



1、美国大学工业设计(id)专业作品集要求申请美国大学艺术类专业的学生中,工业设计也是很多人比较喜欢的分支,作为fine art的分支学科,industrial design(id)较一般的专业申请,还多了一项特殊要求-作品 集,越是顶尖的名校,作詁集的要求自然也就越高,在进入主题之前,我们先来认识卜工业 设计。先看维基百科的定义:wikipedia: tndustrial design is a process of design applied to products that are to be manufactured through techniques of mass producti

2、on. its key characteristic is that design is separated from manufacture: the creative act of determining and defining a product"s form takes place in advance of the physical act of making a product, which consists purely of repeated, often automated, replication. this distinguishes industrial d

3、esign from craft-based design, where the form of the product is determined by the product,s creator at the time of its creation.简而言之:工业设计是一种运用大规模牛产技术来生产新产品的设计过程。核心特质是 设计和生产分开,是一种创作行为,作为产品设计者,在产品成型之前就要对其外观和其他 功能进行设计,之后便进行人规模生产。这是比较不同于工艺品设计的一点,工艺品的外观 形式是设计者在创作时决定。再看看美国各大学对申请1d专业的作品集要求(其中儿所为代表):罗德岛设计学院

4、(rhode island school of design)数量:12-20幅近期作品(要求可以全面体现学牛想法、兴趣、经丿力以及能力)种类:2幅drawing作品(定题)题冃1.直接观察并画一辆自行车或是室内空间(directly observe and draw a bi cycle or an interior space.)题目2.(二选一)a. 创造一种绘图工具,并使用这种工具作画,将原件寄给我们,同时通过slideroom 上传图片。b. 创作一幅可以表达声音、光线、动作或是时间的作品。篇幅:40*50 厘米大小的白纸上完成-a sheet of white paper meas

5、uring 16x 20" (40 cm x 50 cm)«表现形式:题目一要求使用铅笔或是炭笔创作(this drawing must be done using either graphite pencil or charcoal.);题目二要求使用铅笔,干性、水性、或者混合绘画工具, 不能使用油性工具和拼贴画(use graphite pencil or any dry (fixable) medium, a water based medi urn (such as ink, watercolor or gouache) or a combi nation. do

6、not use any oil-based medium or collage)提交方式:电了作品通过slideroom ±传(drwaing作品要求邮寄原件,不能是复制品; 要求将作品对折两次到大小为20*25理米大小,同吋在背而写上自己的全名、岀纶日期和地 址。)写作范本(writing sample): n/a(去年要求1篇,ca主文书除外)卡内基梅隆大学(carnegie mellon university)数量:15-20幅种类:drawings/2-d and 3d design/color work/paintings/3d work/digital work/inve

7、ntions/supplomental work/a sketchbook, which counts as one item, is strongly recommended.篇幅:n/a表现形式:精心挑选和整理作品集,用作品集讲故事(tell a story arrange your portfolio to tell a story about who you are. select projects that show a range of media and subject matter, while still emphasizing your strongest work. tr

8、y to strike a balance between final work and process work (that is, work that leads to the final version.)捉交方式:slideroom写作范木(writing sample): n/a普瑞特艺术学院(pratt institute)数量:12-20幅种类:visual portfolio(包括3-5幅视觉绘画作品,如风景画、静物、肖像画、肢体 绘画和室内绘画作品)篇幅:n/a表现形式:包括绘画、素描、雕塑和陶瓷在内的任何作站形式提交方式:slideroom写作范本(writing samp

9、le): n/a(单独网申系统)北卡罗来纳州立大学(north carolina state university)数量:10幅种类:electronic portfolio篇幅:不超过15页纸,大小为11" x 14",格式为8 1/2" x 11"。(not exceed 15 pages and 11" x 14" in size, the 8 1/2" x 11" format)表现形式:要求将作站集做成小册子,整合到-起提交;学校不仅看重作品的质量,还 重视作品集的形式和整体包装。另外,作品可以是复制品(

10、reproductions),但是数虽要少。提交方式:只能邮寄写作范本(writing sample): n/a雪城人学(syracuse university)数量:10-20幅种类:images篇幅:n/a表现形式:建议展现不同形式与风格的作品,设计专业建议提供设计类、排印、纺织品、 透视图、时装画、产品以及家具类作品(should consist of a variety of media and approaches, include examples of dosign, typography, textiles, perspective, fashion drawings, pro

11、duct, and furniture for design programs.)提交方式:slideroom写作范本(writing sample):三选一(不超过300单词)1. statement of interest - why you are applying to this particular program of study2. arti st/dcsig nor s tateme nt - a go noral in troduction of your work as a n artist or designer, why you chose particular sub

12、ject matter, why you work in a certain medium, etc.3. identify one piece in your portfolio that you are most passionate about and tell us the story behind it)总的來说,作品集的数量要求一般为10-20幅;在篇幅和表现形式上面,有些学校对绘画 工具和作品人小要求有特殊要求,如risd和nc-state。其他学校无明确要求,种类上可适 当多样化,同时满足design专业的特殊要求,如syracuse。同时,cmu有明确提到使用作 品集“讲故事

13、”,这说明学生不仅要考虑到作品的丰富性,同时要兼顾风格和内涵的一致 性;nc-state有特别捉到作胡集的捉交形式(要做成册子,而不是单页提交)。注意学校对细 节的耍求;writing sample方面,有的学校耍求,有的学校只在特定的专业下面要求,比 如说雪城大学,写作内容一般为描述作品、创作灵感、作品想要表达的内涵等,但rtsd今 年不要求单独的 writing sample,去年要求一篇:choose a visual artist or designer, past or present, who interests you and tell us what might happen if you had a chance to ask him/her three questions. what questions woul


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