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1、北师大版高中英语单词及短语测试7-12单元(北师大版)基础过关测试 Unit 7.5 . 123456789O1J>234 66666666677 77777777888888888890 LN34587896LN345878a96 333333333444444444455555555 556求 产然一1 接3WW最171819000999111翱*ss1234的58专9。注345号阳.花赞,i12345678911111 1111122222222220_999999一才五十04:? ;?> - J ? rtj IV >作-K七二 评准生4 _Un名姓MA町布WBa辰星

2、i _ 的 4587896L2 555555666危 BW-动 激的4 7znnKHH里 - 的- It愉、矍63.骨 L.1 1 L 89016789012345666667777777789777> m 1 地*决7皇吕使WB是 口脚佥 .50-P34567890123456 2 2333 33333334444444£ 42- 卒体舒翌李经打ILz词1M旅4WS各丁7896LN34445555看 S1N345 无工896123 - 12345678911111111 112222.一、 567 8 888 84567二。234 2222- 8888899,?1Ek94.幌

3、3工着运转91.若92.攸96.继旗减藁事93.二、元1、He isthe result of the exam.(急切)know2、 It is(退出)the meeting at the last minute.3、Teenagers ( 很喜欢)romantic novels.4 They(大量地)。5、There were(曾经,过去)。badmannerstothose old,always buy thenot so many cars onproduct the street6、The program 对)a teenager audience.7、 After the begi

4、nning of the match, I was 侬于不利地位).一9、Beijing (是所在地)many key universities.9Mother's(对很有影响)his life.10、I gave her a sweater _换)a skirt. 四、句型转换words(交1、They are busy preparing for the wedding.Theyaretheing.2、I have difficultybusyin solving the problems._ for me to solve theproblems.3、The meeting-ro

5、om is so large that it can seat 500 people.The meeting-room 500 people.islarge4、What the speaker said at the meeting left me a deep impression.I deeplyby what thespeaker said at the meeting5、The soldier had used up all their food.The soldier hadall their food.6、 The city was once very powerful.Theci

6、tywasverypowerful.7、The book influnced him greatly.The book on him .8、 The couple have a lot in common with each other.The couple with each other.9、There are 54 students in our class, of whom 30 are boys.There are 54 students in our class, 30boys.10. Fill in the blanks with articles where it is nece

7、ssary.Fill in the blanks witharticles英语(北师大版)基础过关测试Unit 10班级 姓名 分购卷入沉-承居以票价,厌烦的59.于 75. 76.式 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85"的 86.快的咸隼另忙苜m生脂rr的 . 0T-234567890123 4567890*345678 33333333334444 444444555555555、杀常路、力成0123456712345678911111111 11&8车塞

8、, 塞 阻人铁巢着辨苗旱魂通插事摆?芯卡交0123456789二72222222222- 889.,做运动二分卓刁 93;(火里)确里丢f90.91.分94.委一上通:、根据汉语提示完成句子(一直在享受的好处)of cars since lastcentury.2 .There are some rules in the office but they(不管用工for no one has taken them seriously.3 .He is making progress4 .The price of the petrol (上涨了)at least 30 %

9、in the lastyear.5 .(三分之二的) children in the area(患有) the disease(与有关的)thepolluted water there.6 .I prefer walking to driving to work,and in fact,thejourney(不至 U) one kilometer.7 .伴均来看),the dentist attends 7 patients a day.8 .有多少次)have you been in China?9 .Muchdisappointed,he(B 除)his son of his will.1

10、0 .More reading and listening is 对你有利)you.11 . (由于他的努力),it is more successful than we have expected.12 . I have (受益匪浅)reading.13 . In order to keep healthy, it is necessary for us to(锻炼).14 . It ' s really a problem worth(争论).15 (由于)his carelessness, welost the game.三、翻译句子1.我对他的印象不错(impression)2

11、 .迄今为止,你读了多少本英文小说?(so far)3 .他是申请这项工作的人中最有希望的。(likely)4 .我们最好靠自己。(rely on)5 .很有可能已经有人告诉他结果了。(likely)英语(北师大版)基础过关测试Unit 12BM.r5.G7 傲3O.31W32.33M符沦37.38.氾90.9192. 瓶出0J506 777777788 88 8888889999999999 11 11111?789012343 7 33456789P234567 密012 33344444444 445555555555666666666677736

12、,123456789111222 2222222333 333.分107.韵律,108.词组3、口108:脚,现在111.南接给,泄露(秘密)_完成句子1 .他们在广告上花费了大量金钱。(spend. . . on)They advertisements.2 .虽然集邮是个很费钱的爱好,但他还是不想放弃。(give up)Though collecting stamps is a hobby that costs a lot of money, he st川.3 .他当真拒绝我的提议了吗? (turn one ' s back on)Did he really?4 .他宁愿死也不愿背叛

13、他的同志们。(give away)He would rather die .5 .如果你不赞成这个意见,你可以退出。(drop out) if you don , t agree with the idea.句型转换1. He didn ' t realise the effect he had on me.He the effect he had on me.2. In my opinion, it is very important and necessary to learn after class. , it is very important and necessary to

14、 learn after class.3. He got up early in order to catch the first bus.He got up early he the first bus.4. We ' ve decided not to go away after all.We ve go away after all.5. He didn ' t keep the state secret.He the state secret.6. The problem is too difficult for me to work out.The problem i

15、sn 't for me to work out.7. It seems that becoming rich is their only goal in their life.Becoming richtheir only goal in their life.英语基础过关测试 Module 4 Unit 11分数评卷人1234567891111111d1122_23 4OB789 _22 2222223234567.O1_W823456780444444445333333333444TH、恶力马34588 55 55555524- 、*一、姓名0图567888J J:.T .T 3

16、45678QWO123456789O 102 666666677Z77777Z78 88Time full use of.2.已经买了许多设备。1鼎自然环境 出保护,防卫17Alotofequipmentalready .3 .明年将种许多树。Many trees next year.4 .在城市里,使用小车能节省很多的停车空间。Much parking space in cities by using small cars.5 .我后悔向你撒谎)但我并不是有意的。(regret) , but I didn ' t mean t6 .他正考虑扩大他的生意。consider)He his

17、 own business.7 .为避免被车撞上,他不得不来了个急拐弯。(avoid) , he had to makea sharp turn.8 .现在孩子们在计算机游戏上花了太多的时间。 (devote)Nowadays,childrendevotetoomuchtime .三、用词汇句型完成句子1 .住得离商店这么远有时候非常不便。 (inconvenient) sucha long way from the shop.2 .由于我的努力,他上了两次课后就能开车。(owing to), he just can drive after twice courses.3 .我不知道我们中间是不是有人会如愿以偿呢? (wonder) any of us will ever get our wishes.4 .刘比第二名快2秒而获得了第


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