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1、导学案unit 4 what would you do?教师寄语:坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。 unit 4 section a ( 1a-2c) 学习目标: 知识目标:口头及书面掌握句型:a:what would you do if you had a million dollars? b: i'd give it to charity. if i were you, i'd take a small present. if i were you, i'd wear a shirt and tie. 熟练掌握词汇:million, medical, res

2、earch, tie, worry, what if.技能目标:1.理解表示与现在相反的虚拟语气的结构 2.学会运用if 描述一些假设的、虚拟的情况情感目标:通过谈论假设、虚拟的情况,增强自己的爱心和对美好事物的向往。课前准备:如果你有很多钱,你会做些什么?( 放飞你的梦想,把你的观点写下来 )i would_i would also _i would_ as well.学习过程before listening pairwork: do 1a.while listeningdo 1b.a.give the money to medical research b.put the money in

3、 the bankc.buy a big house for my family d,give the money to the zooe.gave it to chairty 2.listen again and complete the dialogue.girl1:hey, did you see this newspaper article? an old man had a million dollars. and he _.boy1:wow, what a nice man!girl1:what would you do if you had a million dollars?b

4、oy1:if i had a million dollars, i'd _ . i want to help the pandas.girl1:that's a good idea! i know what i'll do. i'd _.girl2:really? i'd _ . then i'd just watch it grow!boy2:hmm, i think i'd _. i'd want to help other people.跟读,然后分角色朗读。 4.pairwork: 1c.观察与思考1. what woul

5、d you do if you had a million dollars?这是一个虚拟语气的句子,虚拟语气是表示一种假设、愿望、建议或是一种不可能实现的愿望。它常用在条件句及其他一些从句中。通常与现在或将来事实相反的假设。主句使用_ .其结构为:主句(would/could/might + _)+if从句(过去时).(be动词任何人称都用_);与过去事实相反的假设,例如:if you had come yesterday, you would have seen him.主句是_(could, might)+have done, 从句用_done. 练习:1)if you _ (hear)t

6、he news , you would have known the meeting.2)if i _ a bird, i would fly free in the sky.3)if she _free, she _ _ to see you.2a,2bdo2a. 2. do2b 3. listen again and complete the dialogue.a. you can leave. b.you can talk to tom.c.what other people are wearing d.take a small present e.if i were you f.wha

7、t to weargirl: where are you going, larry? boy: to tom's party.g:lucky you! i'd love to go to that party. b:yeah, well, i'm a little nervous. i don't know _.g:_, i'd wear a shirt and tie. b:what if everybody else is wearing jeans and t-shirts?g:oh, you shouldn't worry about_.

8、b:and i don't have a present. what if everyone brings a present?g:if i were you, i'd _ -a pen or something. keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. if not, you can keep it.b:ok. but what if i don't know anyone?g:if you don't know anyone, _. he

9、9;ll introduce you to people. b:i guess i can do that;g:look! you're sure to have fun. but if you're still nervous, _.2. pairwork: role play.观察与思考:what if . 相当于what will/ shall sb. do if.? 意为_, 用来询问如果发生什么事的时候,某人该怎么办。如: _ the weather is really bad?知识巩固:i.从右栏中选出与左栏相应的答语1what would you do if yo

10、u had a million dollars? a. if i were you, i would take a small present. 2.i dont know if i should bring a present. b. if you dont know anyone, you can talk to tom.3. i might not know anyone at the party. c. id give it to charityii.1. if i _ to the moon, i'd live there. a.go b.will go c.went d.a

11、m going-what if _ buys a toy for linda? -if i were you, i'd buy something different. a.everyone else b.other someone c.else anyone d.anyone otherthere are _ people in this city. a.million of b.two millions c.millions of d.a million of课堂反思:i.如果你去参加一位美国朋友的聚会,你需要注意什么?_ii.你还有哪些知识没有掌握?做出标记。家庭作业:调查更多朋

