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1、2019年辽宁省葫芦岛市英语中考试题第一部分选择题(共 50 分)单项选择(共15 分,每小题 1 分)从下面各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案1 though bill is very young, he has a lot of _ about chinese history()ainformation bknowledge cbackground dexperience 2im sorry i took your card by mistake ,but where is _?()ahers btheirs cyours dmine 3we are going to have a part

2、y _ the evening of june 30th ()aon bin cat dfor 4he tried many ways to solve the problem but _ of them worked ()aneither bnone call dboth 5new energy cars have been _ to cut down air pollution()adiscovered bfound cinvented drefused 6-is the woman miss zhao?-it _ be her she has gone to qingdao for a

3、meeting ()acant bneednt cmust dmay 7fred hopes _ his spoken english ,so he practices it every day()aimprove bimproves cimproving dto improve 8as students ,we must study hard _,we should care for our health ()aat the same time bon the one hand call in all din the end 9lucy _ her friends the whole mor

4、ning ,but they didnt show up()aexpects bwill expect cis expecting dwas expecting 10look at the blue sky _ fine weather it is! ()ahow bhow a cwhat dwhat a 11the football fans cheered _ they heard the exciting news()aeven though bin order that cas soon as das long as 12-what do you think of the tv pro

5、gram im a singer ?-great! ive never watched a _ one()aworse bbetter cbad dgood 13every evening my father _ newspapers while my mother watches tv ()aputs up blooks for cgives away dlooks through 14-i wonder _-im not sure ,but i hope soit has been dry for two months()aif it will rain tomorrow bwhy it

6、doesnt rain cwhen the rain will stop dhow long the rain will last 15-my parents will take me to shanghai disneyland this summer holiday-_ ()agood luck to you bits a good idea cbest wishes to you dhave a good time bcabc adadc cbdad . 补全对话(共 5 分,每空 1 分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话(有两个多余选项)16a:hi,tonyare you

7、 free this sunday?b:( 1)_ what are you going to do?a:im going to enjoy an art show in our city libraryb:( 2)_ a :its about the chinese painting( 3)_ b:yesid love to ( 4)_ when and where shall we meet?a:lets meet at the gate of the library at 8 oclock this sunday morning b:( 5)_ a :you can go there o

8、n foot its not far b:ok see youa:see youais it far from here?byes nothing much cim sure of thatdwhat is it about?ehow can i get to the library?fwould you like to go with me?gi have a great interest in it, too bdfge . 完形填空(共 10分,每空 1 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案17when i was a boy, i used to love walk

9、ing in the (1) _ around my house my mom warned me several times (2)_ to travel so far or i would lose the waybeing a naughty (淘气的) boy,however,i soon found (3)_ walking further and further away,testing(4)_ i could go into the woods without getting lost but once after losing my way for two hours ,i d

10、ecided to leave a mark the next time i went for a walk the next day i decided to try it i walked into the woods(5) _ the house couldnt be seenthen i broke a small branch (树枝)to mark my place i walked further and broke many branches after a while i got tired and decided to return when i turned around

11、 ,i(6)_ found my way home,but i felt ( 7)_ rather than being proud i could see the mark of destruction(破坏) that i left in the woodsi promised never to do that again instead ,i started to value my time alone in the woodsid sit by the streams (小溪)and (8)_ their beautiful singing id bend down(弯下腰) to (

12、9)_ the flowers ive tried to leave marks of kindness and goodness since then ive triedto show others (10) _ they can do the same may you always leave marks of joy in your life(1)aparks bwoods cstreets dgardens (2)anever bseldom csometimes dalways (3)ayourself bhimself cherself dmyself (4)ahow long b

13、how often chow soon dhow far (5)auntil bafter cunless dif (6)aslowly bnervously ceasily ddifficultly (7)agood bhappy csad dcold (8)aturn to blisten to cspeak to dstick to (9)asmell bkick cbreak dmake (10)awhere bwhen cwhat dthat baddaccbad . 阅读理解(共 20分,每小题 5 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案18humans can

