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1、c which d whether课时跟踪检测(三 ) travel journal i.单项填空1. (2015 重庆市名校高三联合考试)一 thank you so much! how can i repay you for your kindness? 一_ . it was nothing. a. it depends b. forget it c. sounds great d. never mind 2. (2015 湖北十堰高三联考)_ your present bad mood, you d better put off the work till next week, whe

2、n you may be in higher spirits. a in spite of b in terms of cin view of d in place of 3. (2015 宁波市高三二模)see! the strange man i saw yesterday _ around my house again. should i call the police? a walk b walked c has walked d is walking 4. (2015 温州模拟)1 m afraid we ii have to work extra hours, for some p

3、roblems are hard a to settle b settled c to be settied d settie 5 maria _ the interviewers with her knowiedge and experience, and as a resuit she was offered the job. a provided b inspired c persuaded d impressed 6. (2015 杭州质量检测)ln a time of social reform, their state of mind tends to keep _ with th

4、e rapid changes of society. a step b progress c pace d touch 7. (2015 台州市二模 )the situation put us at a serious _ , which made us very worried. a advantage b disadvantage c condition d situation 8. (2015 舟山市高三二模)we should always bear in mind _ many traffic accidents arise from drunk driving. c which

5、d whethera what b that10. its time you changed your attitude women now, tom; they hold up half the sky. you know. a . towards from c . with in 11 . (2015 湖北重点中学联考)ln order to protect the environment, people are greatly 12 .(2015 宁波十校联, as long as r m with nature, i don t care. service mea ns 13.(201

6、5 苏南四校联考 )yu fang insisted that she tired and was willing to stay the ni ght but i in sisted that she at once. a . should be; go b. was; must go 9. (2015 绍兴市高三模拟)a smile _ the mother s face when the son walked onto the platform to receive the prize. a . lit up b. brought up c. put up d. took up en c

7、ouraged to travel by public tran sport tran sferhowever tough the journey is whatever tough the journey is however the journey is tough whatever the journey is tough c. was; went d. was; go 14 . many milli on aires have promised to _ their wealth after death to help other people in n eed. a . give a

8、way b . give up c . give out d . give off 15 . (2015 安徽示范高中二次联考)to write a good article, you must first _ your ideas very carefully. a . organize b . settle c . report d . speak n .阅读理解(2015 江苏四校质量调研)many countries have passed safety laws that require seat belts in vehicles. a moder n three- point s

9、eat belt, also called a safety belt, is a harness to prevent the driver or a passenger from flying forward and hitting hard against the interior of a vehicle during a collision. a moder n seat belt will help to positi on you properly to gain maximum ben efit from your car s airbags that will inflate

10、 ( 使充气) during a collision. using a seat belt also prevents you from being ejected ( 弹出 ) from a car into the path of oncoming traffic. research shows that when you wear a modern seat belt, you reduce the risk of death or serious injury by 70% or more during an auto accident. seat belts have existed

11、 in different forms since the early days of automobiles, and they have changed from a single lap belt to the three- point seat belt we use today. in 1911 the first airplane seat belt was installed. then, in the 1920 s they were used in racecars. by the 1930s, a group of american physicians created l

12、ap belts for their own vehicles and urged vehicle manufacturers to provide seat belts on all vehicles. dr.c. hunter shelden made a major contribution to our safety with his article in the november 5,1955 journal of the american medical association (jama ). he strongly encouraged the manufacture and

13、use of door locks, airbags, and retractable ( 伸缩式的 ) seat belts, like the ones we use today. the modern three-point seat belt, including a lap belt and a shoulder belt, was introduced as standard equipment on volvo cars in 1959. in 1970, the state of victoria in australia made the wearing of a seat

14、belt compulsory for every car driver and front- seat passenger. today many countries have also mandated (授权 ) the use of five- point safety harnesses for carefully designed child safety seats that can protect a child during a serious car accident. an airbag is a supplemental restraint system, or srs

15、, and consists of a rapidly inflatable restraint cushion that works together with a seat belt to protect you during a collision. modern cars often contain several airbags in various locations. since airbags can only inflate once and will quickly deflate after the initial impact, they will not provid

16、e any protection for you during a secondary collision. the inflation of airbag can protect or hurt you. the risk zone for a driver s airbag is the first 8 centimeters from its pre- inflation location. while driving, you should remain about 25 centimeters from the airbag in the center of the wheel. a

17、s a driver, wear your seat belt and make sure children correctly use their seat belts. failure to wear a seat belt properly means the airbags in your car might injure or even kill you during an accident. an essential part of your safe driving skills is the habit of making sure that you and each of y

18、our passengers are always properly positioned and wearing a seat belt. there are many wonderful benefits of being able to drive a car, but there are also severe consequences during an accident for anyone who chooses not to wear a seat belt. 1 this article mostly deals with _ . a how to drive safely

19、on the road b different forms of seat belts c the history of seat belt development d the importance of seat belt use 2 we can learn from this article that _ . a to reduce your risk of death or serious injury by 70%, you must wear a five- point seat belt while you are driving b american physicians cr

