




1、547 (-)材料可以有好多种,45k, 60k, 75k主要指的是屈服强度,不同的 热处理调制,会得到不同的强度。材料可以是一样的。4130是主要材料。()enp (electroless nickel plating)工艺是一种用非电镀(化学)的方法, 在零部件表面沉镀出十分均匀、光亮、坚硬的银磷硼合金镀层的先进表面处理工 艺。(三) a105是美国astm标准号,a代表的是普通碳素结构钢。标准名:管道 部件用碳素钢锻件。因为这个标准里只规定了一种碳钢锻件,a105也就算一种 锻件碳钢牌号。a105也是一种材质代号,属于特殊钢材,是一种冷锻钢。a105 是一种低碳钢锻件,与20钢类似。(四
2、) 不锈钢螺丝a193/b7a193是美国材料学会的一个标准号,b7是该标准屮的一个材料的代号,该标准 中规定了 b7材料的化学组成成分的范围,但没有指定相应的牌号,你可以根据 该标准的要求去找国内满足条件的相关材料牌号。(五) 突面 raised face (rf)全平面 flat face; full face (ff)凹而 female face (fmf);凸而 male face (mf);凹凸而(mfm)樺槽面(tg)环垫接头 ring joint (rj)对焊 butt welded (bw)承插焊 socket welded (sw)美国标准锥管螺纹 american stan
3、dard taper pipe thread (npt)这些都是连接方式表示方法:rf=a突面法兰连接只1=环形垫法兰连接sw=承插焊连接cq 螺纹球阀 cq thread ball valvesl 形三通式 l-pattern three wayt 形三通式 t-pattern three way安全阀 safety valve暗杆闸阀 in side screw nonrising stem type gate valve百叶窗;闸板shutter白叶窗式挡板louver damper摆阀式活塞泵 swing gate piston pump保温式 steam jacket type报警阀
4、 alarm valve报警阀;信号阀;脉冲阀sentinel valve背压调节阀 back pressure regulating valve背压率 rate of back pressure本体阀杆密封body stem seal波纹管阀 bellows valves波纹管密封阀bellow sealed valve 波纹管密封式bellows seal type 波纹管平衡式安全阀 bellows seal balance safety valve 波纹管式减压阀bellows reducing valve 波纹管式减压阀 bellows weal reducing valve 薄膜
5、thin film 薄膜;隔膜diaphragm 薄膜式减压阀 diaphragm reducing valve 薄型闸阀 thin gate valves 不封闭式unseal type 槽车球阀 tank lorry ball valves颤振flutter 常闭式 normally closed type 常开式 normally open type 超低温阀门cryogenic valve 超高压阀门 super high pressure valve 超过压力 overpressure of a safety valve 衬胶隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm 衬胶
6、截止阀 rubber lined globe valve 乖直板式蝶阀 vertical disc type butterfly valve 磁耦合截止阀 magnetic co-operate globe valves 带补充载荷的安全阀 supplementary loaded safety valve 带辅助装置的安全阀assisted safety valve 单阀碟双面平行密封闸阀parallel single disk gate valve 单口 排气阀 single opening exhaust valves 单向阀 nonreturn valve 单闸板 single gat
7、e disc单闸板平板闸阀 single disc flat gate valves 弹簧薄膜式减压阀 spring diaphragm reducing valve 弹簧式安全阀 direct spring loaded safety valve 弹簧座 spring plate 弹性闸板 flexible gate disc 当量计算排量 equivale nt calculated capacity 挡板damper 导阀 pilot valve 导向套 valve guide disc guide 低温阀门 sub-zero valve 低压阀 门 low pressure valve
8、 底阀 bottom valve 底阀 foot valve 电磁动装置 eletro magnetic actuator 电磁阀 magnetic valve电磁阀 solenoid valve电磁一液动装置 eletro magnetichydraulic actuator电动阀 mortor operated valve电动阀 motorized valve电动截止阀 electric actuated stop valves电动平行式双闸板闸板 electric double disk parallel gate valves 电动楔式闸阀 electric actuated wedg