14、go to the hospital when theyre illbut as for animals ,what should they do?to stay healthy ,animals have their own ways to heal (治愈)themselves now lets get to know their special skills skill one have you ever seen your dog or cat lick(舔) its wounds?why do they do it ?it probably feels good,but its go

15、od medicine licking cleans a wound , and saliva(唾液)has chemicals that kill germs(细菌) skill two to avoid diseases ,many animals have good living habits they hate to be dirtymost animals separate their pooping (lf1e)areas from their eating areas horses poop far away from the grass they eat rabbits put

16、 their poop in special pooping areas skill three have you ever heard of the expression starve a fever (发烧时宜饿) ?many animals stop eating when theyre illwhen a sick animal stops eating ,it can stop germs from getting necessary things skill four another way that animals heal themselves is to raise thei

17、r body temperature high temperature can kill germswarm-blooded animals (like us)get fevers to fight with germscold-blooded animals (like snakes)look for pieces of wood or rocks heated by the sunfish move to warmer waters(1) a cat cleans its_ by lickingamedicine bsaliva cwound dchemicals (2) in order

18、 to avoid diseases ,horses and rabbits_aeat special grass bchoose dirty areas cput poop into holes dhave good living habits (3) starving can stop germs from getting_ things awild bwaste cnecessary duseless (4) fish move to warmer waters to_ alick their wounds bkeep themselves clean cstarve a fever d

19、raise their body temperature (5) we may find the passage in a_ascience novel bmagazine ctravel guide dstorybook cdcdb 19what are the basic ingredients(要素) of good manners?a strong sense of fairness is one of them a friend once told me an experience that he hadwhen he was driving along a one-lane (单行

20、小路),unpaved(未铺路的)mountain road ,the car ahead of his produced clouds of choking dust (呛人的尘土),and it was a long way to the nearest paved main road suddenly ,the car ahead stopped at a wider place on the roadmy friend thought there must be something wrong with the car aheadhe stopped and asked if anyt

21、hing was wrongno, said the other driverbut youve_d my dust so far ill endure yours the rest of the way another ingredient is empathy(同情心) it makes a person see into the mind or heart of someone else recently ihappened to read such a story in a book a man was having dinner alone ,and he was trying to

22、 open a bottlebut he failedthen he asked a waiter forhelp the waiter took the bottle,turned his back and opened it without difficultythen the waiter closed it again and turned backhe pretended (假装)to make a great effort to open the bottle without success finally he took itinto the kitchen and return

23、ed very soonhe told the man that he managed toopen it , but only with a tool yet another ingredient is the ability to treat people alike (一视同仁) no matter who he is and what he does,everyone is worth respecting(1) the driver in the car ahead stopped to_ arepair the car bhave a rest cask the way dlet

24、the back car go (2) the underlined word endure probably means_ in chinese a原谅b容忍c抱怨d谴责(3) in fact the waiter opened the bottle_aby himself easily bwith a tool cwith difficulty dwithout success (4) the second story may happen_ain the kitchen at home bon the main road cin the restaurant don the busy s

25、treet (5) the best title of the passage is _ athe ability to solve problems bthe ways to help others cthe good manners to treat others dthe empathy for strangers endure dbacc 20in some western countries,a gap year (空档年)is regarded as a special celebration for teenagers they think it is a necessary p

26、rocess for teens to develop into adults then whats a gap year ?its a short break from study for a year or less its normally between high school and universityduring the gap year ,the students usually take a break from their school education to travel,volunteer,study or work there are some reasons wh

27、y students might want to take a gap year theyusually think it is a chance to get professional or personal experience somecommon reasons to take a gap year include :open their eyesmake international friendsmake some money get useful work experience and key skills although teenagers can benefit from (

