云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 Unit3 《Why do you like koalas》-Section A导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 Unit3 《Why do you like koalas》-Section A导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 Unit3 《Why do you like koalas》-Section A导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第3页
云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 Unit3 《Why do you like koalas》-Section A导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第4页
云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 Unit3 《Why do you like koalas》-Section A导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第5页
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1、云南省富民县散旦中学七年级英语下册 unit3 why do you like koalas-section a导学案 人教新目标版 第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(解释目标并组织课堂2分钟)1. describe animals and express preferences; 2. 祈使句:lets + do sth.重点句型:1. do you like koalas? yes, i do. / no, i dont.2. why do you like pandas? because theyre very smart.3. why does he like koalas? becaus

2、e theyre kind of interesting.4. where are lions from? they are from south africa.【使用说明】1、 先预习教材13-15页的有关内容,对照词汇表,把不会的单词及短语标注出来。2、按时按量独立完成此导学案,然后交到各组学习组长处。第二标:达成目标【夯实基础】(用时:10分钟;请结合“导学框”里的提示进行基础梳理。)【词汇检测】一、比比看:通过预习,写出你知道的单词(英文中文都写),看谁写得又多又好:动物:panda (熊猫):_ 形容词: interesting (有趣的): _ _ 二、温故而知新:完成下列句子:1

3、、你最喜欢的科目是什么? whats your _ _?2、你为什么喜欢体育?因为它很刺激。_ do you _ pe? _ its very _.3、我喜欢音乐,因为它很放松。 i _ _, _ its _.4、我喜欢熊猫,因为他们很有趣。 i like_ , _they are very _.【梳理提示】熟练掌握有关动物的词汇复习why引导的问句及其回答eg. why do you like pe ? because its relaxing .【综合升华】(20分钟,小组合作讨论,b、c层展示,a层点评,老师及时点拨。)【巩固提高】一、英汉互译1. 欢迎来到动物园_ 2. 非常聪明_3.

4、 有点丑陋_4. 可爱的考拉_5. an australian koala_6. lets see the pandas first._7. like giraffes very much_8.一头大象_9. 有点、稍微_ 10. 来自_二、单项选择:( )1.which kind of animals have long legs and neck?a. pandas b. penguins c. giraffes( )2. why do you like koalas? -_ they are cute and smart.a. and b. for c. because( )3. _ i

5、s the biggest animal on the earth.a. an elephant b. a koala c. a giraffe( )4. _ pandas from china?a. are b. is c. do( )5.people usually think lions are _ scary.a. kinds of b. kind c. kind of( )6.tigers like _ meat.a. eat b. eats c. eating( ) 7.his classmate cant go to school today _ he is ill. a. bu

6、t b. because c. and ( ) 8.monkey is _of animals. its _ of smart. a.kind; kind b. kinds; a kind c. a kind; kind( ) 9.do you like your_hometown? a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully( )10.do you like _? a. panda b. giraffes c. giraffe a. yes, it is. b. no, it isnt c. yes, sometimes.( )5. what will don

7、 do next summer? a. he wants me to see him. b. hell write to me for the first time. c. hes coming here for a visit. 【耳听八方】2aanimalspandasdescription wordsinteresting要求:1.先听一遍在表格中填出所听到的动物2再听一遍填出描述动物的.形容词 3.练习句子“pandas are .【温馨提示】学会用形容词来描述动物kinds of 种类听力小贴士听第一遍先把握段落大意并填空,第二遍理解通篇意思并自主检查。第三标:反馈目标10分钟,自主

8、作答,分级、分层达标,限时完成。【当堂检测】(分钟)一、选择正确的词填空。favorite, do, are, does, animals, let, lets, come1- what kind of _ do you think are the biggest on the earth? - elephants.2_ go to see the new teacher in our school.3why _ maria like small animals?4is your _ pet panda?5where do lions _ from?二按要求转换句型, 一空一词。the koa

9、la comes from australia. (变否定句) the koala _ _ from australia.he likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句) _ he _ dolphins very much?the zoo is across from a big and clean hotel. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the zoo?4. the shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does the shy girl want to see?pandas are from china. (同

10、义句转换) pandas _ _ china.四form sentences. 组词成句。1. want, koalas, to, the, do, you, see_?2. giraffe, south, smart, the, does, africa, not, from, come_.3. see, first, dolphins, the, lets_.4.do, want, why, they, pandas, see, those, to【反思升华】(3分钟)1本节课的目标达成了吗?2在达成过程中还存在哪些困难?1. 本节课的收获有哪些?【命题意图】考查学生对词汇的掌握情况。【触

11、类旁通】。1.考察be from 和come from的用法及互换。2letslet us let sb do sth让某人做某事。【小贴士】先在小组内说,再由部分小组长在全班说.unit3 why do you like koalas? section b导学案(2课时) 小组评价: 年级: 七年级 学科: 英语 编制人: 周莲玉 组长: 签发: 老师评价: 第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(解释目标并组织课堂2分钟)学习目标:1. describe animals;重点词组: kind of ;eat grass ;play with ones friends ;be quiet ;durin