9、e gate valves 电动装置 electric actuator 电一液动装置 eletro hydraulic actuator 电液伺阀 electro-hydraulic servovalve 调节弹簧 regulation spring 调节阀 adjusting valve 调节阀 control valve 调节阀 regulating valve 调节螺套 adjusting bolt adjusting screw 调节圈 adjusting ring 蝶板disc 蝶阀;瓣阀 butterfly valve 蝶阀;瓣阀;拍门;较链阀flap valve蝶式缓冲止冋阀
10、butterfly type non-slam check 蝶式止回阀 butterfly swing check valve 定比减压阀 proprutioning pressure reducing valve 定差莎戒压 i阀 fixed differential reducing valve 定值减压阀 fixed pressure reducing valve 动态特性 dynamic characteristics 对焊连接阀 buttwelding valves 对夹蝶板阀 wafer plate valves对夹式衬胶蝶阀 wafer type butterfly valves
11、 with rubber itning 对夹式阀门clamp valves 对夹式止回阀wafer check valves 额定排量 certified capacity 额定排量系数 derated coefficient of discharge 二通阀 two-way valves 阀 valve 阀板 valve deck plate 阀板 valve plate 阀板式活塞泵 valve deck plate type piston pump 阀板式活塞泵 valve plate type piston pump 阀瓣disc 阀操纵杆 valve operating rod 阀煙
12、槽 valve seat recess 阀挡 valve grid阀挡 valve positioner 阀挡 valve stop 阀导杆 valve tail rod 阀导向器valve guide 阀盖bonnet 阀盖衬套bonnet bush 阀盖垫片bonnet gasket 阀杆stem 阀杆 valve rod 阀杆 valve spindle 阀杆端部尺寸 dimmension of valve stem end 阀杆环stem ring 阀杆螺母 yoke bushing yoke nut 阀杆填料stem packing 阀杆头咅n尺 寸 dimension of val
13、ve stem head 阀簧 valve spring 阀簧压板 valve spring plate 阀控水锤泵 valve-controlled hydraulic ram 阀框架valve yoke 阀门 valve阀门传动装置valve handle set 阀门和管件 valves and fittings 阀门盘根valve packing 阀门手柄 valve handle 阀盘disc 阀盘 valve disc 阀片disc 阀球 valve ball 阀驱动臂 valve driving arm 阀驱动臂 valve motion arm 阀式活塞 valve type
14、piston 阀式活塞 valve type bucket 阀室式活塞泵 valve box type piston pump 阀室式活塞泵(美)valve pot type piston pump 阀抬起装置 valve lifting device 阀体body 阀休 valve body 阀箱 valve box 阀箱 valve cage 阀箱 valve chest 阀箱;阀限位器valve guard 阀箱盖 cover for valve box阀箱盖 valve box cover阀箱式活塞泵(美)turret type piston pump 阀形活塞泵 valve type
15、 piston pump 阀座 seat ring 阀座 valve carrier 阀座 valve seat(body seat) 阀座;阀盘valve seat阀座环seat ring阀座密封嵌条 sealing strip for valve seat 法兰flange 法兰堵头blind flange 法兰端flange end 法兰接头flange joint法兰连接紧固件(双头螺栓和螺帽)flange bolting 法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing 法兰面力口工 flange facing finish 法兰球阀 flange ball valves 翻板阀flap
16、反冲盘 disc holder反向作用式减压阀 reverse acting reducing valve 反向作用式减压阀 reverse acting reducing valve 放空阀 emptying valve放气阀 air vent valve;vent valve放气阀;排气阀 air evacuation valve放泄阀 escape valve分置阀室式活塞泵 separate valve box type piston pump 分置阀室式活塞泵(美)side pot type piston pump 封闭式seal type浮动式球阀float ball valve浮
17、球 ball float浮球阀 float valve浮球式疏水阀ball float steam trap浮球式疏水阀 free float type steam trap 浮桶 bucket float浮桶式疏水阀open bucket s怕am trap辅助(副)阀 auxiliary valves 负荷率 rate of load condensate 附力nty压力 superimposed back pressure 复位弹簧 returnning spring 杠杆式lever type杠杆式安全阀 lever and weight loaded safety valve 杠杆式