12、友或亲人,询问他们what would you do if you had a million dollars?简要写出调查报告。参考形式:.said," if i ., i would."unit 4 section a(3a-4 ) 学习目标: 知识目标:口头及书面掌握句型:1. i get nervous before big parties and then i get pimples. they look terrible.2. i'm too tired to do well. what should i do?3. you should eat lot

13、s of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.4. if i were you, i'd take a long walk before going to bed. 熟练掌握词汇:exam, pimple技能目标:描述生活中经常遇到的一些小的烦恼,并提出简单、合理的建议。情感目标:通过与同学们交流生活中的烦恼,来培养自己战胜困难的决心和勇气,同时还要学会乐于助人。课前准备:下面列出的事情,哪些是你曾经遇到过的?选出来。i'm very nervous when i talk with my teachers.i can&#

14、39;t get on well with some of my classmates and seldom talk with them.i concentrate more on playing computer games rather than my study.i always worry about my exam, i can't sleep well.i often feel weak and sleepy in class, i can't finish some homework.ii. groupwork: 针对你刚才选出的问题,小组讨论怎样解决这些问题。

15、【学习过程】: before readingpairwork: 将课前准备ii讨论的结果用以下句型进行交流。a:what would i do if.?b:if i were you, i'd .while reading: fast reading: task1: match mouse's, spotty's, and sleepless' problems? mouse can't sleep spotty don't enjoy parties sleepless get pimplestask 2. do 3a.careful read

16、ing: 阅读策略:仔细阅读短文,有目的性,针对性地理解文章的细节。task 1:读短文,判正误。mouse enjoys parties very much. ( )spotty gets nervous before gig parties. ( )taking a long walk before going to bed can help spotty. ( )talking to someone who looks friendly should help mouse relax. ( )task 2: 写出下列短语:变得紧张 _ 2.看起来可怕_ 3.参加一次大考_ 4.太-而不能

17、-_ 5.散步_ 6.帮助你放松_ 7.看起来友好_ 8.感觉害羞_ 9.帮着解决这个问题_task 3: 用刚才所填的短语把文章补充完整。-i'm really shy and i just don't enjoy parties. i don't know what to say or do. -if i were you, i'd talk to someone who_. then you won't_.-i _ before big parties and then i get pimples. they _ ! what should i d

18、o? -the food you eat could _ . you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.-i can't sleep the night before i _ .then i'm _ tired _ do well. what should i do? -if i were you, i'd _ before going to bed. that should_.task 4: 划出上文中表示建议的句子。观察与思考:1.观察上文,我们可以知道:在提出委婉的建议

19、时,常使用_语气。主句用_时态, 从句用_ 时态。2.im too tired to do well.=im _ tired _ i can _ do it well.拓展:he is so strong that he can lift the heavy box.=he is strong _ _ lift the box.3. well, dogs can be a lot of trouble.trouble, 名词,麻烦,烦恼,困难。也可以做动词,意为“麻烦”。in trouble :陷入困境的i have some trouble in _(read) his handwritin

20、g .we must try to help people_trouble.i am sorry to _(trouble) you .after reading:1. pairwork: do 3b. 2. groupwork: do 4.a. i think you should take a long walk before going to bed. that will help you relax.b. i think you shouldn't go to parties again.c. i'd talk to someone who looks friendly

21、, then you won;t feel so shy.d. i often get pimples, they look terrible. what should i do?【训练巩固】 补全对话:lucy:i'm shy and i don't enjoy parties, i don't know what to say or do. cara:if i were you, _.lucy:i can't sleep well before i take a math exam, i am not good at math. cara: _ lucy:g

22、ood idea. i will try that.lucy:_ cara:the foods you eat could help with this problem. you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water. lucy:thank you.课堂反思:假如你的朋友最近迷恋于游戏,耽误了很多功课,你能给他提些建议吗?需要用到本课的哪些句型?_unit 4 section b (1a-2c) 课堂学习学习目标: 知识目标:口头及书面掌握句型:-what would you do if your br

