



1、绩效考核表的自我评价英文版绩效考核表的自我评价英文版篇一The so-called workperformance,thatis,thework ofemployeesin theworkofthe resultsshow that thecustomerissatisfiedwithyour service, leadership is recognized for your workand so on. Howtowritethework ofself-identification,thefollowinginformationfortheperformanceofself-identif

2、icationofthe model,forreferencepurposes only.Work self-identification model: two months later,I admit that I communicate with customers less some,on the one hand because the market continued cold. Iunderstand everyonesmood, althoughthe declineintheprocess of never stop to giveyou a reminder,butlittl

3、eeffect, a lot of people are holding holdings in 20xxtoearnmoney tosticktothementalityof the present,in exchange for the Is the market value of half thepainful price cut down the middle. On the other hand,I have been inan orderlyconductofthemarketingteammanagement.First of all, from February 18, 20x

4、x began theaccountopeningactivitiesaccount,thistimetheactivitiesofthecompany isstilla unifiednationwide,and thesalesdepartmenthas alsodevelopeda marketingteam todevelopcustomerincentiveprograms,Banks Bankstaff introduce the customers incentive program. Myfirst job is to have all the data in the game

5、. In thisevent, as of May 1, all marketing representatives ofa total of eight account 199, of which 100 households,the amount ofgold472,7829yuan,afterthecompletionof each of the marketingrepresentativesofthedevelopment of the customers situation,Check withthemanager,I willintroducethebank staff tose

6、lectcustomersout,accordingtothecash reward.Amongthem,the award of work has been issued and the manager iscompleted.Because of the departure of the account manager,Iwent totheAgriculturalBank forstagnation.There,Ialsodeeplyappreciatetheinnerfeelingsof amarketing representative. In fact, marketing is

7、a wayof communication, communication, communication needsoftheirown time tograsp. As faras possiblethedegreeof customer resentment to their own minimum, so as toseize the opportunity to let him willing to accept ourproducts.However,wemay beinthecommunicationperformanceisnotinplace,there arereasonsfo

8、rself-esteem, the limitations of the above character,not allowed to grasp the rhythm, so many people do nothave to communicate effectively, may communicate withonlyA silentflyer.Withthis experience,and thenhavetheir own thinking, and thus also in the Bank of thestagnation point work effectively used

9、.Servicesintoa newmarketingrepresentative,trainingbegan. Inadditiontoherbasictrainingeveryafternoon outside of it, I think I am more to her inthislinetopasstherequiredprofessionalethicsandattitude towards work. In each answering phone calls,in every reception of customers work, let her reallysense o

10、f understanding their work is a kind of servicenatureofthework.Later,Ialsoalonewithherstationed in the Bank. And she shared some of my workexperience: what kind of customer has the potential,what kindofcustomeris not worth to explore,what agewe need towait,inthesetimes,inadditiontoteaching,I also pa

11、ssed the practiceMastered a lotof deeperandmore practical approach.Should be calledthewholebusinessdepartment,wewill try to arrange for customers to move to home foronline transactions. At the beginning, just after theclosed-market approach to teaching, many people areforgottenovernight,theworkisver

12、yslow.Later,after communication with the sales department staff,accordingto theexistingconditions,we willnow offera separatelargeroom, named onlinetradingrealroom,selectedinthedailyopeningtimefortherealenvironment training, Fully mobilized the enthusiasmof customers.At present,all thetrainingwork is

13、stillcontinuing, my hand data also caught some want to gohome customer information.Therefore, in June I willfocusontheworkandthecommunicationofthesecustomers, so that they are satisfied and assured ofdoing home online transactions.绩效考核表的自我评价英文版篇二Ideologically, thefinestyle,treatpeoplesincere,can bet

14、terdealwithinterpersonalrelations,doingthingscalmand stable,can reasonably arrange the affairs of life. For thecommunity for the school for the students to do thingsforthepeoplearoundisno longerfeelcumbersome, butvery happy to do and can be satisfied and happy, nottothinkaboutdoing their ownthings,o

