已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、酒店基础英语Hotel Basic EnglishPart I General English 公共英语一、Basic vocabulary 基本词汇客房部:Housekeeping (HK)前厅部: Front Office (FO)工程部:Engineering Department (ED)餐饮部:Food and Beverage Department (FB)行政部:Administration Department(AD)保安部:Security Department (SD)市场销售部:Sales and Marketing Department (SM)财务部:Fin

2、ance Department (FD)General Manager 总经理Deputy General Manager 副总经理Director 总监Manager 经理Assistant Manager 大堂副理 Manager On Duty 高值经理Supervisor 主管 Captain 领班Assistant to the housekeeper管家助理Waiter/Waitress 餐厅男/女美食顾问Operator 总机话务员Bellboy 行李生Receptionist 总台接待员Lobby 大堂Front desk 总台Cashiers 结帐处Guest service

3、 center 宾客服务中心Concierge/bell service 行李组Lift/Elevator 电梯Ticket service 票务服务F&B Reservation 宴会预订Room service 客房送餐Restaurant 餐厅Conference room/meeting room 会议室Parking lot 停车场Basement parking lot 地下停车场Toilet/Washing room/Lavatory 卫生间SPA 休闲中心Fitness Center 健身房二、Daily Expressions 日常用语(一)、Greeting and

4、 Parting 问候与告别1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam). 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。2、How do you do?您好!(初次见面)How do you do?您好!(回答)Nice/Glad to meet you.很高兴见到您。3、How are you?您好吗?Fine, thanks, and you?好,谢谢,您呢?4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant).欢迎到我们酒店(餐厅)来。5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在

5、我们酒店过得愉快。6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们酒店过得愉快。7、Have a good time!祝您过得愉快!8、Have a good evening/weekend!祝您晚上过得愉快祝您周末过得愉快!9、Good-bye and hope to see you again.再见,希望再次见到您。10、See you later. 等会儿见。11、Good night. 晚安。12、See you tomorrow. 明天见。13、Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您光临。14、

6、Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您。15、Have a nice trip. 一路平安。16、Have a pleasant journey. 祝您旅途愉快。17、Have a nice day. 祝您今天过好。18、Good luck. 祝您好运。(二)、Telephone Expressions 电话用语1、Good morning, MOON YO Hotel. /This isCan I help you?您好,幔悦酒店这里是。需要帮忙吗?2、Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.对不起,我

7、拨错号了。3、Sorry, you have dialed the wrong number, I'll extend you to 对不起,您拨错号码了,让我帮您转到4、Who are you looking for? /Where are you transferring for?您找哪位?您要转哪里?5、May I speak to your General Manager?能和你们总经理说话吗?Speaking, please. 我就是。6、Sorry, he is not in at the moment.对不起,他现在不在。Would you like to leave a

8、 message?你要留口信吗?7、Pardon? (升调)对不起,请再说一遍好吗?I beg your pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗?8、Sorry, I still didn't understand what you said,will you please speak slowly?对不起,我还没听懂,您能讲慢一点吗?9、Hold the line, please. I'll extend you to the Assistant Manager.请稍等,我帮您转至大堂副理处。l0、I'm sorry, the line is busy. Would

9、you mind waiting on the line? 对不起,电话占线。您是否拿着电话稍等一会儿?11、Thank you for your waiting. 让您久等了!(三)、Greetings 祝贺语1、Congratulations! 祝贺您!2、Happy birthday! 生日快乐!3、Happy New Year! 新年快乐!4、Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!5、Have a nice holiday! 节日快乐!6、Wish you every success! 祝您成功!(四)、Thanks and Responses 答谢和应答语1、Thank you

10、(very much). 谢谢您(非常感谢)。2、Thank you for your advice(information, help)感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。3、It's very kind of you. 您真客气。4、You are welcome. 不用谢。Don't mention it. 不用谢。5、It's my pleasure. 非常高兴为您服务。With pleasure. 非常高兴为您服务。My pleasure. 非常高兴为您服务。6、I am at your service. 乐意为您效劳。7、Thank you for staying

11、in our hotel. 感谢您在我们饭店下榻。(五)、Apologies 道歉语1、I'm sorry. 很抱歉。2、Excuse me. 对不起。3、I'm sorry. It's my fault. 很抱歉,那是我的过错。4、Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。5、Sorry to interrupt you. 抱歉打扰您。6、I'm sorry about this. 我为此感到抱歉。7、I apologize for this. 我为此抱歉。8、That's all right. 没关系。9、L

