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1、八年级英语下册语法填空练习题 (含答案 )一、八年级英语下册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。Have you ever been cycling (骑自行车运动) ? This spring my elder brother and I ( spend) a long weekend cycling in the countryside. We rode (slow ) along because we didn't want to break any speed records, o

2、r do sports. We just wanted ( get) some fresh air and a break from schoolwork. We really had a great time ( ride) along country roads. And there was one of the best things about our trip that made us happy: every few ( kilometre ) there was a village where we could findeverything we needed.All the l

3、ocal people were really friendly. However, the second day, somethinghappened. We were going down the hill whenmy brakes (刹车) started making noise, but Ididn't mind at all. At midnight we were woken by the noise in the hotel. We were tiredwe set off the next morning, but soon felt cheerful when t

4、he sun came out.What we ( enjoy ) most about cycling was that it was simple and fun. I thinknothing is ( good) than cycling if you're looking for a break that is active and cheap.Why not have a try?【答案】 spent; slowly ; to get ; riding; kilometers ; on ; a; when ;enjoyed ; better 【解析】 【分析】主要讲了作者和

5、哥哥今年春天在乡下骑自行车时的所见所想。(1)句意:今年春天,我和哥哥在乡下骑了一个长周末的自行车。时态是一般过去时, 所以 spend 用过去式 spent ,故填 spent 。(2)句意:我们沿路缓慢骑自行车,因为我们不想打破速度记录或者做运动。副词修饰 实义动词, rode 是实义动词,所以用形容词 slow 的副词 slowly ,故填 slowly 。(3)句意:我们仅仅想得到一些新鲜空气和远离学业的休息。Want to do sth.想要做某事,固定搭配,故填 to get 。( 4)句意:我们沿着乡村道路骑自行车真地玩得高兴。have a great time doing st

6、h. 做某事玩得高兴,固定搭配,所以 ride 用 riding ,故填 riding 。( 5)句意:每隔几千米就有一个村庄,我们可以找到我们需要的一切。few 修饰可数名词复数, kilometer 千米,可数名词,其复数是 kilometers ,故填 kilometers 。( 6)句意:然而在第二天,一些事情发生了。on the second day 在第二天,固定搭配,故填 on 。( 7)句意:在一个午夜我们被旅馆的声音吵醒了。指的是一个午夜,midnight 以辅音音素开头,所以用a,故填a。(8)句意:当我们第二天出发时我们是疲劳的。当时候用When,故填When。( 9)句

7、意:关于骑自行车我们最喜欢的是它是简单的和有趣的。时态是一般过去时,所 以 enjoy 用过去式 enjoyed ,故填 enjoyed。( 10)句意:我认为没有什么比骑自行车更好的了,如果你想找一个既活跃又便宜的休息 时间。 than 是比较级标志词, is 后面用形容词, good 好的,形容词,其比较级是 better ,故填 better 。【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然 后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适合的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。The Great Wall of China h

8、as a history of over two thousand years. It runs from the east the west in North China. It's about 6, 300 kilometers long.It's often ( call) "Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall". It is one of the" Seven Wonders of theAncient World".The Great Wall is wide enough for ten ( man ) to

9、 walk side by side. Horses can alsorun along it, too. The Great Wall was made stones and bricks (砖) . There are hugestones on each side and on highest part. But now some sections of it are worn out.There are tall watchtowers along the Great Wall. ( one ) upon a time, the soldierskept (WatCh) the ene

10、mies (敌人)in the WatChtoWerS day and night. They madefire on the towers to tell each other when the enemies ( come ) .NoWadays We ( not ) use the Great Wall to keep aWay the enemies any more. It is afamous plaCe of interest to all the people in the World. Every year thousands of people Come to visit