15、thers lesscontrol. And has been in the pursuit of personalitysublimation, pay attention to their own conduct.I worshippeoplewho have greatcharisma,and havealways wanted to be able to do it myself. In collegelife,Iinsiston self-reflectionand strivetoimprovetheirown personality,and now Iunderstandthe

16、truth,willingto helpothersnotonlytocastanoblecharacter, but also get a lot of their own intereststo help othersbut alsotohelpthemselves.Lookingbackover the past few years,Ihave been veryhappy tohavehelped the students when I was in trouble. Similarly,my classmates also gave me a helping hand when I

17、wasin trouble. For the teacher, I have always been veryrespected, because they are in a loss when I guide tohelp me.Without the help of a teacher, I might not knowwhere to go. Inow realizethatcharacteris not so mucha personalcharactertorun,as itisthe responsibilityof the individual society as a whol

18、e. A person livingin this world, you have to bear some responsibility tothecommunityobligations,witha noble character,youcan correctly understand their responsibilities, inthe contribution to achieve their own value.Learning, I did not let myself down, the resultshave been among thebest.Scholarships

19、are awarded eachyear. I am a mechanical and electrical professional,know notonlythe theoreticalknowledge,butalsopracticalability,so Ioftenparticipateinpracticalactivities. Now is the information age, learning theprofessionalatthesametime,I alsoconductedacomputerlearning,througheffortstogetthenationa

20、lcomputer grade three. I learned a lot of new things,I am very willing to help people who need help, andgreatlyimprovetheirself-learningability.Thenthereislearnedtouse thelearningmethod atthesametime pay attention to independent thinking.To learnhardonlyhardtolearnis notenough,tolearnmethodsto do th

21、ings.I have come here to learn the purpose of fishing,but it is easier said than done, I changed a good manyways to do what is diligent in thinking, the case ofthe old man, There do not know where to diligent toask.Inlearning,toindependentthinkingas theirmotto,always remembernot toalert.Withthe prog

22、ressoflearning,I not onlylearnedthebasicknowledge ofthepublicand a lotofprofessionalknowledge,my mind hasalso been a qualitative leap, to a more rapid grasp ofa newtechnicalknowledge,Ithinkthisisveryimportantforthefuture.Inthestudyofknowledgethistime, I and teachers to establish a strong friendshipb

23、etweenteachersandstudents.Theteachersearnestteaching,so Irealizedthefunoflearning.Iand manystudents around, but also established a good learningrelationship,helpeach othertoovercomethedifficulties. Now I have to face graduation, is doinggraduate design, I became the design team leader, butalsoexerci

24、setheself-handsandanalysisofproblem-solving ability, benefit.绩效考核表的自我评价英文版篇三The basis for theassessment of staff positions, is divided into fivecategories of personnel, management, engineering andtechnicalpersonnel,basicproductionpersonnel,auxiliary production personnel, service personnel, bythe dep

25、artments of the two wage management committeeis responsible for the specific assessment methods,Wage ManagementCommitteeisresponsibleforsupervisionand management, various departmentscan becombined with the specific circumstances of the unittodevelopthe appropriateassessmentrulesandimplementation.The

26、 management personnel to job responsibilitiesbased on work,carefullyapprovedtheworkloadofeachjob,specifictoeach workscore,fromtheworkobjectives,quality,methods,progress,feedback,innovation,implementation,decision-making,Resilience and integrity, solidarity, responsibilityand other elements,theimplem

27、entationofquantitativeassessment.Technicalpersonnel totheprojectby thetechnicallevel of the leading technology, ease of completion,time to complete the sanctions and other factors, theapprovedworkload,todevelopeasytooperatequantitativestandards,quantitativescores,theimplementation of assessment.Quantitativeassessmentofbasicproductionper


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