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1、JSSN江苏世能化工设备有限公司Quality Control Procedure程序文件DOC. No. :JSSN/CP-01文件号Edition版本: 2014Shop Construction and Field Site Assembly of Power Boilers and Pressure Vessels & Parts and Pressure Piping in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section I, Section VIII Division 1 and ASME Code

2、B31.1按ASME规范第I卷、第卷第1册及B31.1在工厂建造与现场安装锅炉、压力容器及其部件和压力管道Revision No.修订号:1Radiographic Examination Procedure射线检测工艺规程Page:30 of 30第30页 共30页Radiographic Examination Procedure射线检测工艺规程1REV.NO. 修订号Prepared By编 制Date 日 期Reviewed By 审 核Date 日 期Approved By 批 准Date 日 期1 Scope范围1.1 This procedure defines the X-ra

3、y radiographic examination technique and acceptance condition in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Sect. I, Sect. VIII Div.1, ASME B31.1 and ASME Code Sect. V.本规程适用于按照ASME规范第I卷、第VIII卷第1分册ASMEB31.1和ASME第V卷最新版本相一致的要求进行的X射线检测。1.2 This procedure shall be supplemented by the examination i

4、nstruction which defines the variable more specific for the job to be examined.本规程应由具体详细的检测工艺文件的做补充。2 Qualification of NDE Personnel检测人员资格2.1 Any NDE personnel concerning with this examination shall be qualified as radiographic examiner in accordance with Written Practice for Qualification and Certi

5、fication of Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Personnel(JSSN/CX-10), which conforms to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A (2006) .从事射线检测的人员必须按本公司无损检测人员培训考评及认证实施细则(JSSN/CX-10)进行资格评定和认证,此实施细则符合SNT-TC-1A(2006)的要求。3 Equipment, Tools and Materials检测设备、器材3.1 The equipment, tools and materials shall be in compli

6、ance with the following condition and the requirements of the examination instruction.所选用的设备、器材应能保证符合下列条件和RT工艺卡的要求。3.2 Radiation Source射线源One of the following equipment listed in Table 1 shall be used. The effective source size shall be verified and be within the specified limitation.应选用表1中列出的设备之一,应

7、当核对有效焦点尺寸,确认在规定范围内。Table 1 X-Ray Equipment表1 X-射线设备Manufacturer制造厂Brand型号Max. Voltage最大管电压KVTube Current管电流(mA)Source Size焦点尺寸mmDANDONG NDE Eqipment Factory丹东无损检测设备厂XXH-3005Z300KV5m1.0×3.0DANDONG NDE Eqipment Factory丹东无损检测设备厂XXQ-2505D250KV5m2.0×2.03.3 Films胶片The film listed in Table 2 shal

8、l be used:应选用表2中列出的胶片。Table 2 Films表2 胶片Brand类型Manufacturer制造厂家Designation标号T3FU MINGWEI SHENZHEN CO., LTD. 富明威深圳有限公司IXQ100HD3.4 Intensifying Screens增感屏The following thickness of lead foil intensifying screens shall be used:铅箔增感屏的厚度应在表3中选择:Table 3 Intensifying Screens表3 增感屏Work Voltage of X-Ray管电压Th

9、ickness of Screen铅箔厚度(mm)Front前屏Back后屏150300kv0.030.033.5 Densitometers黑度计The densitometer used for measuring the film density is of JCMD-210B. The densitometer shall be calibrated in accordance with 4 of this Procedure.应选用JCMD-210B黑度计测定射线底片密度。黑度计应按照第4条的要求校验。3.6 IQI像质计(IQI)3.6.1 ASME wire type IQI c

10、omplying with the requirements or alternates allowed in SE-747 and as shown in Table 4 shall be used. The designated wire diameter of a wire type IQI shall be selected from Table 5. The wire type IQI shall be made of carbon steel or Type 300 series stainless steel for use on all carbon steels, all l

11、ow-alloy steels, all stainless steels, manganese-nickel-aluminum bronze (Superston).ASME线型像质计应符合SE-747的要求,并且应在表4中选用。线型像质计的标明线径应表5中选取。像质计的金属丝应为碳钢或300系列不锈钢用于所有碳钢,所有低合金钢、不锈钢、镁-镍-铝铜合金(高强度耐蚀青铜)的检测。Table4 Wire IQI Designation, Wire Diameter and Wire Identity表4 线型像质计名称, 线径 及线号Set ASet BWire Diameter, in. (

