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1、七年级第二学期期中考试英语试题(考试时间:100 分钟试卷分值:150 分)第I卷选择题(共 84 分)、听力理解(共 20 小题,1-10 每小题 1 分,11-20 每小题 2 分,共 30 分)A.听对话,根据所提问题选择正确答案。3. What time is it now?A. In the classroom. B. In the bookshop.C. In the library.6. Who works in a school?2.A. Father.B. Mother.C. I.What do they want to buy?5. Where are they talki

2、 ng?7. How many pens are there in Sandy s pendhse?A. 7.B. 4.C. 11.8. What s the bag made of?A. Silk.B. Leather.C. Wool.9. When will Joh n have a birthday party?A. Next Sun day.B. Next Saturday.C. Next Friday.10. Why is Amy late?A. Because she went to bed late.B. Because she likes sleep ing.C. Becaus

3、e she is ill.B.听对话, 根据对话内容, 找出能回答所提问题的正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第11 至第 12 小题。13. Who teaches history?14. What subject (学科)does Miss Lin teach?A. historyB. mathsC. En glish15. What are they talki ng about?A. schoolsB. teachersC. sportsC.听短文,根据所听内容,找出正确的答案。16. What time does he get up on Sun days?A. He gets up at

4、 six.B. He gets up at six thirty.C. He gets up at seve n.17. Where does he go after breakfast?A. He goes to work.B. He goes to the park.11.Where do they want to go?A. The EiffelTower.12. How will they go there?A. By train.B. The Great Wall.B. By air.听第二段对话,回答第13 至第 15 小题。C. The Pyramid.C. By car.A.

5、Mr BlackB. Miss LinC. Mr SmithC. He goes to the bookshop.What does he often do in the park?A. He runs for half an hour.B. He waters flowers.C. He swims there.Who does he play basketball with?Kitty wants _ a danc er. So she can t eat _ sugar.A. to be; too manyB. is; too muchC. to be; too muchD. to be

6、;much toolunch, I often have soup, fish and vegetables.Simon swims after school only once a month, so he _ goes swimming.A. usuallyB. alwaysC. seldom D. never Would you like some bread? _ . I m a little hungry.A. Yes, pleaseB. Yes, I would C. No, thanksD. No, I don t like to _do you sleep every day?

7、 More than 8 hours.A. How oftenB. How long C. How much D. How manyMum, my trousers are too old. I want to buy a new _.A. trousersB. oneC. itD. pairI like this pair of football boots. Could I _ please?A. try on itB. try it onC. try on them D. try them onCould yougive me _ time to think about it?A. an

8、y moreB. no more C. some more D. many more18.19.20.二、 His students.B. His teachers.C. His friends.How long does he look for things on the Internet?A. Two hours.B. An hour.单项选择 (共 16 小题,每小题 1 分,共 16 分)C. Half an hour.I need a biketo school.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to

9、goMilliecutting onions (洋葱 ), but she likes eating them.A. likesB. dislikeC. hatesD. lovesA. LikeB. ForThere _ in the fridge.A. is two cartons of milkC. are two cartons of milkC. As D. OfB. are two cartons of milksD. is two cartons of milks32. Sim on is going to wear clothes_for the show.A. in the 1

10、990sB. from the 1990sC. from the 1990D. in the 199033. I hope you_ En glish well.A. learnB. learnsC. learni ngD. to lear n34. I think this dress looks very beautiful_ you.A. inB. onC. atD. for35. How do we say the number 1,483 A. One, four hun dred and eighty-three.B. One thousa nd, four hun dred an

11、d eighty-three.C. One thousa nd and four hun dred eighty-three.D. One thousa nd and four hun dred and eighty-three.36. I want to live in a big house_ a beautiful garde n.A. haveB. hasC. andD. with三、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Most America n families like to have a holiday in summer. Summer is a good

12、 seas on _37_ _holidays. It is very _38_ duri ng( 在 期可)the mon ths of July and August. Childre n do not go to schoolduri ng these _39_ mon ths.Some _40_ like to stay at home during the holiday. They work in the garden, visit friends,41 books, or 42 TV . Many families 43 their lunch to a park or some

13、where far _44_the city. They like toeat where there are many trees or there is a nice lake. If they live n ear the sea, they often go to the beach.They can fish, swim or enjoy the sun there.America is a large country. Many families travel by _45_or by train to see interesting places. Theyalso travel

14、 by plane to a foreign country. Many big cities have many famous buildings, theatres, shopsand other places _46_ travellers (旅行者).37. A. toB. ofC. forD. about38. A. hotB. coldC. rai nyD. cloudy39. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four40. A. peopleB. peoplesC. manD. woma n41. A. seeB. watchC. lookD. read42. A.

