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1、1Business Contract and Translation Warming up;:Understanding of Contract |Contract in Broad Sense A contract is simply an A contract is simply an agreement that defines a agreement that defines a relationships between relationships between one or more parties (one or more parties (oral oral or writt

2、enor written). ).第二条规定第二条规定:”:”合同是平等主合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。事权利义务关系的协议。” Warming up;:Understanding of Contract Such as (formal or informal)Such as (formal or informal): : -Two people exchanging wedding -Two people exchanging wedding vows enter into a marriag

3、e;vows enter into a marriage;-A person who has child contracts to -A person who has child contracts to nurture and support that child; nurture and support that child; -Shoppers selecting food in a market -Shoppers selecting food in a market contract to purchase the goods for a contract to purchase t

4、he goods for a stated amountsstated amountsIn daily life, wherever whenever whichever, whoever one can find everywhere people make this agreement to make this relationship explicitly. |A Commercial ContractA Commercial Contract Warming up;:Understanding of Contract In simplest terms, a commercial In

5、 simplest terms, a commercial contract is merely contract is merely an agreementan agreement made by two a more parties for made by two a more parties for the purpose of the purpose of transacting transacting business.business. Search for the model products Ask price, get information Settle the pric

6、e, styles or colors, etc. Mark down item No. and requirements of the buyer Make the contract, buyer pay the deposit Factory makes the productsSeller notify buyer to pay balance Deliver the goods and receive themSettle problems: negotiation or arbitration|在英文合同翻译中,前提条件是弄懂合同的定义,包括合同中应有的基本要素 .1999年中国年中

7、国合同法合同法第二条将第二条将contract定义定义为:为:A contract in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”.根据这一定义,合同是平等主体之间设立的根据这一定义,合同是平等主体之间设立的确定民事权

8、利和义务的协议。确定民事权利和义务的协议。Definition of contract合同的定义合同的定义|Steven H. Gifts编著的编著的“Law Dictionary”中中将将contract 定义为定义为:|“Contract is a promise or a set of promises for breach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.” 根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺

9、,违反违反承诺承诺可以得到法律可以得到法律救助救助,某种意义上法律将,某种意义上法律将履行履行该承诺看作是一种该承诺看作是一种补偿补偿。 Definition of contract合同的定义合同的定义|.合同的成立必须具备几个主要因素|它们是(要约和承诺构成的)由协议、约因、设立法律关系的愿望和缔约能力四大部分组成。L.BCurzon编著的“ADictionofLaw”提到:|“Contractgenerallyinvolves”法律需要具备几个主要因素法律需要具备几个主要因素|.Note:|ADiction(用词;措词;词令)10l 1.offerandabsoluteandunquali

10、fiedacceptancel 2.consensusandideas(meetingofminds)l 3.intentiontocreatelegalrelationsl 4.genuinenessofconsentl 5.contractualcapacityofl thepartiesl 6.legalityofobjectl 7.possibilityofperformancel 8.certaintyoftermsl 9.valuableconsiderationl 1.要约和绝对接受l 2.意思表示一致,也叫meetingofmindsl 3.建立合同关系的意愿l 4.同意的真实

11、性l 5.合同当事人的缔约能力l 6.物的合法性l 7.履行的可能性l 8.条款的确定性l 9.等价有偿法律需要具备几个主要因素法律需要具备几个主要因素 Because a contractual relationship is made between two or more parties who have potentially adverse interests, the contract terms are usually supplemented and restricted by laws that serve to protect the parties and to defi

12、ne specific relationships between them in the event that provisions are indefinite, ambiguous, or even missing. 由于具有合同关系的双方或多方由于具有合同关系的双方或多方存在潜在的兴趣不同存在潜在的兴趣不同, ,通常以法律手段通常以法律手段补足和限制合同条款补足和限制合同条款; ;并在出现条例不并在出现条例不确定确定, ,摸棱两可含糊不清或遗漏的情况摸棱两可含糊不清或遗漏的情况下下, , 保护和确定合同参与各方之间的保护和确定合同参与各方之间的具体关系具体关系. . Warming u

13、p;:Understanding of Contract 1 1)合同的当事人必须是双方或)合同的当事人必须是双方或 多方多方, ,如如: :Contractual Relations Involved Contractual Relations Involved in the International Transactions:in the International Transactions:|Principal contract of sales Principal contract of sales between buyer and sellerbetween buyer and

14、seller|Contract of carriage between Contract of carriage between consignor and carrier or consignor and carrier or freight-forwarderfreight-forwarder Warming up;:Understanding of Contract |Contract between the buyer and the bank which issues a documentary credit or its electronic equivalent|Contract

