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1、智慧树知到国际贸易理论与实务章节测试答案第一章1、,_ and many other reasons are all responsible for the boom in international trade.A: Resource reasonsB: economic reasonsC: political reasonsD: social system reasons答案:  Resource reasons, economic reasons, political reasons2、The different distribution of the world&#

2、39;s resources can  not determine the patterns of world trade.A:对B:错答案: 错3、International trade transactions can refer to the importation and exportation of goods from one country to another.A:对B:错答案: 错4、China, has the comparative advantage in the production of textile products and thus wil

3、l benefit its economy by exporting these goods or exchanging these goods for the products of other nations.A:对B:错答案: 对5、Besides, the differences in tastes, preferences and consumption patterns cause a nation to import the same item from other nations even if it has enough of a particular item to mee

4、t its needs.A:对B:错答案: 对6、When economies of scale are realized, even though the average cost of each unit is reduced, more profits are able to be generated from selling more units to more markets.A:对B:错答案: 对7、If goods need to be inspected, the exporter should obtain the mandatory inspection certifica

5、tes from the authorized institutions before shipping.A:对B:错答案: 对8、Nations sometimes restrict exports of critical raw materials, high technology, or equipment when such export might harm its own security.A:对B:错答案: 对9、If the importer asks for additional insurance coverage, the exporter is expected to

6、effect insurance as required and the expense shall be for the exporters account.A:对B:错答案: 错10、A country usually offers protection to its domestic industries by taxing imports of different foreign goods.A:对B:错答案: 错第二章1、FOB is a shipment contract term.A:对B:错答案: 对2、Under the FOB term,_is paying for the

7、 necessary handling of goods until they are loaded on board the vessel.A:the sellerB:the buyerC: the carrier答案: the seller3、FOB is a shipment contract term, indicating actual delivery.A:对B:错答案: 错4、Under _ term it is especially important for the seller to provide shipment notice to the buyer.A:FOBB:C

8、IFC:FASD:CFR答案: CFR5、The D terms are the arrival contract terms.A:对B:错答案: 对6、FOB and CFR share one thing that _.A:risk is transferred when the goods are loaded on board the vesselB:they can be used in any mode of transportC:the seller will be responsible for the unloading at the port of destinationD

9、:none of the above答案: risk is transferred when the goods are loaded on board the vessel7、The term CIF should be followed by _.A:named port of shipmentB:named places of destinationC:named ships railD:named port of destination答案: named port of destination8、Among all the Incoterms _ imposes the minimum

10、 obligation and cost to the buyer.A:CIFB:FOBC:DDPD:CFR答案: DDP9、Among all the Incoterms _ imposes the minimum obligation and cost to the seller.A:CIFB:FOBC:EXWD:CFR答案: EXW10、According to the Incoterms 2010 under CIF if the goods get loose from the hook and fall into the sea during the loading stage,

11、_ should hold liable for the loss.A:the buyerB:the sellerC:the carrierD:both the seller and buyer答案: the seller第三章1、The commission payment of an FOB price should be calculated based on the FOB net price.A:对B:错答案:B2、Discount is a deduction on the original price given to the buyer as incentive.A:对B:错答

12、案:A3、If an effective offer is accepted unconditionally, a contract can be achieved.A:对B:错答案:A4、There is a rule of thumb in international trade stating that any transaction having a profit margin over 10% is a good deal.A:对B:错答案:B5、If the export price is USD100 per M/T CIF Hamburg less 2% discount, w

13、hat is the actual rice?A: 102B: 98C: 97D: 99答案:B6、If the net price is USD980 per piece, commission rate is 2%, then please quote the price with commission.A:1000B: 990C: 1020D: 1120答案:A7、If the export price is USD100 per carton, CIFC3% London, what is the net price?A: 98B: 97C: 95D: 96答案:B8、In the q

14、uotation, US$1200 per M/T CIFC3% New York, CIFC3% refers to give the buyer 3% discount.A:对B:错答案:B9、Sales Cost refers to the costs of international marketing and sales activities, for example, advertising, sales trip expenses, commissions intermediary services.A:对B:错答案:A10、Terms of Payment is not an

15、important factor influencing the financing and risk.A:对B:错答案:B第六章1、Perils of the sea, such as vessel being stranded or grounded covered in an insurance policy is one kind of _.A: natural calamityB: fortuitous accidentC: general extraneous riskD: special extraneous risk答案:B2、According to "Ocean

16、Marine Cargo Clause of the People's Insurance Company of China", the coverage which cannot be effected independently is _.A:FPAB:WPAC:War RiskD:All Risks答案:C3、The main document adopted by the insured to make claims against the insurer is _.A: bill of ladingB: transportation documentsC: insu