12、et's forget it. 算了吧。(六)、Requests and Responses 征询与应答语1、Can/May I help you? 我能为您做什么? What can l do for you? 我能为您做什么?2、Just a moment please, I'll be with you right away/immediately. 请稍等一下,我马上就来。3、Yes, of course. 当然可以。 Certainly. 当然可以。(七)、Giving Directions 指路用语1、Go upstairs/downstairs. 上楼下楼。2、I

13、t's on the second/third floor. 在二三楼。3、Turn left/right. 往左右转。4、This way, please. 请这边走。5、Follow me please. 请跟我来。6、After you. 您先请。7、Excuse me, where is the(washing room)?请问(洗手间)在哪里?8、The washing room is next to the lift.洗手间在电梯隔壁。9、The F&B reservation desk is on the second floor.宴会预订处就在二楼。10、I&#

14、39;ll show you to the.This way, please. 我带您到,请跟我来。(八)、Reminding 提醒用语1、Mind(Watch)your step. 请走好!2、Please be careful. 请当心。3、Don't worry(about it). 别担心。4、Take it easy. 放心好了。5、Please don't leave anything behind.请别遗忘物品。6、Please don't smoke here.请别在这儿吸烟。Part II Professional English 业务英语Front

15、Office Dept. 前厅部一、Basic vocabulary 基本词汇1、reception 接待处2、information 问讯处3、reservation 预订处4、form 表格5、registration form 登记单6、fill in 填写7、welcome card/passport 欢迎卡8、C/I(check-in) 入住9、C/O(check-out) 退房10、no-show 有预订未入住11、change room 换房12、extension of stay 续住13、complain 投诉14、preferential rate 优惠价15、commer

16、cial rate 协议价16、coupon/voucher 票券17、complimentary 免费赠送18、message 留言19、confirm/confirmation 确认20、cancel/cancellation 取消21、signature 签名22、discount 折扣23、room rate 房价24、tariff 房价表25、umbrella 雨伞26、trolley/cart 手推车27、luggage/baggage 行李二、Daily Expressions 日常用语1、Good morning. This is Room Reservation. May I

17、 help you? 早晨好!客房预订处,我能为您做什么?2、For what date? 您要订哪一天的房间?3、For how many nights?您要住几个晚上。4、How long will you be with us? /How long are you going to stay here?您打算住多久?5、A single room or a double room/deluxe suite?需要单人房间还是双人房间豪华套房?6、For how many people please?你们一起几个人?7、What time will you be arriving?您将在何时

18、到达?8、Have you made a reservation? /Do you have any reservation?您有没有预订房间?9、For a_room the price would be RMB_yuan._房的价格是_元。10、May I know your name and room number?您能告诉我您的名字和房间号码吗?11、May I see/have a look at your passport?能看一下您的护照吗?12、Would you please fill in this form?麻烦您填写一下这张表,好吗?13、Would you pleas

19、e sign your name here?麻烦您在这儿签一下您的名字。14、Would you please have a seat in the sofa over there?您在那边沙发上坐一会儿好吗?15、May I take your luggage for you?我来帮您拿行李,好吗?16、How many bags do you have in all?您一共有你个包?17、Don't worry, your luggage will be sent up at once.别但心,您的行李很快就会送上去的。18、This is your room card and r

20、oom key.这是您的房卡和房间钥匙。19、May I take a message for you?我帮您传一下口信,好吗?20、Here is the paper and pen, Please write down your message.这是纸和笔,请写下您的留言。21、Please pay the deposit in advance.请您先付一下订金。22、How would you like to pay, sir, in cash or by credit card?先生,请问您是用现金还是用信用卡付账?23、Your room number is 1208. This i

21、s your welcome card.您的房间号码是1208。这是您的欢迎卡。24、The check out time is 12:00 at noon. You'11 have to pay half of the rate if you leave after 12:00. You'11 have to pay the full rate if you leave after 6:00pm,退房时间是中午12:00,如果您12点后退房,必须多付半天房租。如果晚上6点后退房,按全日收费计算。25、If you want a late check-out at_ pm, p