15、 seeB. watchC. lookD. read43. A. haveB. hasC. takeD. takes44. A. fromB. awayC. toD. off45. A. carB. a carC. carsD. buses46. A. forB. i nC. onD. at四、阅读理解(共 14 小题,每小题 2 分,共 28 分)AHere s a shopp ing receip 收据)of Lin da.Jiulo ng Great World118 Ton gguan North RoadLia nyun ga ng, 22200013/04/200915:17 PM

16、NumberItem (物品)Product#Price1Pair of trousers3597981144 150.003Pairs of socks8294653379 10.00/each1Sweater3607889911 375.00Total 555.00WELCOME NEXT TIME!47. When did Linda go shopp ing?A. In the after noon.B. In the eve ning.48. How many kinds of things did Linda buy?A. Four.B. Five.49. Where did Li

17、nda go shopp ing?A. Times SupermarketC. the Departme nt Store50. How much money did Linda spe nd on them?A. 150B. 555Big Ben is not the n ame of a man .It is the n ame of a big clock in London. London is the capital ofEn gla nd. This clock has four faces. So, no matter ( 无论)where you sta nd, you can

18、 read the time onthe face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The hands are about four meters Ion g. It is about thesize of two people sta nding on top of each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses ofParliament( 国会大厦 ).In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the to

19、p of the clock tower in the Housesof Parliame nt. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise. Dingdong, dingedtsnery quarter (四分之一 )of anhour. The n ame of Big Ben comes from a big builder.51. Big Ben is_ .A. a busB. a clockC. the n ame of BenD. a house52.Big Ben is

20、inA. Ch inaB. the USAC. JapanD. the UK53.The clock strikes (敲)everyminu tes of an hour.A. tenB. fifteenC. thirtyD. forty-five54. You can read the time of Big Ben_ .A. at the top of the clock towerB. in the Houses of Parliame ntC. on the hands of the huge clockD. on the four faces of the clockC. I n

21、the morni ng.D. I donC. Three.D. OneB. Jiulong Great WorldD. Star Shopping MallC. 375D. 20t know.55. The underlined ( 划线部分 ) word hands means _ in Chinese.A. 手 B. 标志 C. 指针 D. 发条CScientists ( 科学家 ) think that many animals cannot see colours. The world is black and white tothem. Scientists want to fin

22、d out if( 是否 )dogs can see colours. When the scientists give the dogs food,they show them a certain colour every time. The dogs get ready to eat when they see this colour. Thescientists then show the dogs another colour. Again the dogs get ready to eat. The colours are all thesame to them.Colours ar

23、e not all the same to monkeys. For example, if we put food in a red box, and do this everyday, a monkey will always go to the red box to get food. If we put food in a blue box, the monkey won tgo to it.56. Scientists show the dogs colours _ .A. to tell them to eatB. to find out if they can see black

24、 and white thingsC. for funD. to find out if they can see colours57. The dogs get ready to eat when they _.A. hear different pieces of musicB. see the monkeysC. see black thingsD. see all the colours58. Colours are _ .A. all the same to monkeysB. not all the same to dogsC. different to dogsD. not al

25、l the same to monkeys59. If we put food in a blue box and do this every day, a monkey will always go to _ .A. the red box to get foodB. the blue box and put food in itC. the blue box to get foodD. the red box and put food in it60. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Scientists find that dogs don t lik

26、e colour.B. Dogs like to hear different pieces of music.C. Monkeys like the food in the box.D. Monkeys will not go to the blue box if we don t show th.em before第H卷非选择题(共 66 分)五、单词拼写 (共 13 小题,每小题 1 分,共 13 分)A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词61. I m _ ( 饥饿的 ), Mum. Can I have a snack?62. It s time for you to _

27、( 改变 ) your diet and lifestyle, the doctor said.63. Smoking is bad for your _ ( 健康 ).64. Do you have _ ( 足够的 ) time to finish the work?65. Are you from different _ ( 国家 )? Yes, you are right.66. Your hair style is very _ ( 流行的 ) with young people.67. Be _ ( 安静的 ), please. The baby is sleeping.68. Wh

28、en will the train _ ( 到达) ?In ten minutes.B. 根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出完整正确的单词A: Hello, what can I do for you?B: I want to buy a (69) p_ for my mother because Mother s Day is coming.A: There are many (70) c_ scarves here. I m sure your moike theim.B: Great! How much is it? It s very beautiful. And purp71 _ .A:

29、 It costs 90.B: Oh, it s too expensive. Do you ha(72ac_one?A: What about this blue one? It 50sArndyblue can (73)m_ any other colour.B: I agree. OK. I ll take it.六、 用方框中所给词或词组的正确形式填空(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分)wait for, raise for ,be made of, share with ,pay for, have breakfast, nine, at least74. I hear th

