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1、机构名称:西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司中心试验室注册号:l6147地址:a:重庆市九龙坡区西彭镇获准认可能力索引序号地址能力范围评审类型更新时间1a授权签字人(中文)初评2013年04月10日2授权签字人(英文)初评2013 年 04 月 10 l13授权签字人(中文)监督2014 年 06 刀 05 l14授权签字人(英文)监督2014年06月05日5a检测能力(中文)初评2013 年 04 月 10 f16检测能力(英文)初评2013 年 04 月 10 l17检测能力(屮文)监督2014年06月05日8检测能力(英文)监替2014年06月05日name: center laborator

2、y of southwest aluminium (group) co., ltdregistration no.: l6147address:a: xipeng, jiulongpo district, chongqing, chinaindex of accredited signatoriesno.addressrangetypeupdate date1aapproved sisnatories (chinese)initialassessment2013-04-102approved signatories (english)initialassessment2013-04-103ap

3、proved signatories (chinese)surveillance2014-06-054approved signatories (english)surveillance2014-06-055atesting ability(chinese)initialassessment2013-04-106testing ability(english)initialassessment2013-04-107testing ability(chinese)surveillance2014-06-058testing ability(english)surveillance2014-06-

4、05c/vas中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:cnas l6147)名称:西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司中心试验室地址:重庆市九龙坡区西彭镇签发日期:2013年04月10日有效期至:2016年04月09日更新日期:2013年04月10日附件1认可的授权签字人及领域序号姓名授权签字领域备注1陈文全部检测项冃2陈雄立全部检测项nchina national accreditation service for conformity assessmentappendix of accreditation certificate(registration no. cnas l6147)na

5、me:center laboratory of southwest aluminium (group) co. , ltd.address:xipeng, jiuiongpo district, chongqing, chinadate of lssue:2013-04-10date of expiry:2016-04-09jnsnameauthorized scope of signaturenote1chen wenall testing items2chen xiongliall chemical testing itemsdate of update: 2013-04-10append

6、ix 1accredited signatories and scope中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:cnas l6147)名称:西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司中心试验室地址:重庆市九龙坡区西彭镇认可依据:iso/iec 17025: 2005以及cnas特定认可要求签发日期:2013年04月10 e1有效期至:2016年04月09 e1更新日期:2013年04月10日附件2认可的检测能力范围序号检测对象项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制品1抗拉强度(rm)0301.01金属材料拉伸试验第1 部分:室温试验方法gb/t

7、228.1-2010金属材料的拉伸试验标准 试验方法astme8/e8m-11变形和铸造铝合金和镁合 金产品拉伸试验标准方法 astm b557-10金属材料试验方法第1部 分室温拉伸试验en 2002-1:2005序 号检测对彖项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制品2断后伸长率(a)0301.01金属材料拉伸试验笫1 部分:室温试验方法gb/t228.1-2010金属材料的拉伸试验标准 试验方法astme8/e8m-11变形和铸造铝合金和镁合 金产品拉伸试验标准方法 astm b557-10金属材料试验方法第1部 分室温拉伸试验en

8、2002-1:20053规定塑性延 伸强度 (rp0.2)4布氏硬度0301.04金属材料布氏硕度试验 第1部分:试样方法gb/t 231. 1-2009金属材料布氏硕度标准试 验方法1astm e10-12金属材料布氏硬度试验第1部分:试验方法iso 6506-1-05只测hbw10/3000hbw10/1500hbw10/1000hbw10/500hbw10/250hbw5/75 0hbw5/250序 号检测对彖项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制品5断裂韧性kic0301. 12金属材料平面应变断裂韧 度kic试验方法gb/t 4

9、161-2007金屈材料的线弹性平面应 变断裂韧度ktc的标准试验 方法astm e399-2009只测紧凑 c(t)试 样6等幅疲劳0301. 18金属材料横幅轴向疲劳试 验标准方法1astm e466 - 07 航空系列金属材料 等幅疲劳试验方法en 6072: 2010 (e)金属材料疲劳试验轴向 力控制方法gb/t3075-20087硅0201.03铝及铝合金光电直读发射 光谱分析方法gb/t 7999-2007采川火花原了发射光谱法 分析铝和铝合金的试验方法 1astm e1251-118铁9钛10镒11谋12铜13镁14锌15珞16序 号检测对彖项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)

