《八年级英语上册 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第1页
《八年级英语上册 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第2页
《八年级英语上册 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第3页
《八年级英语上册 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第4页
《八年级英语上册 Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》_第5页




1、unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake section b教师寄语:nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。一、学习目标:(learning aims)1、熟悉本节课出现的生词短语。2、describe a process. 3、follow instructions. 4、提高听力技能。二、教学重点、难点1、describe a process. 2、follow instructions. 三、知识链接物质名词或抽象名词一般都是不可数的。不可数名词没有单数和

2、复数的区别,例如: water 水 ice 冰 tea 茶 meat 肉 milk 牛奶 age 年龄 time 时间 help 帮助 luck 运气 work 工作 有少数物质名词也有复数形式,不过它们的含义则有所不同了,例如: glass 不可数名词 玻璃 glasses 可数名词 眼镜 顺便说一下,有些物质名词本身也是可数名词,但其含义也有所不同了。例如: glass 玻璃 a glass 玻璃杯paper 纸张 a paper 报纸;论文wood 木头 a wood 树林 gold 金子 a gold 金牌a little 后接不可数名词 a few 后接可数名词 some/a lot

3、 of 后接可数或不可数名词四、学法指导:讲授法、交际法、归类法、听说法五、导学过程一)预习课本pages4446,找出下列词组和句子。(1)你喜欢生菜三明治吗? (2)在一片面包上放一些作料 _ (3)多少作料? (4)两片面包 (5)一茶匙黄油 (6)三片鸡肉 (7)两茶匙作料 (8)超级肌肉三明治 (9)在一片面包上 (10)把这些加到面包上 (11)肌肉片 (12)另一片面包 (13)在的顶部 (14)的做法 (15)需要一些帮助 (16)把这些原料放进果汁机里 (17)往果汁机里倒热水 (18)打开果汁机大约两分钟 (19)北京烤鸭 (20)所有的原料 (21)嫩洋葱 二)掌握下列知

4、识点1、do you like sth. in sandwiches? 你喜欢某种三明治吗? do you like lettuce in sandwiches? 你喜欢生菜三明治吗?2、first,next,then,after that,finally, 首先,然后,接着,之后,最后,这是英语中表达做某事的步骤的一种说法。通常你会听到说英语国家的人在说first, next, then, finally和后面的内容时,他们会做一些停顿。这样就能提前告诉听者接下来讲的是一系列的步骤。这一点在朗读和听力中应特别注意。3、another/other/the other there are two

5、 theaters in town. one is big, and _ is small. mr. harris and mrs. bate and three _ leaders were there. we have walked 20 miles. and we still have _ 20 miles to go. we learn english, math and _ subjects at school. there are many new shops on _ side of the road. the students are cleaning the classroo

6、m. some are cleaning the desks, some are cleaning the floor, _ are cleaning the windows. the shoes are too small. could you show me _ pair? we need three more chairs. = we need _ three chairs.4、a recipe for 的做法 here s a recipe for a great turkey sandwich!六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识? 七、达标测试: 一)根据汉语或首字母提示完成

7、句子。1)we need three (西红柿) 2)heres a recipe (介词) a great turkey sandwich.3)can you give me (另一个) apple? 4)he ate two (三明治).5)do you like lettuce in s . 6)i need your help. can you p the potatoes?7) if youre thirsty, you can have a piece of w .二)词形转换。 1)how watermelons do we need?(much) 2) we still nee

8、d ten .(orange) 3)would you cut up some for me?(tomato) 4)ten minutes for you to make your favorite .(sandwich) 5)our teachers are to us. (friend)三)单项选择1.how teaspoons of yogurt do you need? a. many b. much c. longd. often2. cut the apples and then put them the blender.a. in, upb. on, upc. up, ind.

9、up, on3. herere two bowls noodles for you. a. for b. of c. atd. on 4. please turn the recorder. i want to listen to the music.a. offb. onc. ofd. down5.please put some slices of chicken the top the bread.a. in, ofb. on, ofc. of, ind. of, on6. you dont need any food with you. a. take b. taking c. to t

10、ake d. takes7. is the weather like today? its raining. a. howb. whatc. which d. where8. do you think of the turkey sandwich? its very nice. a. howb. whatc. which d. where9.how is it from your school to the hospital? five miles. a. longb. manyc. muchd. far10. there too much sugar in the sandwich. a.

