



1、精品Unit 5 Materials Research: Today and Future材料研究:今天和未来useful terms:miniaturization 小型化synthetic adj 合成的 人造的biotechnology 生物技术 生物工艺学nanotechnology 纳米技术sequence 分子的序列结构tacticity 立构规整度life cycle 寿命周期 使用寿命down scaling 减小尺度smart material 智能材料functional material 功能材料supramolecular chemistry 超分子化学molecula

2、r weight 分子量molecular weight distribution 分子量分布dendritic 树枝状的reshuffle 重新洗牌 重组 改组merger 合并 归并extrapolate 推断 外推pharmaceutical 制药的 药学的synergy 合力 协力 协同作用infrastructure 根底结构entrepreneurial 企业家的fullerene 富勒烯nanotube 纳米管hyperbranched 超支化的dendrimer 树枝状单体non-covalent 非共价键的mindset 固定的习惯venture capital 风险投资Th

3、e future of the business in polymeric materials is influenced to a large extent by three factors:macro-trends in society, developments in science and technology and the outcome of the present turmoil in the chemical industryLooking at the future needs of the society,it is expected that an increasing

4、 pressure will be exerted in the next decades by the society at large on the chemical industry,to come to a higher level of sustainabilityThe development of really sustainable products and processes will become more and more important. On the other hand,the most striking development in material scie

5、nce and technology is an ever increasing control on the molecular and the supramolecular level,up to the nano length scaleThe interest of polymer scientists has shifted from new monomers and their (co) polymers towards functional and smart materials,resulting from the mimicking of the perfect contro

6、l of macromolecular structure and function as found in natureIt is expected that these developments will provide the solutions for more sustainable products and process.在聚合材料方面的市场的未来很大程度上受三个因素的影响:社会的宏观趋势,科学与技术的开展和目前化学工业中变动的成果。纵观社会将来的需求,有人预料,由社会给化学工业带来的越来越多的压力将在随后几十年间将显露出来,将到达一个很高的水平并持续下去。真正的可持续的产品和工

7、艺的开展将变得越来越重要。另一个方面,在材料科学与技术中最显著的开展是不断的增加对分子水平,超分子水平,一直到纳米尺度的操控的能力。聚合物科学家的兴趣已经从新的单体和它们的共聚物转移到功能材料和智能材料,结果就出现了熟练的调控大分子结构和功能的模拟手段,这些大分子是在自然界中发现的。有人预料,这些开展将带来更多为开发可持续的产品和工艺的解决方法。The third factor is a thorough reshuffling of the activities in the chemical industry. The position of the “advanced materials

8、 in this redistribution is not clear. It might even happen that a substantial part of this business disappears from the chemical industry toward for instance the electronic industry. Traditionally, industrial research tried to establish the link between there elements(Fi):the running business,the fu

9、ture needs of society and the development in science and technologyAt this moment,change happen in all three spheres, which are so fundamental that industrial polymer research has to adapt in a dramatic way to a completely new situation.第三个因素是在化学工业中的活动的一个彻底的改组。先进材料在这个再分布中的位置不明显。市场的实质局部从化学工业中消失,并转向电子

10、工业的时候,它可能正好发生。传统上,工业研究试图建立链与那些元素之间的关系(Fi):企业经营,未来的社会需求和开展科学与技术。此刻,在所有的三个领域发生变化, 如此根本的工业聚合体研究必须要适应一个戏剧性的方式在一个全新的局面。The changing society 不断变化的社会The evolution of our society can be illustrated with a series of S-curves, reflecting life cycles of eras (Fig.1.2).After having lived in an agricultural soci

11、ety for ages, we turned into an industrial society at the end of the l8th century. A couple of centuries later, after the second world war, we again entered a new era, triggered by the development of computers. Now, after just some decades, we are at the point to make a new jump into an era, charact

12、erized by an almost unlimited access to knowledge and information via the worldwide web, but also characterized by down scaling and miniaturization, thanks to smart material and function material. This will be the outcome of the integration of the natural and the synthetic approach to materials, the

13、 integration of biotechnology and advanced material science. R.W. Oliver labeled it “the Bioterials age.我们社会的进化可以给出一系列S曲线,反映时代的生命周期(Fig.1.2) 在长期处在一个农业社会之后,我们在18世纪结束的时候变成了一个工业社会。几个世纪过去了,第二次世界大战以后我们又进入了一个新的时代,引发电脑的开展。当今,只是几十年,我们在这一点上使其跳进了一个新时代,其不但以通过全球资讯网获取几乎无限知识和资讯为特点,而且由于智能材料和功能材料的运用具有扩展性和小型化。这将是集成自