12、mm)线径Wire Identity线号Wire Diameter, in.线径Wire Identity线号0.0032(0.08)0.004 (0.10)0.005 (0.13)0.0063 (0.16)0.008 (0.20)0.010 (0.25) 1234560.010 (0.25)0.013 (0.33)0.016 (0.41)0.020 (0.51)0.025 (0.64)0.032 (0.81)67891011Table 5 IQI Seletion表5 像质计选用Nominal SingleWall Material Thickness Range单壁标称材料厚度范围IQIS

13、ource Side射线源侧Film Side胶片侧in.mmWire-Type Essential Wire应显示的线号Wire-Type Essential Wire应显示的线号0.256.4540.25 0.3756.4 9.5650.375 0.509.5 12.7760.50 0.7512.7 19.0870.75 1.0019.0 25.4981.00 1.5025.4 38.11091.50 2.0038.1 50.811102.00 2.5050.8 63.512113.6.2 For welds with reinforcements, the thickness on wh

14、ich the IQI is based is the nominal single wall thickness plus the estimated weld reinforcement not to exceed the maximum permitted by the referencing Code.对有焊缝余高,像质计放置处的厚度是公称单壁厚度加上不超过ASME规范中允许的最大余高估计值。3.6.3 For welds without reinforcements, the thickness on which the IQI based is the nominal single

15、 wall thickness.没有余高的焊缝,像质计放置处的厚度是公称单壁厚度。3.6.4 Backing ring or strips are not to be considered as part of the weld thickness in IQI selection.在选取像质计时,衬环或衬带均不作为焊缝厚度的一部分来考虑。3.7 “B” Marker“B”标记3.7.1 Lead “B” marker with minimum dimensions of 1/2" (13 mm) in height and 1/16" (1.5 mm) in thickn

16、ess , shall be attached to the back of each film holder during exposure to determine if backscatter radiation is exposing the film.每个胶片暗盒后背应贴附一个至少高13mm,厚1.5mm的铅标记“B”,以验证曝光过程中是否有背散射作用到胶片上。3.8 Location Markers and Identification Markers位置标记与识别标记3.8.1 The lead arrow shall be used as location markers an

17、d placed on the part to show boundary of the area of interest.使用铅箭头作为位置标记放置在工件上显示检测的区域边界。3.8.2 The letters, numbers and markers used to identify the film shall be provided in accordance with Fig. 1. and the contents of markers shall be specified in the examination instructions. The letter R1 or R2 o

18、r R3 shall follow the identification markers to show a radiograph of a repair area and number of repair.应按照图1及检验工艺上规定的标记内容使用字母、数字及标记来识别胶片。字母R1、R2或R3应与说明返修区域及返修号的胶片上的识别标记一致。3.9 Facilities for Viewing of Radiographs观片设备3.9.1 Viewing room shall provide subdued background lighting of an intensity that w

19、ill not cause troublesome reflections, shadows, or glare on the radiograph. The viewing equipment shall provide a variable light source sufficient for the designated wire to be visible for the specified density range. Masks shall be available to exclude any extraneous light from the eyes of the view

20、er when viewing radiographs smaller than the viewing part or to cover low density areas.观片室应提供柔和的背景光线,光线亮度不得在底片上产生有干扰作用的反射、阴影或眩光。观片设备应具有一个足够强的可变光源,以便能在规定的黑度范围内看到线状透度计的编号线。当底片小于观片灯屏尺寸或存在低黑度区域时,应遮挡多余光线。4 Calibration校验4.1 The densitometers shall be calibrated by Level III examiner at least every 90 day

21、s during use as follows:黑度计使用期间应由级检验人员至少每90天作如下校验:a) A national standard step tablet or a step wedge calibration film, traceable to a national standard step tablet and having at least 5 steps with neutral densities from at least 1.0 through 4.0, shall be used. The step wedge calibration film shall h

22、ave been verified within the last year by comparison with a national standard step tablet.应使用国家标准阶梯黑度模片或可追踪到国家标准阶梯黑度模片的阶梯黑度片校正。黑度片上至少应有1.04.0的5种阶梯黑度。阶梯黑度校正片应至少在最近的1年内通过与国家标准阶梯黑度母片的比较进行校验。b) The densitometer manufacturers step-by-step instructions for the operation of the densitometer shall be follow

