



1、Module 3 Body Lan guage and Non-verbal Communi cati ony演练粽合提升i.单句语法填空1.I dont know how to deal_such a situation.【答案】with2.The box is too heavy.Would you do me a_?【答案】favour3._ We should consider the students requestthe school library provide morebooks on popular scie nee.【答案】that4._ We can com muni

2、cate_people in every part of the worldthe Internet.【答案】with;through5.What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car_ (hold) up in the trafficjam.【答案】was held6._ I think she hurt my feelings on purpose rather than accidentas she claimed.【答案】by7.The school rules state that no chil

3、d shall be allowed out of the school during the day(accompa ny) by an adult.【答案】accompa nied8.A robot will do what people tell it to do,advaneed it may be.【答案】however9._ Michelle found a job as a high school teacherwhich involves _ (spend) quite a lot of time with stude nts.【答案】spe ndi ng10. The lit

4、tle boy wont go to sleep_ his mother tells him a story.【答案】unl essn.用所给短语的适当形式填空more than,in favor of,by accident,on guard,make a deal,give.away1.Ill_ with youyou wash the car for me and rII let you use it tonight.【答案】make a deal2._ His accent him .unl ess_【答案】gave;away3._ The beauty of the mountain

5、 village is I can describe.【答案】more than4.The police found the lost child_ .【答案】by accide nt5.Are you_ the plan?【答案】in favor of6.Who was_when the fire broke out?【答案】on guard川.完成句子1.驱车跋涉三天后,我们到了被当地人称作“戈壁”的沙漠。After three days drive,we arrived at_“Gebi”desert.【答案】what the locals called2.他坐在前排,嘴半张着。He s

6、at in the front row , _【答案】her mouth half closed3.这个女孩很易相处。The girl is easy to_ .【答案】get alo ng with4.我不想被卷入这次争吵,这与我无关。I dont want_the quarre l.I ts none of my bus in ess.【答案】to get in volved in5她应三个孩子的要求购买了新电脑。She bought the new computer_her three childre n.【答案】at the request of6这家商店每天为顾客提供各种各样的商品。

7、The store provides customers with_goods every day.【答案】a wide variety ofIV .单句改错1.But some occasions which people clap change from one country to another._【答案】occasions后加上on2.Traditional_,this style will surely be popular soon.【答案】Traditio nalTraditio nally3._Please call mysecretary to arrange a meet

8、 ing this after noon,and whe never it is convenient to you._【答案】andor4. Well have a pic nic in the park this Sun day if it rains or its very cold._【答案】ifTunless5. Youd better not get involving in what they are arguing about._【答案】involvingTinvolved6. He requested that she was dismissed._【答案】wasr(should)beV.微写作【写作素材】1我们的英语老师喜欢和我们交流,她平等地对待我们。2她要求我们全身心地投入到学习中去。3.在课堂上,我们喜欢她的表演和她的手势。4.课下,我们经常相互问好。5.我们都爱我们的老师。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用who引导的定语从句,that引导的宾语从句。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)【答案】Our English teacher,who likes communicating with us,treats us equally.She requests that weshould put our heart and so


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