1、EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT。実際御社作成場合御社実情雇用契約書作成雇用契約書勧。ABC Co., Ltd. (the“ Company” ) and Nigel John Taylor (the“ Employee” ) hereby enteinto the following contract of employment.株式会社(以下、甲)NigelJohn Taylor( ? ?)(以下、乙)、以下条件労働契約締結。1. Employment PeriodThe period of employment shall be from January 1, 2008 to De
2、cember 31, 2008 (one year with the possibility of renewal).雇用期間2008 年 1 月 1日2008 年 12 月 31 日(1 年?更新)2. Place of EmploymentThe Employee will be located at the Employer s head office (give address).就業場所本社(住所記載)3. Work to be PerformedPrepare internal reports for overseas operations, check various Engli
3、sh language contracts, interpret for senior executives, assist with general departmental work (general strategy, overseas subsidiary and affiliated company planning and partnerships) and perform the work of other departments to the extent that this does not interfere with the principal work responsi
4、bilities of the International Strategy Department.従事業務海外向社内報発行、各種英文契約、要人通訳、部付業務全般(全体戦略、海外子会社 ?関連会社企画、提携)補佐等、尚他、国際戦略部基本業務支障範囲他部門業務行。4. Work Hours19:00 am to 5:00 pm (Rest period 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm)When December 30 is a work day, work hours will be until 1:00 pm.就業時間9:0017:00 (休憩時間 12:00 13:00 )12 月
5、30 日出勤日場合、勤務時間13:00 。5. HolidaysHolidays include Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the afternoon of December 30 to January 4, other specially determined holidays, summer holidays (five days during the months of July and August)休日休暇土曜日、日曜日、国民休日、12月 30 日午後1 月 4 日、他特別理由決定臨時休業日、夏期休暇5 日(7月8 月)6. Ove
6、rtime Work Applicable.所定労働時間超労働有無7. Annual Paid Vacation DaysThe Employee shall have twelve annual paid vacation days that may be taken in half days (morning or afternoon).Two half vacation days shall be calculated as one full vacation day, but half days may only be taken a total of twelve times.Unu
7、sed vacation days may be carried over to the next year only.年次有給休暇有給休暇年間12 日、半日単位(午前?午後)取得事。但、半日休暇2 回取得有給休暇1 日換算、1 年度12 回限度。今年度年次有給休暇残余日数場合翌年度限繰越認。8. WagesBasic Salary:XXXXYen2Overtime Allowance: Within legal hours:XXXXX YenOutside of legal hours:Paid in accordance with the LaborStandards Law.Bonus:
8、XXXXYenRetirement Benefits:NotapplicableSalary increases shall be determined based on the Employee s qualificationsaccording to the Company s separately determined criteria.賃金基本給与:XXXXX円時間外手当:法定内XXXXX 円法定外労働基準法規定通割増賃金支払。賞与:XXXXX 円退職金:支給給与処遇、甲定別発令資格適用、処遇。9. Salary Calculation PeriodI. Salary shall be
9、 paid monthly for the period from the first to the last day of the month ( “ Salary Period ” ).II. Employees joining or leaving the company in the middle of a Salary Period shall be paid proportionately for the days worked.給与計算期間I.給与計算期間(以下給与期間)毎月1 日末日。II.給与期間中途入退社?在社日数応1/ 営業日数日割額計算。10. Pay DaySalar
10、y shall be paid on the 20th day of the Salary Period. In the event that pay day falls on a non-business day, salary shall be paid on the business day prior to pay day. The bonus shall be paid on the 10 th of the corresponding month. In the event that bonus payment day falls on a non-business day, th
11、e bonus shall be paid on the business day prior to that day.10. 給与支給日給与期間20 日支給 ?給与支給日休日?前日繰上支給。賞与該当月10 日支給支給日休日前日。311. AllowanceTransportation Costs: Transportation costs shall be paid in accordance with the Company s rules.11手当通勤費:甲規定支給。12. Social InsuranceThe Employee shall be covered by health i
12、nsurance, employee pension,employment insurance and Workers Accident Compensation Insurance.12. 社会保険健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険各保険加入13. Termination of Employment< Termination >The Employee's employment shall be terminated for any of the following.(1) The Employee s request to resign for personal r
13、easons is approved;(2) A predetermined period of employment ends;(3) Death of the Employee;(4) The Employee requires more than the stipulated amount of leave due to a non-work related injury or illness.< Termination Procedures >In the event of termination due to the Employee s personal reasons
14、 or due totermination of the contract period, the Employee shall submit a statement of resignation with the reason to the Company on the appropriate Company form at least one month prior to termination.Retirement benefits shall not be paid upon termination of employment.13. 退職関事項(退職 )乙次各号該当退職。(1) 自己
15、都合退職願出承認(2) 期間定雇用満了(3) 死亡4(4) 業務外傷病休職所定期間経過(退職手続)乙自己都合契約期間満了退職、事由記載甲所定退職願添少退職日1 月前甲申出。退職際、退職金支給。14. Dismissal< Dismissal >The Employee shall be dismissed for any of the following.(1) The Employee is deemed unable to handle the assigned work due to mental or physical disability;(2) The Employee
16、 is deemed unsuitable for employment due to lack of necessary skills or poor work performance;(3) The Employee fails to demonstrate a positive attitude toward work and fails to improve after repeated warnings;(4) The Employee fails to cooperate with colleagues or engages inbehavior that has a damagi
17、ng effect on other employees workperformance;(5) Any other serious problem that merits dismissal after the appropriate procedures have been taken.< Dismissal Procedures >In the event of dismissal as described in the previous clause, except in the event of the following, the Company shall provi
18、de the Employee with a thirty-day noticeperiod or a notice allowance equivalent to thirty days average wages as stipulat in the Labor Standards Law. The thirty-day notice period may be shortened only by the amount of days for which average wages are paid.(1) Dismissal during the probationary period
19、within fourteen days of employment;(2) Dismissal for reasons attributable to the Employee when approved by the Labor Standards Supervision Office.14. 解雇関事項( 解雇)乙次各号該当甲乙解雇。(1) 精神身体障害、業務耐認5(2) 能力著不足、 勤務成績著不良就業適認(3) 勤務態度不良、再三注意、指導改善見(4) 著協調性欠、他従業員業務遂行上悪影響及(5) 前各号、乙解雇足重大事由、所定手続経( 解雇手続 )前項解雇場合、次各号掲場合除、甲3
20、0 日前乙予告、又労働基準法規定平均賃金30 日分相当予告手当支給。場合、予告日数30 日間関、上記予告手当支払日数短縮。(1)試用期間中採用日14 日以内場合(2) 乙責帰事由解雇場合、労働基準監督署長認定受場合15. ConfidentialityI. Employees, while employed by the Company and after termination of employment, may not disclose, use for any other purposes or leak Company or Company director, employee, c
21、ustomer or other confidential or personalinformation obtained during the Employee s work without a valid reason.II. In the event that the Employee intentionally or unintentionally violates clause I above, the Employee must compensate the Company for damages. In the event that the damage is unintenti
22、onal, however, the amount may be reduced or the Employee exempted.III. When so requested by the Company, the Employee must observe, implement and sign any Company documents regarding confidentiality (namely the Statement of Treatment of Personal Information).15. ( 秘密保持義務 )I. 乙業務上知得甲、甲役員、従業員、顧客他関係者秘密及個人情報正当理由開示、 利用目的逸脱取扱、 又漏洩。在職中、退職後同様。II. 乙故意過失 I. 違反、甲損害与場合損害賠償。但過失事情減免。III. 乙甲要求場合甲秘密事項関適切書類(秘
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