11、beb. arec. isd. have11. everything all right. lets a good rest. a. are, haveb. are , hasc. is, have d. is, has12.can you fruit salad? yes, i can. a. makeb. cookc. dod. work13. lets make some for you.a. turkey sandwich b. turkey sandwichesc. turkeys sandwichesd.turkey sandwich14. would you like cup o

12、f tea? a. otherb. anotherc. the other d. others15. i have two english books. one is red, is yellow. a. otherb. anotherc. the otherd. others四)完形填空 when mary smith was a 1 ,she wanted to be a teacher, 2 she liked children. when she was twenty, she began teaching in a small school. she was a good teach

13、er, and she 3 a lot to the children in her class. they 4 her teaching. one day 5 of the girls in her class said to her, “miss smith, 6 does a mans hair become grey before his beard(胡子)does?” mary laughed and answered, “i dont know. helen, do you know?” “i dont know 7 , miss smith,” said helen, “but

14、it happened to my father.” the 8 children in the class laughed when they heard this. then a boy said, “i 9 , miss smith! a mans hair becomes grey 10 because its sixteen years older than his beard.”( )1. a. womanb. studentc. teacherd. wife( )2. a. sob. butc. thatd. because( )3. a. cried b. shoutedc.

15、learnedd. taught( )4. a. refusedb. enjoyedc. thoughtd. wanted( )5. a. one b. ac. and. two( )6. a. when b. howc. whyd. whether( )7.a. toob. eitherc. alsod. neither( )8.a. some b. fewc. otherd. another( )9.a.think b. knowc. guessd. sure( )10. a. fast b. slowlyc. firstd. quickly五)阅读 a john was a very f

16、amous pianist. when he was a small boy, he once played at a party at the home of a rich man. he was only eight years old. but he had played for several years. at the party he played a famous piece by beethoven (贝多芬). he played wonderfully. the famous piece has it several very long rests. in each of

17、these rests he took his hands from the piano and waited. to him this was very exciting. but it seemed that the mother of the rich man thought differently. finally during one of these rests she came over to him. she touched him on the head with a smile and,” my boy, why dont you play us what you know

18、 well?”( ) 1. john once played the piano at a party when he was only a little boy.( )2. john began to play the piano at the age of eight.( )3. in each of the rests john took his hands from the piano because he felt tired.( )4. the rich mans mother did not think john played the piece well.( )5. in fa

19、ct the mother of the rich man knew the piece well.bhenry liked drinking and spent all his money on it. so he stolen(偷) some money from the shop.mr hunt, the shopkeeper, was told about it and sent the young man away. soon the people in the small town knew about it and he couldnt find any work there.

20、he got into trouble. sometimes he had no food and lived in a cold house.one morning, henry got up at half past twelve. he tried to find something to eat, but he failed .he was walking in the street and looking around. he hoped to try his luck in the crowd. suddenly he saw a lot of people standing at

21、 a corner of the building. he hurried there and found an old man was selling all kinds of nice teapots(茶壶)there. henry found the old man always put the money into a red teapot after he had sold one. he pretended(假装)to buy the teapots and was going to steal the red one. when the old an was busy recei

22、ving from two women, he took the red teapot away. but it had no bottom(底)and the money dropped onto the ground. he stood there and didnt know what to do.“if you want a teapot ,sir,” the old man said with a smile,“youd better choose an intact(完好无损的)one!”1.mr hunt sent henry away because . a. he liked

23、 drinkingb. he didnt work hardc. he stole some money from his shopd. he spent much money on drinking2. the people in the town knew henry was a thief(贼),so .a. nobody would take him in.(收留)b. he couldnt go on drinkingc. nobody sold any drink to himd. he was afraid to see the police3. that morning hen

24、ry wanted to .a. borrow some money from his friendsb. steal some money in the crowdc. buy some food for breakfastd. meet some friends in the street4. henry was choosing among the teapots, in fact, he .a. was learning to make themb. was helping the old man watch themc. was waiting his chance to steal

25、d. really wanted to buy one for himself5. the old man was . a. foolishb. sorryc. happyd. clevercwe say that a person has good manners(礼节)if he or she is polite(有礼貌的)and kind and helpful to others. everyone likes a person with good manners and no one likes a person with bad manners.” yes,” you may say, “but what are good manners? how do i know what to do and what not to do?”different countries have different manners. for example, a guest(客人)in a chinese house does not fin


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