22、lease contactwith the Assistant Manager.如果您想要在下午_点退房,请联系大堂副理。26、Sorry, all _rooms are occupied. How about having a _?对不起,_房已经满了,_房怎么样?Rooming the guest Bellboys are the key personnel who not only escort guest to his/her room but also introduce the hotel facilities and the main features of guest room

23、. It is the perfect opportunity for us to make our guest feel welcomed and relaxed. Scene one: guest completes check in at Front desk.At Front desk GSA: Mr. Robinson. This is your bellboy Tony. He will show you to your room. Have a pleasant stay, GST: Thank you very much. Goodbye.GSA: Goodbye,

24、Sir.Bell: Good morning, Mr. Robinson. Nice to meet you. May I have your room number, please? GST: Here you areBell: .This way to the elevator. Is this your first time in Fuzhou? (How is your trip?)GST: Not really. I used to stay in other hotels.Bell: Welcome to our hotel. Here comes the elevator. Pl

25、ease come in.In the elevator Bell: Your breakfast is in the Chinatown Restaurant located in the Second Floor from 7:00-10:00. GST: Ok.Escort guest to the room Bell: Here we are, Mr. Robinson. After you Bell: This way to your room. Here is the emergency exit. This is your room. May I use your room ke

26、y?GST: Sure. Here you are.Bell: Insert key for power Sir. Please come in.GST: Thanks.Bell: May I put your suitcase on the luggage rack?GST: Yes, please. Please put my laptop on the table.Bell: Certainly, Mr. Robinson. How do you like the room temperature?GST: I like it a little cooler.Bell: Certainl

27、y, sir. This is the air-condition control. Now I turn down the room temperature to 20 degrees centigrade.GST: Thatll be good.Bell: May I introduce the room facilities for you?GST: Sure. Please go ahead.Bell: This is the internet connection. The internet is free. If you need anything during your stay

28、, please simply contact Extension 60. All the stationery is in this drawer. This is the hotel service directory,GST: All right.Bell: Here is the mini bar. All the items are chargeable on consumption basis. We offer complimentary coffee and tea. If you need more, please feel free to inform Housekeepi

29、ng. Bell: This is the TV guide for hotel channels.Bell: We offer 2 bottles of purified water everyday. If you need more, please inform our Housekeeping as well.GST: All right.Bell: This is the wardrobe. Here we have safe box; iron & ironing board.Bell: How do you like your room, Mr. Robinson?GST

30、: Very good.Bell: Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?GST: Thank you Tony. Bell: Have a pleasant stay in our hotel. If you need more information about the city, please just contact Concierge. Goodbye.GST: Goodbye.Finance Dept. 财务收银一、Basic vocabulary 基本词汇1、preferential price/privilege 优惠2、di

31、scount 折扣3、breakfast coupon 早餐券4、cashier 收银员5、deposit/deposit receipt 押金/押金收据6、credit card 信用卡7、exchange rate 汇率兑换价8、foreign currency 外币9、U.S.dollar 美元10、Japanese yen 日元11、HK dollar 港币12、B.O.C. Bank of China 中国银行13、change 零钱14、exchange memo 兑换水单15、bill 账单16、unit price 单价17、note/bill 纸币18、mini bar 小酒

32、吧19、drink 饮料20、valuables 贵重物品21、service charge 服务费22、cash 现金23、minimum charge 最低收费最低价24、coin 硬币25、safety deposit box 保险箱26、free/free of charge/on the house 免费27、one-yuan/five-yuan/ten-yuan note l元/5元/10元钞票28、settle accounts with RMB/pay in RMB/by credit card 用人民币结算用信用卡付账二、Daily Expressions 日常用语1、Goo

33、d morming/afternoon/evening. Can I help you? 早上好/中午好/晚上好,需要帮忙吗?2、Are you checking out right now? 您现在要结账退房?3、l'd like to check out now. I'd like to pay my bill now. 我现在要结账。4、How would you like to make the payments? 您准备如何付账?5、How would you like to pay,sir,in cash or by credit card? 先生,请问你是用现金付

34、账还是用信用卡付帐?6、May I have your name and your room number, please? 能告诉我您的姓名及房号吗?7、Did you take anything from the mini-bar in your room? 您使用过客房小酒吧吗?8、May I have your credit card, please? 我可以刷一下您的信用卡吗?9、What's this amount for? 这是什么费用?10、That's for the phone calls you made from your room. 那是您在房间打的电

