



1、8A重点短语和句型 1. 打扫干净 clea n sth. up = make sth. clea n 2. 首先,起初 in the first place = at first = in the beg inning 3. 负责,管理 take charge of = be resp on sible for sth. 4. 要求,请求 ask for sth. = require sth. 5. 商量,讨论 talk over = discuss 6. 付款 pay for 7. 一周之后 in one week time = in one week 8. 也,又 as well as

2、= and 9. 不再 no Ion ger = not any Ion ger = no t any more 10. 代替 in stead of (do ing) 11. 坐牢 be beh ind bars = go to jail 12. 撞击 bump into 13. 难得,几乎不 hardly ever = rarely = seldom 14. 不知道,未察觉 be un aware of = not know (about) = not realize 15. 依赖于 be depe nd on 16. 暂时 for the time being = now = at pr

3、ese nt =at the mome nt 17. 按某人的意见 in one sop inion = one think 18. 除之外 except for 19. 成功 succeed in (do ing) = be able to do sth. 20. 依次,轮流 take turns to do sth. = do sth. in turn 21. 向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. = say sorry to sb. for sth. 22. 谋生 make a livi ng 23. 根据 accord ing to 24. 立刻

4、in no time = at once = right away 25. 卖完 sell out (of sth.) 26. 启程,出发 leave for sw. = go to sw. 27. 出售的,上市的 on sale 28. 直到 up to 29. 出发,动身 set off = start 30. 乐意做 take pleasure in doing sth. =be happy to do sth. =enjoy doing sth. 31. 三分之二 two thirds 32. 关掉(电,水,气) turn off = switch off 33. 摇头 shake o

5、n eshead 34. 从上升 rise from = go up from 35. 四处张望 look around 36. 运送到 carry to 37. 回到 go back = retur n 38. 点头 nod (one head) 39. 循序渐进的 step-by-step 40. 事实上 in fact = actually 41. 让水龙头开着 leave the tap on 42. 至少 at least 43. 太多学生 too many stude nts 44. 太多作业 too much homework 45. 太难 much too difficult

6、46. 开会 hold/have a meet ing 47. 会议上 at the meet ing 48. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. = make a decisi on to do sth. 49. 投票选举某人 vote for sb. 50. 选某人做 elect sb. to be = choose sb . 51. 做笔记 take no tes 52. 列出清单 make a list of = list 53. 例如 for example 54. 对某人免费 sth. be free to sb. = sb. n eed ntpay money for

7、 sth. 55. 应该做 ought to do = should do 56. 有不同的观点 have differe nt ideas 57. 冋意做 agree to do 58. 结束会议 con clude the meeti ng = end/finish the meet ing 59. 安排做 arrange to do sth. 60. 考虑做 con sider doing sth. = think about doing sth. 61. 参加 take part in 62. 对满意 be pleased with = be satisfied with 63. 最新

8、消息 the latest n ews 64. 关于的作文 a compositi on on 65. 从事 work as = be 66. 独居 live alone = live by on eself 6 喜爱收集东西 enjoy collect ing things 68. 给某人看某物 show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth. 69. 从某处偷某物 steal sth. from sb. 70. 寻找线索 look for clues 71. 否认做某事 deny doing sth. = not admit doing sth. 72. 注意某人在做 no

9、 tice sb. doing sth. 73. 闯入,破门而入 break into 74. 最后 in the end = at last; fin ally 75. 给买保险 buy in sura nee for sth. 76. 使某人做某事 make sb. do sth. 77. 让某人做某事 let sb. do sth. 78. 害怕做某事 be afraid of (do ing) be frighte ned of (do ing) 79. 拒绝做某事 refuse to do 80. 练习做某事 practise doing sth. 81. 提出问题 raise qu

10、esti ons 82. 做某事很快 be fast at doing sth. 83. 因为这些原因 for these reas ons 84. 问题的答案 the an swer to the questi on 85. 能够做某事 be able to do sth. = can do sth. 86. 擅长做某事 be good at doing sth. = do well in doing sth. at a high/low price use sth. for doing sth. = use sth. to do sth. = do sth. with sth. opera

