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1、FREIGHT MATTERS物流教研室物流教研室 王睿王睿UNIT 5 Dealing With Documents 案例说明:案例说明:位于德国石勒苏益格位于德国石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州的荷尔斯泰因州的Alfru公司从一公司从一家智利公司订购了几吨黑莓果汁,并聘请家智利公司订购了几吨黑莓果汁,并聘请Transtrax公司替他们处理收货和送货事宜。公司替他们处理收货和送货事宜。Part A Blackberry Juice from Chile Start up: Alfru公司请公司请Transtrax公司替他们处理收货和送公司替他们处理收货和送货事。货事。Transtrax应该怎样做呢?

2、应该怎样做呢?1. 弄清什么是弄清什么是CFR Rotterdam支付方式;支付方式;2. 收货需要什么文件;收货需要什么文件;3. 货物要送到何处。货物要送到何处。 The CFR terms of delivery means that the buyer has to arrange for the goods to be picked up at the port of destination( i.e. Rotterdam) and to do be delivered to their final destination. Customs clearance also needs

3、to be seen to. These are the tasks Alfru has ordered Transtrax to do for them. Transtrax has to collect the goods from the ship in the port of Rotterdam.CFR Rotterdam 浙江省平湖市,现将出口两个柜给德国客户,从上海港口出货。客户要求我司直接出到西班牙Valencia港,客户经加工后,再转到德国工厂。因此客户要求提供T1 document .T1转运报关单转运报关单 欧盟以外国家的货物进入欧盟,被称欧盟以外国家的货物进入欧盟,被称为

4、第三国货物或非共同体货物为第三国货物或非共同体货物. 在过境的时候,第三国货物必须立即在过境的时候,第三国货物必须立即由承运公司、货代公司或者收货公司向所由承运公司、货代公司或者收货公司向所属的海关报关,由申请人办理一系列海关属的海关报关,由申请人办理一系列海关手续。如果货物需要继续转运,申请人应手续。如果货物需要继续转运,申请人应当向负责货物出口事宜的出口局出示相关当向负责货物出口事宜的出口局出示相关的转运报关单。的转运报关单。 这里所需要的这里所需要的T1转运报关单由转运报关单由1988年年1月月1日起日起生效的统一文件组成,并附上所有进口的第三生效的统一文件组成,并附上所有进口的第三国货

5、物的清单副本国货物的清单副本. 另外通过在集装箱上打上铅封,在运输工具上另外通过在集装箱上打上铅封,在运输工具上使用密封装置,在包裹上贴上海关标签来保护使用密封装置,在包裹上贴上海关标签来保护货物的安全。在转运单上标上海关铅封号码,货物的安全。在转运单上标上海关铅封号码,目的地海关服务处会检查铅封是否完好无损。目的地海关服务处会检查铅封是否完好无损。最后确定货物到目的地海关报关的期限最后确定货物到目的地海关报关的期限(欧盟转欧盟转运一般期限为运一般期限为8天天)。T1转运报关单转运报关单 欧盟以外国家的货物进入欧盟,被称欧盟以外国家的货物进入欧盟,被称为第三国货物或非共同体货物为第三国货物或非

6、共同体货物. 在过境的时候,第三国货物必须立即在过境的时候,第三国货物必须立即由承运公司、货代公司或者收货公司向所由承运公司、货代公司或者收货公司向所属的海关报关,由申请人办理一系列海关属的海关报关,由申请人办理一系列海关手续。如果货物需要继续转运,申请人应手续。如果货物需要继续转运,申请人应当向负责货物出口事宜的出口局出示相关当向负责货物出口事宜的出口局出示相关的转运报关单。的转运报关单。 Name, company, tel-no, fax-no The reason for calling-goods -place, date -price -customs -documents -de