12、g the day ;at night; eat leaves ;other animals ;重点句型:what animals do you like? i like elephants. they are very cute.what other animals do you like? i like dogs, too.why do you like them? because they are friendly and clever.【使用说明】2、 先预习教材16-17页的有关内容,对照词汇表,把不会的单词及短语标注出来。2、按时按量独立完成此导学案,然后交到各组学习组长处。第二标

13、:达成目标【夯实基础】(用时:10分钟;请结合“导学框”里的提示进行基础梳理。)翻译下列短语: 1. 一个小时_ 2. 20个小时_3. friend(形容词)_ 4. 有点害羞_5. 在白天_ 6. 在晚上_7. 和一起玩_ 8. 吃树叶_9. 其他动物_ 10. 很可怕_11. 每天_ 12. 吃肉_一、选择填空。1. which kind of animals have long legs and neck?a. pandas b. penguins c. giraffes2. why do you like koala bears?-_ they are cute and smart.

14、a. and b. for c. because3. _ is the biggest animal on the earth?a. an elephant b. a koala bear c. a giraffe4. _ pandas from china?a. are b. is c. do5. students _ nine hours a day.a. sleeps b. sleep c. are sleep6. people usually think lions are _ scary.a. kinds of b. kind c. kind of7. tigers like _ m

15、eat.a. eat b. eats c. eating8. koala bears sleep _.a. at night b. during the day c. at noon9. do you ever play _ pandas?a. with b. to c. and10. foxes can count numbers. so people think they are _.a. scary b. interesting c. intelligent【梳理提示】结合教材完成下列短语,注意在白天用介词in,在夜晚用介词at. in the day . at night 固定搭配al

16、l kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一种。kind of 有点儿,稍微,相当于a little,alittle bit【综合升华】(20分钟,小组合作讨论,b、c层展示,a层点评,老师及时点拨。)【请根据2a将空格补充完整】听2a and 2b, 在横线上填上你所听到的词语,一空一词。tony: where do you want to go now? maria: lets see the elephants.tony: the elephants? why do you like elephants?maria: oh, theyre _. and theyre reall

17、y _.tony: yes, but theyre _, too.maria: oh, tony! so, where do you want to go?tony: lets see the pandas. theyre _ _ _.maria: oh, yeah. i love pandas. theyre _. but theyre also _ _ _. where are they?tony: theyre over there on the left, just across from the koalas.【温馨提示】听第一遍先把握段落大意并填空,第二遍理解通篇的大意。第三标:反

18、馈目标10分钟,自主作答,分级、分层达标,限时完成。【当堂检测】(分钟)一、单项选择:( ) 1. _ see the giraffes. a. let b. let we c. lets d. let i( ) 2. - _ do you like animals? - _ they are cute. a. why, because b. what, so c. why, so d. what, because( ) 3. do you want _? a. eat meat b. to eat meat c. to eat meats d. eat meats( ) 4. the mon

19、keys _ interesting. a. kind of b. kinds of c. are kind of d. are kinds of( ) 5. why _ go to the zoo? a. dont b. not c. not you d. you dont( ) 6. pandas are from _. a. b. c. d. ( ) 7. _ im hungry, _ i have some food. a. because, so b. so, because c. because, / d. so, /( ) 8. why _ he _ koalas? a. doe

20、s, like b. does, likes c. do, likes d. do, like( ) 9. _ are from _. a. chinese, chinese b. australian, australia c. japanese, japan d. english, english( )10. - what _ do you like? - i like elephants. a. animals b. sports c. books d. places( )11. dont _. a. shy b. to be shy c. to shy d. be shy( )12.

21、the koalas sleep _ the day and get up _ night. a. during, at b. at, during c. at, at d. during, during( )13. pandas are very _ and _. we all like them. a. friendly, ugly b. cute, scary c. dangerous, beautiful d. shy, smart( )14. my sister likes to read_ at home. a. and write b. to write c. and to wr

22、ite d. to writing( )15. tigers like eating _. a. grass b. meat c. bananas d. leaves二、完成句子:1、-狮子来自哪里? -狮子来自南非。_ _ lions _? - they _ _ south africa .2、-你为什么喜欢考拉? -因为他们有点聪明。_ do you _ _? _ they are _ _ _.4、咱们先去看老虎吧。 _ _ the tigers first.5、图书馆有很多种书。 there are _ _ _ books in the library.6、玲玲很漂亮,但是却很害羞。li

23、ng ling is very beautiful, _.7、那个男孩很喜欢和狗一起玩。 that boy enjoys _his dogs.8、他通常白天睡觉,晚上出去。he often sleeps _ and go out _.【反思升华】(3分钟)1本节课的目标达成了吗?2在达成过程中还存在哪些困难?2. 本节课的收获有哪些?【命题意图】考查学生对词汇及短语的掌握情况。【触类旁通】1.考察lets的用法。【小贴士】先在小组内说,再由部分小组长在全班说.unit3 why do you like koalas? self-check导学案(2课时) 小组评价: 年级: 七年级 学科: 英