10、名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制品17铜0201.03铝及铝合金化学分析方法 -第25部分:电感耦合等离 子体原子发射光谱法 gb/t 20975. 25-2008铝及铝合金-化学分析-电 感翘合等离了体光学发射光 谱分析bs en 14242:200418镁19锌20鎳212223铁24钛25珞26铜0201.03铝及铝合金化7分析方法 第3部分:铜含量的测定 gb/t 20975. 3-2008只用方法二铝及铝基介金的化学分析标准试验方法1astme34-11只用21022027謀铝及铝合金化学分析方法 第14部分:银含量的测定 gb/t 20975. 14-20

11、08只用方法二铝及铝基合金的化学分析 标准试验方法1 astm e34-11只用24325328镁铝及铝介金化学分析方法 第16部分:镁含量的测定 gb/t 20975. 16-2008只用方法-.序 号检测对彖项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制品28镁0201.03铝及铝基介金的化学分析标准试验方法1astme34-11只用23224229锌0201.03铝及铝合金化学分析方法 第8部分:锌含虽的测定 gb/t 20975. 8-2008只用方法二铝及铝基合金的化学分析标准试验方法1astme34-11只用21022030铁0201

12、.03铝及铝基合金的化学分析标准试验方法1astme34-11只用22123131镒32显微组织0352. 07变形铝及铝合金制品显微 组织检验方法gb/t 3246. 1-2000微蚀金属和合金的标准规 程 1astm e407 -07el33晶粒度0352. 01变形铝及铝合金制品显微 组织检验方法gb/t3246. 1-2000平均晶粒度标准测定方 法astm e112-10只用比较法34低倍组织0352. 07变形铝及铝合金制品低倍 组织检验方法gb/t 3246. 2-2000序 号检测对彖项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制

13、品35剥落腐蚀0356铝介金剥层腐蚀试验方法hb 5455-90铝合金加工产品的剥落腐 蚀试验方法gb/t 22639-20082xxx和7xxx系铝合金剥落 腐蚀敏感性的标准试验方法(exco试验)astm g34 - 01(2007)5xxx系铝合金h视剥落腐 蚀敏感性标准试验方法(asset试验)astm g66 -99(2005)36晶间腐蚀0356铝合金晶间腐蚀测泄方 法gb/t7998-2005铝合金晶间腐蚀及晶间腐 蚀倾向的测定iib5255-83可热处理强化铝合金浸没 于氯化钠+过氧化氢溶液中 耐晶间腐蚀评估方法 astm g110-1992(2003)5xxx系铝合金晶间腐蚀

14、试 验方法质量损失法gb/t 26491-2011测定5xxx系铝合金品间腐 蚀敏感性的标准试验方法 astm g67-04序 号检测对彖项目/参数领域 代码检测标准(方法)名称 及编号(含年号)限制 范围说明序号名称1铝及铝合金制品37应力腐蚀0356铝介金加工产品的环形试 样应力腐蚀试验方法在硝 酸中浸蚀之后的质量损失(namlt试验)1gb/t 22640-2008铝合金c环试样应力腐蚀 试验方法hb5259-83测定2xxx和7xxx铝合金 制品应力腐蚀开裂敏感性的 标准试验方法1astm g47 - 98(2011)china national accreditation servi

15、ce for conformity assessmentappendix of accreditation certificate(registration no. cnas l6147)name:center laboratory of southwest aluminium (group) co., ltd.address:xipeng, jiulongpo district, chongqing, chinaaccred i tat i on cr iter ia: i so/1 ec 17025:2005 and re i evant requ i rements of cnasdat

16、e of lssue:2013-04-10date of expiry:2016-04-09date of update: 2013-04-10appendix 2 accredited testingmotest objectitcm/paramctcrcode offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnotej2item/parameter1aluminum and aluminum alloy products1tensilestrength(rm)0301.01metallic materials-tensile testing

17、-parti :method of test at room temperature gb/t 228.1-2010standard test methods for tension testing of metallic materialsastm e8/e8m-11standard test2test objectitem/parametercode offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnotembitem/parameter2elongation after fracture(a)methods for tension tes

18、ting wrought and cast aluminum- and magnesium-alloy productsastmb557-10metallic materials-test methods partl:tensile testing at ambient temperature en 2002-1:20052test objectitem/parametercode offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnote2item/parameter1aluminum and aluminum alloy products3p

19、roof strength,plastic extension (offset 0.2%)0301.01metallic matcrials-tcnsilc testing-part 1:metho d of test at room temperature gb/t 228.1-2010standard test methods for tension testing of metallic materialsastm e8/e8m-11standard test methods for tension testing wrought and cast aluminum- and magne

