1、TITLE : Corporate Procedure for Material Handling at Store Department仓库物料处理之管制程序Document No.: PR20003Rev. No. :A00Page 1 of 10Revision HistoryREVDCN #INITIATEDBYEFFECTIVEDATE (MM/DD/YY)DESCRIPTIONA00D142526WilliamMagramo6/16/14Initial ReleaseApproved DCN on File in Document ControlAPPROVED BYMotoaki
2、 WakuiAUTHORIZED BYSK LamCONFIDENTIALPROPERTY OF ZHONGSHAN SUNMING OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITEDThis document, and the information it contains, are the property of Zhong shan Sunming Optical Technologies Limited and are protected by law. Both must be held in strict confidence at all times.No license
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4、uage, in any form or by any means, whatsoever, without the prior written consent ofZhongshan Sunming Optical Technologies Limited.?2014 ZHONGSHAN SUNMING OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITEDALL RIGHTS RESERVED(Any hard copy print out of this document is uncontrolled unless it bears DCC red controlled stamp)
5、TITLE: Corporate Procedure for Material Handling atD0c. NO.PR20003Store DepartmentREVISIONA00物料处理及仓库程序PAGE ± 2F !£1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 To establish a procedure of handling, storage, packaging, protection and delivery, which includes receiving & dispatching of equipments, parts, raw materi
6、als, materials and finished goods from SUNMING store.建立SUNMING仓库物料处理,储存,包装,防护和交付的程序,包括设备,部件,原材料, 和成品的接收和分发。2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 This procedure applies for equipments, raw materials, & finished goods needed to support the SUNMING internal team and customer requirements.本程序适用于SUNMING内部需求的设备,原材料,以及成品和客户
7、的要求。3.0 DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS 定义和缩写3.1 Material 物料“Material “ here is defined as all tangible objects. Material can be segregated into the broad categories:物料在这里被定义为所有有形的物品。物料可广泛分为如下类别:3.1.1 Direct Materials - parts that are applied directly in the manufacture of a product and can be alloc
8、ated in terms of cost to a product .直接物料-被直接应用在产品制造和被分派到产品成本中的材料。3.1.2 Indirect Materials -All non-direct parts such as shipping supplies, operating supplies, and etc.间接物料-所有非直接物料,如支持运输物,操作物等等。3.2 Delivery Order 交货单Document used by the suppliers / freight forwarders to confirm the delivery and recei
9、pts of materials.被供应商/货运商用来核对交付期及收据的证明文件。3.3 Purchase Order 定购单Document used by the purchasing Department as legal for the purchase of materials.被采购部用于物料采购的合法证明文件。3.4 Airway Bill / Bills of lading : 航运收据/ 提货单Documents used by the shipping lines and airlines for the purpose of conveying cargoes from
10、the consignors to the consignee.被船运公司和航空公司用于从寄件方到收件方运输货物的证明文件。3.5 Receiving Discrepancy Report:验收不符报告Document used by the SUNMING store for the purpose of informing the data discrepancy of material to vendor.被SUNMING仓库用于提供给供应商物料数据存在差异的证明文件。3.6 Invoice 发票Document used by the suppliers for the purpose
11、 of billing and shipping of materials to the buyer.被供应商用于提供给买方物料的收款和发货的证明文件。3.7 MRR: Materials Receiving Report物料验收单 /入库单3.8 MIR: Material Issuing Report物料领收单 /出库单4.0 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS相关文件4.1 DRAFT5.0 RESPONS旧ILITY 职责5.1 It is the responsibility of Store Department to ensure that all raw material
