



1、重阳节英语作文:重阳登高,我们共同思念Is also a reincarnation of the years, once again in September nine chongyang. Up the hill top with Wang Wei's "Yi brothers in Shandong", to the battlefield with run tours "battlefield exceptionally fragrant yellow flowers", back to the heart of accompany mi

2、ss their distant relatives.Early to hear nine nine Chongyang allusions, he learned that this is meet with loved ones, drink chrysanthemum wine, incense biancha cornel. Nine nine of the chrysanthemum is open, and I am with my loved ones thousands of miles away. Chongyang has accompanied me for twelve

3、 years, but I never went back to my hometown and relatives have holidays.This represents the old age of the elderly, this day is to honor the elderly, care for the elderly. I climbed to the top of the hill, looking for the cloud gaze into the distance, my hometown, looking for the white clouds of my

4、 hometown. My mind was thinking, Beckoning ups and downs, like the waves. I saw the cloud, grandma is standing on tiptoes feet busy to make dumplings, the wrinkles on her face like a flower beautiful Daisy, every trace of Daisy leaking full of smile. I saw my grandfather, he was full of hope to meet

5、 us. I have also seen the buried in the native land of grandparents. They are our arrival and busy, shuttle and hot pot and stove cold. But it's just a beautiful memory and fantasy. The real ones have already been in my heart, hanging on my mind.Chongyang, no chrysanthemum wine, no fragrance of

6、dogwood, only my mountain view, sustenance homesickness heart.Best wishes to you, I wish you good health; sincerely wishes to you, wish you eternal peace. Although I do not have with loved ones to tide over the Double Ninth Festival, I wish I the graciousness own heart can with autumn Sassou, mixed

7、with fragrance of chrysanthemum to you - my dear, on the Loess Plateau in the family. May the loved ones know my heart, know me.Chongyang has passed, with my thoughts and sad together to flash, I will remember the cloud is my hometown!又是一个岁月的轮回,又是一度九月九的重阳。上山顶随王维 “忆山东兄弟”,去沙场伴润之赏“战地黄花分外香”,回心里陪自 己思念远方亲

8、人。早闻九九重阳典故,便得知此日正是与亲人相见,共饮菊花酒, 遍插香茱萸。九九的菊花开得正盛,而我却与我的亲人相隔数千里。 重阳已伴我有十二个年头了,但我从未回到故乡与亲人们一共过节。重阳代表着垂幕之年的老人,这个天正是要孝敬老人,关爱老人。 我爬上了山顶,极目远眺,寻找着我家乡上的那片白云,寻找着白云 下我的故乡。脑海中思绪万千,心动得跌宕起伏,似在海浪上。我看 到了那片白云下,姥姥正踮着小脚忙来忙去包饺子,她脸上的皱纹似 一朵美丽的雏菊,每一丝菊瓣都渗满了些笑意。我看到了外公,他满 怀希望地迎接着我们。我还看到了长眠于故土下的爷爷奶奶,他们正 在为我们的到来而忙碌,穿梭与热锅与冷灶中。但这仅仅美好的记忆 和幻想。真正的亲人早已在我心头,悬挂在我的思念之上。重阳,没有菊花酒,没有香茱萸,有的仅仅我登山远眺,寄托思 乡之心。美好的心愿送给您,祝您身体


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