7、livery toAndy Letterman, Alfru, Tel. 04101-793291 / Fax:04101-793295 12 tons blackberry juice in 40container Arriving from Chile on MS Cap Corrientes,18 Sept., in Rotterdam Price in dollars Estimate given: USD 950.- + USD 80. for customs clearance = USD1,030 Goods to be cleared at customs on Dutch-G

8、erman border Bill of lading and customs documents to be sent by courier Dlivery to Alfru, Werkstr. 4,25497 Prisdorf, Germany2 . Key 128+157+10*12+40+480+80= USD 10053. Key To: Andy Lettermann, Alfru From: Transtrax Bremen Date: 12 September 1997 Re: 1/40 container ex MS Cap Corrientes Dear Andy Foll

9、owing our telephoning conversation I would like to confirm details of the offer as follows: Handling in Rotterdam USD 128,- Delivery Rotterdam warehouse USD 157,- Reloading USD 10.- per ton Issuing T 1 document USD 40,- Customs clearance at Dutch-German border USD 80,- Haulage Rotterdam Prisdorf USD

10、 480,- Regards4. Key1. Export invoice, 2. certificate of origin, 3. bill of lading. Transtrax needs the export invoice and the certificate of origin for customs. The bill of lading is necessary for Transtrax to take possession of the goods when the ship docks in Rotterdam. (Only the holder of the B/

11、L is entitled to take the goods from the ship.)2. Alfru received the documents from the bank not directly from Jugosa because they were paying by letter of credit. After sending off the juice, Jugosa sent the documents to their bank, which forwarded them to Alfrus bank. Alfrus bank needed to see the

12、 ducuments to check them before transferring payment to Jugosas bank. By issuing a letter of credit, Alfrus bank gave a guarantee to the Chilean firm that they would receive the money.5. Key1. place of receipt2. port of lading3. port of discharge4. place of delivery5. notify6. clean on board7. vesse

13、l8. endorsed9. not negotiable10. freight prepaid6. A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radically around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, p

14、roblem solving, decision making, and writing.7. Key Transtrax had to know the date and time of arrival of the vessel and the quay in the port of Rotterdam where the vessel would dock. They could get this information by calling or faxing the shipping line named on the bill of lading.9. Key To: Andy L

15、ettermann, Alfru From: Transtrax Bremen Date: 17 September 1997 Re: Container with 12 tons blackberry juice ex MS Cap Corrientes Dear Andy The Cap Corrientes is not due to arrive in Rotterdam until late on Saturday, 20 September. This means we cannot collect the container before Monday morning. In t

16、he meantime the shipping line will see that the container is connected to an electricity supply at your expense. The estimated time of arrival in Prisdorf is Tuesday afternoon, 23 September. Customs clearance will take place in Hengelo【汉吉罗(荷兰东汉吉罗(荷兰东部城市,与德国接壤)部城市,与德国接壤)】 Regards11. Key1. After Alfru

17、 had agreed to buy the juice CFR Rotterdam, Jugosa arranged transportation on the MS Cap Corrientes.2. After the container had been loaded on board, the vessel left Valparaiso.3. After the forwarding agent in Chile had given the bill of lading to Jugosa, Jugosa sent all the documents to their bank.4

18、. After Alfru had received the documents from their bank, they forwarded them to Transtrax.5. After Transtrax had presented the bill of lading at the port in Rotterdam, they took possession of the container.6. After the forwarder had issued a T1 document in Rotterdam, the goods were allowed to leave

19、 the port.7.After the consignment had been cleared by customs at Hengelo, the truck driver crossed the Dutch- German border.8. After Transtrax had delivered the container to Prisdorf, Alfru was able to sell the juice to an ice-cream manufacturer.Part B Bills of lading 这篇课文解释了什么是提单、如何使用提单已经提单的不这篇课文解释了什么是提单、如何使用提单已经提单的不同类型。同类型。 提单(提单(bill of lading)简称简称B/L,在对外贸易中,运输部门承在对外贸易中,运输部门承运货物时前发给发货人的一种凭证。收货人凭提单向货运目


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