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1、(25山西冠力法兰有限公司文件编号GL-QI-824/API GL/QD-803-12版次01修改状态02页码1/8文件名作业指导书主题山西冠力法兰有限公司 液体渗透检测操作规程编制批准文件更改更改标记更改处数更改页码更改依据更改人更改日期审核批准(25山西冠力法兰有限公司文件编号GL-QI-82/API GL/QD-803-13版次01修改状态02页码1/11文件更改更改标记更改处数更改页码更改依据更改人更改日期审核批准无损检测程序质量体系文件PT检测文 件 号GL-QI-824/APIGL/QD-803-12版本01修改状态02页码2/ 4文件名作业指导书主题山西冠力法兰有限公司磁粉检测操

2、作规程山西冠力法兰有限公司编制批准1.0 Scope 范围This procedure covers the mi nimum requireme nts for doing pen etratio n test. This procedure is the operati onal procedure mai nly for guidi ng operator to con duct the liquid pen etrati on test for the surface defects.本程序涵盖了做渗透检测的最低要求。本程序主要是用于指导操作员检测表面缺陷进行 液体渗透检测的操作程序。

3、2.0 Referenee Standard 引用标准ASTM E165ASME Section VIII Div2ASME B16.343.0 Qualification of Inspection Personal 检验人员资格NDE personnel shall be qualified in accordancewith the requirements specified in ASNT SNT-TC-1A, ISO 9712, and EN 473 Level II as a mi nimum or equivale nt natio nal qualification sta

4、ndard.无损检测人员必须按照ASNT SNT-TC-1A口EN473C级规定的要求作为其最低要求或者等 同于国家资格标准的要求。LPE may be performed by Level PT-I pers onal in accorda nce with a detailed work in struction prepared by PT Level II or III exam iner.液体渗透检测由一级渗透检测员按照二级或者三级鉴定人准备的详细作业指导进行。4.0 Applicatio n:应用This testi ng is applicable to in spect def

5、ects ir被用于检测以下方面的缺陷 o Machi ned surface of forgi ng 锻件的表面机加工5.0 Safety:安全s like goggles, gloves and masThe operator should wear pers onal protective equipme ntThe area of exam in atio n will have adequate lighti ng and ven tilati on. Manu facturer safety requireme nts should be read carefully and fo

6、llowed.操作员必须穿戴如护目镜、手套、面具等个人保护装备。检测区域必须有充足的照明和 通风。必须详细阅读和执行制造商安全要求。6.0 Surface con ditio ns:表面状况The surface to be exam ined and adjace nt area with in one inch (25mm) of the surface to be examined should be free from oil, dirt, grease or welding flux and spatter.被检测的表面以及它相邻25mm的区域必须避免油、污垢、润滑脂或者焊剂飞溅。S

7、urface prepared by machi ning or grinding may be n ecessary where surface rough ness cou mask or in terfere with in dicati ons of disc on ti nuities.在表面粗糙度可以被间断的掩盖或者干扰的区域,表面加工或者研磨是必要的。Machined surface roughness Ra value should be 6.3卩 r-iyiaDblirfredlusnjrfaces thesurface roughness value should be 1

8、2.5卩 m.机加工表面粗糙度值应为6.3pm,没有经过机加工的表面粗糙度为12.5pm.7.0 Equipment 设备Pen etra nts are classified in to sen sitivity levels. Visible pen etra nts are typically red in color, and represe nt the lowest sen sitivity. Fluoresce nt pen etra nts contain two or more dyes that fluoresce whe n excited by ultraviolet

9、(UV-A) radiatio n (also known as black light).渗透按灵敏度是有划分的。可见渗透液通常是红色,代表最低灵敏度。当作用于紫外线 (UV-A辐射(也称为黑色光)时,荧光渗透液含有两个或两个以上的荧光染料。o 3 aerosol spray cans (red dye penetrant, cleaner, developer)气溶胶喷雾罐(红色染料渗透剂,清洁剂,开发人员)o Some lint free clothes, and和一些免费的皮棉衣服o Adequate visible light足够的可见光8.0 Test Method:检测方法Bel

