beat much faster bfind out

28、the reason for ageing cexercise regularly dprevent your cells from being lost 非选择题假如你班要就“如何为高考做准备”开一个班会,请根据以下内容写一篇发言稿,谈谈你对高考备考过程中要注意的事项及建议理由:1保持良好的心态有助于减轻焦虑,还能增强克服困难的勇气;2目标明确、正确评价自己。太低的目标使人松懈,太高的目标使人丧失信心;3与父母、老师或同学沟通帮忙走出困境;4作息合理,饮食均衡,以保持旺盛的精力。 注意:1词数100左右,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3参考词汇:明确的(

29、definite) 评价(estimation)no doubt every senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the national college entrance examination_ _ 参考答案一、选择题1b save ones energy意为“积蓄力量”,从前文的“have a good rest”可以推出下文应选用能表达这一含义的短语。2c句意:十年前,她的儿子到国外去了。她曾将自己那么多的爱奉献给了他。3b acceptas把作为;认为是4c make it+时间,“就定为某时间吧”。5b run over是及物动词

30、短语意思是“碾过”。get后接过去分词表示被动。这句话的意思是:穿过这条繁忙的马路时一定要小心, 否则,你就会被汽车轧着。6b isolate意为“孤立。隔离” 如:he felt entirely isolated from society他觉得自己完全与社会隔离了。separate意为“分离,分开”。强调把原本分开的东西隔开。the baby is separated from his parent and lives in a separate roomdivide强调把整体分成部分。he divided the apple into threeremove则表示“移开,移走,去除”。w

31、ould you please remove the books from my desk? 根据题干是给一岁大的连体双胞胎做分离手术,故选择b为正确答案。7c根据句子的意思可知应该是“释放鲸鱼”而不是运输、卸载或管理鲸鱼。 8a根据逻辑关系可知,举例子是为了阐明观点。illustrate解释,阐明:suggest建议,暗示:express表达;:recognize承认,认出。9c attempt尝试,企图;advise建议; attend打算;admit承认。10b此题考查的是动词辨析。此句意为:在儿时,祖母经常提醒我们注意用餐礼节。a:(强烈)要求、需求;b:提醒;c:允许;d:希望。根据

32、句意选b。11a此题考查的是动词辨析。句意:新型的塑料能承受很高和很低的温度c stand为承受、经受、经得起。 eg his heart wont stand the strain much longerb:支撑c:运载,d:支持;养活。12a a项,“触摸,碰”;b项,“保持”;c项,“感觉, 摸”;d项“抓住,握牢”:a是最佳选项。句意,“哇,我把自己烫着了。-你怎么弄的?”“我碰着了一只热锅;”。13d rather作为副词使用在题中的用法为:you use "rather" when you are correcting the thing that you ha

33、ve just said,especially when you use describing the true situation after saying what is notnmbut "不是,而是”。题意为;聪明的学生应清楚:师傅领进门修行在个人。 14d escape逃跑,absence缺席,根据句子后面的good indication of better environment可将a、b排除;attendance出席,一般指接受邀请或要求而主动参加,与题意不符。故只有appearance“出现”,符合题意。句子意思为:环境学家说野山羊在大草原的出现说明环境变好了。因此答

34、案选d。15b reach作名词意为“伸手够得着的(地方或东西)”。within reach 意为“在能够得着的地方”。这是一个固定搭配。这里的选项 a可能对同学们来说会是一个干扰项,因为hand这个词和这个词组的意思有些接近,因此。如果过分地考虑中文意思,而不注意英文中的固定搭配,就有可能出现“望文生义”的错误。这个错误是母语干扰所致。 二、完形填空1d 句子大意是mr green从银行取出了一万英镑。选项中只有draw有“取款”的意思。2cask for a lift为固定用法,指“搭便车”。从下文“格林先生让他上车”得出此判断。3a从上下文可得出答案。4b通过与这个人谈话了解到他刚从监狱

35、跑出来。 5d一想到刚从银行提的钱就害怕。而at the sight of指“一看到”,与上下文不符。6ba bright idea是固定说法,意为“巧主意”。 7aput on speed表示“加速”的意思,而get on意为“赶快”,take on意为“呈现”,have on意为“穿着”。 8crun after指“追赶”。由于格林先生超速违章驾驶,警察追他,阻止他高速驾驶。9bor so相当于about。10c那个人用枪顶住格林先生的后背,以迫使他不要说出自己越狱之事。如果用枪顶住头、肩或颈部就暴露了自己。11d根据常识,格林先生违章,所以警察要记下他的姓名和地址。 12b根据句意可知,

36、警察写好后把记录本放进口袋里。13a shall用于第二、三人称,表示“必须,一定”的意思。14d据上文提到的开快车判断。此处应为警察警告他开快车危险。15c据句意可知:give up为“放弃”;give out“发出,放出”;give away“分发,赠送”;give in“屈服,让步”。这时他感到留住这些钱是没有希望了,即“放弃(失去)了希望”。 16d根据句意可知这个强盗要在这个更加偏僻的地方“下车”。 17d由于格林先生没有报告警察,强盗对此表示“感谢”。 18a说明强盗为什么表示“感谢”,格林先生对他kind。19c你对我太好了,这是我对你(没有报告警察)的回报。in return固定短语“回报”。20d由于警察把格林先生的姓名和地址记在了笔记本上,当格林与警察谈话时,强盗把记录违章的记录本给偷来了,以此来感谢格林对他的救命之恩。三、阅读理解a1a 细节题。根据第一段第二句“left behindeverything from clothing to jewellry and tools”可知答案。2c 推断题。从第二段a discovery in mexico is the oldest example of writing ever found in the americas 到第五段the discovery is exciti


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