



1、31 people often have curiosity. when a person is curious about something, it means he is 1 in it and wishes to know more about it. there is 2 wrong with curiosity in itself. whether it is good or bad 3 on what people are curious about. curiosity is 4 silly or wrong. some persons with nothing to do a

2、re 5 of curiosity about what their neighbours are doing. they are 6 to know what they are eating or drinking, what they are 7 home or taking outside, or 8 they have come home so early or late. to be interested in these things is 9 because they are not at all 10 .it is 11 for them to know what their

3、neighbours do or are doing. such curl osity is 12 not only foolish but also 13 . most probably, it 14 to small talk which often brings harm, shame or disrespect to 15 , and thus 16 their feelings. on the other hand, there is a 17 curiosity the curiosity of wise men, who 18 at all the great things an

4、d try to find out all they 19 about them. columbus could 20 have found america if he had not been 21 . james watt would not have made the steam engine 22 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid. all the discoveries in the world have been made 23 a result of curiosity, 24 the curiosity is n

5、ever about unimportant things which have 25 or nothing to do with the happiness of the public. 1. a. engaged b. pleased c. interested d. excited 2. a. something b. nothing c. much d. none 3. a. keeps b. puts c. takes d. depends 4. a. always b. sometimes c. seldom d. never 5. a. full b. fond c. proud

6、 d. out 6. a. permitted b. worried c. satisfied d. anxious 7. a. taking b. bringing c. going d. thinking 8. a. though b. when c. why d. as 9. a. silly b. necessary c. possible d. funny 10. a. wrong b. bad c. good d. important 11. a. curious b. incurious c. necessary d. unnecessary 12. a. how b. all

7、c. something d. everything 13. a. instructive b. useless c. harmful d. unimportant 14. a. refers b. leads c. causes d. follows 15. a. other b. others c. another d. the others 16. a. hurts b. effects c. shows d. oppresses 17. a. terrible b. sudden c. strange d. noble 18. a. expect b. like c. wonder d

8、. doubt 19. a. know b. study c. must d. can 20. a. never b. certainly c. probable d. finally 21. a. famous b. careful c. curious d. bard 22. a. for b. without c. in d. from 23. a. because b. as c. after d. during 24. a. so b. and c. but d. or 25. a. much b. little c. some d. few key: 15 cbdbb 610 db

9、cad 1115 dcccb 1620 adcda 2125 cbbcb 解析:1be interested in 对感兴趣, beengagedin忙于。 2此句阐述了作者的观点;好奇本身并没有错。3. depend on 靠,根据而定。为固定词组。4不能一概而论。好奇有时是愚蠢的、错误的。5bfond of. 喜欢, beproud of对感到自豪。 6be anxious to know 急于知道。 7从下文 or taking outside 可知是对应的结构。8对回来的早晚的原因想知道个究竟。9从本段第一句可知。10对这样的事情感兴趣根本不重要。11unnecessary没必要的。从

10、上文可知,继续阐述作者的观点12如此的好奇是愚蠢面有害的事。13而且会饬害他人。14cause引起,带来。 15others 泛指他人。 theothers 特指某些人中的其他人。16hurt one s feeling 伤害某人的感情。17noble 崇高的,高尚的从下文阐述的内容可知。 18wonderat 对感到好奇,为短语。19can 后省去了findout 。尽他们所能去发现、查明所有重大的事情。 20此句为虚拟句式。21哥伦布倘若没有好奇的童识就不会发现美洲大陆。22为虚拟的含蓄条件句。 23asaresultof 为固定短语。 24进一步阐述作者一开始的观点。25根据。 rnot

11、hing 可判断出 b 项。32 manners in school, as everywhere else, are important to happy relations within the group. western manners in this situation differ only slightly from good chinese 1 . if you are in a very large 2 , it may not be necessary to greet the teacher on 3 . in a small class the teacher will

12、 probably 4 each person as he arrives, and you 5 smile and say, “ good morning, dr fenn.” western manners 6 require you to stand up when your teacher comes in or when you answer a question, 7 do you need to stand still at the 8 for a moment when you come in. one never 9 one s teacher as “ eacher ” i

13、t is quite 10 to say sir to a man, but if your teacher is a woman, 11 used her surname. it is bad manners to come late to class. if you are late, 12 should be made to the teacher either at the time or 13 class. it is bad manners in the classroom, as 14 , to talk while anyone else is 15 . if you have

14、 something to 16 which is on the subject, wait till you have 17 . if it is not on the subject, 18 it till class is over. it is also bad manners in the classroom, as elsewhere, to look at anything 19 has written, or to 20 to see what mark he has 21 without asking his 22 . it is bad manners to laugh a

15、t another s 23 or accident. you can realize 24 when you think how you feel yourself 25 laughed at. 1. a. students b. teachers c. habits d. manners 2. a. room b. class c. school d. classroom 3. a. leaving b. arriving c. duty d. his way 4. a. remark b. notice c. ask d. look at 5. a. should b. could c.

16、 will d. might 6. a. always b. sometimes c. strictly d. do not 7. a. or b. nor c. and d. yet 8. a. desk b. seat c. gate d. door 9. a. tells b. asks c. answers d. addresses 10. a. necessary b. proper c. possible d. wrong 11. a. will b. can t c. must d. needn t 12. a. reply b. a reason c. an excuse d.

17、 an apology 13. a. before b. after c. at d. in 14. a. elsewhere b. somewhere c. anywhere d. everywhere 15. a. reading b. working c. talking d. sleeping 16. a. do b. say c. read d. write 17. a. seat b. the turn c. the right d. a chance 18. a. get b. save c. make d. let 19. a. someone b. whoever c. th

18、e teacher d. your neighbour 20. a. wait b. go c. try d. come 21. a. done b. made c. written d. received 22. a. help b. permission c. advice d. name 23. a. success b. progress c. mistake d. life 24. a. why b. how c. what d. which 25. a. is b. been c. be d. when key: 15 dbbba 610 dbddb 1115 cdbac 1620 bdbdc 2125 dbcad 解析:1 根据上文可知, 文章主要谈论的就是manner


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