23、other borrowed your clothes without permission? -i would tell him to ask my permission before he borrows something next time.2. people get nervous when they have to meet new people. 熟练掌握词汇:energetic, permission, confident, public, herself技能目标:1、学习并掌握关于人们个性的表达方式。 2、学习谈论个性调查问卷中的虚拟问题。情感目标:通过对多种个性特征的了解,

24、剖析和反思自我,从而得到自我提高。课前准备:1、收集一些表示人们性格特征的单词。2、当你遇到下列情况时怎么办?1).the teacher asks you to give a speech in front of the whole school.2).your classmate borrowed your book without permission.3).someone asks you to be in a movie.【课堂学习过程】:before listening;学习1a的5个单词,大声朗读。 do 1a. 3. do 1b.while listening:1. do 2a

25、. 2. do 2b.3. listen again then complete the dialogue.how confident, did a personality survey, give a speech, to be in a movie, had a cold, too nervousa: i just _ in teen time magazine. it tells you _ you are.b: oh? how did you do ?a: i dont know yet. but its a really interesting test. you should tr

26、y it., bill. b:ok. a: how about question 1? what would you do if the teacher asks you to _ in front of the whole school? b: i'd say i _ and couldnt speak. i would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole school.a: how about this movie question ? what would you do if someone asked you _?b

27、: oh, id say “no”. id be _. what's the next question?4. pairwork:分角色朗读对话。观察与思考:without 介词,意为_, 常用来表示假设或伴随情况。 后跟名词、代词、动词,其反义词为_ . permission 名词,是permit 的名词形式,without one'spermission 意为_; ask one's permission 意为_eg: he left without _(say) goodbye.it's my personal computer. people can&#

28、39;t use it _(未经我的允许)。after listening:pairwork: 2c. 2. groupwork; 小组围绕 what am i like? 展开调查,从而剖析自我。【训练巩固】 i.根据首字母完成句子1. e_ people are hardly ever tired, they are always full of energy.2. you are shy, you get n_ when you have to meet new people. 3. i didn't know her, but she introduced h_ to me.

29、she is very outgoing.4. tom is a c_ boy, he isn't afraid to speak in public.5. c_ people usually like art and music.ii用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. he must ask his mother's _ ( permission ) if he wants to fo out on school nights.2. she enjoyed _( she ) at the party last night.3. i can't pass the exa

30、m _( with ) the teacher's help.4. are you afraid _( climb ) the tree?5. though he is very old, he is very _ ( energy ). he takes exercise every day.6. lily is easy _ (get) along with.7. if you _(be) more friendly to people, you would have more friends.8. he isnt used to _ (speak) in public, beca

31、use he is too shy.9. if you have a cold , you need _ (drink) lots of water.10. mr. brown introduced _ (he) to the class at the beginning.课堂反思i.如果你向同学或朋友作个性调查,需要用到本课的哪些句型?_ii.通过本课的学习,你还有哪些问题?_【家庭作业】i. 参照本节课你所学到的关于个性的词汇,想一想你周围的同学和朋友属于那种情况。可以利用2a的调查问卷来帮助你。ii. writing: what kind of people are you? what

32、about your friends? try to describe you and them. _ _unit 4 section b ( 3a-4) 课堂学习学习目标: 知识目标:口头及书面掌握句型:social situation don't bother you in the slightest.you would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.you have plenty of friends, and you enjoy the company of other peop

33、le.your friends would probably say that you ate easy to get along with.if a friend said something bad about you, would you. 熟练掌握词汇:bother, slight, annoy, fairly, circle, listener, not.in the slightest, plenty of, get along with.技能目标:学会设计简单的个性调查问卷,并使用它展开调查。情感目标:能够设计简单的个性调查问卷来了解自己身边的人,选择好的学习对象。课前准备:请通