11、te railways = make the railways work run a story competitio n = hold a story competiti on sec onds later = very soon on wheels make jokes about = play tricks on in cludi ng the gate guards by midni ght wait for ano ther hour = wait for one more hour prete nd to do sth. hang up clothes travel widely

12、= travel to many places lay eggs extremely fortun ate = very lucky receive compla ints compla in about sth. to sb. take a nap = have a nap = have a short sleep watch closely = watch carefully en able sb. to do sth. = make it possible for sb. to do sth. divide sth. between and be in terested in sth.

13、= like sth. remove from = take out of receive from = get from order sb. to do sth. en ter sw. = come/go into sw. whisper = say /talk/speak sth. i n a low voice87. 高价低价 88. 用做某事 89. 使铁路运行 90. 举行讲故事比赛 91. 一会儿之后 92. 带轮子的 93. 开的玩笑 94. 包括门卫 95. 到午夜时 96. 多等了一小时 97. 假装做 98. 挂衣服 99. 到处旅行 100. 产卵 101. 非常幸运 1

14、02. 收到抱怨 103. 向某人抱怨某事 104. 小睡 105. 认真观察 106. 使能够做 107. 在之间分配 108. 对感兴趣 109. 从移,拿走 110. 收到 111. 命令某人做 112. 进入 113. 悄声说 重点句型 1. Daisy froze when she heard the voice. 当 Daisy 听到这声音的时候愣住了。 =Daisy was too surprised to move whe n she heard the voice. 2. I waited there un til you called me. =I came out whe

15、 n you called me. 等你叫我,我就出来。 3. He didn go to bed until he finished his homework. =He went to bed after he fini shed his homework. =Before he went to bed, he fini shed his homework. 他做完作业才睡觉。 4. -Don forget to hand in your home work. 请别忘记交作业。 -I remember handing it in. 我记得交过了。 5. Remember not to put

16、 your school bag on the desk. 6. It snot easy for us to buy this book. =lt shard for us to buy this book. =To buy this book is not easy. 7. Rain is pouri ng dow n. =lt sraining hard/heavily. 8. These n ewspapers are free to readers. =Readers n eed ntpay any money for these n ewspapers. =These n ewsp

17、apers cost readers no thi ng. 9. What an in terest ing story it is! =How in terest ing the story is! 10. Joyce takes charge of the whole n ewspaper. =Joyce is resp on sible for the whole n ewspaper. 记得不要把书包放在桌子上。 我们不容易买到这本书。 现在正是倾盆大雨。 这些报纸是免费的。 这个故事真有趣! Joyce负责整份报纸。 11. What a nice skirt it is! =How

18、 nice a skirt it is! =How nice the skirt is! 12. What good weather/ news we have today! 13. What beautiful flowers they are! =How beautiful the flowers are.! 14. How beautiful she is! 15. We publish the n ewspaper once a week. =The n ewspaper comes out once a week. 我们每星期出版一次那种报纸。 16. He does ntwa nt

19、 to go shopp ing but he wants to play games. 他不想购物,但他想玩游戏。 He wants to play games in stead of going shopp ing. 17. Dr.Ke n likes worki ng as a detective. Dr. Ken喜欢做侦探。 18. Judges can protect the innocent as well as find the guilty. =Judges can protect the innocent and find the guilty. 法官可以保护无辜, 发现犯罪

20、。 19. He bought the vase for five thousa nd yua n. =He spe nt five thousa nd yua n on the vase. =He paid five thousa nd yua n for the vase. =The vase cost him five thousa nd yua n. =It cost him five thousa nd yua n to buy the vase. 他以五千元买了那花瓶。 20. Jenny denied steali ng the vase from the safe. =Jenn

