



1、太子参新品种“施太1号”区域试验稳定性评价打开文本图片集【摘要】:p 该文分析p 太子参新品种“施太1号”的田间稳定性与适应性,为太子参新品种的审定和推广应用提供参考。选择4个不同种植区域,以“黔太子参1号”(品种)和“SB-C”(品系)为对照,测量农艺性状、药材性状、药材品质等指标,比较3个品种(系)在不同种植区域间的表型差异。结果表明相比2个对照品种(系),18个农艺性状中“施太1号”有10个性状区域间变异系数最小,其他8个性状处于中间;8个药材性状和品质指标中浸出物含量、太子参环肽B含量、50 g块根数、单个块根重、单株药材重5个指标区域间变异系数在3个品种(系)中最小;基于3个品种(系

2、)在4个种植区域间的表型差异,可划分为3类,新品种“施太1号”单独聚为一类,而“黔太子参1号”和“SB-C”存在明显交集。与“黔太子参1号”和“SB-C”相比,新品种“施太1号”在农艺性状、药材性状、药材品质等评价指标方面稳定性、一致性和适应性较好,可作为新品种进行保护、审定和推广应用。【关键词】:p 太子参; 施太1号; 品种选育; 区域试验; 稳定性Abstract To provide guidance for certification, popularization and lication of Pseudostellariae Radi_ new variety, the reg

3、ional adaptation and stabilities of "Shitai No.1" were evaluated.The "Qian taizishen No.1" and "SB-C" varieties (strains) were used as the control varieties.The agronomic, medicinal material traits and medicine quality were used as evaluation inde_ to pare the phenotypi

4、c difference of the three varieties (strains) in four planting areas.pared to the control varieties, 10 agronomic traits of "Shitai No.1" had the smallest coefficient of variation among the 18 agronomic traits, and other 8 agronomic traits placed the middle level.Among 8 medicinal material

5、 traits and medicine quality indicators, the coefficient of variation of different regions of the e_tract content, pseudostellarin B content, the number of 50 g root tuber, the plant medicinal materials weight and weight of single root of "Shitai No.1" were the smallest pare to other varie

6、ties (strains).It could be divided into three groups based on the phenotypic difference of the three varieties (strains) in four planting areas.The "Shitai No.1" was classified as one group, while the "Qian taizishen No.1" and "SB-C" had cross clustering.The regional st

7、ability of several inde_ about agronomic traits, medicinal material traits and medicine quality of "Shitai No.1" were better than that of the control varieties (strains)."Shitai No.1" was suitable for planting, popularization and lication in the ropriate ecological areas of Guizh

8、ou province.Key words Pseudostellariae Radi_; Shitai No.1; breeding; regional test; stability analysis中藥材新品种选育的重要目标是药材质量好、产量高、适应性广。品种的适应性是指品种在不同环境条件下表现出较为均一的稳定变化,在各种环境中都表现出高低相对一致的生产性能1。区域试验是评价品种稳产性、适应性的重要手段,任何品种都具有区域的适应性,在品质好、产量高的前提下,稳定性好的品种适应性广,可推广的范围就大,而稳定性不理想的品种则只能在其适应的区域和生产条件下推广应用。因此,区域试验品种稳定性评价尤为重要。太子参为大宗常用中药材,系石竹科植物孩儿参Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pa_ e_ Pa_ et Hoffm.的干燥块根,具有益气健脾、生津润肺之功效2。太子参现已在贵州黔东南地区建立了大规模的种植基地,也是贵州省中药材重点发展品种之一。


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