



1、留美签证模拟情景对话场景一:student 1 and 3 students want to study abroad, just yesterday, they received offer from american colleges and universities, and now, the most important aspect is handled student visao学生1与学生3想出国留学,就在昨天,他们收到了来自 美国高校的offer,现在,最重要的环节就是办理留学签证。学生 1: yesterday i received from brown university

2、 and the university of san diego offero在昨天我收到了布朗大学和圣地亚哥大学的offer学生 2: oh, really? congratulation噢,真的吗?恭喜学生 1: yes ,thank you, and you? are also received offer?是的,谢谢。你呢?是 否也收到了 offer?学生 2: yes, i received only one school, that is bost on college, which school are you going to choose it?是的,我只收到了一所学校的,就

3、是波士顿学院的,你打算选择 哪所学校呢?学生1: university of san diego圣地亚哥大学学生 2: together we can study in the united states over the。那不错,我们可以一 起留美了学生 yeah, then we can go to apply for a visa, that's great 啊,对呀,那我们可以 一起去办理签证了,太好了学生2: oh, yes, but we do not understand ah visas.噢,是的,但是我们对签证的 办理都不了解啊学生 1: it does not ma

4、tter ah, i heard that in the united states embassy visa office for advice, tomorrow we go to con suit it and see what materials n eed to be prepared.没 关系啊,听说在美国领使馆有签证办理咨询处,明天我们一起去咨询一下吧,看 看需要准备些什么材料。学生 2: good idea, then, see you tomorrow?好主意,那,明天见?学生 1: see you tomorrow.明天见场景二:美国领使馆门口学生 1: sorry, tr

5、affic jams, so late.抱歉,堵车了,所以迟到了学生 2: it does not matter, it's early, we went to consult it.没关系,现在还早,我们 进去咨询吧学生1: 0kj: hello, good morning, what can i help you ?学生 1: hello, yes, we would like to know the process of visa to study abroad.您好, 是这样的,我们想了解一下出国留学办理签证的流程j: you are abroad it?你们是出国留学吗?学生

6、2:yes.是的j: study abroad, then you need to apply for fl visa type, you have received u.s. colleges and universities offer it?岀国留学的话你们需要办理fl类型的签证,你们 有收到美国高校的offer吗?学生2: yes, received, a few days ago.是的,收到了,就在前几天学生 1: so, we need to apply for fl what conditions?那么,我们办理 fl 需要些什 么条件呢?j: do you have schoo

7、l admission letter, it received an 120 form, right?你们有学校的 录取信,就有收到一张120表格吧?学生yes是的学牛 2: now the school also wrote a letter of recommendation for us.我彳门现在的学 校还写了推荐信j: oh, is it? it would be better to do, you need to embassies material as long as ack no wledgme nt of receipt form ds160 page, sevis fee

8、 con firmatio n page, passport, visa photos, and visa application fees, trarescripts and admission letters originals 哦, 是吗?那就更好办了,你们需要交给大使馆的材料只要ds160表格确认页,sevis fee确认页,护照,签证照片以及签证申请费的收据,成绩单和录取信件的原件 学生 1: what's the mean of sevis fee ?是什么?j: is the stude nt and exchange visitor i nformatio n syst

9、em, through the in ter net for f visa holders and their families tracking system.就是学生和交流访问学者信息系统, 是通过互联网对f类签证持有人及家属进行追踪的系统。学生 2: oh, ah, that the visa application fee is about how much is it?哦,这样啊, 那签证申请费大概是多少呢?j: gen erally fluctuate in $ 200, you can use a credit card swipe. the main thing is you

10、fill ds160 120 forms and materials ready to be true and complete.般在 200 美元上 下浮动,可以使用信用卡刷卡的。最主要的是你们120表格和ds160的填写,准 备的材料要真实完整。学生 1: oh, understand. so need a visa interview appointment?哦,这个明口。那 么办理签证面谈需要预约吗?j: need to make an appointment in advance.需要的,是要提前预约的。学生2: that at the time when the visa is b

11、etter?那在什么时候办理签证时间比较 好?j: recommendations from the school signed in a few months ahead of time to avoid the peak time of appointment signed in difficult situations they sign or refused .建议 距开学时间提前儿刀面签,以避免高峰期面签时间预纟?困难,或拒签再签的情况 j: you taken the sat and toefl yet?你们考过 sat 和托福了 吗? 学生 1、2: yes, after the

12、 test early 考过了的j: awesome, what is unclear?真棒,那还有什么不清楚的吗?学生 1: basic understandings 基本了解了学生 2: we will go to other internet queries, thank you 其他的我们会去上网查询 的,谢谢j: you're welcome, i wish you a successful visa。不客气,祝你们签证顺利 学生1> 2: thanks.谢谢场景三:学牛 1: hello, missohere to in terview the stude nt vi

13、sa, this is my visainformation这是我的签证资料签证官a:(拿起资料很仔细的看起來,一分多种后m) how many schools have you applied? how many of them accept you?学生 1: three have two univisities accept me.but i choose one, university of san diego签证官 a : why do you want to study in usa?学生 1: the education of usa be good for mejt can i

14、mprove my abilty签证官 a: what's your plan after graduation?学牛 1:1 will come back to china.签证官 a: why do you have to be home?学生 l:pare nts at home, they are my sponsors, i n eed to do when the obligati on of the children.父母在国内,他们是我的资助人,我需耍尽当子女的义务签证官 a: who will offer you the money? if the school gi

15、ve you financial aid and scholarships? how much? your salary in come, monthly income, annual in come?学校 是否给你财政资助和奖学金?多少?你的工资收入情况,月收入,年收入? 学生 1 : my parents.andl have got the funding of the univistybecause i am a stude nt, so there is no in come, but an annual stipend of $ 3,000签证官 a: your study abro

16、ad whether to give the family burden and difficulties?你的 留学是否给家庭造成负担和困难?学生 1: not, parents several years ago already in preparation for a side of things否, 父母几年前就已经在筹备着方面的事情了。签证官a:你父母都在哪里工作? what is your parents' job?学生 l:my father is the manager of the art and design construction company in fuji

17、an,he is the owner of the company.签证官a : what is your study plan in u.s.你到美国有什么打算?学生1:first, i will study ianguage, then i will study the business subject, i will try my best to i ear n known lege, and retur n to china to help my pare nts busi ness首先我先会到ashland大学读好语言,然后修读商务这个专业,我会勤奋的读 书,掌握知识和本领,然后回国

18、报效祖国,接爸爸妈妈的班。签证官 a: very good, you're good, you go through the visa interview场景四:学生 2:sir this is my visa information.签证官 2:are you going to study in usa?学生 2:yes. i will pursue phd degree in mecha nical engin eeri ng in bost on college 签证官2:你中请了儿所学校?是谁为你中请的?how many universities have you applie

19、d? who applied for you?学生 2: 本人 myself , i applied three schools, chose a school that boston college 签证官 2:how do you know this university?学生2:我在美国找了三所学校,这是其中的一所,我同学也和我特别推介这所, 经过我上网看了这所学校的资料。我感觉他的专业在美国是很有名的,我选择了 这所学校。i find three universities in u.s. this is one of it. my classmate recommended me. i

20、 we nt to the inter net and read the in structi on of the un iversity, the university is very fam ous in business, so i choose this university.签证官 2: how long have you prepared for gre? did you cheat?学生 2: only six months, sir.(吞吞吐吐的)but i think i can be a good english expressi on签证官 2: how long will you study in usa?学生2:about five years. i will study hard to get my phd as early as possible签证官 2 : what do you want to study in usa?学生 2: mechanical engineering, my favorite and former


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