11、from all over the World.【答案】 to;Called;men;of;the;OnCe;WatChing ;Came;don't ;it【解析】 【分析】这篇短文描写了长城。长城的大小及长城在古代和现代的作用。(1) 句意:在中国北部他从东蜿蜒到西。from.to.,从到,古代短语,故答案为: to 。( 2)句意:它经常被称作万里长城。句子的主语和谓语之间是被动关系,用被动语态。 一般现在时的被动语态, is/am/are+done ,故答案为: Called。( 3)句意:长城足够宽让十个人肩并肩的走过。ten 十个,后面跟可数名词复数, man人,可数名词,

12、故答案为: men。(4) 句意:长城是有石头和砖建成的。be made of由制成,能看出材料,故答案为:of。(5) 句意:在每边和最高地方有巨石。形容词的最高级前有定冠词the,故答案为:the。( 6)句意:从前,战士们整天整夜在瞭望台观看敌人。onCe upon a time ,从前,固定短语,故答案为: OnCe。(7)句意:从前,战士们整天整夜在瞭望台观看敌人。keep doing sth.不断做某事,故答案为: WatChing 。( 8)句意:当敌人来时他们在瞭望台上点火来告诉彼此。根据主从句的时态保持一致, 可知此处用一般过去时,故答案为: Came。(9)句意:现在我们不

13、再使用长城来把敌人阻止在外。根据no WadayS ,可知句子使用一般现在时,动词是实意动词,否定结构借助于助动词的否定结构don't ,故答案为:don't。it( 10)句意:每年全世界成千上万人来参观长城。前面提到长城,在下文再次出现时用代替,故答案为: it 。 【点评】此题考查语法填空。跳过空格,不看选项,快速地阅读全文,从整体上感知全 文,掌握大意。 复读短文,确定语义,判断词形。先易后难。三读短文,上下参照,验证 答案。3阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。It's autumn now. The weather is

14、cool and comfortable. It's a good time for ( walk) .So, our teacher organized a climbing for us. We decided ( climb ) the mountains inour city.We went there bus and arrived there at 9 a.m. we got off the bus, westarted to climb the mountain. The mountain is high. We were so excited we climbedfas

15、t at first. But after a while, some of us ( be) tired, especially for girls. They did notwant to go on anymore. , the others encouraged (鼓励) and helped them. All of( we) climbed slowly so that no one was left behind. about 11:00 a. m, we ( get) to the top of the mountain. We were tired but really ha

16、ppy.4阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式填 空。Mike is 8-year-old Australian boy. He stays in China now, and his parents work inChina. He has been in China three years.Mike likes to collect stamps. He ( have) a lot of Chinese stamps since he came toChina. Mike is learning Chinese now. He studies very

17、hard, but he usually has many mistakes. He tries to spend more time reading Chinese ( story ) . He often loses (he) inreading. Sometimes, mistakes make him learn much ( fast) . Now he can write lots ofChinese words working hard. He was so luckyhe will have the chance to entera competition called Chi

18、nese Bridge in Hunan.Mike likes Beijing Roast Duck very much, because it tastes delicious. He wants to learn how (cook) Roast Duck because his parents also like it. He hopes he can live andstudy ( happy ) in China.5阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个恰当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(最多限填 3 个单词)。Do you know a 24-

19、year-old bus driver, Wang Ping? He is my uncle, and he is my idol (偶像) . He has a lot of hobbies. He likes sports very much. We often play basketball and football together. He tells me the ( good) way to relax is exercise. It is healthy for the mindand the body. He also likes reading. He thinks read

20、ing is ( education ) . He says, "Youcan always keep yourself happy you like reading." Under his influence, now I'm alsointerested in reading books.My uncle is a kind-hearted man. He often helps people who are in ( trouble ) .Now he is very popular in our city. Last week he saw an old m

21、an ( lie) on the side ofthe road while he was driving a bus. When he saw this, he stopped the bus without ( think ) twice. Then he got off and asked the old man what happened.When he knew the old man was ( bad) ill, he asked all of the passengers to get offand wait for the next bus. But to ( he) sur

