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1、2004 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)英语( 2)本试卷包括听力、阅读与写作三部分,共 10 页,满分为 120 分。考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:l 答卷前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号填写在答题卡上,用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)涂黑。在答题卡右上角的“试室号”栏填写本科目试室号, 在“座位号列表”内填写座位号,并用 2B 铅笔将相应的信息点涂黑。2 选择题(第I 12题和第26 - 50题)每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案; 不能答在试卷上。3 .非选择题(第13 25题和写

2、作部分)必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答 案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上; 如需改动, 先划掉原来的答案, 然后再 写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。SECTION I LISTENING (60 points )Part A Listening Comprehension (12 items, 2 points for each item)Directions In this part of the test, you wiII hear four conversations a

3、ndtaIks. After each conversation or taIks, you wiII hear severaI questions. After you hear a question, read the four possibIe answers and choose the best one. Then bIacken the Ietter corresponding to your answer on the Answer Sheet. You have 25 seconds for each question. The conversations, taIks and

4、 questions wiII be read onIy once.Questions 1 through 3 are based on the foIIowing conversation.1. A .PeopIe ' s sport.B. Dogs and insects.2. A. Cruel.B. Funny.C. Healthy.D. Interesting.3. A. Fun. B. Sport. C. Show. D. Money.Questions 4 through 6 are based on the following conversation.4. A. Man

5、ager and customer.B. Director and secretary.C. Managers.D. Friends.5. A. In the car.B. In the plane.C. In the office.D. In the company.6. A. A visitor.B. An assistant.C. Training Manager.D. Production Manager.Questions 7 through 9 are based on the following talk.7. A. His new job.B. His future life.

6、C. His car racing.D. His good luck.8. A. Money.B. Marriage.C. Independence.D. Good relationship.9. A. He is writing a book.B. He is now still living alone.C. He is a famous racing driver.D. He is working in a restaurant.Questions 10 through 12 are based on the following talk.10. A. His daily meals.

7、B. His cooking art.C. His eating habit. D. His favorite food.11. A. Because his wife is Chinese.B. Because Chinese food is not expensive.C. Because he does n't tike other sorts of food.D. Because he is not good at cook ing In dia n food.12. A. Fish.B. Fruit.C. Chicke n.D. Cabbage.Part B Liste ni

8、ng for In formatio n(10 items, 2po ints for each item)Directions In this part of the test, you will hear one or two conversations.The con versati on will be read twice. After you hear each con versati on, you arerequired to fill in thenu mbered bla nks with the in formati on you have heard. Writeyou

9、r an swer on the An swer Sheet.Blanks 13 through 22 are based on the following conversation.Educati onFromto 1987Studyin Tokyo Uni versityFromto 1992Lear n En glish andinWork experie neeFromto 1990Work asFromtill nowWork asinPart C Dictation( 3 items, 16 points )DirectionsIn this part of the test, y

10、ou are required to write out the missingparts of the passage. You'll hear the passage read three times. The first readi ng is for you to un dersta nd the meaning. In the sec ond readi ng, there will be a pause after the sentence to be dictated. One minute is given for you to write down each sent

11、ence.The third reading is for you to check your work. Write your answer on theAn swer Sheet.The new idea of "turningwaste into treasure" is taking shape at the BritishResearch Cen ter, not far n orth in London. With in 15 years Brita in and other n ati onsshould think it importantand pract

12、ical to carry out their recycling plans in a bigway. ( 23 ).(24) .(25) .SECTION n READING40 points)Part A Reading Comprehension (15 items, 2 points for each item)Directions In this part of the test, you will read three passages. For each passage there are five questions or unfinished statements. For

13、 each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you've just read. Blacken the letter corresponding to your answer on the Answer Sheet.Text AEight hours' sleep is traditionally regarded as healthy thoug

14、h manyof us need less, and some more. What matters is how you feel, and what you do with the other sixteen hours of the day.We are all built slightly differently, so there is no reason why our sleep requirements should be the same. If, for example, you are the sort of person who goes running around

15、getting exhausted, then you are going to need more rest, but not necessarily more sleep.Similarly, if you sleep "badly", wake tense, and worry throughout the day andthere's nothing more tiring than tension then further long hours lying awake won't help.Drugged sleep is not the long