20、siu alloy products astm b557-10metallic materials-test methodsparti:tensile testing at ambient temperatureen 2002-1:2005(o»aluminum and aluminum alloy productstest object54item/parameterfracture toughnesskicbrinellhardnessitem/parameter0301.120301.04code offielda =四c了 odo 彳§hi - ii-1"

21、ih1s 莒.吕 2ts gtitle, code of standard or methodaccredited only for c (t) specimensaccredited only forhbw10/3000hbw10/1500hbw 10/1000hbw 10/500hbw 10/250hbw5/750hbw5/250imn o_so、_ec 17025cnas,pd2i,b、2nocnasl6147 油一; 45 法shouethere be any inconsistencies between chinese and english versions of?e scope

22、 ofaccredifffiop fhe chinese version shall prevailin ihai?e english version is prowided by (heconformifw assessment body and is for reference onlvaluminum and aluminum alloy productstest object6item/parameterconstant amplitude fatigueitem/parameter0301.18code offieldstandard practice for conducting

23、force controlled constant amplitude axial fatigue tests of metallic materials 1 astm e466 - 07 aerospace series metallicmaterials-test methods constant amplitude fatigue testing en 6072: 2010(e)materials-fatig ue testing-axial- force-controlled method gb/t 3075-2008title, code of standard or methodi

24、mn o_so、_ec 17025cnas,pd2i,b、2nocnasl6147 油 16 汪 45 法 shouethere be any inconsistencies between chinese and english versions of?e scope of accredifffiop fhe chinese version shall prevailin ihai?e english version is prowided by (he conformifw assessment body and is for reference onlv2test objectitem/

25、parametercode offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnote2item/parameter1aluminum and aluminum alloy products7si0201.03standard testmethod for analysis of aluminum and aluminum alloys by direct reading emission spectrum analysis methodgb/t 7999-2007standard testmethod for analysis of alumi

26、num and aluminum alloys by spark atomic emission spectrometryastme1251-118fe9ti10mn11ni12cu13mg14zn15crno. cnas l6147第 17 页共 45 页should there be any inconsistencies between chinese and english versions of the scope ofaccreditation, the chinese version shall prevail in that the english version is pro

27、vided by theconformity assessment body and is for reference only.2test objectitem/parametercode offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnote2item/parameter16zr1aluminum and aluminum alloy products17cu0201.03methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminium alloys-part25 :induc tivelyc

28、oupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric methodgb/t 20975.25-2008aluminum and aluminium alloys-chemical analysis-inductivcly coupled plasma optical emission spectral analysis bs en 14242:200418mg19zn20ni21mn22zr23fc24ti25crno. cnas l6147第 18 页共 45 页should there be any inconsistencies between chin

29、ese and english versions of the scope ofaccreditation, the chinese version shall prevail in that the english version is provided by theconformity assessment body and is for reference only.17025tcsi objectaluminum andammimlm a=oyproducesn)26f©*item/parameterzpitem/parametercnas l647cnas,pd2i,b、2

30、0201.03code offieldstandard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys 1 astm e34-11standard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys part 14:determination of ni content gb/t20975.14-2008standard test methods for chemical analysis of alumin

31、um and aluminum-base alloys 1astm e34-11standard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys part 3:the determination of cu contentgb/t 20975.3-2008title, code of standard or methodaccredited only for 243253accredited only for test method 2accredited only for 210220accred

32、ited only for test method 2imn oshoue-here be any inconsistencies between chinese and eng-ish versions of -he scope ofaccrediffriop fhe chinese version shall prevailin iha?e english wersion is provided by (heconformifw assessment body and is for reference on一v17025tcsi objectaluminum andammimlm a=oy

33、produces29200f©*item/parameternitem/parametercnas l647cnas,pd2i,b、20201.03code offieldstandard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys 1astm e34-11standard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys part &determination of zn conte

34、nt gb/t 20975.8-2008standard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys 1astm e34-11standard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base alloys part 16:determination of mg content gb/t20975.16-2008title, code of standard or methodaccredited only for

35、210220accredited only for test method 2accredited only for 232242accredited only for test method 2imn oshoue-here be any inconsistencies between chinese and eng-ish versions of -he scope ofaccrediffriop fhe chinese version shall prevailin iha?e english wersion is provided by (heconformifw assessment

36、 body and is for reference on一valuminum and aluminum alloy productstest object33323item/parametergrain sizemicrostruct urem nf oitem/parameter0352.010352.070201.03code offieldstandard test method for microstructure of wrought aluminum and aluminium alloys products gb/t 3246.1-2000 standard test meth