23、ed.黑度计的操作步骤应遵循黑度计制造单位的操作说明。c) The density steps closest to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 on the national standard step tablet or step wedge calibration film shall be read.应读出国家标准黑度片或校验黑度片上最接近黑度1.0、2.0、3.0和4.0的读数。d) The densitometer is acceptable if the density readings do not vary by more than ±0.05 d

24、ensity units from the actual density stated on the national standard step tablet or step wedge calibration film.假如黑度读数与国家标准黑度片或阶梯校验黑度片上的实际读数的变化不超过±0.05,则该黑度计验收合格。4.2 Periodic calibration verification checks shall be performed as described in 4.1 at the beginning of each shift, after 8 hr of con

25、tinuous use, or after change of apertures, whichever comes first. The densitometer is acceptable if the density readings are within ±0.05 of the calibration readings determined in 4.1 c).在每班工作开始,连续使用8小时后,测量光圈改变时,无论上述哪一种情况首先发生,黑度计均应按照4.1中规定进行周期检验。假如黑度读数与4.1 c)中校验黑度片的实际读数的变化不超过±0.05,则该黑度计验收合

26、格。4.3 Densitometer calibration readings required by 4.1 c) shall be recorded in an appropriate calibration log. Periodic verification readings required by 4.2 do not have to be recorded.按照4.1 c)的要求进行的黑度计校验读数应记录在校验日志上,4.2要求的周期校检验读数不要求记录。5 Examination Process检验5.1 Surface Preparation被检表面检查Prior to sta

27、rt of radiographic examination, Level II examiner shall check and verify that the surfaces to be satisfied the following conditions.射线透照检测前,RT 级检验人员必须检查或验证被检表面是否满足下述条件:5.1.1 The finished surface of all butt-welded joints may be flush with the base material or may have reasonably uniform reinforcemen

28、t not to exceed that specified in the Code Section VIII Division 1 (UW-35) as Table 6-1 、Section I (PW-35) as Table 6-2 and B31.1(127.4)as Table 6-3.对接焊缝接头的完工表面可以与母材齐平,或可以有合理而均匀的隆起,这种余高不得超过ASME规范第VIII卷第一分册(UW-35)表6-1、第I卷(PW-35)表6-2的规定及B31.1(127.4)as Table 6-3。Table 6-1 Maximum Reinforcement (UW-35)表

29、6-1 最大余高(UW-35)Material Nominal Thickness材料公称厚度(mm)Maximum Reinforcement最大余高(mm)Category B & C Butt JointsB类、C类对接焊缝Other Welds其他焊缝1.54.8 134.02.513 255.02.525 516.03.051 766476 10265.5102 1276612788Table 6-2 Maximum Reinforcement (PW-35)表6-2 最大余高(PW35)Nominal Thickness公称厚度(mm)M

30、aximum Reinforcement最大余高(mm)Circumferential Joints in Pipe and Tubing钢管环焊缝Other Welds其他焊缝32.52.5353.02.55134.02.513255.02.525506.03.05075*4.075100*5.5100125*6.0125*8.0*The greater of 6mm or 1/8 times the width of the weld. *取6mm与1/8焊缝宽度的较大值。Table 6-3 Maximum Reinforcement (B31.1(127.4)表6-3 最大余高(B31.

31、1(127.4))Thickness of Base Metal,母材壁厚in.()MaximumThickness of Reinforcement for Design Temperature设计温度下的最大余高750(400)350750(175400)350(175)in. in. in. 1/8(3.0)1/16 2.03/32 2.53/16 5.01/83/16(3.05.0)1/16 2.01/8 3.03/16 5.03/161/2(5.013.0)1/16 2.05/32 4.03/16 5.01/21(13.025.0)3/32 2.53/16 5.03/16 5.012

32、(25.050.0)1/8 3.01/16 6.01/4 6.02(50.0)5/32 4.0The greater of 1/4 or 1/8 times the width in inches (millimrters).1/4in.(6)或1/8乘以焊缝宽度,两者中的较大值,In.()5.1.2 Any surface irregularities, such as weld ripples, undercut and surface roughness on both the inside (where accessible) and outside shall be removed

