



1、1初中英语代词专项练习、按要求写出下列代词的形式1. This is(my / I)mother.3.(He / His)name is Mark.5. Excuse(me / my / I).7.(I/ My)am Ben.9. Fine , thank(your / you)三、用所给代词的正确形式填空2. Nice to meet(your / you).4. Whats(she / her)name?6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?8.(She / Her)is my sister.10. How old is(he / his)?1. These are_ ( h

2、e ) brothers.2. That is_ ( she ) sister.3. Lily is_ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is_ ( me ) cous in, Mary.5. Now_ (her pare nt) are in America.6. Those_ ( child ) are_ ( I ) fathers students.7. Do you know_ ( it ) n ame?8. Mike and Tom_( be ) frie nds.9. Tha nks for help ing_( I ).10. _(Ann)m other

3、is_ (we) teacher.四、 填上正确的人称代词和物主代词1. _一is my frie nd.他是我的朋友。2. My dog likes_ _.我的狗喜欢她。3. Who is there? Its_ .是谁啊?是我。4. Come with_.跟我来。5. _ _ classroom is bigger than _ _ .你们的教室比我们的要大。6. _ are Chi nese.我们是中国人。7.1 want to buy some ballo ons for _.我想买些气球送给他。8. These are_r_ photos.这些是我们的照片9. You may com

4、e to my house _ _ this week_ next week.10. _ _ like _=_ very much.他们非常喜欢它。11. Let_ _ give _ _ a book.让我给你一本书。五、用物指代词填空1. I own(拥有)that cat; that cat is _一.2. You own that cat: that cat is_ _ .3. He owns that cat; that cat is _ .4. She owns that cat; that cat is_ _ _ .5. They own that cat; that cat i

5、s _ _六、根据给出的汉语,用恰当的形式填空。1._(她)is a student. _ (她)sister is a student too.1、I(宾格)_4、they(宾格)7、it(宾格)_10、we(单数)13、him(复数)2、us(主格)_.5、she(宾格)_8、my(复数)_11、I(反身代词)14、she(反身代词)16、he(反身代词)_17、it(反身代词) _:、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。3、he(形容词性物主代词)_6、you(名词性物主代词)_9、you(反身代词)_12、he(形容词性物主代词)_15、they(名词性物主代词)_18、they(反

6、身代词)_22. _ (我)want_ (你)to do it today.3. _ (他)twin brother is a worker. _ (他们)are twins.4. _ (你们)are from England._ (我们)are from China.5. All of _ (我们)love _ (我们)teachers.6. This is_ (我)book. That is _ (你).7. These pens are_ (他们)._ (你们)are over there.8. Can _ (你)read it for _ (我们).七、单项选择题()1.You may

7、 come to my house_this week_next week.A .n either; or B .from; toC .either;or D. either; nor()2.1 dont think we can do it all_ .A. by ourselves B. by myselfC. by ourselfD .by yourselves()3.1 dont want this shirt. Please show me_.A .others B .the others C .ano therD .the other()4.1 cant repair the mo

8、del ship_ . Can you help_ ?A .me; me B. myself myself C .myself me D. me myself()5.Does your brother often wash clothes_ ?A. he B .himself C. herself D .him()6. We study Chin ese, En glish , maths and some_subjects.A .the other B. one C .other D .ano ther()7.1 have two sisters._ of them are doctors.