18、减压阀lever reducing valve 高温阀门 high temperature valve 高压阀门 high pressure valve 格兰密封gland 隔离阀 isolating valve 隔膜 diaphragm 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 隔膜式控制阀 diaphragm operated comtrol valve 工作背压 operating back pressure 工作温度 operating temperature 工作温度 working temperature 工作压差 operting differential pressure 工作压
19、力 operating pressure 工作压力 working pressure 公称通径 nominal diameter 公称压力 nominal pressure 固定式球阀fixed ball valve 关闭压力 lockup pressure关阀过冷度 subcooled temperature of close valve 关阀温度 closing valve temperature 管道安全阀 piping safety valves 过冷度 subcoold temperature 过流阀(或节流阀)restrictor valves 喉径 throat diameter
20、 滑阀 slide valve 滑阀式回转活塞泵 rotary piston pump with slide gate 滑阀型转子泵 eccentric rotary pump with sliding sleeve 环形阀 annular valve 环形阀 double beat valve 换向阀 selector valve 换向阀 shuttle valve 回转滑阀活塞泵 piston pump with rotary gate 冋座压力 re-seating pressure of a safety valve 活塞昵减压阀 piston reducing valve 活塞式阀p
21、iston valve 活塞式阀;柱塞式阀plunger valve 活塞式减压阀 piston reducing valve 减速阀 deceleration valves 减压比 pressure reducing ratio 减圧阀 pressure reducing valve 浆液阀 parallel slide valves 角阀 angle valve 角 i阀 isolation valve angle configuration角式 angie type角式节流阀 angle throttle valves 角式截止阀angle stop valves 较链阀;片状阀flap
22、per valve 节流阀 throttle valve 节流阀 choke valve 节流阀;节流throttle 结构长度 facetoface dimension ;end-to-end dimension; facetocentre dime nsion 结构形式 type of construction 截止阀 globe valve 截止阀 shut-off valve 截止阀;关断阀shut-off valve 截止式隔膜阀 globe diaphragm valve 紧急切断阀 emergeny cut-off valves 进气阀 air intake valve 进水阀;
23、进口阀fl inlet valve 静态特性 static characteristics 静态特性偏差 static characteristics derivation 开阀过冷度 subcooled temperature of open valve 开阀温度 opening valve temperature 开启高度lift 壳体试验shell test 壳体试验压力seal test pressure 空气阀门air valves 快速排污阀 quick draining valves 类型type 冷凝结水排量 cold condensate capacity 冷态试验差压力 c
24、old differential test pressure 理论扌非量 theoretical flowing capacity 连接槽尺寸 dimension of connecting channel 连接尺寸 conncetion cimension 连接形式 type of connection 帘面积 curtain area 流道而积flow area 流道直径flow diameter 流量孑l板 flow orifice plate 流量控制阀 flow control valve 流量特性 flow characteristics 流量特性偏差 flow character
25、istics derivation 漏汽量steam loss 脉冲式疏水阀impulse steam trap密封面 sealing face 密封试验seal test 密封试验压力seal test pressure 明杆平行式双闸板闸板double disk parallel gate valves 明杆闸阀 outside screw stem rising through handwheel type gate valve 膜片 diaphragm 内压口封 pressure seat 逆止阀;止回阀check valve 逆止阀;止回阀non-return valve 逆止阀;止