14、然和材料合成方法,生物技术和先进的材料科学的结果。奥利弗R.W.标示:“这时期。Major changes in society are almost always brought about by technological revolutions. In this respect, I remember Sir George Porter stating that James Watt had liberated more slaves from slavery than any politician ever did by inventing the steam engine. In f

15、act, by this invention, James Watt initiated the industrial era.主要的社会变迁所带来的几乎总是技术革命。在这方面,我记得乔治先生波特说过詹姆斯·瓦特通过创造了蒸汽机比任何政治家曾经所做的事儿从奴隶制下解放了更多奴隶。Which are the m or technologies that lie at the basis of present transformation ? 哪个主要的技术是目前转型的根底?In a study performed by the Study Centre for Technology T

16、rends in the Netherlands, but also in many other studies, it was concluded, at this turn of the centuries, three major waves of technology are affecting society: the silicone technology, the biotechnology and the nanotechnology. Silicon technology took off in the fifties and in fact brought about th

17、e former jump. One can say that it changed the world completely in 50 years. It is expected to level off now and even decline, because further developments will be taken over partly by a new technology: nanotechnology.(Fig.1.3). 荷兰趋势研究中心进行了研究,而且很多研究结果说明,在世纪之交,三大波浪影响社会技术:有机硅技术,生物技术和纳米技术。硅技术兴起于50年代并引起

18、了标志性的跳跃!有人说,它改变世界整整五十年。现在预计已呈平稳趋势甚至下降,因为事态的进一步开展将由一个新技术:纳米技术接管局部。In the mean time , another technology developed: biotechnology. Started in the 1970s, it is now in its fast growing phase. The next wave is the nanotechnology , only in its embryonic phase at this moment . It is the combination or the

19、integration of the latter two technology waves that will bring about the next change . 同时,另一种开发的技术:生物技术。它是从1970年开始的,现在处于快速开展的阶段。下一波浪是纳米技术,现在只处在它的初级阶段在这片刻。化合或后两者的综合技术波浪将带来未来改变。It is hard to predict what the needs of this changing society will be .But, as far as materials are concerned, one can forese

20、e that functional or smart materials for “communication hardware and materials for medical application will certainly boom.很难预测这个变化着的社会将来需要什么。但是,对于材料而言,任何人都可以预见功能材料或智能材料在通讯硬件和医用材料上必将迅速开展。Changes in science and technology 科学技术领域的变化The integration of biotechnology and nanotechnology can best be illust

21、rated by a picture that I borrowed from Jean-Marie Lehn. I have taken the liberty to adapt it slightly. In the last chapter of this book on “supramolecular chemistry, Jean-Marie Lehn compares natural and “synthetic compounds in a very nice picture in which he puts “controlled complexity against “div

22、ersity and put forward that nature reached a tremendous level of control and complexity with a limited number of chemistry system. In synthetic chemistry on the contrary, we can synthesize an unlimited number of monomers, building blocks and backbones but, until recently, with very limited control a

23、nd complexity.(Fig.1.4).我借杰马里莱恩图能更好的说明生物技术和纳米技术。我获得特权改编莱恩的这本书的“超分子化学最后一章,他通过一个非常漂亮的图画比拟“自然和“人工化合物, 通过这样他用“受控制的复杂性来对抗“多样化并且提出在一定数量化学系统的单体有高的可控性和复杂性。在化学合成上恰恰相反,我们能合成无限数量的单体、原子团和主链,但直到现在,也只有限的可控性和复杂性。(Fig.1.4)In recent years progress has been made in two ways . The diversity in molecules synthesized by

24、 living organisms is increased by biotechnology . on the other hand a substantial jump has been made in synthetic chemistry towards more control and complexity, the so-called molecular J.M. Lehn drew an arrow in the diagram and said that progress would be made in that direction . This means that con

25、tinuous mutual interaction between the two fields-biotechnology and molecular nanotechnology-could offer countless opportunities for new concepts.Nanotechnology or nanochemistry.近年来研究在两方面取得了很大进展。通过生物技术提高了活体合成的多样性的生物分子。另一方面,在生物化学的可控性和复杂性有了许多突破,所谓的分子的杰马里莱恩图在图解中画了一个箭头,这个图说明反响进程会朝着这个方向前进。这意味着连续两个领域相互之间的相互作用 生物技术和分子纳米技术能够通过新概念提供无数的时机。 纳米技术或纳米化学。Time &technology 时间&技术Looking at the developments in


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