24、语 编制人:周莲玉 组长: 签发: 老师评价: 第一标:设置目标【课堂目标】(解释目标并组织课堂2分钟学习目标:1. describe animals;重点句型:what animals do you like? i like elephants. they are very cute.what other animals do you like? i like dogs, too.why do you like them? because they are friendly and clever.where are lions from? they are from south africa

25、.【使用说明】1.先复习课文,对照词汇表,把不会的单词及短语标注出来。2、按时按量独立完成此导学案,然后交到各组学习组长处。3建议使用2学时。第二标:达成目标【夯实基础】(用时:10分钟;请结合“导学框”里的提示进行基础梳理。)词汇检测一 写出十个动物的名称,并写出它们的中文意思。(2*10=20)1. _ ( ) 2._ ( )3. _ ( ) 4. _ ( ) 5. _ ( ) 6. _ ( ) 7. _ ( ) 8. _ ( ) 9. _ ( ) 10. _ ( )二、完成句子, 一空一词。( 10 *2=20)1. 让我们先看大熊猫吧。 lets _ the _ first.2.、汤姆

26、为什么想去看长颈鹿?_ does tom _ to see the giraffes?3. 我喜欢狗,因为它们既友好又聪明。i like dogs , because they are _ and _.4. 你喜欢其它什么动物? what _ _ do you like?5. 她儿子有点害羞。 his son is _ _ shy . 【梳理提示】结合教材完成下列,完成后在小组内核对答案。【温馨提示】请复习一般疑问句的用法及结构并完成左边的句子。【综合升华】(20分钟,小组合作讨论,b、c层展示,a层点评,老师及时点拨。)阅读理解 (5*4=20) mrs. green doesnt like

27、 fish at all, but mr. green likes fish very much. he buys some fish and takes it home. mrs. green sees the fish and she thinks, “good! ill ask my friends to have lunch and we can have the fish. they like fish very much.” mr. green comes home in the evening. he cant find his fish. he asks his wife(妻子

28、), “where is my fish?” mrs. green says, “ oh, your cat eats it.” and she gives mr. green some bread for supper. mr. green is not happy. he takes the cat with mrs. green and goes to a shop. he says to her, “now you see, my cat is one kilo and the fish is one kilo too. the cat is here. but where is my

29、 fish? ”( ) 1. what does mr. green like very much? a. bread. b. chicken. c. fish. d. his cat.( ) 2. does mrs. green like fish very much?a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesnt. c. yes, she likes. d. no, she not likes.( ) 3. does the cat eat the fish? a. yes, it does. b. yes, he does. c. no, they dont. d

30、. no, it doesnt.( ) 4. what does mr. green have for supper? a. some bread. b. some fish. c. some milk. d. some eggs.( ) 5. who does mrs. white ask to have the fish? a. mr. green b. her friends c. the cat d. her parents.信息归纳。根据短文内容完成表格的空缺信息。 (10*2=20) handan comes from china, she is a clever and beau

31、tiful girl. she studies in a middle school. she has four pen pals. they are from different countries and like different animals. linda is from america. her favorite animal is the penguin. the penguin likes ice very much. lily comes from australia. the koala is her favorite animal. the koala likes to

32、 eat leaves. and it sleeps during the day, but it gets up at night. bob is from india. his favorite animal is the elephant. grass is the elephants favorite food. tom is a canadian boy. he likes the tiger best. the tiger likes to eat meat. what is handans favorite animal? it is the panda. bamboo is p

33、andas favorite.name countryfavorite animal what do the animals like?handan1._panda2._3._america4._ice5._australiakoala6._tomcanada7._8._9._india10._grass【温馨提示】先读题目,再到文章中找答案。第三标:反馈目标10分钟,自主作答,分级、分层达标,限时完成。【当堂检测】(分钟)一、单项选择。(2*10=20)( )1. what _subjects does tom like? a. other b. others c. the other d.

34、 the others ( ) 2. _ these tigers _ from? a. where, are b. what, are c. where, come d. where are, / ( ) 3. i like koalas because they are _ friendly. a. a kind of b. kind of c.kinds of d. a kind ( ) 4. why do you want to _ the dolphins first? a. look b. have a look c. see d. looking at ( ) 5. she li

35、kes to play _ her friend. a. for b, to c. / d. with ( ) 6. why _ come and join us? a. do b. not c. does d. doesnt ( ) 7. -_ a koala _ during the day? -yes, it does. a. does, sleep b. is, sleeping c, do, sleep d. is, sleep ( ) 8. people often eat _the day and sleep _night. a. in, in b. at, in c. at,

36、at d, during, at ( ) 9. thats _ interesting elephant. a. a b. an c. the d. / ( ) 10. my brother likes tigers, _ my sister doesnt. a. and b, but c. for d. so 二 书面表达你喜欢什么动物?为什么?写5到8句话。_【反思升华】(3分钟)1本节课的目标达成了吗?2在达成过程中还存在哪些困难?3. 本节课的收获有哪些?一. 必背单词:animal (动物) koala (考拉) tiger (老虎) elephant (大象) lion (狮子)dolphin (海豚) panda (熊猫) penguin (企鹅) giraffe (长颈鹿)bear(狗熊) zoo (动物园) cute (可爱的) smart (精明的) clever (聪明的)bea


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