35、话费。11、The charge is for drinks taken from the mini-bar. 这笔费用是客房小酒吧的饮料费。12、The service charge is included in the bill. 服务费也包括在这帐单内。13、How much is the total? /How much does it come to in total? 请问总共多少饯?14、Your bill comes to_Yuan. 您的帐单共计_元。15、Here's your bill, it's 1000 yuan in a11. Would you l

36、ike to check it? 这是您的帐单,一共是1000元,您要确认一下吗?16、I am sorry, sir, but there has been an error in your bill. Please wait a minute while I correct it. 对不起,先生,您的帐单弄错了。请稍侯,我马上把它改过来。17、I'll just check it again for you, madam.女士,我为您再核对一遍。18、Here is your change and receipt.这是您的钱和收据。19、Sorry, your credit car

37、d has been stopped paying. According to the regulations of bank, it must be cancelled.对不起,您的信用卡已经止付。根据银行规定要取消。20、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。21、Please check it and sign here.请核对一下在这里签个字。22、Thank you.You're welcome to come again.谢谢,欢迎再次光临。23、Would you please tell me today's forei

38、gn exchange rate?请告诉我今天的外币兑换率好吗?24、Today's exchange rate for every US dollar is_Yuan.今天的美元兑换率是_元美元。25、How much would you like to change, sir?您想兑换多少?26、Would you please fill in the exchange memo?请填一下兑换水单好吗?27、Would you like to pay your meal into your room bill?您想将餐费计入房间总账里吗?Housekeeping Dept. 客房服

39、务一、Basic vocabulary 基本词汇extra bed 加床single bed 单人床twin bed 双人床king-sized bed 大床pillow 枕头towel 毛巾wardrobe 衣柜hanger 衣架bath robe 浴袍slippers(a pair of) 拖鞋safety deposit box 保险箱password 密码mini bar 小酒吧refrigerator 冰箱mineral water 矿泉水laundry bag 洗衣袋ironing board 烫衣板iron/flat iron/electric iron 熨斗/电熨斗kettle

40、 电热水壶tooth brush 牙刷tooth paste 牙膏sewing kit 针线包fruit 水果room service 送餐服务ashtray 烟灰缸match 火柴breakfast voucher/coupon 早餐券drawer 抽屉switch 开关mirror 镜子remote control 遥控器floor  lamp/light  落地灯reading  lamp/light台灯night  lamp夜灯bed-side  lamp床头灯telephone电话bathtub浴缸toilet  bowl马

41、桶wash basin洗脸盆tap水龙头bath foam 沐浴液shampoo洗发水quilt cover被套quilt被子bathing towel浴巾television电视hair dryer电吹风bathroom scales健康称computer电脑keyboard键盘mouse鼠标transformer多功能插座(电压转换插座)socket插座二、Daily Expressions 日常用语1、Housekeeping. May I come in? 客房服务。我可以进来吗?2、Welcome to the _ floor. I'm your room attendant

42、. May I help you with your bag, please, madam? 我是您的客房服务员。要我帮您拿包吗,小姐?3、May I have your room number, please? 能告诉我您的房号吗? Thank you. Let me show you to your room. 谢谢,让我带您到您的房间。 This way please. Here we are. 这边请。我们到了。4、Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. The Extension is 60. 如果有什么事需

43、要我帮忙的话,请告诉我。分机号码是60。5、Im sorry to trouble you, sir. May I clean the room now? 先生,对不起麻烦您了。现在我可以打扫房间吗?6、Not at the moment. 现在不需要。7、Shall we come back later? / Would you like me to come back later? 我们等一会再来,好吗?您要我迟些再来吗?8、When would you like me to do your room, sir? 您要我什么时候来为您整理房间,先生? In half an hour ple

44、ase. 半个小时之后。9、I hope I'm not disturbing you. 我希望没有打扰您。10、How long will it take to finish cleaning a room? 打扫完一个房间需要多少时间?11、It usually takes half an hour to finish cleaning. 打扫卫生一般需要半小时。12、I'd like one more toothbrush. 我想再要一把牙刷。13、One moment, madam. I'll bring/send them to you right away.