22、prise, they all agreed to go with him.Thanks my uncle and the passengers, the old man was saved by the doctors in time.How happy my uncle was! My uncle is such a man who often doesn't think about himself. He only thinks about others.答案解析部分、语法填空6【答案】 composer ; His; train ; but ; sad; type/kind ;

23、from ;uses; piano ; all 【解析】 【分析】本文介绍的是莫扎特写的音乐,及其各种音乐怎么演奏。( 1 )考查名词。句意:莫扎特是一名作曲家。不定冠词后面接可数名词单数,故填 composer 。(2)考查代词。句意:他的音乐很难演奏和唱。形容词性物主代词后面跟有名词,作定 语 ,故填 His 。(3)考查动词。句意:音乐家们和演唱家们在演奏和唱莫扎特的音乐之前得训练很长一段 时间。根据 “ before they can play and sing Mozart's music 的时态”是一般现在时,所以主句的 谓语动词也用一般现在时,故填 train 。(4)考

24、查连词。句意:但是流行和摇滚音乐家不用训练很长一段时间。前后内容转折关 系,故填并列连词 but 。(5)考查形容词。句意:在美国,黑人音乐家经常唱悲伤的歌曲。此处形容词修饰名词songs 作定语,故填 sad。(6)考查名词。句意:来自美国的另一种现代化的音乐叫做爵士乐。another" 另一个 ",后面接可数名词单数,故填 type/kind 。(7)考查介词。句意:来自美国的另一种现代化的音乐叫做爵士乐。此处介词短语作定 语, from America “来自于美国 ”,故填 from 。( 8)考查动词。句意:这种音乐常常使用喇叭等响亮的乐器。本句的主语是This

25、music ,属于第三人称单数形式,故填uses。(9)考查名词。句意:我们用钢琴和小提琴演奏所有种类的音乐。此空与violin 并列,故填 piano 。(10 )考查形容词。句意:我们用钢琴和小提琴演奏所有种类的音乐。all 后面接可数名词 的复数形式,故填 all。【点评】本题考点涉及名词、动词、代词、连词、形容词、介词等多个知识点的考查,综 合性强,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,根据上下文的逻辑关系,结合汉语提示,写 出正确的单词形式。7 【答案】hit ; leading ; were working ;were killed ; To make; stopped ; are ;

26、to protect ; should/must act ; will/must ; remember【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了发生在深圳的一场暴雨。(1)句意: 2019 年 4 月 11 日星期四晚上 9 点左右,暴雨袭击深圳,导致洪水冲走了罗湖 和福田地区不同河流地区的工人。根据 At around 9 pm Thursday, April 11th2019 可知时态是一般过去时, hit 的过去式是 hit ,故填 hit 。(2)句意: 2019 年 4 月 11 日星期四晚上 9 点左右,暴雨袭击深圳,导致洪水冲走了罗湖 和福田地区不同河流地区的工人。现在分词表示自然产生结果,做

27、状语,故填 leading 。(3)句意: 2019 年 4 月 11 日星期四晚上 9 点左右,暴雨袭击深圳,导致洪水冲走了罗湖 和福田地区不同河流地区的工人。根据 washed away the workers 工人们当时正在工作, 故用过去进行时,主语是 workers 名词复数,助动词是 were , 故填 were working 。(4)句意: 11 个人在洪水中丧生。 kill 与主语 people 是被动关系,描述过去用一般过去 时,主语是 people ,名词复数,故助动词是were ,故填 were killed 。( 5)句意: 为了确保工人们的安全,政府于周六停止了这两

28、个地方的所有水利工程。不 定式做目的状语,为了,故填 To make 。( 6)句意: 为了确保工人们的安全,政府于周六停止了这两个地方的所有水利工程。描 述过去用过去式, stop 的过去式是 stopped ,故填 stopped 。( 7)句意: 全国每年都有许多事件发生。 根据 Every year 可知时态是一般现在时,主语是 many events ,名词复数,故 be动词是 are,故填 are。( 8)句意: 作为一名学生,当我们面对不同的情况,如地震、火灾、暴雨时,我们有必 要学习如何保护自己。 特殊疑问词 +不定式,是宾语从句的用法,故填 to protect 。( 9)句

