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1、会计学1人教课标高二选修人教课标高二选修UnitLearning_about_language1. Bill felt great pleasure when he tried his new fax machine and it worked.Bill felt great satisfaction when he testedout his new fax machine and it worked.1. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress so far.双方对目前的进展都表示满意。2. I noticed with gr

2、eat satisfaction that you made great progress. 我很满意地看到你取得了很大的进步。n. 满足,满意,舒服 1. It is hard to see how the issue can be resolved to everyones satisfaction. 2. She never could seem to do anything right or to his satisfaction.to ones satisfaction到满意的程度; 让满意的是1. Her father tried his best to satisfy her d

3、emands. 她的父亲想尽一切办法来满足她的要求。2. She is too poor to satisfy her familys material needs. 她太穷了,无法满足家人的物质需要。satisfy vt. & vi. 使满意,满足1. 昨晚我叫他过来测试我的新电脑。I asked him to _. test out my new computer last night考验;充分检验;测试;试验2. 科学家靠实验检验理论。 Scientists _ by experiment.test out theories 完成以 out 结尾的动词短语。 _ out 设计出;

4、计算出 _ out 拿出;取出 _ out 穿破;耗尽;使厌烦 _ out 出来;显露 _ out 动身;开始worktakewearcomeset2. He felt pity for Claire because she wasoverweight and needed to lose about fivekilos to look slim. He felt sympathy for Claire because she was overweight and needed to lose about five kilos to look slim.have / feel sympathy

5、 for sb. / sth.对某人/某物表示同情n. 同情,同情心;赞同,支持e.g. I feel sympathy for him for not passing his final. 我对他不能通过期终考试感到同情。3. Even though Jane told him many times to go away, her brother still accompanied her to the doctor. Even though Jane told him many times to leave her alone, brother still accompanied her

6、to the doctor.1. Go away and _! 走开,别打扰我!2. Ive told you before _! 我告诉过你 别碰我的东西!leave me aloneleave my things alone不管;不打扰;让一个人待着There isnt enough room for us, let alone any guests.更不用说leave behind leave for leave off leave out leave . aside留下;不带走;忘了带动身去停止;结束省略;忘掉;漏掉搁置一边;不予考虑offbehindout Dont you thin

7、k wed leave _ the airport now? A railway station is no place for a child to be left _ at night.foralone4. Her greatest wish was to look as elegant as Gladys Claffern.Her greatest desire was to look as elegant as Gladys Claffern.have no desire for sth. 对没有欲望have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想做某事satis

8、fy ones desires 满足某人的欲望/愿望n. 欲望,希望,请求desire v. 期望desire for sth. 渴望得到desire (sb.) to do sth. 迫切希望(某人)做某事desire +that+主语+(should) +动词原形have no desiredesire to godesire fordesired to go(should) do 5. Please call me before you buy a new digital camera so I can go with you.Please ring me up before you b

9、uy a new digital camera so I can go with you.adj. 数字的;数码的1. Did a girl called GaoHong ring up for me this morning? 今早有个叫高红的女孩给我打电话了吗? If something should happen to her, please ring me up at once. 万一她有什么事,请立刻打电话给我。给打电话6. She looked at the computer screen carefully hoping to find some new emails in he

10、r mailbox.She scanned the computer screen carefully hoping to find some new emails in her mailbox.n. 信箱1. Could you teach me how to scan an image? 你可以教我如何扫描一个影像吗? 2. I scanned the newspaper when I was waiting for the bus. vt. 扫描;浏览;审视;细看等公共汽车的时候, 我匆匆浏览了一下报纸。7. It was ridiculous that his own mother w

11、ould not talk to him about the affair.It was absurd that his own mother would not talk to him about the affair.1. He blush to admit that he have made a absurd mistake. 他惭愧地承认自己犯了个可笑的错误。2. That fat woman looked absurd in her tight golden dress. 那位胖妇人穿着金色的紧身礼服,显得 滑稽可笑。顶( 0 ) 他惭愧地承认自己犯了个可笑的错误。5 That fa

12、t woman looked ridiculous in her tight golden dress. 顶( 0 ) 那位胖妇人穿着金色的紧身礼服,显得滑稽可笑。adj. 荒谬的;可笑的8. He felt happy when his boss stated that he could set aside some time for exercise.He felt happy when his boss declared that he could set aside some time for exercise.declare sth. 宣布某事declare sb./sth. (to

13、 be) . 宣布某人/某物declare for/against 表示赞成/不赞成declare war on/against 对宣战declare that 宣布v. 表明;声明;宣布;宣告;宣称declareopendeclared that(3) Police have now _ drug dealers in the area.警方已经对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。(4) Paredes decided to _ federation.帕雷德斯决定声明支持联邦政府。declared war ondeclare forturn around scan awful alarm clerk c

14、ushion declare favour bedding1. I turned around and saw my father standing there.2. In the last 3 years she has turned the company around.转身;回转;使(业务)好转 turn _ 拐入;上缴 turn _ 调大(声音,热度) turn _ 调低(声音,热度);拒绝 turn _ 开(电灯,电视);启动(汽车) turn _ 关(自来水,电灯) turn _ 结果是/成为 turn _ 求助于;翻到(书中某页)inupdownonoffoutto2. We h

15、ad an awful earthquake here last year.顶( 0 ) 看到他这样痛苦真叫人难过。adj. 糟糕的;可怕的;难受的1. It was awful to see him in such pain.顶( 0 ) 看到他这样痛苦真叫人难过。n. 警报;惊恐vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动alarmed her mother sounded the alarmwere alarmed1. She is the filing clerk of our company. 2. The clerk marked up his daybook before going home.

16、 3. The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. n. 职员;办事员n. 垫子;橡皮软垫 He covered the cushion with new material. He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head. n. 寝具 Straw is used as temporary bedding.I fold up the bedding and put it in the closet. (News, 16/04/2321) Historical research shows

17、that in the 22nd century many people told stories about how, at one time, people could buy robots as house decorators. The robots would _ the literature for the latest ideas in home decoration. Often the robots would _ designs that were grander than their owners wanted. scanfavouradj. 更雄伟的;更豪华的Brigh

18、tly coloured _ and _ would be suggested together with brightly patterned walls and carpets. Some of the _ in the shops thought that the designs were _. While some owners were firm with their robots suggestions, others would _ and walk out of the shop, feeling embarrassed. cushions beddingsclerksawfu

19、lturn aroundA few other robots would even get into physical fights with their owners in public and their electrical systems sometimes would set off the shops _. After a while the government decided such behaviour was not appropriate and passed a law _ robots should not leave the house. So robots became household cleaners or industrial workers instead!alarmsdeclaring1. Review the words and phrases.2. Finish exercise 3 on Page 13.1. Go away and _! 走开,别打扰我!2. Ive told you before _!


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