15、s between the seller with the banks for payment under the terms of the documentary credit or electronic equivalent Warming up;:Understanding of Contract | Contract of insurance between insurer and insuree2)2) 合同是合法的法律行为,并受有关合同是合法的法律行为,并受有关法律的保法律的保 护、支持和制约,违反合同护、支持和制约,违反合同应被视为触犯法律;应被视为触犯法律;3 3)合同是当事人

16、一致同意并按法律)合同是当事人一致同意并按法律签订的协议;签订的协议;4 4)合同具有明确的法定民事行为目)合同具有明确的法定民事行为目的,它是当的,它是当 事人之间设立、变更、终事人之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。止民事权利义务关系的协议。 Warming up;:Understanding of Contract 合同要有正本(合同要有正本(Original)和副)和副本(本(Copy)。通常采用的格式)。通常采用的格式是三部分:首部(是三部分:首部(Head),主),主体(体(Body)和尾部()和尾部(End)。)。 下面列出一份通常采用的比较下面列出一份通常采用的比较完整

17、的合同条款:完整的合同条款: 通通常常采采用用的的比比较较完完整整的的合合同同条条 款款 一、首部一、首部 1 合同的名称合同的名称 2 合同的编号合同的编号 3 签约日期签约日期 4 签约地点签约地点 5 买卖双方的名称、地址、联系方买卖双方的名称、地址、联系方式式 6 序言序言 二、主体二、主体 1.货物的名称条款(货物的名称条款(Commodity and Specifications) 2. 货物的品质条款(货物的品质条款(Quality) 3. 数量条款(数量条款(Quantity) 4. 价格条款(价格条款(Price) 5. 装运时间条款(装运时间条款(Time of Shipm

18、ent) 6. 保险条款(保险条款(Insurance) 通通常常采采用用的的比比较较完完整整的的合合同同条条 款款 7. 包装条款(包装条款(Packing) 8. 运输标志运输标志 /唛头(唛头(Shipping Mark) 9. 保证条款(保证条款(Guarantee of Quality) 10. 检验索赔条款(检验索赔条款(Inspection and Claims) 11. 支付条款(支付条款(Terms of Payment) 12. 运输方式(运输方式(Terms of Shipment) 通通常常采采用用的的比比较较完完整整的的合合同同条条 款款 13. 不可抗力条款(不可抗

19、力条款(Force Majeure) 14. 延期交货和惩罚条款(延期交货和惩罚条款(Late Delivery and Penalty) 15. 仲裁条款(仲裁条款(Arbitration) 三、尾部(三、尾部(Remarks) 1. 有效日期有效日期 2. 所遵守法律(也可根据国际规所遵守法律(也可根据国际规定)定) 3. 双方签名双方签名 4. 合同的备注部分合同的备注部分. 通通常常采采用用的的比比较较完完整整的的合合同同条条 款款 |正式合同正式合同 Contract|确议书确议书 Confirmation|协议书协议书 Agreement|备忘录备忘录 Memorandum|意向书

20、意向书 Letter of intent|前两者多用与商业中,其条前两者多用与商业中,其条款要详细切正规。而备忘录款要详细切正规。而备忘录多用与团体和政府部门。多用与团体和政府部门。 |A Commercial ContractA Commercial Contract| 商务合同商务合同已经成为职场中人必已经成为职场中人必须掌握的一门知识,虽然具体事项须掌握的一门知识,虽然具体事项各有不同各有不同,而且现在不论大小公司,而且现在不论大小公司都会有自己的合同制式,但是清楚都会有自己的合同制式,但是清楚各项条款还是必须的。各项条款还是必须的。 常见的书面文本有四种:常见的书面文本有四种:Cont

21、ractContract(合同)(合同), , ConfirmationConfirmation(确议书)(确议书), , AgreementAgreement(协议)和(协议)和MemorandumMemorandum(备忘录)。(备忘录)。| 中国国内企业中国国内企业 或其他经济组织或其他经济组织 同外国的企业、经济组织或个人同外国的企业、经济组织或个人之间之间Formal Foreign Business Contract 正式涉外商务合同正式涉外商务合同Written Agreement 书面协议书面协议Economic activitiesEconomic activities经济活

22、动经济活动Exchanging goodsExchanging goodsand servicesand services商品或服务交换商品或服务交换finance融资融资Cooperation in Cooperation in economy andeconomy andTechnologyTechnology经济技术合作经济技术合作Communication inCommunication ininformation of economyinformation of economyand technologyand technology经济技术交流经济技术交流|商品交易方面商品交易方面:



25、托合同、租俜合同、职工劳动合同、培训合同、刊登合同、仲裁合同、培训合同、刊登合同、仲裁合同、经营管理合同等同、经营管理合同等1. Title 合同名称合同名称 2. Preamble 前文(前言)前文(前言) 1) Date of signing 2) Signing parties 3) Each partys authority (当事人的合法依据)当事人的合法依据) 4 Place of signing 5) Recitals or WHEREAS clause (定约缘由)定约缘由)3. 本文(本文(Body)定义条款定义条款 (Definition clause)基本条款(基本条款(

26、Basic conditions)一般条款(一般条款(General terms and conditions)a.合同有效期限合同有效期限 (Duration)b.终止终止 (Termination)c.不可抗力不可抗力 (Force Majeure)d.合同的让与合同的让与 (Assignment)e.仲裁仲裁 (Arbitration)f.适用法律适用法律 (governing law) g.诉讼管辖诉讼管辖 (Jurisdiction)h.通知手续通知手续 (Notice)i.合同的修改合同的修改 (Amendment)j.其他其他 (Others)4. 结尾条款结尾条款 (Witne

27、ss clause)结尾语包括合同的分数、使结尾语包括合同的分数、使用的文字和效力等用的文字和效力等 (Concluding sentence)签名签名 (Signature)盖印盖印 (Seal) |Check List of a Sales ProvisionsAnExampleoftheProvisionsforaSalesContract The best course of action is to define all of the provisions of your contract in writing.These Provisions should Include:AnEx

28、ampleoftheProvisionsforaSalesContract|1. Contract date|2. Identification of parties|3. Goods - description|4. Goods - quantity|5. Goods - price|6. Payment -methods of payment|7. Payment - medium of exchange|8. Payment - exchange rate |9. Costs and charges - duties and taxes|10.Cost and charges - ins

29、urance|11.Cost and charges - handling and transport|12.Packaging arrangement|13.Delivery -date |14.Delivery - place|15.Delivery - transfer of title|16.Transportation - carrier|17.Transportation - storage|18.Transportation notice provision|19.Transportation - shipping time|20.Transportation - insuran

30、ce or risk of loss protection|21.Import/export documentation|22.Invoice preparation and deliveryAnExampleoftheProvisionsforaSalesContract|23.Re -exportation prohibition|24.Inspection right|25.Indemnities|26.Intellectual property rights|27.Warraties|28.Enforcement and remedies|29.Arbitration provisio

31、ns|30.Time is of the essence|31.Modification of contract|32.Cancellation|33.Liquidated damageAnExampleoftheProvisionsforaSalesContract|34.Attorneys fees|35.Force majeure|36.Inurement and assignment|37.Coditions precedent|38.Governing law|39.Choice of forum|40.Severability of provisions|41.Integratio

32、n of provisions|42.Notices|43.Authority to bind|44.Independent counsel|45.Acceptance and execution AnExampleoftheProvisionsforaSalesContract33三三英文合同的结构特点英文合同的结构特点 合同类法律文件用以规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。合同英语行文缜密而准确,历史悠久,深含法律文化底蕴。 中文的合同开头一般先罗列当事人的名称、姓名、住所或营业场所,然后是合同正文,结尾是当事人印章、授权代表签字、职务及签字日期。而英语合同一般以下面这类句式为

33、开头: This agreement/contract is made and entered into on this _day of_ (month) _(year) by and between Party A (hereinafter called “ Party A ”)and Party B (hereinafter called “ Party B ”) 随后还包括当事人和见证人的签字。签字日期一般在英文合同里搬弄是非是找不到的。 34然后是开始陈述: WHEREAS.THEREFORE . It is hereby agreed as follows: 或以: IN WITNE

34、SETH, WHEREAS. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of themutual covenants and agreements contained herein, theparties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 接着是正文,最后是证明部分: IN WITNESS WHEREOFthe parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day andyears first above written. 35四英文合同翻译的用词特点(forma

35、lterm) 合同英语的用词极其考究,具有特定性。要求选词专业化(professional)、正式(formal)、准确(accurate)。具体体现在下列方面: 1 may,shall,must,may not(或shall not)的使用: may,shall, must,may not (或shall not)对学过英语的人来说再熟悉不过了,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。 权利义务的约定部分构成了合同的主体。这几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。 may旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么), shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么时候), must用于强制性义务(必须做什么), may n

