1、 Packing-2012.4/9-2012.4/9杜邦定律 世界著名的杜邦公司通过周密的市场调查得出了著名的杜邦定律:63%的消费者是根据商品的包装和装潢进行购买决策的;到超市购物的家庭主妇,由于精美包装和装潢的吸引,所购物品通常超过她们出门时打算购买数量的45%。 可见包装是商品留给消费者的/第一印象0,它撞击着消费者购买与否的心理天平“优质的商品更需要有良好的包装与之相匹配,否则就会降低“身价”,削弱其市场竞争的能力。如贵州茅台酒改进包装后,在国际市场上的价格由原来的20美元上升为125美元。一:包装的分类按包装方法分 单件运输包装单件运输包装 集合运输包装集合运输包装木箱(木箱(Woo
2、den case)、)、包包(Bale)、桶、桶(Drum)、袋、袋(Bag)、瓶、瓶 (Bottle) 卷卷(Roll)、篓、篓(Basket)、盒、盒(Box)、坛(、坛(Jar)集集 装装 箱箱(Container)集集 装装 包包/袋(袋(flexible container)托托 盘盘(Pallet) A A集装包和集装袋集装包和集装袋 B B托盘托盘 C C集装箱集装箱 (PalletPallet)()(ContainerContainer) D D. .集装架集装架Collective packing(集合运输包装集合运输包装)包装及辅助材料air bubblefoam edge
3、 protectorsfoam cornerscartonrecycle poly bagWooden casecrate二:外包装(运输包装) 1. 运输标志(Shipping Mark) :又叫做唛头,通常由几何图形和一些文字、数字和字母组成,主要包括目的地名称、货物批号、件数号码等。 2. 指示用语(Indicative Mark): 提示人们(主要是搬运工人和管理人员)产品的属性和如何正确操作。 3. 警示用语(Warning Mark): 又称危险标志,凡是在运输包装内装有危险货物的,都必须在运输包装上用危险品的标志用以警告。 外包装的句式特点外包装的句式特点: :多用单词或短语;多
4、用祈使句。多用单词或短语;多用祈使句。 e.g. Inflammable Solid ( (易燃固体)易燃固体) Handle with Care ( (小心轻放)小心轻放) 外包装用语翻译原则: 简洁醒目。 e.g. Not to be Stow Below Other Cargo 注意怕压 语气正式 e.g. Keep in a Cool Place 切勿受热1. A shipping mark 1. A shipping mark 唛头唛头 An exampleABCNew YorkNos. 1-60080MST-6997The consigneedestinationThe first
5、 one of the total 600 packagesThe contract number The total 600 packages Triangle-shaped shipping markTHIS WAY UP KEEP DRY FRAGILE2. Indicative marks2. Indicative marks指示标志指示标志 一、指示标志的翻译一、指示标志的翻译1 译为英语祈使句。译为英语祈使句。 keep away from heat 切勿受热切勿受热keep away from moisture;guard against damp 切勿受潮切勿受潮 protec
6、t against cold 切勿受冻切勿受冻keep dry 保持干燥保持干燥 stow away from boiler 勿近锅炉勿近锅炉 keep flat;stow level 注意平放注意平放 keep on deck 甲板装运甲板装运 opening darkroom 暗室开启暗室开启 keep in dry place 存放干处存放干处 sling here 由此吊起由此吊起open here 此处打开此处打开 handle with care 小心轻放小心轻放 use no hooks 勿用手钩勿用手钩 Dont turn over 切勿滚转切勿滚转Dont crush 切勿挤
7、压切勿挤压Dont drop 切勿摔扔切勿摔扔 Dont turn upside down 切勿倒置切勿倒置 2 译成译成 to be短语。短语。 To be protected from heat 切勿受热切勿受热 To be protected from cold 切勿受冻切勿受冻 Not to be laid flat 不可平放不可平放 Not to be stowed below another cargo 不可重叠不可重叠3 译成省略句。译成省略句。 No dumping 切勿抛掷切勿抛掷With care 小心谨慎小心谨慎 This end up 此端向上此端向上 Porcelai
8、n with care 当心瓷器当心瓷器 2.包装储运图示标志: GB19190包装储运图示标志 EXPLOSIVE INFLAMMABLE GAS POISON GASWarning marks(警示标志)(警示标志) 二、警示标志的翻译二、警示标志的翻译一般译成英语的单个形容词,如:一般译成英语的单个形容词,如:Perishable 易腐品易腐品 Fragile 易碎品易碎品 Explosive 易爆品易爆品 Inflammable 易燃易燃 Oxidizer 氧化品氧化品Radial 放射品放射品Dangerous 危险品危险品 Poisonous 有毒有毒 部分常用的出口包装容器:部分
9、常用的出口包装容器: Bag 袋;包袋;包 Carton 纸板箱纸板箱 Box 盒;箱盒;箱 Crate 板条箱板条箱 Polybag 塑料袋塑料袋 Cask 木桶木桶 Keg 小圆桶小圆桶 Drum 铁皮圆桶铁皮圆桶 Nylon BagNylon Bag 尼龙袋尼龙袋 Bale 包;布包包;布包 Bundle 捆捆 Case 箱箱 Wooden case 木箱木箱 Sack /Gunny bag 麻袋麻袋 Can/tin 听,罐头听,罐头 Kraft paper bag 牛皮纸袋牛皮纸袋 Barrel 琵琶桶琵琶桶 Wovenbag 纺织袋纺织袋包装常用表达法1. pack v. put t
10、hings into a box, bundle, bag, etc. a. to 若干件装于一件容器内 e.g. Folding chairs are packed 2 pieces to a carton.b. each containing 用某种容器包装,每个容器内若干用某种容器包装,每个容器内若干 Socks are packed in wooden cases, each containing 50 dozen.c. lined with 给(衣服,箱子等)装衬里,加衬里于给(衣服,箱子等)装衬里,加衬里于 Containers used for packing the glass
11、 must be lined with soft padding(软衬软衬). 毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.) 净重 Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重 Tare Weight (TW) 长 Long 宽 Wide 高 High 深 Deep 厚 Thick 长度 Length 宽度 Width 高度 Height 深度 Depth 厚度 Thickness 下端,底部 Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper) 1. 布包包装,包装完好 Packed in Gunny Bales. Packing Sound 2. 塑料纺织袋装,包装完好。 Packed in