33、to a degree that the surface irregularities cannot mask or be confused with discontinuities.任何表面不规则状态,如焊波、飞溅、咬边、表面粗糙不得掩盖缺陷影象或与之相混淆。5.2 Set-up for Exposure透照布置5.2.1 Level I or Level II examiner shall set the equipment, tools and materials for exposure in accordance with this procedure and examination

34、 instructions. The set-up information shall be recorded as described in paragraph 8 of this procedure. Examiner who performs the exposure shall insert the specified film into cassette and attach the “B” marker to the back of cassette.级和级人员应该根据本规程与RT工艺卡布置透照的设备、器材,使之满足射线照相的所有要求。应按第8条的要求正确记录布置数据。曝光操作者应

35、将指定的胶片仔细插入暗盒,并在暗盒后背面贴上“B”标记。5.2.2 Film, IQI and markers shall be placed as specified in Fig. 1. Identification markers and location marker shall be placed at least 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) from the edge of weld and these markers shall be appeared as radiographic images on radiograph films. In any case, this

36、 information shall not obscure the area of interest.按图1所示放置胶片、像质计与标记。识别标记与位置标记应放置于距离焊缝边缘至少3.2mm(1/8in.)的位置且显现在射线照片上。在任何情况下,这些标号都不能遮蔽被检的区域。Fig.1 IQI5. LocaionMark(Left)1.Companys Name7.Date of making Radiograph6.Repair mark4.Center markIQI5. LocationMark(Right2.Job NO3.Film NoJSSN象质计5. 边界标记(左)1.公司名称图

37、17.透照日期6.返修标记4.中心标记象质计5. 边界标记(右)2.工作令号3.焊缝编号JSSNFig. 2ation Markers位置标记a) The location markers, which are to appear as radiographic images on the film, shall be placed in accordance with Fig. 2 on the part, not on the exposure holder or cassette. Their locations shall be permanently marked on the su

38、rface of the part being radiographed when permitted, or on a map, in a manner permitting the area of interest on a radiograph to be accurately traceable to its location on the part, for the required retention period of the radiograph.在照片上,还要像射线照的影像那样,显示有位置标记(见图2)。位置的标记应在工件上,而不能放在曝光暗袋或暗盒上。在许可时标记的位置应当

39、永久地标在被透照的零件表面上,或标在一张图上,使射线照片上表示的被检区域在射线照相要求的保存期内能在工件上精确地定出位置。b) When inaccessibility or other limitations prevent the placement of markers as stipulated in par. 5.2.3 a), a dimensioned map of the actual marker placement shall accompany the radiographs to show that full coverage has been obtained.如果由

40、于不能靠近,或是由于其他限制妨碍按照5.2.3 a)所述方式放置位置标记时,则随同射线照片一起,要有一张标有尺寸,并包括实际的标记位置的几何布置图,并应表明,检验已经覆盖了所有的范围。5.2.3 Placement of IQIs像质计(IQIs)的放置a) The IQI shall be placed on the source side of the part being examined, except that where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI(s) on the source side, it can be pl

41、aced on the film side in contact with the part being examined. When film side IQI is used, a lead letter “F” shall be placed adjacent to the IQI.像质计应放在被检工作的源侧,除了不能用手将像质计置于源侧的情况,在这种情况下,像质计应置于与被检验工件接触的胶片侧,在像质计旁边或在它上面放一个铅字“F”。b) The IQI shall be placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is per

42、pendicular to the length of the weld. All the identification markers and letter “F” shall not be in the area of interest, except when geometric configuration makes it impractical.焊缝检验时,像质计应放在焊缝上,像质计的长度方向应与焊缝长度方向垂直。识别号码和铅字“F”不应将它们放在被检区域,但几何形状做不到的情况除外。5.2.4 Number of IQIS像质计的数量a) When one or more film

43、 holders are used for an exposure, at least one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph except as outlined in b) and c) below.对于一次曝光使用一个或一个以上暗盒的工件,每张照片上至少要有一个像质计的影像,以下b)、c)中所述除外;b) For cylindrical vessel where the source is placed on the axis of the object and one or more film holders are used for

44、 a single exposure of a complete circumference, at least three IQIs shall be spaced approximately 120° apart. Where sections of longitudinal welds adjoining the circumferential weld are radiographed simultaneously with the circumferential weld, an additional IQI shall be placed on each longitud