30、at famous sin ger lives on the_floor.75. I m sorry I can t_ isbookthow because I have lost my wallet.76. She_ a bedroom_ her sister. They live in the same room.77. There are_ three thousa nd stude nts in our school.78. Where is Millie? She_her father at the school gate.79. _your socks_ cott on? Yes,

31、 they are.80. They re talking about_ money_ the people in Wenchuan.81. He always gets up late. So he often goes to school without_ .七、 完成句子(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)A.改写同义句82. How much is this Walkma n?83. How do you like your school life?84. My father usually goes to work on foot.B.对划线部分提问85. Lily is

32、 readi ng an En glish n ewspaper now.86. Daniel goes to the Swimmi ng Club twice a week.87. Betty likes her classroom because it s big and cleanC. 情景写话88. 你打电话想找杰克,该怎么说?89. 教室光线太暗,你想开灯,该如何向王老师征求同意呢?D. 根据汉语提示完成句子90. 保持健康对我们来说很重要。91.西蒙正在网上和他的朋友聊天。八、任务型阅读 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)Mr Mason is standing in

33、front of a car. He is looking at it. It is a beautiful car and it is very big. MrMason likes big cars. A policeman is standing behind Mr Mason. He is looking at the car, too. He is writingin a notebook. Now he is giving a piece of paper to Mr Mason. Policeman: Excuse me, sir.Mr Mason: Yes?Policeman:

34、 This is for you.Mr Mason: What is it? Policeman: It s a ticket.Mr Mason: A ticket? Policeman: Can you see the sign?Mr Mason: Yes.Policeman: It says NO PARKING . You can t park your car in the street.Mr Mason: This isn t my car.根据上面的内容完成下面的句子:1. The policeman is standing (92)_ Mr Mason.2. This polic

35、eman gives Mr Mason a (93)_.3. Mr Mason says that car isn (94)_t_ .4. NO PARKING means you ca(n95)_t_ your car here.5. The car is in (96)_ .九、书面表达 (15 分)请以 Star Shopping Mall 为题,根据以下信息写一篇 60-80 词的小短文,可适当发挥,切忌 逐字翻译。要点如下:1. 我家附近有个名叫 Star 的购物中心;2. 有三层。营业时间从早八点到晚十点;3. 一层出售各种服装,是女士所爱;二层出售各种食品;三层是孩子们的游乐场;

36、4. 商品物美价廉,工作人员态度好;5. 它真是个购物的好去处。Star Shopping Mall答案68.arrive 69.present 70.colourful71.favourite 72.cheaper 73.match六、选词填空74.ninth 75.pay for 76.shares with 77.at least78.is wait ing for79.Are made of8O.raising for81.having breakfast七、完成句子82. How much does this Walkman cost? / Whats the price of th

37、is Walkman?83. What do you think of your school life?84. My father usually walks to work.85. Whats Lily reading now?86. How often does Daniel go to the Swimming Club?87. Why does Betty like her classroom?88. Hello. May I speak to Jack, please?89. May I turn on the lights, Miss Wang?90.Its very impor

38、tant for us to keep fit.91.Simon is chatting with his friends on the Internet.八、任务型阅读92.behind 93.ticket 94.his 95.park 96.the street九、书面表达There is a Star Shopping Mall near my home . It s vbeigry. It has three floors. It opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10p.m. There are lots of clothes shops on the gr

39、ound floor. They are great for women. You can buy different kinds offood on the second floor. There are many children on the third floor because they can play games there. Thingsover there are very nice and cheap. The workers in it are polite and friendly. They are happy to answer yourquestions. So

40、it sa really good place to go to.听力材料一、听力理解 (共 20 小题, 1-10 每小题 1 分, 11-20 每小题 2 分,共 30 分)1-5 BBBAC6 -10 BBBBC二、单项选择21-25 DCCBC26-30 CABDD三、完形填空37-41 CABAD42-46 BCAAA四、阅读理解47-50 ACBB51-55 BDBDC、听力31-36 CBABBD56-60 DDDCD五、单词拼写11-15 BCABB 16 -20 CBACA61.hungry 62.change 63.health64.enough 65.countries6

41、6.popular 67.quietA. 听对话,根据所提问题选择正确答案。1. M: Would you like to go dancing with me?W: Yes, I d love to.2. M: What do we need to buy, Mum?W: We need some tomatoes and carrots.3. M: Good morning, Mum.W: Good morning. It s time to get up, or you ll be late for school.4. M: Hello, Mary. What are you doing

42、 now?W: Hello, Tom. I m lying on the bed. I m too tired after shopping.5. M: Excuse me. May I borrow this book?W: Sure, you can keep it for two weeks.6. M: What are your parents?W: My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor.7. M: What s in your pencilcasSe,andy?W: There are 7 pencils and 4 pens in it.8. M: What s the bag made of?W: It s made of leather.


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