34、过上网或其他途径查找关于个性调查问卷的资料,了解有关个性调查的相关知识。如果让你设计一份个性问卷调查表,你会怎样设计并提出哪些问题呢?【课堂学习过程】: before reading:groupwork; 课前检查 2.再次浏览2a的调查表格,回顾调查中的问题和选项。while reading:fast reading: do 3a. careful reading: read the passage and say “true” or “false”1) if you answered c for most questions, then you are a shy person.( )2)

35、if you are outgoing and fairly confident, you will like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.( )3) if you are shy, your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with.( )4) if you are shy, your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with.( )3. detail

36、ed reading: complete the tablepersonality some actions 1. social situations don't bother you in the slightest.pretty confident 2. you know _ 3. sometimes you might annoy people because you're so confident. 1. you have plenty of friends, and you enjoy the company of other outgoing and fairy p

37、eople.confident 2. _ 3. your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with. 1. you like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.shy 2. you would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party 3._观察与思考:would rather 意为“宁愿”;would rather do.than do. 意为_, 相当

38、于prefer _ rather than_ i _ _ use the old car _ buy a new one.plenty of 意为_ 其后接_, _ 均可,构成的短语做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式与其后的名词一致。此外,plenty of 通常用于肯定句,在否定句、疑问句中,则用enough, many, much.eg: 1. there are _ _ books in the library. 2. is there _ rain this spring?after reading:do 3b. 2. do 4 groupwork.知识巩固:i.用方框内单词的适当形式填空

39、get along with, in public, plenty of , worry about, rather than,what if , in the slightest, right away, think about, something bad1. social situations dont bother you _.2. you shouldnt spit and shout loudly _.3. -how are you _your classmates? -very well.4. _ i dont know how to answer the questions.5

40、. if you catch a cold, you need to drink _ water. 6. i wanted it typed _ , please.7. your parents are _ you, please write to them 8.all his father ever _is his money.9. you'd stay at home _ go to a party.10. i feel terrible, i might eat _.ii用所给词的适当形式填空1. if you were _ (friendly) to people than b

41、efore, you would have more friends.2. he is confident of _ (pass) the exam.3. you shouldnt wear my shirt without my _ (permit)4. this question is _(fair)easy.5. they would _(lie) in bed rather than ride horses.课堂反思:通过课文中的调查问卷结果,我们知道了有哪几种类型的个性?_家庭作业:finish selfcheck.have a discussion about your perso

42、nality and write an articles._unit 4 reading (课堂学习).学习目标: 知识目标:口头及书面掌握句型:it gives advice on what to do in lots of different situationswhat would you do if you cut yourself by accident?you should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard. 熟练掌握词汇:first-aid, shelf, cover, deep, down-stairs, co

43、rrect, burn, hurt, refuse, knee, pain, offer, helpful, treat, press, come out, nearby.技能目标:学会运用你所知道的来帮你解决问题这一策略。情感目标:通过学习一些应对accidents 和problems 的方法,培养关心、爱护他人的好习 惯,同时增强自我保护意识。课前准备:1.你对accidents 和problems 了解多少?想想你所遇到过的accidents , problems. 2. 当你遇到下面的紧急情况时,你知道该怎么办吗?想一想。you cut your finger when you mak

44、e dinner. 2) you fall downstairs and can't move.3) you injure your knee when you are playing soccer.【课堂学习过程】: before reading:groupwork: 结合课前准备1的内容在小组内展开讨论,交流对accidents, problems 的了解并在课本中做记录。pairwork: 同位互相交流对课前准备2的看法。while reading: 1. fast reading: answer:1) what's the name of martin robinson

45、's new book? _what does martin robinson's new book tell us? _2. careful reading: answer questions:1)what would you do if you cut yourself by accident?_2)what would you do if you injured your knee while running?_3)what would you do if your friends offered you cigarettes at a party?_4)what would you do if your internet friend asked you to meet?_detailed reading: complete the tableaccidents advice problems advicecut yourself a friend offers you cigarettes call the hospital hide medicine, tell children to ask parentsburn yourself an internet friend wants to


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