12、s, and finished goods are properly received, stocked-up, packed, protected and recorded.仓库负责确保原材料,成品被合理接收,入库,包装,防护和记录。5.2 It is the responsibility of Store Department to monitor and control the release of material to internal team.仓库负责监控公司内部的物料发放。6.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS一般要求6.1 Receiving of Material
13、s:物料的接收6.1.1 Receiving of Direct Materials:直接物料接收6.1.1.1 Upon receipt of materials from the suppliers / freight forwarders, the receiving store personnel will proceed to check and verify all materials. The general conditions of the materials are reviewed. This is to ensure conformity to the Delivery
14、 Order, Invoice, Purchase Order, Airway Bill and / or Bills of lading.在接收来自于供应商/货运商的物料时,仓库人员需要检查和确认所有的物料。确认 物料的整体情况。确保和交货单,发票,订购单,航运收据和提货单一致。 Subsequently, the store personnel will prepare 3 copies of MRR, (MaterialsReceiving Report) refer to Attachment 1- Form PR_DRAFT_A. The MRR is distribu
15、ted to Account, Supplier and a copy kept by store.- MRR in White color will be kept by Store- MRR in Yellow color will be given to Supplier- MRR in Blue color will be provided to Account然后,仓库人员需准备3联物料验收单即入库单。(见附件1) 3联入库单分别由财务,供应商和仓库保留。- 白色联由仓库保留- 黄色联给供应商保留- 蓝色联提供给财务6.1.1.2 Accepted materials are tra
16、nsferred into store together with the MRR.允收物料同入库单一起入库。 The store personnel then send the "Blue" MRR to Account after inspection completion for processing of payment and material control.仓库人员在验收完后将蓝色联入库单交给财务便于付款处理和物料控制。 Record the accepted materials into the direct materials
17、stock list once a week.每周将允收直接物料记录到直接物料库存表。 Rejected materials are sent back to vendor immediately for replacement.不予接收的物料立即退回厂家予以调换。6.1.2 Receiving of Indirect Materials:间接物料接收6.1.2.1 Upon receipt of materials from the suppliers / freight forwards, the store receiving personnel will proceed
18、to check and verify all materials. The general condition for example, the expired date description and quantity of the materials are reviewed. This is to ensure conformity to the Delivery Order, Invoice, internal P. R./P .0., Airway Bill and / or Bills of Lading.在接收来自于供应商/货运商的物料之前,仓库人员需要检查确认所有的物料。核
19、查物料的整体情况,如物料的保质期的描述和数量。确保和交货单,发票,内部订 购需求/订购单,航运收据和提货单一致。 Subsequently, the store Receiving personnel authorizes receipt by preparing copies of MRR(refer to attachment 1). The MRR is distributed to Account, Supplier and a copy kept by store.-MRR in White color will be kept by Store-MRR in Yell
20、ow color will be given to Supplier-MRR in Blue color will be provided to Account 然后,仓库人员准备3联物料验收单(入库单)授权接收(见附件 1) 3联入库单分别由财务,供应商和仓库保留。?2014 ZHONGSHAN SUNMING OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITEDConfidential(Any hard copy print out of this document is uncontrolled unless it bears DCC red controlled stamp)TIT
21、LE: Corporate Procedure for Material Handling atD0c. NO.PR20003Store DepartmentREVISIONA00物料处理及仓库程序PAGE# _OF !£- 白色联由仓库保留- 黄色联给供应商保留- 蓝色联提供给财务6.1.2.3 Records the accepted material into the indirect material stock book. 记录接收的物料到间接物料库存表。6.1.2 Receiving of Work-In-Progress Materials( for example M
22、echanical parts):在制品物料接收(例如:结构件) Upon receipt of materials from the contracting suppliers, the store receiving personnel will proceed to check and verify all materials. The general condition, for example, part numbers, description and quantity of the materials are checked to ensure conformity
23、 to the delivery order.在接收供应商来料时,仓库人员需要检查和确认所有的物料。确认物料的整体情况, 如料号,描述和物料数量以确保和交货单一致。 Subsequently, the store personnel will prepare 3 copies of the Materials Receiving Report (refer to attachment 1) for each part number, which will be distributed to Account, Supplier and a copy kept by store.-