21、y didn admit stealing the vase from the safe. Jenny否认从保险箱里偷了那花瓶。 21.The n ecklace has the same desig n as the earri ng. =The n ecklace does n have differe nt desig ns from the earri ng. 项链的款式和耳环一样。 22. Jill was no Ion ger a suspect. =Jill was n ta suspect any Ion ger. Jill不再是嫌疑犯。 23. He wan ted to m

22、ake Jill go to jail in stead of himself. =He wan ted to make Jill beh ind bars in place of himself. 他想让Jill替他去坐牢。 24. He refused to speak to him. 他拒绝跟她说话。 25. My sister practices play ing the pia no every day. 我妹妹天天练习钢琴。 26.They suggested watching a film on cormorants( 鸬鹚). 他们建议看一场关于鸬鹚的电影。 27. Many

23、people enjoy climb ing mountains. 很多人喜欢爬山。 28. They are un aware of the dan ger ahead. =They don k no w/realize the dan ger ahead. 他们不知道前面有危险。 29. Computers can operate railways. =Computer can make railways work. 电脑可以操作铁路。 30. Do you know the an swer to the questi on? 31.1 thi nk computers will make

24、 our lives better. 我认为电脑可以使我们的生活更美好。 =In my opinion, computers will make our lives better. 32. He feels much better than yesterday. 他感觉比昨天好多了。 33. Computers are much more expe nsive tha n books. 电脑比书贵。 =Books are much cheaper tha n computers =Computers are not as cheap as books. 34. Daisy has the wo

25、rst marks in art in her class. Daisy 的艺术科分数是班上最差的。 =Daisy has worse marks in art tha n any other stude nt in her class. =Daisy has worse marks in art tha n the other stude nts in her class. =The rest/The others of her class have better marks in art tha n Daisy. 36. Which is the heaviest, a bear, a h

26、orse or an elepha nt? 哪一个最重,熊、马还是大象? 37. My elder brother is three years older than me. 我哥哥比我大三岁。 38. The wooden horse was too big for them to take away. 木马太大,他们那不走。 =The woode n horse was not small eno ugh for them to take away. =The wooden horse was so big that they couldn take it away. 39. Huang

27、is strong eno ugh to con trol the raft. =Hua ng is so stro ng that he can con trol the raft. 40. Your compositi on is very good except for the begi nning. 41. All of us have see n the film except Tom. =We have seen the film, but Tom hasn 42. I like all kinds of sports, in cludi ng skati ng. 43. The

28、succeeded in catch ing the thief. =The were able to catch the thief. =The caught the thief successfully. 44. -Have you fini shed the homework yet? -No, I haven finished it yet, but I have made the bed already. 床铺。 45. -Have you ever bee n to HK?你知道问题的答案吗? 35. Who jumps farther, Tom or Tim? 谁跳的远,是 To

29、m还是Tim。 黄够强壮,控制得了木筏。 你的作文除了开头总的来说很好。 我们都看了那电影,除了 Tom。 我喜欢各种体育运动,包括滑冰。 他们成功地抓到了那个贼。 你做完作业了吗? 还没有,不过我整理好了 你到过香港吗? -No, I have n ever bee n there. 46. I have lived in SZ for 10 years. =I have lived in SZ since 1999. =lt ste n years si nee I bega n to live in SZ. 47. -How long has he bee n in the club?

30、-For five mon ths. / Since September. 48. Tony received a note from his friend. =Tony got a note from his friend. 49. This ki nd of fish is in visible. =This kind of fish can not be see n. 50. The female fish lays eggs once a year. 51. They will leave for Beiji ng tomorrow. =The will go to Beiji ng

31、tomorrow. 52. In fact, many people take pleasure in look ing at them. =Actually, many people are happy to look at them. =Actually, many people enjoy look ing at them. 53. Why don you watch the fish closely? =Why not watch the fish carefully? 54. We should nwhisper in class. =We shouldn talk in a low voice in class. 55. He works very hard so he hardly fails an exam. 56. This kind of apples tastes good so they sell we


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