45、 等一会,夫人。我马上送来。14、There is something wrong with the toilet. 我房间的马桶出了些问题。15、I'm very sorry, sir. A repairman will come and check it right away. 我很抱歉,先生。修理工马上来检查。16、I'll do it right away. 我马上去办。17、Turn-down service. May I come in? 夜床服务。我能进来吗?18、The bed is hard. Please add one blanket for me. 这床

46、太硬了,请帮我加一条毯子。19、All right, sir. We will do that then. 好的,先生。到时我们会这样做的。20、For laundry service, dial 60 and you will get the housekeeping. 若需要洗衣服务,请拨60与客房中心联系。21、Have you got any laundry, sir? 先生,您有衣服要洗吗?22、Do you need washing or dry-cleaning? 您是要水洗还是干洗?23、I'll send someone to pick it up right awa

47、y. 我立刻叫人去收您要送洗的衣服。24、Please fill in the laundry list. 请您填写好洗衣单。25、For express service it will only take 4 hours, and there is an extra charge of 50% 快洗服务只需4小时,但要加50的费用。26、For ordinary Service, we will deliver the laundry before 18:00.对于普通洗衣服务,我们在晚上18点前送回。27、Your laundry is back, madam.小姐,您的衣服送来了。28、

48、You'd better check your laundry.您最好查看一下洗好的衣服。Food & Beverage Dept. 餐饮服务一、Basic vocabulary 基本词汇1、Chinese restaurant 中餐厅2、banquet hall 宴会厅3、bar 酒吧4、morning tea 早茶5、afternoon tea 下午茶6、breakfast 早餐7、lunch 午餐8、supper 晚餐9、buffet 自助餐10、Chinese food 中餐菜肴11、western food 西餐菜肴12、ashtray 烟灰缸13、tea cup 茶

49、杯14、teapot 茶壶15、menu 菜单16、chopstick 筷子17、tableware 餐具18、napkin 餐巾19、paper napkin 餐巾纸20、knife 餐刀21、fork 餐叉22、spoon汤勺23、butter knife黄油刀24、glass 杯子25、tooth pick牙签26、table card 台号卡二、Daily Expressions 日常用语1、Chinese/Western restaurant。May I help you? 这是中西餐厅,能为您服务吗?2、How many persons, please? 你们一起共有几位?3、Ar

50、e you expecting any other friends? 还有其他人吗?4、We are open from 7:00 to 21:30. 我们从7点一直营业到21点30分6、The breakfast buffet is from 7:00 a.m till 10:00 a.m. 自助早餐从早上7点营业到10点。7、I'm sorry, the restaurant is full now.很抱歉,餐厅客满了。8、Do you have a reservation, sir? 先生,您有预订吗?9、Is it only two of you? 就你们两位吗?10、Do y

51、ou have a meal voucher/coupon? 您有餐券吗?11、Where would you like your table, in the main restaurant or in a private room? 您要大厅的餐位还是要包厢?12、Where would you like to sit, by the window or near the corridor/in the middle/near the corner, sir? 先生,您喜欢坐哪儿,靠窗还是靠走廊中间角落?13、I'11 show you to your table. This way

52、, please. 我带您入座,这边请。14、Is this table all right? 这张桌子可以吗?15、I'll show you to your new table. 我带您到另一桌去。16、I'm afraid that table is reserved. 那桌恐怕被订走了。17、We can seat you very soon. 我们会很快安排您入座。18、Take a seat, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单,先生,您要点菜吗?19、What would yo

53、u like to have(drink)? 您要吃(喝)点什么?20、Would you care for some soup? 您要汤吗?21、Today's special is 今天的特色菜是22、I'm sorry, there isn't any left. Would you like to try another dish? 很抱歉,(这个菜)供应完了。您试试其他的菜好吗?23、Here is your(the)(). Please enjoy Your meal./it. 这是您的(),请慢用。24、Will that be all/enough, s

54、ir? 就这些吗,先生?25、Would you care for anything else? 您还要点些别的吗?26、What would you like to have coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶?27、How would you like your steak, well-done or medium-done? 您的牛排要煮得熟透还是半熟?28、May I serve it to you now?现在可以上菜吗?29、Which flavor would you prefer, _or _?您喜欢哪一种口味, _或 _?30、The buffet is over there. Please help yourself.自助餐在那边。请随意取用。31、The dish is very hot. Please be care


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