24、MRR in White color will be kept by Store- MRR in Yellow color will be given to Supplier- MRR in Blue color will be provided to Account然后,仓库人员要为各个料准备3张入库单。(见附件1)其中两联分别给财务和供应商,另一联留存仓库。- 白色联由仓库保留- 黄色联给供应商保留- 蓝色联提供给财务1.1.3.3 Accepted materials are transferred into store together with the MRR. 允收的物料和入库单一
25、起入库。 Records the accepted materials into the stock book.记录接收的物料到 库存表。6.2 Procedure of Storage 储存程序6.2.1 Storage of Direct Materials: 直接物料储存All direct material are stored in the reassigned rack location with the part numbers clearly stated on the rack according to the receiving label. All ESD
26、sensitive components are stored in ESD bag or in its vacuum sealed packaging and stored in a controlled environment area.所有的直接物料根据来料标贴清晰将料号标于物料架上并储放在指定的物料架位置。所有的易受静电损害的元器件需存放在静电袋或真空封装并储放在受控区域。6.2.2 Storage of Indirect Materials 间接物料储存All indirect materials such as flux, thinner, solder wire and epox
27、y are kept per manufacturer recommendation. These items which have shelf-life are stored according to the time frame and issued to production base on the nearest expire date. When the product exceed the expire date determined by the manufacturer, it will be removed from the shelf and disposed by lic
28、ense scrap contractor or to return to the respective vendor. 所有的间接物料如助熔剂, 稀释剂,焊条和环氧树脂依照生产厂家的建议进行存放。有保质期限的物料根据时限存储并将依照最近过期物料发放生产。如经生产商确认过期的物 料,将其撤移物料架交由报废授权商处理或交还相应供应商。6.2.3 Storage of Work- In - Progress material 在制品储存All materials received are to be stored in its original shipping condition.所有接收物料按
29、原始发货条件存放。6.3 Procedure of Issuing发料程序During issuing of material from store, the FIFO system are noted and carried out accordingly by the store supervisor.仓库发料始终贯彻先进先出准则并由仓库管理人贯彻执行。6.3.1 Direct Materials 直接物料All material can only be issued to the R&D, Engineering and Production team after it is a
30、pproved by their immediate supervisor. The requestor and their immediate supervisor must sign the MIR, ( Material Issuing Report) refer to Attachment 2- FormPR_DRAFT_B. Distribute to Account, and store will keep 2 copies, then requester will get one copy from store if need while they receive direct
31、materials.- MIR in White color will be kept by Store- MIR in Red color will be given to Account- MIR in Blue color will be provided to Requestor所有的物料只有在获得直属主管批准才可发料给研发人员,工程部和生产人员。申请人及其直属主管必须签署物料领收单即出库单(参见附件2)。出库单其中一联提交给财务,仓库保留两联。当物料申请人领取直接物料时有需要可以从仓库领取其中一联出库单。- 出库单白色联由仓库保留- 出库单红色联交给财务- 出库单蓝色联提供给申请人6
32、.3.2 Indirect Material:间接物料?2014 ZHONGSHAN SUNMING OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITEDConfidential(Any hard copy print out of this document is uncontrolled unless it bears DCC red controlled stamp)DOC. NO.REVISIONPAGETITLE: Corporate Procedure for Material Handling atStore Department物料处理及仓库程序PR20003A009 OF
33、 10All indirect material are to be issued according to the pre-determine quantity agreed by the requestor and the immediate supervisor. The requestor immediate supervisor will approve on the request forms.The MIR will be prepared and distributed to:- MIR in White color will be kept by Store- MIR in Red color will be given to Account- MIR in Blue color will be provided to Requestor申请人直属主管在申所有的间接物料遵照申请者及其直属主管协定申请的预定数量发放。请表上予以批准。备好出库单并分发如下:- 出库单白色联
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