16、-term answer either. Sleeping pills merely slow your body down. Usually they let you drop off, though if you take them for more than six weeks, then the actual chemical effect disappears. The only real solution is "turning off" the internal machinery. Work at creating your own relaxing rou

17、tine, get hold of the things that annoy you most and try to identify them.What is sleep all about? The simplest way to find out what sleep is for is to do without it for a while and see what happens. The brain starts going gently crazy if deprived of sleep for two or three days. It simply stops work

18、ing in a sensible fashion.Whydoes sleep sometimes not comewhen it should? Imagine, the days whenour ancestors lived in the jungle. Those who fell asleep too easily risked being eaten up. It certainly paid to keep half-awake, ready for action if danger arrived. The trouble is we are still doing it ev

19、en though there is no longer any danger. We react as if there are threats to our existence, when all we want to do is fall asleep.Anger and other signs of stress clearly interfere with calm sleep, just as they do with calm waking. Before trying to sleep, it is always better to get your angry feeling

20、s out into the open, rather than push them to the back of your mind. As you fall asleep, the mind is less lively and allows those feelings to come back again, where they dance around and keep you awake.I recommend trying to get more control of reality. Then your dreams will be sweeter and your sleep

21、 more refreshing.26. The time our sleep takes depends on our .A. working hoursB. health conditionsC. living surroundingsD. feelings and daily activities27. The best way to get rid of tiredness after exercise is .A. to rest moreB. to stop runningC. to change our life slightlyD. to sleep further long

22、hours28. According to the text, how can we understand why we sleep?A. By trying drugged sleep.B. By lying awake in bed for long hours.C. By living without sleep for a few days.D. By stopping working in a sensible fashion.29. Sometimes sleep doesn't come when it should, because weA. feel there ma

23、y be dangers if we fall asleepB. are afraid our brain will go crazyC. worry too much about our sleepD. are threatened by being eaten up in the jungle30. According to the writer, if you want to have a good sleep when you are in anger,A. you need calm waking firstB. you'd better tell others your f

24、eelingsC. you must keep your mind less livelyD. you should bury your feeli ngs deep in mindText BHow Pare nts Can HelpUnfortunately,learning does not simply happen. As a mother and ex-teacher, I believethat good education involves not only the pupil and the teacher but also the parents. What, the n,

25、 is the pare nts' role?The atmosphere at home is bound to in flue nee achild's attitude toward schoolwork.Parents should be positive and notice what their children do well, rewarding success with praise and occasi onal treats. Un der no circumsta nces should childre n be madeto look foolish

26、for their efforts. Tell a child ofte n eno ugh that he is lazy or stupid and he is likely to become an adult without self-respect. Liste ning is also vital.Children need to be taken seriously, no matter how unimportant their ideas may appear. It lets them know that their opinions and feeli ngs matte

27、r. We must be observa nt:able to detect physical sig ns of un happ in ess. A child who keeps on compla ining ofheadaches or sickness may well be crying out for help. He may not be up to the work demanded of him. On the other hand, it could be an indication of boredom. Onno account should a child fee

28、l unable to approach his parents. The lines of communication must be kept ope n.At the same time, we can help our childre n to become more in depe ndent, andconsequently better learners,by giving them a few regular domestic chores that theycan carry out successfully. In their free time, active rathe

29、r than passive pleasures should be encouraged. In other words, reading is preferable to watching television. Above all, we must set an example. Childre n, in the end, will do as we do, not as we say. If we take an in terest in hobbies, so will our childre n. As they grow older, homework must be thei

30、r responsibility. We can be of most usenot by doing it for them (even if we are able to) but by discussingthe problem andhelping them to approach it in the correct way. In addition, we must insure that the necessary space and equipment are provided. Teenagers need a quiet, well-lit area in which to

31、study, with access to dictionaries and reference books. At this difficult age, although they may not show it, they also need to know that we care.31. According to the text, parents should .A. not criticize their childrenB. be very strict with their childrenC. give more encouragement to their childre

32、nD. influence their children's attitude toward schools32. The underlined part "Listening is also vital" (in Para. 2) means that it is also important .A. for children to listen to their parents' adviceB. for parents to take their children's ideas seriouslyC. for parents to notic

33、e what their children do wellD. for children to know their parents' opinions and feelings33. Sometimes, a child may complain of headaches in order to .A. go to see the doctorB. make his parents boredC. refuse to offer help to his parentsD. get more attention from his parents34. According to the