17、rance certificateD: insurance document答案:D4、Risks such as "failure to delivery risk" or "rejection risk" fall within the category of _.A:natural calamityB:special extraneous risksC:general extraneous risksD:fortuitous accidents答案:B5、According to "Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of

18、 the People's Insurance Company of China", the basic coverage that is the least extensive is _.A: FPAB: WPAC: All RisksD: War Risk答案:A6、In ocean marine insurance, natural calamities include heavy weather, earthquake, tsunami, flood, collision, etc.A:对B:错答案:B7、Special additional coverage suc

19、h as war risks, strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA, WPA or All Risks.A:对B:错答案:A8、Total loss refers to the loss of the entire value of the subject matter to the insured, normally involving the maximum amount for which a policy is liable.A:对B:错答案:A9、The duration of Basic Insurance r

20、efers to the period throughout which the insurance company undertakes an insurance liability.A:对B:错答案:A10、For any additional coverage, it should go with one of the three types of basic insurance coverage, FPA, WPA or AR.A:对B:错答案:A第十二章1、只要卖方所交货物的品质、重量等与合同规定相符,无论如何买方也无权提出索赔。A:对B:错答案:B2、“离岸重量,到岸品质”下,两地

21、均须开立证书,并以两地证书作为最后依据。A:对B:错答案:B3、确定商品检验时间、地点时,必须考虑货物自身特性。A:对B:错答案:A4、凡是出口商品,必须经过商检机构检验才能出口。A:对B:错答案:B5、买方对货物的检验权是强制性的,是接受货物的前提条件。A:对B:错答案:B6、商检机构的鉴定业务是强制性的。A:对B:错答案:B7、商品检验条款的内容包括(  )。A:检验时间、地点B:检验机构C:检验证书D:检验依据与方法E:复验答案:ABCDE8、国际贸易从事商品检验的机构大致有(  )。A:官方机构B:非官方机构C:工厂企业的化验室D:半官方机构E:

22、几国联合机构答案:ABD9、异议和索赔条款包括(  )。A:索赔依据B:索赔期限C:索赔处理办法D:索赔金额答案:ABCD10、合同中的违约金条款应订明(   )。A:违约金的金额B:违约金的计算方法C:违约金的功能D:违约金的起算日期答案:ABD第十一章1、使用固定价格,在合同中明确规定之后,均按合同确定的价格结算货款,任何一方不得擅自变更原价格。A:对B:错答案:A2、价格条款包括计量单位、单位价格金额、计价货币和价格术语。A:对B:错答案:A3、佣金和折扣都是在收到全部货款之后再支付的。A:对B:错答案:B4、计价货币和支付货币可以采用进口国或出口

23、国的货币,也可以采用第三国货币。A:对B:错答案:A5、折扣的金额不在价格条款中表示,而由一方当事人按约定另行支付的做法称为暗扣。A:对B:错答案:A6、如果合同中未规定作价办法,则合同无效。A:对B:错答案:A7、如果我对外报价包含有折扣,则折扣率越高,商品的实际价格(  )。A:越高B:越低C:不变D:不确定答案:B8、在确定出口成交价格时,应考虑的具体因素是(  )。A:商品的质量和档次B:成交量C:运输距离D:交货地点和交货条件E:支付条件答案:ABCDE9、CIF价的构成要素是(  )。A:进货成本价B:国内费用C:国外运费

24、D:国外保险费E:净利润答案:ABCDE10、合同中的单价条款包括(  )。A:总值B:计量单位C:单位价格金额D:计价货币E:贸易术语答案:BCDE第四章1、_ is NOT frequently used in international trade.A: Metric SystemB: British SystemC: U.S.SystemD: French System答案:D2、"2000 pairs of shoes" is an example of using _ to specify quantity.A: weightB: lengt

25、hC: volumeD: number答案:D3、According to UCP600, "about" allows the quantity to be _ more or less.A: 3%B: 5%C: 10%D: 15%答案:C4、If the price is calculated by the weight of the goods, the gross weight should be used unless stipulated otherwise in  the contract.A:对B:错答案:B5、Weight or vol

26、ume marks are marks indicating the volume or the gross weight or net weight ofthe package to facilitate loading, unloading or booking shipping space.A:对B:错答案:A6、Transport packing, also called shipping packing, outer packing or big packing, is used mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during trans

27、portation.A:对B:错答案:A7、According to CISG, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the payment for the more or less portion of the goods shall be calculated at the contract rate.A:对B:错答案:A8、Theoretical weight is applicable to the commodities of identical or standardized sizes and specifications,

28、such as tin plate and steel plate.A:对B:错答案:A9、In the case of sale by descriptions or illustrations, clauses such as “quality and technical data to be in conformity with the description submitted by the seller” are to be stipulated in the contract.A:对B:错答案:A10、"China Northeast Soybean 2006 New C