28、从获益)the gap year activities,there are many disadvantagesthe parents are worried here are the reasons why parents disagree with the idea of taking a gap year it may cost a lot of money to organize they may get hurt or sick during the travelsthey may simply find that they didnt get the experience they

29、 were hoping for a gap year is a new experience for not only teenagers but also people who were born in the 1960smaybe its really a good chance for them to experience the retirement(退休生活)in advance(提前)(1) a gap year is a special celebration for_ aparents bvolunteers cteenagers dteachers (2) a short

30、break from study refers to (指的是) a certain period of time_ abefore high school bbetween primary school and high school cduring high school dbetween high school and university (3) the second paragraph talks about the_ for taking a gap year achances breasons csuggestions dmethods (4)the parents are wo

31、rried because the students may_ in gap year activitiesaget work skills bmake some friends copen their eyes dget hurt or sick (5) from the last paragraph ,we can infer that people who will retire may_ a gap year abe interested in bbe worried about cbe disappointed at dbe nervous about cdbda 21when yo

32、u are waiting on a phone call with a pen in your hand or feelingbored on a train,you may probably doodle (涂鸦) consultant graphology (笔迹咨询师)tracey has studied the most common doodles and their meaning in a new piece of research here she shares the psychology (心理学) behind those doodles circlesdrawing

33、round shapes expresses the need to love and be loved squaresif youre drawing squares ,then this shows a practical(脚踏实地的) nature triangles if youre drawing triangles,this shows you are an energetic and powerful nature flowersif your flower has a large round centre ,this expresses confidence and the e

34、njoyment of a good social life heartshearts have always been symbols of love it clearly expresses that you pay much attention to feelings,but easily get sad as well coils (线圈)drawing these complicated (复杂的)shapes means the doodlers have a colorful life and the ability of creativitywhat unusual doodl

35、es they are! webs this kind of doodles may be unusual and complicated ,but drawing webs shows special personalities that are good at leadingpeople to a special situationboxesits not good news for people who draw boxesbecause tracey believes that while this shows great dreams,it can also be a sign of

36、 materialism (物质主义)(1) doodling most probably happens when you are_ adriving a car bfeeling bored on the train chaving a sleep dcooking a meal at home (2) the doodles of hearts express that you_aneed to love and be loved bpay much attention to feelings care a practical nature dhave a colorful life (

37、3) _ are unusual and complicated doodles acoils and webs bcircles and boxes chearts and flowers dsquares and triangles (4) tracey believes the doodles of_ can be a sign of materialismacircles bwebs cboxes dflowers (5) the writer wrote this passage to_ aspend the boring time bteach people how to dood

38、le cmake people know each other dshare the psychology behind doodle bbacd 第二部分非选择题(共 70 分)v.补全对话(共 5 分,每空 1 分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是词、短语或句子),使对话完整22a:linda ,whats your reading project this month?b:( 1)_can you give me some advice ?a:certainlyi think the adventure of tom sawyer is a good choice ( 2)_

39、?b:no,i havent ( 3)_?a:mark twainb:( 4)_?a:yesits easy to read and there arent many new words in it you can have a try b:thank you for your advice a:( 5)_i have no ideahave you ever read it who wrote it is it easy to read you are welcome . 句子翻译(共 15分)( a)根据所给中文完成句子翻译(共11 分局部翻译,每小题1 分;整句翻译,每小题1 分)23玛

40、丽当众讲话时总是很自信mary is always confident when she speaks_24毫无疑问,你越努力,就越幸运_, the harder you work,the luckier you will be25桑迪绞尽脑汁,想出了这个好主意sandy thought hard and_ the good idea 26考试后,我们学校将有一场毕业典礼_ a graduation ceremony in our school after the exam27每个人都渴望幸福美好的生活everyone_ a happy and beautiful life28熊猫是世界上最受