29、意: 我们应该迅速而恰当地行动。此处表示建议或命令,should/must ,应该 / 必须,情态动词后是动词原形 , 故填 should/must act 。(10 )句意: 我们要永远记住像张程鹏这样的英雄为我们所做的一切。英雄是必须和总是 让人记住的,故此处是 will/must ,总是 /必须 , 故填 will/must 。( 11)句意:我们要永远记住像张程鹏这样的英雄为我们所做的一切。always 是一般现在时标志,主语是复数 We,故谓语的动词原形,故填remember 。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配 等多种用法。8【答案】 f

30、or;On;asked;to paint ;Later;makes;them ; thinking ;faces;called 【解析】 【分析】短文大意:一个艺术家想绘制出世界上最美丽的东西,后来他遇见了3个人,最后发现,世界上最美丽的东西是家。( 1)句意:他开始启程去寻找世界上最美丽的东西。根据后文提到In any church, you willfind it 'Faith' is the most beautiful thing in the world. 可知空缺的意义为寻找,填入介词 for。( 2)句意:在路上,他遇到了一个神父,他问他去那里。根据句子提到he

31、met an agedPrieSt ,可知空缺的意义为在路上,On the Way ,故答案为 On。(3) 句意:在路上,他遇到了一个神父,他问他去那里。ask,询问,根据句子用了过去 式,可知ask用过去式为 asked ,故答案为 asked。(4) 句意:我想绘画出世界上最美丽的东西。Paint ,绘画,短语 Want to do Sth ,想要做 某事,填入to Paint ,故答案为to Paint。(5) 句意:后来,一个年轻妈妈告诉他最美丽的东西是爱。Iate ,后来,根据句子提到ayoung mother told him ,可知应该是后来告诉他,填入Iater ,故答案为

32、LaterO(6) 句意:爱使得世界运转。make ,使得,根据主语为Iove ,为不可数名词,谓语用单三,填入 makes,故答案为 makes。(7) 句意:我如何才能绘画出它们所有部分呢一一信仰,爱和和平。they ,它们,根据they做了介词Of的宾语,可知空缺应该用宾格形式,填入them ,故答案为them。(8) 句意:他很惊讶,没有思考他去那里,他回到了熟悉的地方。think,思考,根据介词WithOUt后面加动词ing形式,可知空缺填入thinking ,故答案为thinking。(9) 句意:在他的妻子和孩子的脸上,他看见了爱和信仰。face ,脸,根据句子提到 hisWif

33、e and ChiIdren ,可知face应该用复数,填入 faces,故答案为faces。(10) 句意;这个艺术家绘制了世界上最美丽的东西并且把它称为家。call ,称,根据句子用了过去式,可知应该用call的过去式i为called ,故答案为called。【点评】考查语法填空,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,联系上下文,给出空缺单词,结合 语法知识,给出单词的正确形式,即可。二、八年级英语下册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析)9 阅读理解You might See aliens in books and movies. They look Strange. They are Very smart

34、. They travel in SPaCeShips.BUt are there really aliens in space? BritiSh SCientist StePhen HaWking, 68, thinks so. He SayS that people should not look for aliens. He thinks they are dangerous. On a new BritiSh TV program, HaWk ing says, "It is quite POSSibIe that there are alie ns in space. Th

35、ey might live in big SPaCeShips. They have USed UP all the resources (资源)from their home planet. "He thinks SUCh aliens are SUre to get resources from Earth and then go away. They may bring troubles to Earth, too.(1) Aliens in books and movies are always.A. quiet and Stra ngeB. Stra nge and Sma

36、rt C. Smart and cruel D. Shy and CUte(2) Are there really aliens in space?A. Yes, there are.B. No, there aren't.C. We are not sure.D. There USed to be some, but now they have disappeared.(3) ACCording to Mr. HaWking, aliens PrObabIy have .A. USed UP their resourcesB. polluted their OWn pla netC.