34、text, which of the following is the most important for better learners?A. More hobbies in their free time.B. Development of independence.C. Better communication between them and teachers.D. Good balance between active and passive pleasures.35. It can be concluded from the text that .A. better enviro

35、nment helps teenagers in their schoolworkB. both active and passive pleasures are of most use to childrenC. there should be more communication between parents and teachersD. parents play a more important role than teachers in their children's educationText CImmigrants ( 移民 ) Suffer from Losing T

36、heir IdentityLanguage is a way to communicate with each other. Westarted to learn language when we were born. However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants are having many problems between the first generation and the second generation because they don't have the same

37、 native language. Also, the second generation is losing their identity. Especially in America, there are manyimmigrants that came from different countries to succeed in the States. Because they suffer in lots of areas such as getting a job and trying to speak English, they want their children to spe

38、ak English, not only at school, but also at home in order to be more successful. Because of this situation , their children .are losing their identity and, even more, they are ignoring their parents whose English is not very good.I think most immigrants are trying topreserve their native language in

39、 their newcountry, but this doesn't help very much in getting a good job. My aunt taught Korean to her children not to help them succeed in the U. S. ; she did so, hopefully, to help them establish a Korean identity. Though the second generation is born in the new country, they often get confuse

40、d about their identity because they look different from others, and also, if they visit their parents' country, they will probably feel different from other people there too. My cousins told me that when they visitedKorea a few years ago, they felt different from other Koreans. They could even f

41、eel it just strolling around the street because they wore different clothes and walked differently.Wemust realize that language is important and valuable for many reasons. Immigrants should make an effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand their background by t

42、eaching them the parents' language. This is very important, not only for theharmony of the family, but also in helping the secondgeneration establish their identity.36. According to the text, what is the problem of the first generation immigrants?A. They have lost their identity.B. Their childre

43、n are losing their identity.C. Their children speak different languages.D. They cannot speak their native language.37. It can be inferred from the text that .A. most of the immigrants can't understand EnglishB. most of the immigrants are not successful in careersC. to some degree, the parents ar

44、e to blame for their kids', loss of identityD. the second generation immigrants can't understand their parents' language38. My aunt taught her children Korean .A. so that they knew they were of Korean originB. so that they would be more successful in the U. S.C. because she didn't wa

45、nt them to speak EnglishD. because she wanted them to respect her39. The writer's cousins felt different in their parents' country because theyA. had never been there beforeB. behaved quite differentlyC. couldn't understand the languageD. had different facial appearance40. According to t

46、he text, the native language is important and valuable to immigrants in that .A. it gives them self-c on fide nee and better cha neeB. it makes the sec ond gen erati on love their motherla ndC. it helps the sec ond gen erati on to un dersta nd their pare ntsD. it strengthens the family ties and remi

47、nds them of their identityPart B Meaning Guess ing (5 items, 1 point for each item)Directio ns In this part of the test, there are five sentences take n from the abovethree passages. For each sentence there is an un derl ined word, which might beun familiar to you. You are required to choose its mos

48、t appropriate Chin ese equivale ntfrom A, B, C and D. Blacken the letter corresponding to your answer on the AnswerSheet.41. Imagi ne the days whe n our an cestors lived in the jun gle. Those who fell asleep too easily risked being eate n up.A.长辈B.祖先C.先烈D.能干42. An ger and other sig ns of stressclear

49、lyinterferewith calm sleep, just as theydo with calm wak ing.A.伤害B.结束C.抑制D.干扰43. At the same time, we can help our childre n to become more in depe ndent, andconsequentlybetter learners,by giving them a few regular domestic chores that theycan carry out successfully.A. 因而B. 然而C. 同时D. 特别第一部分听力( 60 分)

50、44. I thi nk most immigra nts are tryi ng to preserve their native la nguage in their new coun try, but this does n't help very much in gett ing a good job.A.发展B.研究C保留D传授45. They could even feel it just strolli ng around the street because they worediffere nt clothes and walked differe ntly.A.漫步B.驾驶C.购物D.玩耍Part C Vocabulary in Con text(5 items, 1 point for each item)Directio ns In this part of the test, eight words have bee n selected from the abovethree passages to make up the followi ng WORD LIST. There are five in completesenten ces. You are required to choose from the WORD


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