



1、题间备 课时主学习冃标程 过 学 导预毒eit 病eus 拔、拠hisc 尖屯 eus 购拿钱 问to 诃,用 1 几掉零 仃en 卩 hrle 证卸 沽dn險良aithe :上-a改sffat 舸理-少助>m 审真到至帮修2.11)习7 72 3展示创设情境探讨交流3. 再读课文,完成句子。1) if he tells his father about the computer,.2) if he offers to pay 3) if he tells his father the truth ,.4) if he doesn use his pocket money,5) if h

2、e offers to do some jobs or help his father,4. number the sentences according to the problem passage.()he asked to play it on my father *s compute匚()when we finished playing the game,we took it off the computer.()so we copied it onto the computer ()now i feel terrible.should i tell him about the com

3、puter game?()last week, my friend da wei brought a new computer game .()i didn't tell him about the computer game()we decided to try da wei's game.()when my dad used the computer last night,the computer wasn't working because it had a virus.达标训练i短语岀廡:,箱毛病不在家决定做某事脱掉,卸掉相当确信有病毒主动提出做某事犯错误至少讲

4、实话与某人生气毕竟帮助做修电脑把复制到零花钱ii.阅读理解:now satellites are helping to forecast (预扌艮)the weather. they are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. the satellites take photos of the atmosphere (大气层),because the weather forms there. they send these photos to the weather stations. so scientists can se

5、e the weather of any part of the world. from the photos, the scientists can often say how the weather will changetoday, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite photos when they receive new photos, the scientists compare them with earlier ones perhaps they may find t

6、hat the clouds have changed during the last few hours this may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. in their next weather forecast, the scientists can say thisthe weather satellites are also used for other work. so satellites are a great help to the scientists before satellites

7、were invented, the scientists could forecast for about 24 or 48 hours now they can make good forecast for three or five days soon, perhaps, they will be able to forecast the weather for a week or nore ahead (向前).()1.scientists can see the weather of anv part of the world bva. the weather stations b.

8、 satellite photos c the photos of the world d. weather report()2 whv do the satellites take photos of the atmosphere? becausea. there are many cloudsb there is a weather stationc the weather forms (形成)thered. it is very high()3 when the scientists find new satellite photos quitedifferent from earlie

9、r ones, they know.a the weather will changeb. satellites are helping to forecast the weatherc. the weather will be the samed. something is wrong with satellites()4. the scientists could forecast the weather forbefore satellites were inventeda. about a day or two b two or three days c. about a week d

10、. more than a week()5. which is the best title (题目)for the passage?a. satellite photos.b. weather report.c. weather stations. d. weather satellites.第二课时学习目标:1) help the students to retell the story.2) to write a story about how a mobile phone saved someone's life.导学过程预 习展示1语言点导学:1) but my father

11、 has warned me not to use his computer for playing games because he uses for his iob warn警告 警告某人某事 .警告某人(不)要做某事 警告某人不要做某事 警告(某人)某事。我给你说了有危险,不是吗? i warned youthe danger, didn * t i ?医生警告人们不要吸烟。doctor warned peoplesmoke.他们告诫他不耍在那条河里游泳。thev warned himswimming in the river.气象台预报有暴风雨来临。the weather statio

12、n warneda storm was coming. use sth for sthwe can use our computersour homework.use sth for doing sth= we can use our computersour homework.=use sth to do sth= we can use our computersour homework.2) we copied it onto the computer.copy sth onto sth 把复制到.steveda wei's gamehis father's compute

13、r.3) you must tell him immediately.immediately = at once4) if you tell him the truth ,he'll be angry with you.if +肯定句,+主句=祈使句,and +简单句if you keep working hard every day, you will get good marks.=work hard, and you will get good marks.if you read english every morning, you will improve your engli

14、sh.if +否定句,+主句二祈使句,or+简单句if you don't hurry up, you will miss the early bus. = hurry up, or you will miss the early bus.if you donft work hard, you will fail the exam.5) but at least you'll prove how honest you are. prove+sth证明某事那位科学家最终证实了那个事实。the scientist finallythe fact. prove+that 从句.the

15、 factthat his statement was true.事实证明他的说法是正确的。 prove+ 宾语 + to be. hehimself (to be) honest.他证明白己诚实。6) he should tell his father to mend the computer.fix, mend, repair的区别:修理,修补,有时可以通用,但也有区别。 repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵 的东西恢复其形状或功能。who hasthe broken leg of the table?谁把桌子的断腿修好了 ? mend的意

16、思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针线来缝补),一般指较小之物。this shirt is too old to .这件衣服太旧不能补了。fix需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来。美国口语can you the broken chair?你能修理那把坏了的椅子吗?7) be angry at +名词 对某人的言行感到生气be angry with+某人生某人的气be angry about+名词或名词化的动名词(对感到气愤)angry at sth与angry about sth的区别:angry at指在事情发牛时很气愤;而angry about则指在 事

17、情发生后已一段吋间仍很气愤;be (get) angry with sb生某人的气don'tme for not having written.另u因为我没有写信而生我的气。the professor was angry john for cheating in the exam.the old woman often gets trivial things.老太太常因琐屑事发火.he was angry being kept waiting.他很生气一直等候。8) problem / question 问题problem指忧话者认为难以解决的问题,solve/settle the p

18、roblem, ask/ answer the questions. the is difficult to be sovle.这个问题很难解决。 may i ask you some ?我可以问彳尔一些问题吗? problem数学或物理的习题,question可表示一件“与有关的事”。 can you work out this maths ? it's a of money/time.这是一个与金钱|时间有关的问题。当指需要讨论或解决的问题吋,problem与question可以互换。we are going to talk about several ( ) at the meeting.2预习疑问:通过预习,你还有那些疑问呢?课堂活动:探讨交流wh


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