9、A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither()8.The book on the shelf is_. She wrote_ n ame on its cover.A .Hers; her herself B. Her; hers; herself C. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself()9. Dont worry . Theres_ much wrong with you. said the doctor.A. nothing B .everyth ingC. someth ing D .very()10.T

10、hese shoes are too small. You may buy some_shoes.A .ano ther B .other C .the .others D. others()11.1 asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but_ of them came .A .ano therB. other C .the others D .others()12.They are_ the same size , so you may take_ half of the cake.A. at; each B. in; bo

11、th C .at; n eitherD .in; either()13.Betty and Joh n have come back , but_stude nts in the class arent here yet.A. the other B others C. ano ther D. the others()14.Your mother is kindn ess_.A .itself B. herself C.o neself D .himself()15.She stayed there Ion ger tha n_.A. anyone B .anything else C. an

12、 ybodyD .an ybody else()16.-ls this her bike? - No, it is nt. Its_ .A. mine B. my C. me D. hes()17._Li Pin gs brother.A. Her B. His C. Hes D. Shes()18.He is a boy._ n ame is Wang Bi ng.A. He B. His C. Her D. Hes()19.-Whats this? - _ .3A. Its a bread B. It is a bread C. Its bread D. Thiss bread()2O.T

13、he bowls are on the table .There are some eggs in_ .A. the B. them C. it D. he()21.Lethave a meeting .A. me B. you C. Us D. me()22. Mother ofte n sees _ on Sun day .A. her all friends B. all her friend C. her friends D. her all friend.()23.When you see Tom and his sister , tell_ that_ mother is wait

14、ing at the gate.A. his his B. her; hers C. them their D. his her()24.He wants you to talk_about China.A .anything B .nothing C. thi ng D .someth ing()25.Granny seems ill . Are you sure its _ ?A .nothing serious B. anything serious C. serious nothing D. serious anything ()26. Look at.A.himB. heC. his

15、()27. I driveto the park every dayA.theyB.theirC. them()28. IloveA.sheB.herC. hers()29. Do you know _ ?A. IB. my C. me()30. I am _ son.A. they B. their C. them()31. This is not_desk. My desk is over there.A. IB. my C. me()32.Can you spell_ n ame, Harry?Sorry.A. you B. your C. yours()33. Tom and Jack

16、 are brothers. This is_ room.A. they B. them C. their()34. We are in the same class._ classroom is very nice.A. Our B. my C. ours()35.-Colin,whats this in English?-_ .A.This is a penB.Its a penC.Its pen()36. My father is a teacher.pho ne number is 546807.A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her()37.n ame is Tony and

17、n ame is Lucy.A. Her, hisB. His, her C.Her, herD. His, his()38.Whats your car nu mber?一665488.A. ImB. I amC. ItsD. My car()39. Is your n ame Brow n?A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, I am.C. Yes, Im.D. No, Im no()40. This is notwatch. I think itswatch.A. you, heB. she, myC.his, herD. me, his()41. It isA. penB. m

18、y a penC. a my penD. my pen()42. Is thisEn glish car?4A. youB. IC. yourD. a()43.Whats this in English?_a pencil case.A. Thiss B. This is C. Its D. Its()44.Is this her baseball?_.A. Yes, it isn B.tNo, it is C. Yes, it is D. No, she isn t()45 This is _ teacher, Mr Green.A. I B. my C. me D. we()46 _ ar

19、e my books. Those are _ books.A. It, my B. It, your C. These, you D. These, your()47._ are my good friend.A. Your B. He C. They D. You_()48._ classroom is big.A. we B. us C. Our()49._are good stude nts.A. I and Tony B. Tony and I C. Me and Tony D. Tony and me()50. _ is my anut and_is her uncle.A. He

20、, she B. It, she C. He, itD. She, he()51._ name is Mary , _ name is Jim.A. My, her B. I, his C.She, her D. Her, his()52. This is my book, and that is _ book.A. he B. him C. his D. hes()53. -Is Guo Peng your brother? -_ .A.Yes, he is B. Yes, she is C. No, he is D. No, she isnt()54.They dont have_colour pen cils, but I have_.A. some; some B. any some C. some; any D. no; some()55.Is this your bike?No, it is_ ._is red.A. her; HisB. his; Her C. mi ne; Her D. hers; Mine()56.Kate gives_ some books, but I must give_back soon.A. I; it B. me; them C. my; they D. m


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