37、 destroyed the big SPaCeShiPS they lived inD. travelled around the earth(4) Mr. HaWking believes that aliens will come to Earth to A. CaUSe troubles B. get resources C. make a livi ngD. make friends With huma ns【答案】(1) B(2) C(3) A(4) B【解析】【分析】文章大意:这是一篇议论文,主要讨论外星人。你可能在书和电影中看到外星人,他们看起来很奇怪,他们很聪明,他们乘坐宇宙

38、飞船旅行。但是现实中没人看 见过。英国科学家认为人们不应该寻找外星人,他们太危险。这些外星人会来地球掠夺资 源,给地球带来麻烦。(1) 细节理解题。根据You might See alie ns in books and movies. They look Stran ge. 可知在书里他们很奇怪而且很聪 明。故选Bo(2) 细节理解题。根据On a new BritiSh TV program, HaWking says, "It is quite POSSibIe thatthere are aliens in space.可知HaWking认为极有可能有外星人,但不确定有。应选

39、C。(3) 细节理解题。根据They have USed UP all the resources (资源)from their home planet.可知外星人可能用完了他们所有的资源。故选Ao(4) 纟田节理解题。根据"He thinks SUCh alie ns are SUre to get resources from Earth and the ngo aWay.可知Mr. HaWking认为外星人会来地球上获取资源。故选B。【点评】此题考查阅读理解。此题涉及细节理解题,我们先阅读短文,理解短文大意。然 后分析问题,带着问题仔细阅读短文,从短文的细节中找出问题答案。10

40、 阅读理解AS SPaCe SCience develops, man has learned more and more about space. SPaCe is not Only amaz ing but also dan gerous. While Working in space, SPaCeme n are facing dan ger.SCien tists have found out that radiati On (辐射)is the greatest dan ger to SPaCeme n in space.Whe n SPaCeme n are Work ing in

41、 space, they are in dan ger of radiati On from the SUn and other stars, which is bad for their health. Some special medicine may work a little, but there's no really helpful medicine.Space junk is also thought a great danger to spacemen. It's reported that there are 9,000 manmade things flyi

42、ng in space. About 30% of these are man-made satellites (卫星) ,10% are spaceships, and the rest are space junk. An explosion (爆炸) in 1996 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments (碎片) , each at least 4 mm in size, and even a small piece of these knocked against a spaceship window and did some damage. Scient

43、ists are working on helpful ways to do with space junk.Although space is really dangerous, it interests everyone on the earth. In the near future, it may become usual for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space for a few years. So we shoul

44、d care for space and do something to help improve the space environment.(1) of man-made things in space are space junk.A. 10%B. 30%C. 60% D. 80%(2) is/are the most dangerous to spacemen.A. Satellites B. Radiation C. Fragments D. Space junk(3)What can people do in space in the near future? A. They ca

45、n only live and travel in space.B. They can grow some fruit and vegetables in space.C. They can find out ways to solve all the problems in space.D. They can spend a few days or live for a few years in space.(4)The purpose (目的) of the writer who writes the passage is mainly to .A. introduce what the

46、space is like to usB. talk about some important space travelsC. tell us the space environment and to care for spaceD. show us how interesting the life of the spacemen in space【答案】 ( 1)C(2)B(3)D(4)C【解析】 【分析】短文大意:本文是科普文,介绍了神奇太空的危险环境,呼吁人们关心 太空并做一些事情来帮助改善太空环境。( 1)考查数学计算。根据 About 30% of these are man-mad

47、e satellites (卫星) ,10% are spaceships, and the rest are space junk. ,可知 100%30%10%=60%,故选 C。( 2)考查细节理解。根据 Scientists have found out that radiation (辐射) is the greatest dan ger to SPaCemen in space.(科学家们已经发现,辐射对太空中的宇航员来说是最大的危 险),可知对于太空人来说,辐射是最危险的,故选B。( 3)考查细节理解。根据 In the near future, it may become us