26、回阀;单向阀check valve 排放背压力 brilt-up back pressure 排放压力 relieving pressure 排灰阀ash valves 排量系数 coefficient of discharge 排气阀 air release valve 排气阀 exhaust valves 排气阀vent valve 排水阀 drainage valves 排水温度 temperature at discharging condensate 排污阀 blowdown valve 排污箱(阀)waste valves 排渣闸阀 scum gate valves 盘阀 mous
27、hroom valve 盘状阀 plate valve 旁路阀 by pass valve 配汽活塞阀缸套piston valve line 喷射阀 injection valve 喷射阀 sprayer valve 喷水阀 spray water valve 频跳chatter 平衡阀 balance valves 平衡式 balance type 平行式闸阀 parallel gate valve parallel slide valve 启闭件disc 启闭压差 blowdown of a safety valve 起始升程 commencement of lift 气动装置 pneum
28、atic actuator 气阀摇臂valve arm 气一液动装置 pneumatic-hydraulic actuator 潜水电泵(排污泵)submerged motor pumps 切断阀;截止阀 block valve;shut-off valve;stop valve 切断式止回阀stop check valve切换阀;多向阀changeover valve球、球芯ball 球阀 ball valve 球阀 globe valve 球体ball 全启式安全阀 fall lift safety valve 热凝结水排量 hot condensate capacity 入口隔离门 su
29、ction isolating valve 塞子plug 三通阀 three-way isolating valve 三通阀 three-way valve 三通式 three way type 上密封back seat 上密封试验back seal test 渗漏 s: leckage 升降立式止回阀 vertical lift check valve 升降式止lul 阀 lift check valve 适用介质 suitable medium 适用温度 suitable temperature 手摇油泵(阀)manual oil pumps valves 疏水阀 drain valve
30、双金属片式疏水阀bimetal elements steam trap 双口排气球 double opening exhaust valves 双联弹簧式安全阀duplex safety valve 双闸板 double gate disc 双闸板平板闸阀 double disc flat gate valves 水封闸阀 water seal gate valves 水力喷射器(真空泵)vacuum pumps 伺服阀 servovalve 填料 packing 填料垫 packing seat 填料函stuffing 填料式旋塞阀 gland packing plug valve 填料箱
31、stuffing box 填料fr盖gland 通气阀 breather valve 通气阀;呼吸器breather 通用阀门general valve 吐出阀;排出阀discharge valve 吐出阀限位器delivery valve guard 微启式安全阀low lift safety valve 微阻缓闭止回阀 tiny drag slow shut check valves吻合度 percent of contact area蜗轮传动蝶阀 butterfly valves with gear actuator 蜗轮传动装置wormgear actuator 屋脊式隔膜阀weir
32、diaphragm valve 无阀泵 valveless pump无阀隔膜泵 valveless diaphragm pump 无阀振动泵 valveless vibration pump 无负荷漏汽量noload steam loss 无负荷漏汽率 rate of no-load steam loss 吸(抽)气阀 aspirating valves 吸入阀 suction valve 吸入阀限位器suction valve guard 先导式安全阀 pilot operated safety valve 先导式液压阀 pilot-operated reducing valve 涓i对静偏
33、劳 relative static characteristics derivation 相对流量特,性偏差 relative flow characteristics derivation 木目对压力牛®性偏差 relative pressure characteristics derivation 销轴 hinge pin 楔式闸阀 wedge gate valve 斜板式蝶阀 indined disc butterfly valve 泄料(放空,排污)阀blowdown valves 泄压阀 decompression valves 泄压阀 pressure release v
34、alve 泄压阀;安全阀relief valve 卸荷式减压阀 balanced reducing valve 型号 type model旋启多瓣式止回阀multidisc swing foot valve 旋启式止冋阀swing check valve旋启双瓣式底阀 double disc swing foot valve旋塞阀cock旋塞阀plug valve压力(増压)阀pressure valve压力调节阀;压力控制阀pressure controlled valve 压力特性 pressure characteristics压力特'性偏差 pressure character
