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1、2022年湖南省衡阳市常宁市东山中学高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. on a _ cold night, the little girl was _ to death in a street corner.a. frozen; frozen     b. freezing; freezing   c. frozen; freezing    d. freezing; frozen参考答案:d2. did you know any chinese before you arrived in b

2、eijing?   never _it, actually.a. had i learned       b. have i learned      c. i have learned        d. i had learned参考答案:a3. without electronic computers, much of todays advanced technology _. a. wil

3、l not have been achieved b. have not been achieved c. would not have been achieved d. had not been achieved参考答案:c4. the local police were_ by their authorities to _ the situation as soon as possible. a. said to; control   b. ordered; manage   c. instructed; handle  d. told;

4、hold参考答案:c5. the reason _ he explained for his being late was _ his alarm clock didnt work.a. why; because                b. /; that  c.   that; because         

5、0;    d. for which; that参考答案:b6. he articles for our wall-newspaper these three years,and he about forty articles. a.has been writing;has writtenb.has been writing;wrotec.is writing;has been writingd.has written;has written参考答案:a提示:句意为:“这三年来他一直为我们的墙报写文章,而且他已经写了大约40篇文章了。”由these three y

6、ears及句意可知第一个空格处为现在完成进行时态,故排除c、d两项;而他已经写了大约40篇文章,应用现在完成时态,故排除b项。 7. the bank is reported in local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday.  a. robbed          b. to have been robbed  c. to be robbed     d. having been rob

7、bed参考答案:b8. only after he realized the significance of mastering two languages _ english carefully.a. did he set about learningb. did he set out learning  c. had he set about learning  d. had he set out learning 参考答案:a9. this morning traffic was _ by an accident outside the twon hall.a.hel

8、d off   b.held up   c.held on   d.held over参考答案:b略10. the president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _  his notes. a. looking down    b. bringing up     c. trying on      d. referri

9、ng to 参考答案:d11. would it be possible for you to get this back to me today? sure. _ .a. no way    b. its no trouble. c. go ahead.                   d. dont mention it. 参考答案:b12. _ the cry for help, peo

10、ple immediately rushed out of the rooms.  a. to hearb. hearingc. having heardd. they hearing参考答案:b略13. she devoted herself _ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.a. strongly     b. extremely     c. freely    

11、; d. entirely参考答案:d14. we _ gas. im afraid we cant go much further.    i know theres a gas station ahead. will it last until we get there?   a. run out  b. have run out     c. are running out of     d. have run out of参考答案:c略15. it

12、 _ last night for the ground is wet.a. must have rained  b. must rain  c. might rain  d. should have rained参考答案:a考查情态动词。句意:昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面现在是湿的。此处情态动词用于表示推测。根据“last night”可知,是对已经发生事情的推测;再根据“for the ground is wet.”可知,用must have done sth.指“一定做过某事”。故选a。16. lets _ our personal feelings for n

13、ow, and get to our business.a. set up       b. set off        c. set about       d. set aside参考答案:d17. its the love and responsibility that have driven him to _ many hardships and survive.a. go intob.go th

14、roughc.look throughd.look into参考答案:b18. -according to the new traffic regulations(交通法规), drivers arent allowed to use a mobile phone while driving.       -i couldnt _ you more. if they do that, they will put others lives at risk.       

15、; a. agree on         b. agree to       c. agree with参考答案:c19. even though they are twins, they have nothing in _.a. comfort           b. part        

16、          c. all                    d. common参考答案:d二、 书面表达20. 书面表达(满分25分)假如你是高中生李明,你发现你的同学在宿舍抽烟。你认为吸烟是不好的习惯,尤其是中学生。你写信给校长,建议在全校开展戒烟活动,还给学生一个清新的校园。书信包括表中所列内容。词数:10012

17、0吸烟的危害戒烟的措施1.污染空气,危害健康1.禁止在校园吸烟2.招致厌烦,影响关系2.老师也应戒烟,为学生树立榜样3.费用过高,浪费金钱3.严格要求4.浪费时间,影响学习  dear headmaster,_yours,li ming 参考答案:dear headmaster,recently ive found that some of my roommates smoke in the dormitory. the air in the room is always made very dirty. i suggest that we should forbid sm

18、oking in our school, as smoking causes many problems. first, smoking pollutes our fresh air and even leads to serious diseases. secondly, smoking can invite being bored, affecting friendship between classmates. next, its a great waste of money buying cigarettes .finally, it will take a lot of time t

