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1、会计学1高中英语选修八高中英语选修八unit词汇精讲课词汇精讲课第一页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。第1页/共28页第二页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。1. majority n. 大多数;大半(1)a/the majority of. . . 大多数be in a/the majority构成大多数/大部分(2)major adj. 主要的 vi. 专修;主攻major in主修(3)minority n. 少数;少数派/人第2页/共28页第三页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. 大

2、多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机。My brother majored in two subjects in the university last year. 我哥哥去年在大学里主修两门课程。Young people were _ _ _ at the meeting. 这次会议年轻人占了多数。in the majority第3页/共28页第四页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【考点提示】(1)当a/the majority of. . . 作主语时,谓语动词的数与of后的名词保持一致。(2)当the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词用单复数都可以。 第4页/共28页第五页

3、,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。2. occur vi. 发生;出现sth. occurs to sb. 某人突然想起某事It occurs to sb. that-clause某人突然想起The report finds the most rapid decline in child labor has occurred in Latin America. 这份报告发现童工人数下降最快的地方是拉丁美洲。第5页/共28页第六页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。Didnt it occur to you that he was lying? 你当时没想到他在撒谎吗? _ _ _ _ _ (他从未想

4、到)that she would be so displeased. It never occurred to him第6页/共28页第七页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【真题链接】It never occurred to me _ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. A. whichB. whatC. thatD. if【解析】选C。考查固定句型。It occurs/occurred to sb. that. . . 是固定句型,意思是:某人突然想起,其中that引导主语从句,故选C。【点津】 occur 常与介词

5、to搭配,相当于动词happen,不能用于被动语态。第7页/共28页第八页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【考点连接】表示“某人突然想起”的表达方式还有哪些 ? 【拓展延伸】主 语 句 型 想到的事情作主语或it作形式主语 sth. strikes sb. sth. comes to sb. It strikes sb. that-clauseIt hits sb. that-clause 人 sb. comes up with an idea/a thought 第8页/共28页第九页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。3. by means of. . . 用办法;借助I found my b

6、ike by means of a notice in the newspaper. 我借助于报纸上的一则通知找到了我的自行车。【拓展】翻译以下短语by this means_by no means_by all means_用这种方法决不;一点也不当然可以,没问题第9页/共28页第十页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【真题链接】Can I come and have a look at your new house? Yes, _! A. with pleasureB. I like it C. I quite agreeD. by all means【解析】选D。考查交际用语。句意:我可以

7、来看看你的新房子吗?好的,当然可以。A项:非常乐意;B项:我喜欢它;C项:我非常同意;D项:当然可以,没问题。第10页/共28页第十一页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。4. keep up坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)You are all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work! 你们干得很出色;继续好好干吧!The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. 昂贵的原材料费用使价格居高不下。We should not keep up old customs. 我们不该沿袭古老的风俗。第1

8、1页/共28页第十二页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【拓展】翻译以下短语keep up with_keep to sth. _keep off_keep out_keep on_keep back_跟上;并驾齐驱坚守;不违背(诺言、计划等)避开;使不接近使不进入;使留在外面继续隐瞒;扣下;留下第12页/共28页第十三页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。5. take in 包括;吸收阅读下列例句,写出take in的汉语意思I found it easy to take in what the teacher had taught. ( )If the skirt is too big, we

9、 can take in the waist. ( )Fish take in oxygen through their gills. ( )Dont let yourself be taken in by his tricks. ( )This is the total cost of the holiday, taking everything in. ( )理解改小吸收欺骗包括第13页/共28页第十四页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【拓展】take for当做;误认为 take off脱衣服;(飞机)起飞;成功take on呈现;雇用;承担take up占据;从事;继续;拿起take

10、over接管take back撤回;同意收回第14页/共28页第十五页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【真题链接】Some insects _ the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out【解析】选C。考查动词短语含义辨析。句意:一些昆虫呈现出它们周围环境的颜色,目的是为了保护自己。take in“吸收;改小;理解;欺骗”;take off“起飞;脱衣服;摆脱;成名”;take on“雇用;呈现”;take out“拿出来”。根据句意可知

11、C项正确。第15页/共28页第十六页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。6. elect vt. 决定做某事;选举某人;选择She elected to become a lawyer. 她决定当律师。We elected James (to be/as) chairman. 我们选举詹姆斯当主席。第16页/共28页第十七页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【归纳】elect to do sth. _elect sb. (to be/as)+职务_【点津】“独一无二的”职务、官衔作同位语、补语、表语时,其前不加冠词。 决定做某事推选某人担任某职务第17页/共28页第十八页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五

12、分。【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空choose 指在两个或多个之中选择其一,可与 from或 between连用。 select 指在同类事物中选择最好或最合适的, 一般有一定的目的性。 elect 是指通过“选举”选出。 第18页/共28页第十九页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。7. apparent adj. 显而易见的;显然的;表面上的It is apparent that. . . 是显然的apparently adv. 显然地_ _ _ _ she was going to die. 很显然她将死去。Certain problems were apparent from the ou

13、tset. 某些问题从开始就是显而易见的。It was apparent that第19页/共28页第二十页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。8. team up with与合作或一起工作 He teamed up with his brother and pulled the car out. 他与弟弟携手将车拉了出来。The two companies have teamed up with each other to develop a new racing car. 这两家公司已经合作开发一种新型赛车。 第20页/共28页第二十一页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。【拓展】补全以下短语te

14、am _结对;合作a team _. . . 一队_ a. . . team属于队play _ a. . . team为队效力upofonfor第21页/共28页第二十二页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。9. mark out画线;标出界线The students are marking out the tennis court. 学生们在画网球场地。【拓展】mark out for事先选定为mark. . . with. . . 用做记号make a mark做记号第22页/共28页第二十三页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。(1)hire的用法(2)indicate的意义以及与其他动词的意义

15、辨析(3)表语从句的运用第23页/共28页第二十四页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。1. There is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. remarkingB. indicatingC. deliveringD. conveying【解析】选B。句意:大量证据证明,音乐活动调动大脑的不同部位。indicate暗示;表明;remark评论;deliver投递;convey表达;传达。第24页/共28页第二十五页,编辑于星期三:六点 五十五分。2. He was _ as a salesman in Samsung Company, but was soon _ because of his frequent absence. A. employed;firingB. employed;firedC. hired;firingD. hiring;being fired【解析】选B。句意:他受雇于三星公司做销售员,但很快因频繁缺勤被解雇了。第一个空为


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