36、ot (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么)。 may do不能说成can do, shall do,不能说成should do或ought to do, may not do, 在美国一些法律文件里可以用shall not,但绝不能用can not do或must not),例如,在约定解决争议的途径时,可以说: 36Thepartiesheretoshall,firstofall,settleanydisputearisingfromorinconnectionwiththecontractbyfriendlynegotiations.Shouldsuchnegotiatio


38、all换用may后,意思变成了当事人可以通过协商解决,意思上说得过去,但后半句的may换用shall后,变成了应当诉讼解决,好像一出事,就要先见官,这就有些不友好了. 双方首先应通过友好协商,解决因合同而发生的或与合同有关的争双方首先应通过友好协商,解决因合同而发生的或与合同有关的争议。如果协商未果,合同中又无仲裁条款约定或争议发生后未就仲裁达议。如果协商未果,合同中又无仲裁条款约定或争议发生后未就仲裁达成共识的,可将争议提交给有成共识的,可将争议提交给有管辖权管辖权的人民法院解决。的人民法院解决。 本句译文:37l The Licensee shall keep books and reco

39、rds in sufficient detail to enable the royalties payable hereunder to the determined , and, shall further permit such books and records to be examined by a certified public accountant appointed by the Licensor at any reasonable time during the business hours to the extent necessary to verify the roy

40、alty and payments herein.l 正规性词语的准确。l 商务合同的用词一般都正式、规范的语言,而不能太口语化。可从“shall”在商务合同中的广泛使用看出这一点。用“shall”代替“will” or “should”以加强语气和强制力。“shall”在合同中,并非指单纯的将来时,而是常常用来表示法律上可以强制执行的义务,表示当事人需要承担的38l 义务,有“应该”、“必须”的意思。“will”在合同中虽也用作表示承担义务,但语气比“shall”弱。在合同中“should”通常只用来表示语气较强的假设“万一”,极少用来表示“应该”,这是英语合同用词与基础英语用词的不同之处。

41、如: 卖方保证货物达到质量标准,没有瑕疵。虽然中文中无“应该”字样,但应翻译成: The seller shall guarantee that the goods meet the quality standards and without blemish. 下面再列举一些词的正规表达和口语表达:l 修改amendchange, correct;l 给予assigngive;l 召集会议convenecall to meet;l 解释construeexplain;l 同意consentagreement;l 立约covenanpromise in writing;l 认为deemconsi

42、der;39l 2 2正式用语(formal term) 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有着很大不同之处。 例如: “因为”的短语多用“by virtue of ”,远远多于“due to”,一般不用“because of ”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”; “关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”; “事实上”用“in

43、effect”,而不用“in fact”; “开始”用“commencement”,而不用“start”或“begin”; “停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”; “何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb. “其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”; “理解合同”用“construe a contract”或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”; “认为

44、”用“deem”,用“consider”少,不用“think”或“believe”; 40l 其它的还有: “赔偿”用“indemnities”,而不用“compensation” “不动产转让”用“conveyance”,而不用“transfer of real estate” “房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用“lease of property” “停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease (名词是cessation) a business”,而不用“end/stop a business”。 还款或专利申请的“宽限期”英文为“grace”, “当事

45、人在破产中的和解”用“composition” “依照合同相关规定”一般说成“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说成“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”。 “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,选用“Neither party to the contract

46、”较少。 41l 3.用词专业(technical terms) 合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。如合同出现的“瑕疵”、“救济”、“不可抗力”、“管辖”、“损毁”、“灭失”等就可能让非行业人士费解,用以上英语表达分别为defect,remedy,force majeure /Act of God,jurisdiction,damage and/or loss。l 另外几乎每个合同都少不了hereinafter, referred to as ,such. As, whereas,,in witness whereof, for and on behalf of

47、 , hereby, thereof 等虚词,就其中几个细说: 42比如: Hereby: by means of; by reason of this之意,即: 特此,因此,兹等意。常用于法律文件、合同协议的正式文件的开头语,在条款中需要强调时也可用。举原文说明,如The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractorinconsideration ofthe execution and completion of the worksand the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price

48、orsuch other sum as may become payable under the provisionsthe Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed bythe Contract. 文中: hereby意为 by reason of this,特此的意思。 therein意为in the Works在本工程中。 such.as是关系代词,相当于that, which,把要限定的词置于such与as之间使要限定的名词十分明确,避免合同双方在理解上发生争议。 Note:covenants 契约43l 立刻forthwith

49、at once;l 临时的interimtemporary;l 参与partakejoin;l 要求requireask;l 递交surrendergive。 l专用表达的准确。l 在商务合同中还经常出现一些像In Witness Whereof、Know All Men by these presents 之类的专用表达,这些单词或词组在日常交流中几乎不用。如:(1)本协议书于上面所签定的日期由双方根据各自的法律签定,开始执行,特立此据。In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused the Agreement to be execute