19、o smoke, which, of course, affects our studies greatly.i insist that our school take strict measures to forbid smoking in our school. our teachers should give up smoking, too, setting a good example to us. no one should break the rule.yours,li ming略三、 阅读理解21. heads turned, tears dropped, and gossip-

20、filled whispers went on and on from the hospital passages to the house windows. there was a problem: a daughter had been born. she wasnt the first disappointment born to her family. although my aunt didnt care about giving birth to a girl, her mother-in-law constantly reminded her of the criticism s

21、he would have to face if she gave birth to a daughter. in india, most people held these views.when i visited my s during the summer, one sentence managed to fill me with anger and start arguments with my so-called s. “you are a girl, stay within your limits.” they simply dont know how different it i

22、s living in the us. anyway, comparisons to my cousins led me to end the arguments for the moment and accept the way they lived their lives.my words didnt make sense to them so my mind was set on proving them wrong.although their words didnt tear me apart, their actions managed to. the amount of sexi

23、sm(性别歧视) in this culture, especially my hometown, made me feel bad. it was the 21st century, yet women had to eat after the men at family gatherings. they had to cook all the family meals and were asked to take jobs that required little skill or education. it was time to change these views.as i was

24、growing older, the same s repeatedly questioned me about my future: “what do you want to be?” and the answer was always the same:electrical engineer. i have a passion for electronics; as clichéd(陈词滥调的) as it sounds, i was born to do it. when i connect wires together to repair something, i cant

25、contain my excitement. but when i tried to explain this to my s, all of them, except for my parents and grandparents, would be shocked and laugh at me laugh because they didnt think i could live up to my goals, being a “girl and all”. it was time to change these views.in my world, being a girl is no

26、t a problem. rather, it is an opportunity to allow passion, not stereotypes(成见), to shape my future. i decided to channel my s views into positive energy. rather than letting them bring me down, i let them be motivation to achieve my goal of becoming an engineer. i, a female, will become a successfu

27、l engineer.4. the first paragraph was mainly written to             .a. describe how bad the authors aunt felt for having a baby girlb. describe the pressure the authors aunt had to face when she was going to have a babyc. show that most indian

28、people are strongly prejudiced against womend. show that the authors aunts generation is fighting against prejudice against women5. from the second and third paragraphs, it can be concluded that             .a. the author realized that just usin

29、g words couldnt change the s sexismb. the authors friends and s were jealous about her life in the usc. the author got used to being reminded to stay within her limits after she was bornd. the author often argued with her s because she believed us lifestyles were right6. according to the text, the a

30、uthor decided to change her s views by             .a. achieving her ambition of changing her hometownb. using her s comments as motivationc. letting stereotypes influence her future decisionsd. achieving her dream of becoming an engineer7. in t

31、he article, in what way does the author show how serious the amount of sexism was in her hometown?a. by describing feeling defeated after arguments.b. by describing peoples words, behavior and common practices.c. by stressing the conflicts she had with her s.d. by giving examples of how her goals we

32、re laughed at repeatedly.参考答案:4. c    5. a    6. d    7. b作者作为女性,希望通过自己的努力让有性别歧视人改变他们的观点。4. 细节理解题。根据第一段的描述,很多的印度人认为生女孩是让人失望的,会受到批评,可知印度人对女性有极大的偏见。故选c。5. 推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,生活在美国的作者,去印度的亲戚家时,受到“你是女孩,不要超过限度”的提醒,他们并不了解生活在美国的不同,但是作者认为my words didnt make sense to

33、them so my mind was set on proving them wrong.我的话语对他们来说是没有意义的,因此我决定证明他们是错误的。可推断作者意识到只用语言时无法改变亲戚的性别歧视的。故选a。6. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的内容i decided to channel my s views into positive energy. rather than letting them bring me down, i let them be motivation to achieve my goal of becoming an engineer.我决定把亲戚的观点变成积极的能量。而不是让他们把我打倒,我要让他们成为我实现成为工程师的梦想的激励。可知作者决定通过实现她成为工程师的梦想来改变亲戚们的观点。故选d。7. 总结概括题。文章中作者通过语言“you are a girl, stay within your limits.”,以及阿姨生了女孩,婆婆的提醒her mother-in-law constantly reminded her of the criticism she would have to face if she gave birth to a daughter.,以及人们的惯常行为women h


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