1、英語教師的英語簡歷范文personal detai i s no photo htene: hbti onal i ty: chi na (li nl and)current pi ace: guangzhouhei ght/vi ght:lari tai st at us:確 e: 25 yearscareer cbj ecti ve and w)rk experi ence appl i cati on type: j obseekerpreferred j ob title: forei g n language:onager 、 forei gn trade/trade nanager
2、/supervi sor: nanageror di rector 、vocati onaleducat i on/trai ni ng/faniil y educat i on:teacherw)rki ng i i f e: 3 ti 11 e: lb ti tl e j ob type: ful i tin® expected start date: in a dayexpected sal ary:¥ 3, 500- ¥ 5,000 preferred aorki ng pl ace: guangzhou shenzhen zhuhaiw)rk exper
3、i ence :conpany5snane: enterpri se nat ure:sol y forei gn f undedenterpri ses in dust ry:el ectri cal / el ectroni cs/cornmuni cati onequi pnentj ob ti 11 e: i nt er nat i onal trade snagerj obdescri pti on: 1) expl ori ng overseas narket, pure has i ng nateri al s 8anp; sei i i ng f i ni shed produ
4、cts2) establ i shi ng good busi ness rel ati onshi p wth forei gn custoners bye- bus in ess, fai rs and other channel s 3) lki ng shi ppi ng docunents4) fol i ow ng t he i ogi sti cs i ssues 5) prepari ng and si g ni ng bus in ess contracts behal f of the ceo5) arrangi ngduti es for the staffreasons
5、 for i eavi ng:personal devel opnentconpany's nane: hcnckcngtcpco cq , ltdbegi n and end dat e: 2007- 03- 2007-12enterpri se n at ure: sin o-f orei g n j oi nt ventureslndustry: shoes/1 eat her/toyj ob ti 11 e:shi ppi ngoki ng aarehouse and shi p,departn®nt d rectorj ob descri pti on: 1)arr
6、angi ng shi ppi ng, i ncl udi ng bo truck i oadi ng, customci earance, naki ng i nvoi ce, packi ngi i st and other export docun®nts2) con tact i ng w th h< narketi ng departnent; fol i ow ng the order wth produci ng depart rrent; arrangi ng custorrers8rsquo; qua i i ty i n spector to i nspec
7、t goods before i oadi ng3) keepi ng i n touch wthcustom cl earance departnent, assuri ng the goods can bei oadedsnroothlyuhconvi eni ent t raff i creasons for i eavi ng:conpany's nan®: glan2hcutrade fai rbegi n andend dat e:2005- 04- 2006-10enterpri se nature: oherslndustry: othersj obti 11
8、 e: interpreterj ob descri pt ion: 1)recei vi n gforei gn c us toners an d tra nsl ati ng 2) accor di ng tocustoners&squo; requi rencnts, i ntroduci ng the products and choosi ng the expected desi gns for them3)taki ng notes and exchangi ng busi ness cards 4)sendi ng e- rrai i quotat i on and pr
9、orra)ti ng the i atest product model s to the new c us tonersreaso ns for i eavi ng: internshi p onl yeducati onal background lhne of school: south chi na ixbrnal uhi versi ty h ghest degree: bachel or date of graduati on: 2007- 07- 01hhne of laj or 1: busi nessengl i sh lhn® of sj or 2:educat
10、i on experi ence:start date end date educati on organi zati on lj ors certi f i cate certi f i cate nd2000-09 2003-07li anj i a ng ld. 1 h gh sckool h gh school2003- 092007-07 south chi na isbrnal uhi versi ty busi ness engl i sh tem8language abi i i ty forei gn language: engl i sh level: perfectlan
11、guage abi i i ty: basi c j apani esschin ese i evel: perfect cant onese level: perfect rel evant ski 11 s and abi i i ti es 8bul i; denmnstrated achi ever w th excepti onal know edge of i nternati onal bus in ess practi cesz and trade regul ati ons 8bul 丨;st r ong forei gn trade background contoi ned w th f i uency i n several languages, i ncl udi ng engl i sh w th tek8 (test for engl i sh laj or), nandari n and cantonesesei f-recorrnrcndati oni etter 8bul i; ski 11 ed at i earn
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