10、ow are the main steps of Liquid Pen etra nt In spect ion:以下是液体渗透检测的主要步骤Clea n the Surface 清洗表面0Apply Dye Penetrnt 施加渗透剂Remove Excess Dye Pen etra nt去除多余的渗透剂Apply Developer显像剂的施加In spect the Surface 表面检测Post Clea ning验后清洗8.1 Pre-clea ning 预清洗The test surface is clea ned to remove any dirt, paint, oil

11、, grease or any loose scale that could either keep penetrant out of a defect, or cause irrelevant or false indications. Cleaning methods may in clude solve nts, alkali ne clea ning steps, vapor degreas ing, or media blast ing. The end goal of this step is a clea n surface where any defects prese nt

12、are ope n to the surface, dry, and free of con tam in ati on.被检测的表面应该去除污垢、油漆、油、油脂和疏松的氧化皮以防止渗透时出现缺陷, 或者引出无关的或错误的结果。清洗方法包括溶剂、碱性清洗步骤,蒸汽脱脂或媒体爆破。 这一步的最终目标是获得一个干净的、没有任何缺陷暴露的、干燥的,没有污染的表面。8.2 Application of Penetrant:渗透剂的施加The pen etra nt is the n applied to the surface of the work piece being tested. The p

13、en etra nt is allowed "dwell time" to soak into any flaws (ge nerally 10 min utes).渗透剂被施加在被检测工件的表面。渗透允许停留时间一般为十分钟,以检测任何缺陷。8.3 Excess Pen etra nt Remova多 余渗透剂的去除The excess pen etra nt is the n removed from the surface. The removal method is con trolled by the type of pen etra nt used. Water

14、-washable, solve nt-removable are the com mon choices. When using solve nt remover and lin t-free cloth it is importa nt not to spray the solve nt on the test surface directly, because this can remove the penetrant from the flaws. If excess pen etra nt is not properly removed, once the developer is

15、applied, it may leave a backgro und in the developed area that can mask in dicati ons or defects. In additi on, this may also produce false indications severely hindering ability to do a proper inspection.然后将多余的渗透剂从表面去除。去除方法取决于渗透剂使用的类型。水清洗和溶剂去 除是常见的选择。当使用溶剂清洗剂和不起毛的布很重要的是不要直接把清洗剂喷到测 试表面,因为这样会把缺陷表面的渗透

16、液也去除。如果多余的渗透液被不适当的去除, 当施加显像剂的时候,可能会在显像区域留下一些可以掩盖迹象或缺陷的背景,此外,这也可能会产生错误的迹象,严重阻碍了做一个正确的检查。8.4 Application of Developer:显像剂的施加After excess penetrant has been removed a white developer is applied to the sample. Choice of developer is governed by penetrant compatibility (one can't use water-soluble or

17、 suspe nd-able developer with water-washable pen etra nt), and by in specti on con diti ons. The developer draws pen etra nt from defects out onto the surface to form a visible in dicati on, commonly known as bleed-out. Any areas that bleed-out can indicate the location, orie ntati on and possible t

18、ypes of defects on the surface.在多余的渗透剂被去除后,一个白色的显像剂被施加到样品。显像剂的选择取决于渗透 的兼容性(不能把水溶性的或者可暂停的显像剂用于水洗渗透)和检验条件,显像剂使 渗透液离开缺陷的表面从而形成一个可见的迹象,俗称渗出。任何渗出的区域可以表明 在表面的缺陷位置、方向和可能的缺陷类型。8.5 In spectio n:检验 The in spector will use visible light with adequate in ten sity for visible dye pen etra nt. Inspection of the t

19、est surface should take place after a 10 minute development time. This time delay allows the blott ing acti on to occur. The in spector may observe the sample for in dicati on formati on whe n using visible dye. It is also good practice to observe in dicati ons as they form because the characteristi