35、istics derivation 压力增长系数 pressure increasing ratio 摇杆arm液动装置 hydraulic actuator 液化气管件lpg pipe fitting 液下泵 under water pumps 液压执行器 hydraulic actuator 仪表针形截止阀 meter needle type globe valves 溢流阀 overflow valve 翼形阀;锥形阀wing valve 油封式旋塞阀 lubricated plug valve 有阀翼板 double acting wing 有阀翼板 wing with valve 有
36、负荷漏汽量load steam loss 有负荷漏汽率 rate of load steam loss 圆板阀;圆盘阀disc valve 圆盘式疏水阀 shemostatic team trap 圆柱齿轮传动装置cylindrical gear actuator 圆锥齿轮传动装置conical gear actuator 闸板 wedge disc 闸板式隔膜阀 wedge diaphragm valve 闸阀 gate valve i闸阀 sluice valve 针形阀 pintle valve : needle valve 真空破坏阀 vacuum breaker valve 蒸汽疏水
37、阀 automatic steam trap trap 整定压力set pressure 正向作用式减压阀 direct acting reducing valve 支架yoke 直接载荷式安全阀direct loaded safety valve 直接作用式减ik阀 direct-acting reducing valve 直流式 y-globe type 直流式截止阀oblique stop valve 直通单向阀 inline check valve 直通 单向阀 straightway check valve 直通阀 throughway valve 止|h| 阀 check valv
38、e止回阀;回流阀reflux valve 制动阀 brake valves 中压阀门 middle pressure valve 钟形浮子式疏水阀inverted bucket steam trap 钟形罩 inverted bucket 轴套 axis guide 主阀 main valve 主要外形尺寸 prime out-form dimensions 主要性能参数 specifeca tion specification 注液漏斗阀 priming tundish valve 柱塞阀 plunger valve 柱塞截止阀 plunger globe valve 柱塞型摆动阀 rock
39、ing plunger valve撞击于轮 impact handwheel 锥形阀;翼形阀conical valve 自动循环阀 automatic recirculation valve 组合阀 combination valves最大过冷度 maximum subcoold temperature 最大流量 maximum flow rate最人压差 maximum differential pressure最低工作压力 minimum operating pressure 最高背压率 maximum rate of back pressure最高工作背压 maximum operati
40、ng back pressure 最高工作温度 maximum operating temperature最高工作压力 maximum operating pressure最高排水温度 maximum temperature at discharging最高允许温度 最高允许压力maximum allwable temperaturemaximum allowable pressure最小过冷度 minimum subcooled temperature最小压差 mini mum differ ntial pressure阀门大全(屮英对照)air-compressor valve 空气压缩机
41、阀 f j automatic cutout valve 自动切断阀门backlash valve无游隙阀门high temperature valve 高温阀 门 hose valve水带阀门 pipe manifold valves管道汇集器阀门 pneumatic cylinder cock valve风动汽缸排水阀阀门 pneumatic positioner valve 气动阀门定位器 pneumatic sander valve风动撒砂器阀门 quick opening valve 快开阀 门 quick-opening gate valve 速启阀 门 standby valve
42、应急阀门;备用阀门 two selenoid双螺管阀门 valve chest 阀门室valve clearance阀门间隙;阀余隙 valveman阀门操作者 wash-out valve 清洗阀门adjusting valve调整阀,调节阀 admission valve进气阀;进浆阀 air admission valve 进气阀 air bleed(ing) valve 排气阀;排气嘴 air control valve 空调阀 air cylinder valve 气筒阀 air escape valve 泄气阀 air inlet valve (=air intake valve)