50、d on the day and year first before written in accordance with their respective laws.44l (2)特此宣布,我中国建设银行向腾达公司立约担保支付三百万元人民币保证金,本保证金对银行及其继承人和受让人均具有约束力。Know All Men by these presents that we Construction Bank of China will be bound to Tengda Corp. in the sum of three million RMB yuan for payment well an

51、d truly to be made to the Owner , the Bank will bind itself , its successors and assigns by these presents.45l词项重复的准确。 词项重复是指很少使用代词,重复关键词。这是为了达到准确的目地。除在“it is agreed as follows”和“it is understood that”两种结构中外,代词“it”几乎见不到。此外,名词前常用“said”、“aforesaid”、“above-mentioned”等来限定,如:如卖方延迟交货超过合同规定10 周时,买方有权撤消合同。此

52、时卖方仍应不延迟地按上述规定向买方支付罚款。In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract, and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall nevertheless pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without

53、 delay.46l句法的准确 1.句式结构的准确。(1)商务合同中均以完整句子为主,陈述句居多,具有相同或类似的深层逻辑结构。且多用主动语态,少用被动语态。因为主动语态比较自然、明确、直接和有力。如:本租赁合同生效日起,承租人应向出租人支付相当于二个月租金(4,000 美元)的押金,作为对忠实履行本租约的担保金。本押金将于1998 年5 月11 日租约到期时,在承租人交还租房,而设备完好的前提下,归还承租人(不计息),或者,在租约提前终止时,按本租约规定办理。47l On the date of coming into force of this Leasecoming into force

54、 of this Lease, the Lessee deposits with the Lessor the sum equaling two equaling two months rentmonths rent (=USD4,000) as security for the faithful performance of the provisions of this lease, and to be returned to the Lessee without interestwithout interest when the Lessee surrenders the premises

55、 and all the equipment in good condition on expiration May 11, 1998 of this lease or based on the conditionsbased on the conditions of this Lease for sooner terminat ion.这则商业用房租赁合同,中文是两个句子,而为了表达连贯,富有逻辑,英文翻译中只用了一个完整的句子:主句加时间状语从句,附带介词词组状语和分词词组状语。48l (2)常用条件句。l 合同除了规定双方应该履行的义务外,还设想了各种可能发生的情况和处理办法,所以条款中

56、条件句较多,尤其是在有关付款、违约责任、不可抗力、财产处理和仲裁等几章中更是屡见不鲜。l 英文中最常见的有以下几种表达方式: in the event that, in case 等。这种结构虽然拖沓冗长,但表意非常精确,杜绝了产生歧义的情形。如:l 若需要进口许可证,买方应在订货前办妥。l In case the Import License is required, the buyer should settle the problem before placing the order.49l (3)为了表达希望某事不太可能发生,常用“should”放于句首,主语与动词倒置的从句加主句的句

57、型。这种结构表示强烈的假设。如: l 假如买方未能履行与卖方所订立合同的任何条款,卖方有权终止全部或部分合同,或延期交货,或截留运输中货物。l Should the buyer fail to perform any provision of the contract signed with the seller, the seller is entitled to terminate the whole or any part of the contract, or postpone the delivery or hold back the goods in transit.50l 状语位

58、置的准确。 按照英语写作的一般规则,主谓之间不能放置较长的状语。但在商务合同英语中,较长的状语和never、 often 等经常出现在主谓之间。 另外一般文书的状语从句中,If、When、In case 等连词与从句的主语之间一般不能放置状语,但商务合同英语中的状语可以这样做。这样是为了保持语意的连贯。如: 任何一方向合资公司付清其认缴的出资额以后,对合资公司的任何债务不承担责任。又: No Party shall, after having paid to the joint venture company the entirety of the capital it has subscri

59、bed, assume any responsibility for any of the debts and liabilities of the joint venture company.51 在被邀签约时,承包人应同意签定并履行合同,该合同是由业主按照本合同条件所附格式拟订,如有必要,可对其进行修改。该合同的拟订和签订费用由业主承担。 The Contractor shall, if called upon so to do, enter into and execute the Contract, to be prepared and completed at the cost of

60、 the Employer , in the form annexed to these conditions with such modification as may be necessary.在非正式协商开始30 天后,如果双方仍不能友好地解决合同争端,任何一方都可以要求将争端提交仲裁解决。If, after 30 days from the commencement of such informal consultations, the parties fail to resolve amicably a contract dispute , either party hereto m


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