29、rop, F. A. Q" is an example of sales by brand name.A:对B:错答案:B第五章1、A( An) _ represents title to the cargo.A: CTDB: air waybillC: road waybillD: bill of lading答案:D2、A "freight to be collected" B/L is acceptable to the buyer when the contract is based on _.A: FOBB: CFRC: CIFD: CPT答案:A3、B

30、ill of lading are usually made out in a full set including several originals and copies.A:对B:错答案:A4、In international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is _.A: straight bill of ladingB: unclean bill of ladingC: bearer bill of ladingD: order bill of lading答案:D5、The liner has

31、 a regular line, port, timetable and comparatively fixed freight.A:对B:错答案:A6、Since straight B/L bears higher risk than the open B/L, it is rarely used in international transportation.A:对B:错答案:B7、A clean B/L is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in apparent good

32、 condition.A:对B:错答案:B8、A (An) _B/L refers to one that is made out to a designated consignee.A:straightB: orderC: specificD: bearer答案:A9、Basic freight is charged for carriage of goods from the port of shipment to port of destination.A:对B:错答案:A10、An Order B/L refers to the one made out to the order of

33、 a named personin the bill, which may be transferred or negotiated after endorsement.A:对B:错答案:A第七章1、For a confirmed credit, the confirming bank holds the same liability as the issuing bank.A:对B:错答案:A2、Using a third currency in collecting payment is the best protection against currency risk for the s

34、eller.A:对B:错答案:A3、Since under L/C the seller gets payment from a party independent of the buyer, it is the safest mode for him.A:对B:错答案:A4、Under collection though the seller collects payment through banks, it is not guaranteed that he will receive the money as collection is still based on commercial

35、 credit.A:对B:错答案:A5、In international trade clean collection is more frequently used than documentary collection.A:对B:错答案:B6、A letter of credit not mentioning it is non-transferable will be seen as transferable.A:对B:错答案:B7、If there is no specific provision, the draft under a letter of credit should d

36、raw on the _.A:advising bankB:issuing bankC:negotiating bankD:applicant答案:B8、A collection meansan arrangement whereby the seller draws a draft on the buyer and authorizeshis bank to collect.A:对B:错答案:A9、The buyer, also known as the drawee in the collection practice. He is the one who owes the indicat

37、ed amount and who is mentioned as drawee on the bill of exchange drawn by the seller.A:对B:错答案:A10、Bill of Exchangeis a written instrument which contains an unconditional order whereby the drawer directs the drawee to pay a definite sum of money to the payee or to his order.A:对B:错答案:A第八章1、Packing Lis

38、t is a document made out by the seller stating the detailed content of each individual shipment.A:对B:错答案:A2、A bill of lading is a document which is issued by an ocean carrier to a shipper with whom the carrier has entered into a contract for the carriage of goods.A:对B:错答案:A3、Insurance policyisthe co

39、ntract made between the insurer and the insured, which is issued by the insurer and confirmed by the insured.A:对B:错答案:A4、Certificate of Origin isa document certifying the origin of the goods or the place/ country of manufacturing.A:对B:错答案:A5、Mates Receiptisissued and signed by the mate of the shippi

40、ng vessel indicating that the goods have been loaded on board the vessel orthe goods have been received by the vessel for loading and can be exchanged for the on board Bill of Lading.A:对B:错答案:A6、Customs Clearance for Export Commodity issued by the customs or the authorized institution evidencing the

41、 customs clearance for the export commodity,showing customs clearance number, the information of the goods, the contract number, and the voyage.A:对B:错答案:A7、Shipping Order isa notice to the shipper (exporter) from the carrier or his agent, indicating that goods are received for loading.A:对B:错答案:A8、Bo

42、oking Note (B/N) isa form to be filled out by the exporter providing the carrier or the shipping agent all the necessary particulars about the shipment to book shipping space.A:对B:错答案:A9、Certificate of Inspection is a document indicating the results of the inspection issued by a government instituti

43、on, surveyors of chamber of commerce or an independent service company.A:对B:错答案:A10、Export License is the first document a seller has to prepare when he intends to export commodities that are under export control of his country.A:对B:错答案:A第九章1、海上保险业务中的意外事故,仅局限于发生在海上的意外事故。A:对B:错答案:B2、外来风险是指事先难以预料的某些外部因素引起的风险,不包括非事故性损耗。A:对B:错答案:B3、在发生保险变化内事故时,由保险人或被保险人以外的第三者采取救助行为而花费的费用叫施救费用。A:对B:错答案:B4、根据我国海洋运输货物保险条款的规定,意外事故仅指运输工具的搁浅、触礁、沉没、失火等。A:对B:错答案:B5、托运出口玻璃制品时,被保险人在投保一切险后,还应加保破碎险。A:对B:错答案:B6、一切险并不承保一切风险所造成的被保险货物的一切损失。A:对B:错答案:A7、土


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