43、进气阀;进风阀 air operated throttle motor风动节流器,风动节流阀马达air pilot valve空气导向阀air pressure governor valve 风压调压阀air relay valve空气中继阀air release valve (=air relief valve)排气阀;放空阀air reversing valve 空气换向阀air shut-off valve 空气关闭阀air signal reducing valve 空气信号减压阀air slide valve空气分配阀air starting (control) valve 空气起动
44、(控制)阀 air straining check valve 空气滤尘止回阀 air valve空气阀air vent valve气动调压阀,排气阀 air-actuated direction valve 气动控制换向阀 air-compressor valve空气压缩机阀门 air-operated valve 气动换向阀 air-vacuum proportional valve 空真比例阀 air-vacuum two way valve 空真二位阀 alarm valve 报警阀 aligned grid valve栅极中点校直的电子管阀 allan valve阿伦滑阀altitu
45、de valve【航空】拓度阀(航空发动机汽化器的可调整阀) ammonia valve【工】氨阀 angle back-pressure valve 背压角阀 angle globe valve折角球形阀 angle stop valve弯形止阀,折角止阀 angle valve 角阀 angle water valve 折角水阀 annular ring valve环形阀;环状阀 anti-g valve【航空】防超重活门,抗重力阀 application pilot valve 作用导阀 application valve作用阀,控制阀 ashpan blower valve 灰盘吹风阀
46、askania valve射流管阀atmos valve (=atmospheric valve)人气阀,空气阀;放空阀 autocontrol valve 自动控制阀 automatic air valve 动空气阀 automatic brake valve 白动制动阀 automatic control valve 自动控制阀 automatic cutout valve 自动切断阀门 automatic delivery control valve 自动输送控制阀 automatic drain valve 自动排水阀 automatic expansion valve (定压式)自动
47、膨胀阀 automatic gas sampling valve 动气体进样阀 automatic reducing valve自动减压阀(高速制动机) automatic regulating valve 自动调节阀 automatic spring loaded valve 口动弹簧阀 automatic supplementary air valve 口动补充(空)气阀 automatic unloading valve 口动卸载阀 automatic valve 自动阀automatic water level valve 白动水准阀 automatically operated va
48、lve 自 动操作阀 automatic-control servo valve 自动控制伺服阀 auxiliary changeover valve 辅助切换阀 auxiliary valve辅助阀(暖汽调整阀用) back valve回动阀,止回阀,逆止阀,单向阀 backflush valve 反冲阀 backlash valve无游隙阀门 back-pressure valve 止冋阀 back-up valve列车后端制动阀 balanee pressure reducing valve 平衡减压阀 balance slide valve 平衡滑阀 balance valve平衡阀,
49、均压阀 balanced distribution valve 平衡配气阀 balanced safety valve平衡式安全阀(可变动背压) ball check valve止回球阀,球形节流阀 ball float valve浮子阀,浮球阀 ball non-return valve 球形止回阀 ball relief valve球形安全阀 ball safety valve球形安全阀 ball stop valve 球形止阀 ball valve球阀,弹子阀 ball-and-lever valve 杠杆球阀 bell valve钟形阀,装料钟 bellows valve波纹管阀 be
50、llows-operated pilot valve膜盒控制导阀,膜盒导引阀 bevel seat valve斜座阀,角阀 biased valve 承载阀 blast furnace gas valve 高炉煤气阀 blast regulation valve 通风调节阀 bleed valve排出阀;放泄阀 bleeder valve放液阀,放水阀 block valve 隔断阀 blocking valve 闭塞阀 blow valve通风阀,安全阀,放空阀 blow-down valve 排气阀 blower drain valve鼓风机放泄阀 blower regulation va