12、 P.P. Wovenbags Packing Sound. 3. 木箱装,集装箱装运,箱装完好 Packed in Wooden cases with Container Shipment. Packing Sound. 4. 纸箱装,箱装完好 Packed in Cartons. Packing Sound 5. 托盘纸箱装,箱内衬一层塑料薄膜,包装完好 Packed in Cartons on Pallet and Lined with Single plastic film Inside. Packing Sound 20 pieces to a box, 10 boxes to an
13、 export carton. Total 500 cartons only.7. 7. 塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱2020袋。袋。Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container, lined with Plastic Film Bags, Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each. 6. 6. 每每2020件装一盒子,件装一盒子,1010盒子装一纸箱,共盒子装一纸箱,共500500纸箱纸箱8. 8. 双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸袋,包装完
14、好双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸袋,包装完好。 9. 9. 铁桶装,每桶净重铁桶装,每桶净重190190公斤。公斤。Packed imply Cartons, Lined with Kraft paper bag and bound with four Plastic Belts Externally. Packing Sound. Packed in Iron Drums and Each Drum Net 190kgsOverall measurements of each case must not exceed 4(H) 2(w) 2(D).10. 10. 每个箱子不能超过每
15、个箱子不能超过4 4英尺高,两英尺宽,两英尺深。英尺高,两英尺宽,两英尺深。11. 请将我们的唛头印成5英寸高,标示出毛重,净重,目的港口和原产国。12. 请注意每件货物都要求装在气泡膜中,然后装在塑料衬里的硬纸板箱中。Please stencil our shipping marks five inches high and give gross and net weight, port of destination, country of origin.Please note that each cargo is requested to be wrapped up in air bubb
16、le films and packed in a plastic-lined cardboard carton.13. 纸板箱作为一种包装容器已在国际贸易中广泛使用,因此,对它们的适航性,你们不必担心。14. 我们男衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,我们男衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,5 5打装打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。Cartons as a kind of packing container have been extensively used in international trade. Therefore, you need not worry
17、about their seaworthiness.The packing of our Mens Shirts is each in a polybag, 5 dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper and bound with two iron straps outside.15. 15. 你们的酒质量很好,但包装较差,瓶子你们的酒质量很好,但包装较差,瓶子易碎,纸盒太薄,对我们今后的订货,请每易碎,纸盒太薄,对我们今后的订货,请每瓶套一只泡沫塑料套,并装在较厚的纸盒内,瓶套一只泡沫塑料套,并装在较厚的纸盒内,否则,我们只能放弃这项业务。
18、否则,我们只能放弃这项业务。The quality of your Wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor. Bottles are subjected to breakage and paper boxes is very thin. Please put each bottle in a foam plastic casing and then in a thicker paper box for our future orders; otherwise, we shall be compelled to give up this busi
19、ness. Our Raincoats are now packed each in a polythene bag and then in a cardboard box, 10 dozen to a carton ,with a gross weight around 30 kilograms. Each carton is lined with a polythene sheet and secured by overall strapping, thus preventing the contents from dampness and possible damage through
20、rough handing. We are of opinion that since a polythene bag is used for each Raincoat it is all ready for window display and looks attractive ,which will certainly help the sale. Besides, the improved packing is light in weight and therefore easy to handle. 目前我们的雨衣产品是先用塑料袋装好后,装入纸盒内,10打装一纸箱,每箱毛重30公斤。
21、每一纸板箱内有塑料衬纸,整个箱子用皮带加固,这样能防止箱内的货物受潮和因粗暴搬运而可能造成的货损。 我们觉得因每件雨衣用塑料袋包装后看上去很美观,可在商店的橱窗上陈列,也将有利于货物的销售。另外,改进后的包装重量轻,易于搬运。In order to eliminate possible future trouble, we would like to make clear beforehand our packing requirements as follows. The Tea under the captioned contract should be packed in international standard tea boxes
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