20、eated lap belts for their own vehicles because they had seen many injuries caused by car accidents c if two or more collisions occur during a serious car accident, your airbags can help reduce the risk of death by 70% d the us was the first country to require by law that car drivers and front- seat

21、passengers wear their seat belts 3 the author treats the subject of this article with _ . a good humor b admiration c seriousness d disapproval 4 which of the following statements is true? a seat belts were first used in airplanes and then applied to vehicles. b airbags, door locks, and seat belts w

22、ere all designed at the same time. c the lap belt is more modern than the 3- point safety belt. d buying the latest seat belts is an essential driving skill. 川.书面表达(2015 宁波高考模拟)积极的心态,坚定的信心,是战胜困难的重要力量。请用英语写一篇 100? 120 词的短文,举一实例说明信心的作用,并略加评论。答案1.1.选 b 考查情景交际。句意:“非常感谢你!我怎么样才能报答你的善良啊?”“没关系的,这没什么。 ”a 项“这

23、要看情况而定”; b 项“没关系;算了吧 ”;c 项“这听起 来很好的 ”;d 项“不要紧;没关系” ,常用于原谅别人的言行。根据对话的情景可知答案为 b 项。2选 c 考查介词短语辨析。句意:考虑到你现在的情绪不好,你最好把工作推迟到下周,到时你可能会情绪高点。in view of “ 考虑到;鉴于”,符合句意。in spite of “ 尽管;不管”; in terms of “就 而言”; in place of “代替;顶替”。3?选d 考查动词时态。句意:看!昨天我看到的那个奇怪的人又一次在我家周围到处走,我应该报警吗?此处表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时。4 . 选 a 考查动

24、词不定式。某些形容词(pleasant, nice, comfortable, difficult, hard, easy 等)后接动词不定式时,常用主动形式表示被动意义。5. 选d 考查动词辨析。句意:玛丽亚用知识和经验给面试官们留下了深刻的印象,因此她得到了这份工作。impress sb. with sth.用某物给某人留下深刻的印象”,符合题意。provide 提供”; in spire 鼓励;激励”;persuade 说服”。6. 选 c 考查名词辨析。 句意:在社会改革的时期, 他们的思想状态要跟社会的快速变化步调一致。pace 步伐;速度”,符合句意。7. 选 b put sb.

25、at a disadvantage “使某人处于不利地位”。&选 b 句意:我们应该一直牢记,很多事故都是由酒后驾驶造成的。此处由that 引导bear 的宾语从句, that 在从句中不作成分。9. 选a 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当儿子走上台领奖时,妈妈脸上露出了喜色。light up 喜形于色,喜气洋洋”;bring up 提出,呕吐”; put up 提高,张贴”; take up 占 用,开始从事”。10. . 选 a attitude 常与介词 to 或towards 连用,意思是 对 . 的态度”。11. 选 a 句意:为了保护环境,人们被鼓励乘公共交通工具。transpo

26、rt 交通;运输”,public transport 公共交通” , 固定搭配。 service 服务” ;means 方法;方式”;transfer 转 移;调动”。12. 选 a 考查状语从句。句意:只要我能身处自然,我就不在乎旅途有多么艰辛。空格处为让步状语成分,how 和 what 修饰名词结构为: what + (形容词)+名词 +主语+谓语,相当于 how +形容词 /副词+主语 +谓语,由此可知答案选a。13. 选 d 考查 insist 的用法。句意:于芳坚持说累了并愿意留下住一夜,而我建议她马上走。当 insist 表示“坚持说”时,后接的宾语从句用陈述语气,表示“坚持要求”

27、时,后接的宾语从句用虚拟语气。第一个insist 表示“坚持说”,故其后的宾语从句用陈述语气,而第二个 insist 则表示“坚持要求”,故谓语动词用“ (should + )go”。14. 选 a 考查动词短语辨析。句意:很多百万富翁已经承诺死后捐赠出他们的财产帮助其他需要帮助的人。give away 表示“捐赠;赠送”,符合句意。后三项分别表示“放弃”“用尽;分发”“发出 (气味、光等)”。15. 选 a 考查动词词义辨析。句意:要想写出好文章,首先得认真组织一下自己的想法。organize “组织”; settle “解决;定居”;report “报告”; speak 说出”。由句意知应

28、选 a 项。n .语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了使用安全带的重要性和必要性。1选 d 主旨大意题。 通读全文可知, 本文主要介绍了使用安全带的重要性和必要性。故答案选 d。2选 b 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“research shows that when you wear a modern seat belt, you reduce the risk of death or serious injury by 70% or more during an auto accident. ”可 知, a、c 两项表述错误;根据第二段最后一句“.a group of america

29、n physicians created lap belts for their own vehicles and urged vehicle manufacturers to provide seat belts on all vehicles. ”可知, b 项表述正确。根据第四段第一句“in 1970, the state of victoria in australia made the wearing of a seat belt compulsory for every car driver and front- seat passenger”. 可知,d 项表述错误。故答案选b 。3选 c 推理判断题。通读全文可以看出,作者是以“严肃,认真”的口吻在介绍使用安全带的重要性。故答案选c。4 选 a 细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句“in 1911 the first airplane seat belt was installed. then, in


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