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1、会计学1第一页,共25页。Robinrobota talking robot会说话会说话(shu hu)的机器人的机器人第1页/共24页第二页,共25页。science museumpost office book store cinema hospitalWhere is the cinema?Its next to the bookstore.第2页/共24页第三页,共25页。-Its _ the _.near post office- Where is the science museum? near 在附近(fjn)第3页/共24页第四页,共25页。- Its _ the _.next

2、 tobookstore- Where is the hospital? next to 紧挨着,在旁边(pngbin)第4页/共24页第五页,共25页。behind- Its _ the _.post office- Where is the cinema?behind在的后面(hu mian) 第5页/共24页第六页,共25页。- Its _ the _.in front of cinema- Where is the science museum? in front of在的前面(qin mian)第6页/共24页第七页,共25页。 bookstorelibraryThere is a/

3、an in my city.- Where is it?- Its near/ next to/ behind/ in front of the _. (某地(mu d)/某时)有第7页/共24页第八页,共25页。science museumGo to the science museum, have a book.Go to the science museum, have a book.第8页/共24页第九页,共25页。What a great museum!The Palace Museum(这是一个这是一个(y ) 多么伟大的博物馆啊多么伟大的博物馆啊!第9页/共24页第十页,共25页

4、。What a great museum!What a tall boy! 多么多么(du me)高的男孩啊高的男孩啊!The Dinosaur Museum第10页/共24页第十一页,共25页。 museum shopGo to the museum shop ,Go to the museum shop ,buy buy a postcard.a postcard.买买博物馆商店(shngdin)第11页/共24页第十二页,共25页。postcardpostcardbuy a postcard buy a postcard 买明信片买明信片第12页/共24页第十三页,共25页。bookst

5、oreGo to the bookstore,Go to the bookstore,buybuy a book/postcard. a book/postcard.第13页/共24页第十四页,共25页。post officesend the postcard寄寄明信片明信片第14页/共24页第十五页,共25页。 Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick.Where are they? In the museum. In the bookstore.2.Is Grandpa there? Yes, he is.

6、 No, he isnt.第15页/共24页第十六页,共25页。第16页/共24页第十七页,共25页。 want to 想想(做某事做某事) 我不知道我不知道(zh do)。我去问问。我去问问。第17页/共24页第十八页,共25页。 Where is the museum shop?I want to_.Its near the door.Where is the post office?I want to_.Its next to the museum.buy a postcardsend the postcard第18页/共24页第十九页,共25页。park library zoo pos

7、t officeschool museum 第19页/共24页第二十页,共25页。 bookstore schoolThere is a/an in my city.- Where is it?- Its near/ next to/ behind/ in front of the _.第20页/共24页第二十一页,共25页。 bookstorelibraryThere is a/an in my city.- Where is it?- Its near/ next to/ behind/ in front of the _.Is there a cinema in your city?Ye

8、s, there is./No, there isnt.第21页/共24页第二十二页,共25页。 bookstorelibraryThere is a/an in my city.- Where is it?- Its near/ next to/ behind/ in front of the _.Is there a KFC in your city?Yes, there is./No, there isnt.第22页/共24页第二十三页,共25页。第23页/共24页第二十四页,共25页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结会计学。next to 紧挨着,在。There is a/an。buy a book/postcard.。som


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