48、ual for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space for a few years. , 可知 They can spend a few days or live for a few years in space. 说法正确,故选 D。(4) 考查主旨理解。根据文章主题句So We should Care for SPaCe and do Someth ing to helpimprove the SPaCe environmen

49、t.,可知介绍的是神奇太空的危险环境,呼吁人们关心太空并 做一些事情来帮助改善太空环境,故选CO【点评】此题考查阅读理解。我们先阅读短文,理解短文大意。我们在分析问题后,带着 问题阅读短文,从短文的细节中找出和问题相关的语句,找出细节理解问题答案,对于主 旨大意题,要根据文章的主题句确定。11 阅读理解LittIe girl AmeIia Hallows lives in the UK and She is Only five years old .She likes school and "helping" her teachers.AmeIia Started read

50、ing When She WaS three. Different from other ChiIdren Of her age , She is CraZy about reading and likes copying things from books and magazines. What's more , She has another SPeCiaI hobby COrreCting Others' spelling mistakes .Even though the OtherS are her teachers, She is still ope n With

51、them.One day, AmeIia WaS doing her homework. It WaS a matching exercise. SUddenly She found the word "deer" WaS misspelled "dear". She CirCIed the mistake and wrote "It is spelled deer" , on her paper. Then She ShOWed the homework to her mom.Her mother Said , "She

52、just looked really proud of herself and She said, 'It is Wrong and I will tell my teacher.'" Amelia's mom is proud of her daughter, too. She said, "She's really in terested in words and readi ng. She always gets a book in her han d."(1) AmeIia began to read at the age

53、of.A. 5B. 4C. 3D. 6(2) AmeIia is different from other ChiIdren because She.A. is CraZy about dancingB. is CraZy about cop ing from TVC. is good at teach ing her friendsD. likes COrreCt ing Others' spell ing mistakes(3) Amelia's mother is proud of her daughter because her daughter.A. Can'

54、t find the teacher's mistakesB. enjoys readi ng books all the timeC. Can help OtherS With grammarD. shows her homework to her teachers(4) WhiCh of the following is TRUE?A. AmeIia does n't like her school.B. AmeIia Can help her teachers.C. AmeIia isn't in terested in readi ng books.D. Ame

55、Iia does n't show in terest in copy ing thi ngs from magaz in es.【答案】(1) C(2) D(3) B(4) B【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一个爱读书的女孩AmeIia。(1) 细节题。根据 AmeIia Started reading When She WaS three ,可知 AmeIia 三岁时开始读 书,故选Co(2) 纟田节题。根据 She has ano ther SPeCial hobby correct ing Others' spell ing mistakes ,可 知她喜欢纠正别人的拼写错误

56、,故选DO(3) 纟田节题。根据Amelia's mom is proud of her daughter, too. She said, "She's really interested in words and reading ,可知可知 AmeIia的妈妈很骄傲因为她总是喜欢读书,故选Bo(4) 推理题。根据 EVen though the OtherS are her teachers, She is still ope n With them. 可知AmeIia能帮助她的老师是对的,故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题 2种常考题型,细节题要

57、注意从文中寻 找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。12. 根据材料内容,从各题后所给的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳答案。ASUmmer SPOrtS CamPSOUr SUmmer CamPS have the follow ing sports:? Basketball ? Football? SWimmi ng ? Tenn is? KUng fuThiS summer, We are Offeri ng SPOrtS CamPS at DiSCOVery College, Ren aissa nce College, South Isla nd School and We

58、St Isla nd School from Mon days to FridayS for SiX weeks. OUr SUmmer SPOrtS CamPS are Only for ChiIdre n. We Want to make SUre they get eno Ugh exercise duri ng the holiday.We are havi ng a show about our SUmmer SPOrtS CamPS this Friday at South Isla nd School. You Can come and lear n more about us.Sign UP (报名) before 18 JUne (27 JUne for football CamPS ) to enjoy 10% discoUnt for ou


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