37、ods for determining average grain size astm el 12-10standard test method for microstructure of wrought aluminum and aluminium alloys products gb/t 3246.1-2000 standard practice for microetching metals and alloys astm e407-07elstandard test methods for chemical analysis of aluminum and aluminum-base

38、alloys 1astm e34-11title, code of standard or methodaccredited only for comparison methodaccredited only for 221231imn o_so、_ec 17025cnas,pd2i,b、2nocnasl6147 油 21 汪 45 法shouethere be any inconsistencies between chinese and english versions of?e scope ofaccredifffiop fhe chinese version shall prevail

39、in ihai?e english version is prowided by (heconformifw assessment body and is for reference onlv2test objectitem/parametercode offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnote2item/parameter1aluminum and aluminum alloy products34macrostructure0352.07standard testmethod formacrostructure ofwroug

40、ht aluminum and aluminiumalloysgb/t 3246.2-2000no. cnas l6147第 22 页共 45 页should there be any inconsistencies between chinese and english versions of the scope ofaccreditation, the chinese version shall prevail in that the english version is provided by theconformity assessment body and is for refere

41、nce only.aluminum and aluminum alloy productstest object35item/parameterexfoliation corrosionitem/parameters56code offieldstandard test method for peeling conosion of aluminum and aluminum alloys hb 5455-90 standard test method for exfolision corrosion of processed aluminum alloys products gb/t 2263

42、9-2008 standard test method for exfoliation corrosion susceptibility in 2xxx and 7xxx series aluminum alloys (exco test) astm g34 01(2007)standard test method for visual assessment of exfoliation corrosion susceptibility of 5xxx series aluminum alloys:asset test astm g66 - 99(2005)title, code of sta

43、ndard or methodimn o_so、_ec 17025cnas,pd2i,b、2no cnas l6147 油 23 汪 45 法shouethere be any inconsistencies between chinese and english versions of?e scope ofaccredifffiop fhe chinese version shall prevailin ihai?e english version is prowided by (heconformifw assessment body and is for reference onlv(o

44、»aluminum and aluminum alloy productstest object36?©*item/parameterintergranula r corrosionitem/parameters56code offieldtnaa 甲 cm 甲 dm 八空 la 甲 chdm 八 gatchaqcmg 八 hqcmcmdm 八 gacdm 八 2 二二=二 e 才 aishhfo 二二 o 二 eabho 二匕=亠 n. r e 望 u m s 4 s n. r c n m s i n h n 匚 r c _ s *arcrcnm s 兰匸 r c u m

45、 s u n£ictrcc 亍常 9s;ctre 亍常 0°0!3口 才 tre&5 二 trtre 亍农二=trc 亍常agx b = o s =三殳 25 u殳 9o oc o g-5. o m o 5hk§*9 三 o 5 三k 殳良2莒骨1忌肾忑电“復_g骨1忌胃g r舟总各乂會層时肩丐3吕孑巴|.曽g s®5舟ge雷三笑-虽b雷三笑g. o三巨甲云b/翼adg. o o虽pmolxtx七ngd&ea=0n&xxw c ctrqytitle, code of standard or methodno_so、_ec 1702

46、5cnas,pd2i00、2no cnas l6147 油 24 汪 45 法 shouethere be anyinconsisfencies between chinese and english wersions of -he scope of accredisfiop fhe chinese version shall prevailin ihai fhe english version is provided by die conformi-y 爼 ssessmenf body and is for reference on<2test objectitem/parameter

47、code offieldtitle, code ofstandard or methodlimitationnote2item/parameter1aluminum and aluminum alloy products37stresscorrosion0356test method for stress corrosion of ring-sample of processed aluminum alloys products-mass loss after immersing in nitric acid (nalmt test) gb/t 22640-2008test method fo

48、r stress corrosion of c-ring sample hb 5259-83standard test method for determining susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking of 2xxx and 7xxx aluminum alloy products astm g47-98(2011)c/vas中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:cnas l6147)名称:西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司中心试验室地址:重庆市九龙坡区西彭镇签发日期:2013年04月10日有效期至:2016年04月09日更新日期:201

49、4年06月05日附件1认可的授权签字人及领域序号姓名授权签字领域备注1陈文机械性能、物理性能检测项目2陈雄立化学分析检测项目china national accreditation service for conformity assessmentappendix of accreditation certificate(registration no. cnas l6147)name:center laboratory of southwest aluminium (group) co. , ltd.address:xipeng, jiuiongpo district, chongqing, chinadate of lssue:2013-04-10date of expiry:2016-04-09date of update: 2014-06-05jnsnameauthorized scope of signaturenote1chen wenmechanical properties, physical properties testin


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