20、cs of the bleed out are a significant part of interpretation characterization of flaws.检验员要使用足够强度的可见光做可见染料渗透。表面的检测发生在显像时间10分钟后。这个时间延迟允许有印迹产生。检验员可以使用可见染料观察印迹在样品上的的形 成过程。观察它们形成的迹象也是一个好的做法因为这也是解释缺陷特征的重要部分。8.6 Post Clea ning 验后清洗The test surface is often cleaned after inspection and recording of defects

21、, especially if post-i nspect ion coati ng processes are scheduled.测试后测试表面一般要清洗和进行缺陷记录,特别是如果涂层过程被事先安排。9.0 Accepta nee Criteria 验收标准9.1按照ASME B16.34附录III-2.2锻件和滚压或轧制的材料最大可验收的(缺陷)显示如下:(a)线性显示(1)材料厚度小于13mm( 0.5英寸)时,长为5mm(0.2英寸)。(2)材料厚度为1325mm( 0.51英寸)时,长为10mm(0.4英寸)。(3)材料厚度大于25mm( 1英寸)时,长为15mm(0.6英寸)。对

22、于线性显示,各显示之间的分隔距离必须大于可验收的显示长度。线性显示是指 长度大于宽带3倍的显示。(b)圆形显示(1)材料厚度小于等于13mm(0.5英寸)时,直径为5mm(0.2英寸)。(2)材料厚度大于13mm(0.5英寸)时,直径为8mm(0.3英寸)。在一条直线上,边缘之间相隔小于等于 1.5mm (0.06英寸)的4个或更多的圆形显 示为不合格,圆形显示是指那些不能定义为线性显示的显示9.2 按照 ASME SEC! DIV.2 para验收准则除非是特殊材料或本册范围内的特殊应用有更严格的标准外,应采用以下验 收标准。不合格的指示应清除或将指示减小到合格的尺寸。凡用铲

23、削或打磨清除 的缺陷,其后不需要补焊者,铲削部位应与周围表面平滑过渡,以避免尖锐的槽、 缝隙和棱角。在缺陷清除后需进行补焊的部位,修补应按照6.2.7节进行。a)所有被检测的表面应没有:1)相关的线状指示;2)大于5mm(3/16in.)的相关圆形指示;3)在一条线上,有四个或四个以上的相关圆形指示,其边缘之间相隔距离 不大于 1.5mm(1/16in.)。b)发现的类似裂纹的指示,无论是不是表面情况,都不能接受。10.0 Test Reports 检测报告The test report shall be prepared and record should be maintained for

24、 3 years. The test report shall be certified by the qualified pers onn el.At least the follow ing data shall be in dicated on the test report,o Flange type, size, class, Heat number. Batch number etc.o Date of inspectiono Details of traced defectso Acceptanee criteriao Test resulto Inspector name an

25、d qualified level and certificate number检测报告需要准备并且记录需要维护三年。检测报告需要由有资格的人证实。检测报告上必须有以下内容:法兰类型、尺寸、等级、炉号、批号等检验日期缺陷追踪的详细信息验收标准检测结果检验员姓名、资质等级、证书编号山西冠力法兰有限公司质量体系文 件仓储管理程序文 件 号GL-QP-709版本017.5.5产品防护修改状态1页码3 / 4oMachi ned surface of forgi ng 锻件的表面机加工5.0 Safety:安全The operator should wear personal protective e

26、quipment' s like goggles, gloves andmasks. The area of exam in ati on will have adequate lighti ng and ven tilati on.Manu facturer safety requireme nts should be read carefully and followed.操作员必须穿戴如护目镜、手套、面具等个人保护装备。检测区域必须有充足的 照明和通风。必须详细阅读和执行制造商安全要求。6.0 Surface con ditio ns:表面状况The surface to be exam ined and adjace nt area with in one inch (25mm) of the surface to be examined should be free from oil, dirt, grease or welding flux and spatter.被检测的表面以及它相邻25mm的区域必须避


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