41、欢迎的动物之一_ 29这部手机他已经买两年了_ 30鲍勃很友好,能与同学们和睦相处_in public out of question came up with there will be longs for the panda is one of the worlds most popular animalshe has had this phone for two yearsbob is very friendly and can get along well with his classmates(b)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文(共4 分,每小题 4 分)31when

42、 i was four ,i played outside in the yard i saw my grandpas truck and thought ,grandpa shouldnt have to drive such an ugly truck then i found a gallon of paint (一加仑油漆) i had a good idea! i got a brush and painted white polka dots(波点) all over the truck ( 1)i was painting the truck in the garden when

43、 he walked outside he was surprised to see the truck angela ,( 2)its the prettiest truck that ive ever seen! he said sometimes i think adults dont stop to see things through a childs eyesbut my grandpa is differenthe could have punished me instead ,he didnt(1) _ 当他走出来的时候我正在花园给卡车喷漆(2) _这是我看到过的最漂亮的卡车!

44、. 完形填空(共 10分,每空 1 分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)32angry come without answer but should no wait and god they not there was a gardener who had planted many fruit trees in his garden now he wanted to pick the fruits and sell (1)_ to make money when he was picking the fruits,the garde

45、ner saw a stranger picking fruits in his garden the gardener became very (2)_ and shouted ,what are you doing in my tree ? the stranger looked at the gardener ,(3)_ he didnt reply and continued to pick fruits the gardener shouted angrily,you have no right to take the fruits(4) _ my permission(允许) co

46、me down at once! the stranger answered,why (5)_ i come down?this is the garden of god and im the servant (仆人) of god ,so i have the right to pick these fruitsthe gardener was surprised at his (6)_ and had a good idea he told the stranger ( 7)_ down from the tree when the stranger climbed down,the ga

47、rdener began to beat him with a stickthe stranger shouted loudly ,why are you beating me ?you have no right to do this! the gardener paid (8)_attention and continued beating himthe stranger shouted ,arent you afraid of god? the gardener answered,why should i be afraid?the stick in my hand belongs to

48、 god and im the servant of godso i have the right to beat youthe stranger was ashamed(羞愧) and said ,(9)_dont beat me,im sorry for taking the fruitsthe gardener smiled and said ,dont use (10)_ name to justify(辩解)your wrong actions them angry but without should answer to come no wait gods . 任务型阅读(共 20

49、 分,每小题 10 分)阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题33 lu xun was an excellent writer and thinker of modern china he took part in the may fourth new culture movement of 1919he could be said to have laidthe foundation(基础) of modern literature(文学)in chinayou couldnt believe that he almost became a doctor! so how did lu xun

50、give up the study of medicine and take up writing? when he was young,his father fell badly ill,and little lu xun bought medicine for himbut the medicine bought from a quack doctor (庸医) did his father no good at all ,and his father died with a deep sadness and great anger ,lu xun promised to study th

51、e most modern medical skills and help people through medicine he studied hard ,and was accepted to study in sendai medical college in japan however ,one event changed lu xuns life one day,the teacher played a film of news in class in the film ,japanese soldiers were preparing to kill a chinese while

52、 some chinese were watching it with great interest,as if it had nothing to do with themafter that ,lu xun thought he should treat the numb (麻木的) spirits of chinese for this reason ,he gave up the study of medicine and moved to tokyohe produced a magazine with some friends there as a writerlu xun hop

53、ed that he could save chinese people with his penmany of his works were translated into the leading languages,including english ,russian ,german , french and japanese(1) in 1919,what movement did lu xun take part in ? _ the may fourth new culture movement(2) how did lu xun feel after his fathers dea

54、th ?_very sad and angry(3) where did lu xun study medicine ?_ in sendai medical college in japan(4) did lu xun produce the magazine by himself ?_ no,he didnt(5) how many leading languages were lu xuns works translated into ?_ 5 阅读下面短文,完成表格34is your life ruled by love or by fear ?love and fear are two opposite feelings that shape our life in very differentwaysmost of us are controlled by both of themhowever,even a tiny change towards love and


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