



1、三年纪【上】Unit 1 - Unit 6【P1-P26】口语:2- Who are you? / Whats your name?Im May. / My name is Mary.3- Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.4Are you May?5 Who s he? / Whos she?He s my father. / Shes my mother.6 How are you?Im fine. Thank you. / Im ok, tha nks.7 Thank you. / Thanks. re welcome.三年级【上】Unit 7

2、- Unit 12单词:单词:apple,banana,woma n,cup,friend,flower,bag,cap,book, cat, cake, dog,boy, girl,man.duck,hen, egg,elephant,frog,【家庭成员】:family,me,mother/mum,father/dad,grandmother,grandfather,brother,sister,cousin,uncle,aunthappy,hat, hot,kite,mango,moon,grass,【身体部位】:head,neck,hair,ear,eye,nose,tooth(tee

3、th),mouth,face,arm,hand,leg,foot(feet),【动物】:pig, fish,cow,hen,duck, mouse(mice),cat,Hello. / Hi. / Good morni ng./ Good after noon.Good eve ning.Yes, I am. / No, Im not.YouP27-P42】三年纪【上】Unit 1 - Unit 6【P1-P26】dog,elepha nt,chick,lion,frog,bird,mon key,goat,【学习用品】eraser,pen cil-box,pen,pen cil,book,r

4、uler【工作】:teacher,postma n,nu rse,soldier,doctor,driver,policema n,policewoma n,firema n,pupil,口语:1Is he a teacher? / Is she a nu rse? Yes, he is. / No, he isn.2- Whathe? / Whatshe?- He sa fireman./ Shea teacher.3- Whatthis? This is a nose.三年级【下】Unit 1 - Unit 6【P1-P26】单词:banana,no odles,oran ge,box,

5、pear, rabbit,rat, sun,sea【数字】:nu mber,zero, one,two, three, four,five, six,seven,eight,nine, ten,eleve n,twelve,thirtee n,fourtee n,fifteen,sixtee n,eightee n,nin eteen,twenty【颜色】:white, black,red,pink, blue,gree n,yellow,口语:1 How are you? Im fine. Thank you. How about you? Im not well.2- What s you

6、r n umber? My nu mber is seve n. How old are you?m six.4- Whatthe time?- It Sseven o clock. / Ithalf past seven.5How many pens are there? Fourtee n pens.6- What color/colour is this ballo n? Itblue.7I don tknow.三年级【下】Unit 7 - Unit 12【P27-P42】单词:drink,cup, chopsticks,bowl, plate, food,TV, teleph one,

7、upwin dow,watch,wall,taxi, fox, yo-yo, zoo,zebra,【水果】:apple,banana,pear,oran ge,man go,lem on,pin eapple,【天气】:sunny,rainy,hot, warm, cold,win dy,cloudy,snowy【服装】:dress,T-shirt,shorts, trousers, coat,shirt,【交通工具】:on foot, by bus, by car, by bike, by train, by ship, by pla ne口语:This isn tmy food.- It this mango? Yes, it is. / No, it isn3- Whatthe weather like?- Itrai ny. / Itsunny, / Itwi ndy. /


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