45、inal weld at the end of each section most remote from the junction with the circumferential weld being radiographed. 对圆筒形容器,射线源位于工件的轴线上当整圈环缝用一个或一个以上胶片盒进行一次曝光射线照相检验时,应至少采用三个像质计,彼此相隔成120°左右面。环缝与纵缝的交界处可随同环缝同时进行射线照相,另外一个像质计应放在该段环缝远离与被检环缝交接的每条纵缝上。c) For cylindrical vessels where the source is placed

46、 on the axis of the object and more than one film holders are used for a single exposure of a section of the circumference, at least three IQIs, with one shall be placed in the approximate center of the section exposed, and one at each end. When the section of the circumference exposed exceeds 240&#

47、176; the rules of b) above apply. Additional film locations may be required to obtain necessary IQI spacing, otherwise at least one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph. 对圆筒形容器,射线源位于工件的轴线上,当使用一个或一个以上胶片盒对环焊缝的一节进行一次曝光射线照相检验时,应至少放置三个像质计,一个在射线照相跨度的大约中心位置,另外照相跨度两端各放置一个。在上述b)的情况下,当环焊的一段在全长240°以上

48、的跨度时需要另加胶片位置以得到必要的像质计间距,每张底片应至少有一个像质计影像。d) For an exposure, usually at least one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph and the density of radiograph shall be within 15% or +30% of the density adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI. Where the density of the radiograph through the area of i

49、nterest varies by more than 15% or +30% from the density adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI, within the minimum and maximum allowable density ranges specified in Table 7, then an additional IQI shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph retaken.对一次曝光,每张底片应至少有一个像质计

50、影像,像质计的规定线邻近区域的黑度应在-15%至+30%的范围内。若被检区域的任一处黑度变化与它们相比超出表7中规定黑度的-15%或+30%时,则在每个超差区域或几个超差区域应另加一个像质计并重新拍片。Table 7 Allowable Density表7合格的最小和最大黑度Method of Viewing观片方法Density of Film底片黑度Min.Max.Single Film Viewing单片法1.84.0Composite Viewing (Single Film)双片法1. Radiographic Technique射线照相技术The followin

51、g exposure methods shall be used. For any technique adequate number of exposure shall be made to demonstrate that the required coverage has been obtained.应采用以下射线照相技术。无论哪种技术,为了能证实充分覆盖,应进行足够次数的曝光。a) Single-Wall Technique单壁透照技术Whenever practical, a single-wall technique shall be used for radiography.在任

52、何可实施的情况下,应当采用单壁透照技术。b) Double-Wall Technique Single-Wall Viewing双壁透照技术When it is not practical to use a single-wall technique, the double-wall technique, in which the radiation passes through two walls and only the weld on the film-side wall is viewed for acceptance, shall be used. When complete cov

53、erage is required for circumferential welds, a minimum of three exposures taken at 120° to each other shall be made.当不能实施单壁透照技术时,可采用双壁透照法技术,使射线通过焊缝双壁,但仅在放胶片处的焊缝侧成像的方法。当要求环缝全部覆盖时,至少进行3次互成120°的曝光。c) Double-Wall Technique Double-Wall Viewing双壁透照技术双壁观察When component is 3-1/2 in. (89 mm) or les

54、s in nominal outside diameter, this technique may be used, and the weld of both walls is viewed for acceptance on the same radiograph. Only a source side IQI shall be used and the required geometric unsharpness is not exceeded, otherwise a single-wall viewing shall be used. 对外径小于等于89mm(3-1/2in.)的零部件

55、焊缝,应采用双壁观察,射线通过其双壁并使两壁的焊缝在同一张底片上进行观察。对双壁观察来说,只能将透度计放在源侧,而且要求不能超过规定的几何不清晰度。如果不能满足几何不清晰度要求,那么应使用单壁观察。1) A minimum of two exposures taken at 90° to each other shall be made when the radiation beam is offset from the plane of the weld.当要求射线束偏离焊缝平面时,每个接头至少要进行二次互成90°的曝光。2) A minimum of three exp

56、osures taken at either 60° or 120° to each other, shall be made when the radiation beam is positioned so as the super-impose the image of both walls.当将射线束置于某个位置对焊缝进行射线照相,使两壁的影像重叠在一起时,每个接头至少要进行3次互成60°或120°的曝光。5.2.6 Exposure Geometry曝光几何条件The distance from source to film shall meet the requirem


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