51、lve 通风调节阀 blower valve鼓风机阀 blow-off valve排出泄阀,放泄空阀,喷放阀 blowout valve排气管,排出阀 boiler check valve 锅炉止冋阀 boiler feed valve锅炉给水阀 bonnet valve 帽状阀 bottom drain valve 底部放泄阀 bottom valve 底阀 brake application magnet valve 电磁制动阀 brake application valve 制动作用阀 brake control valve 制动控制阀 brake cylinder release va
52、lve制动缸缓解阀,制动缸放风阀 brake metering valve 制动调节阀 brake pipe compensating valve 制动管补偿阀 brake release magnet valve 缓解电磁阀 brake valve 制动阀 brass valve 黄铜阀 brass-fitted cast-iron valve 黄铜配制铸铁阀 brass-trimmed valve 黄铜配制阀 breather valve通气阀,呼吸阀 breathing type safety valve 呼吸式安全阀(罐车) brine retaining valve 盐水箱保持阀 b
53、ucket valve 活塞阀 buffer change valve 缓变阀 building block valve积木式阀,集成阀 built-in check valve内装式单向阀 bullet valve 球阀 buried valve with key 液下控制阀 butterfly control valve 蝶形控制阀 butterfly throttle valve 蝶形节流阀 butterfly valve 蝶阀 by-pass valve旁通阀,辅助阀,回流阀 by-path valve旁通阀,辅助阀,回流阀 caboose valve 守车阀 cage type va
54、lve 笼形阀 cam-operated valve 凸轮控制阀 capless tyre valve 无帽胎阀 car discharge valve 车辆放风阀 car signal valve车辆信号阀,车辆放风阀 cartridge inserted valve筒式插装式阀,插装阀 cement valve【机】水泥止回阀 center valve 中心阀 centre bypass valve中间位置旁通的换向阀,m型机能换向阀 centre spool valve 中心柱形阀centrifugal saw plate valve离心机的圆盘保险(溢流)阀 centrifugal t
55、ype injection valve 离心式喷射阀 change valve活页阀;旋转阀,转换阀;多向阀 charge valve充气阀,加载阀,加液阀 charging check valve 充气止回阀 charging valve充气阀,加载阀,加液阀 check valve单向阀,止回阀,防逆阀;检验阀 check-valve pump止回阀配流泵 chimney valve 烟道阀 choker checkvalve 阻气单向阀 cindervalve 卸灰阀cineston controller brake valve钦式控制制动联合阀(用于地下铁道) circulating-
56、water valve 循环水阀 circulation valve 环流阀 clack valve 止冋阀 clapper valve 瓣阀 clock valve单向绞链阀 closed center valve中间位置封闭的阀(方向阀);闭中心阀 closed crossover valve正遮盖的换向阀 closed exhaust valve 密闭排气阀 closed-type fuel valve 密闭形燃油阀 closing valve隔离阀,节制阀,隔断阀,停汽阀 clutch application valve 离合器作用阀 clutch temperature adjust
57、ing valve 离合器温度调节阀 coasting valve滑行阀,惯性运动阀 coaxial valve 同轴管阀 cold water stop valve 凉水止阀 column shut-off valve 柱关闭阀 column switching valve 柱转换阀column valve 柱阀 combination sliding and rotary spool valve 又移动又旋转的圆柱滑阀 combi nation valve 组合阀 combined inlet-outlet valve 进出组合阀combined strainer and check va
58、lve 混合滤尘止冋阀 common slide valve 普通滑阀 compensated flow control valve带压力补偿的流量控制阀;调速阀 compensated relief valve 平衡式溢流阀 compensating air valve补充空气阀,补偿气阀,平衡气阀 compensating valve 补偿阀 compensation valve平衡阀,补偿阀 compression release valve 减压阀 compression valve (减振器的)压缩行程阀 concentric valve 同心阀 condensate valve 凝结水阀condenser level control valve 凝汽器水位调节阀 condenser relief valve 凝气器安全阀 condenser valve 凝汽阀 conductor's valve车长阀,紧急制动阀 cone valve锥形阀 cone-way valve 单向阀 conical seat valve 锥形座阀 conical valve 锥形阀 constant pressure
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