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1、陈才英语教育及辅导中心2019年人教版高中2年级选修6第1单元课文语法讲解【人教版高中2年级选修6第1单元练习】【Unit 1 art 第一单元 艺术】【Famous artists and works of art】【A brief history of Western painting and Chinese art】主讲老师:陈老师 辅导学生: 【日期:2015年1月14日】【QQ 2248461201】选修6 Unit 1 Art-Reading【选修6,第1单元,艺术;阅读】A brief history of Western painting and Chinese art【西方绘

2、画及中国艺术的简史】Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. Styles in Western art have changed many times. As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. Consequently, this text will describe only the most important on

3、es, starting from the sixth century AD.【AD=anno Domini公元】【BC=before Christ 公元前】 【influence=名词/动词】【influential=形容词】-【influentially=副词】 【custom=名词习惯,惯例;风俗;习俗:光顾;惠顾;顾客;海关,关税】【customary=习惯的;通常的;照惯例的】【customize=定制;定做;改制】【customer=顾客;主顾;客户】【customs关税;海关;习惯( custom的名词复数);海关】【customs house=海关】 【faith=名词】【fa

4、ithful=形容词】【faithfully=副词】 【different=形容词】【difference=名词】【differently=副词】 It is impossible to do something【做某事情是不可能的】 In such a short text【用如此短的一篇课文】 【consequence=名词】【consequent=形容词】【consequently=副词】 【describe=动词】【description=名词】【descriptive=形容词】 the most important ones 【最重要的几个】 start from 【从开始;出发;出

5、于】中文翻译:人们的习俗和信仰影响了艺术,西方的艺术风格发生了很多次变化,由于西方艺术存在有很多种不同风格,因此仅凭如此短的一篇客人是不可能把它们作很全面的描述。所以,这篇课文仅描述了从公元第6世纪开始的几种最重要的风格重要语法知识要点高频率核心单词:influence【1】influence【动词:影响;左右;支配】动词使用有以下几种搭配结构 B influence(s) A 【B影响了A】【主动语态翻译】The customs and faith of a people influence art.人们的习俗和信仰影响了艺术A is influenced by B 【A被B影响】【被动语态

6、翻译】Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.人们的习俗和信仰影响了艺术 主语+influence(s) somebody to do something 【影响某人做某事】My dad influenced me to do electronics. 我学电子是受爸爸的影响【2】influence【名词:势力;权势;影响力;支配力】名词使用有以下几种搭配结构主语+ have influence over somebody【主语对某人有影响力】I have rather a large influence over a go

7、od many people.我对很多人都有相当大的影响力。主语+ exert influence over somebody【主语对某人施加压力】He denies exerting any political influence over them.他否认对他们施加了任何政治压力。主语+ influence on somebody【主语对某人有影响力】Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels. 许多其他的药物治疗对胆固醇水平都有一定的影响。under the influence of somebody/st

8、h【在某人和某事情影响之下】I fell under the influence of a history master.我当时深受一位历史老师的影响。The very earliest sculptures were made under the influence of Greek art最早的雕塑作品受到了希腊艺术的影响。He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. 他因涉嫌酒后驾驶被捕。under the influence 【喝醉;(吸食毒品后)处于迷幻状态】Police charged

9、 the man with driving under the influence.警方指控那名男子酒后驾车。We find members of the opposite sex more attractive when under the influence. 我们喝醉时感到异性更具吸引力。【名词:势力;权势;影响力;支配力】【结构:have/has + a/an +形容词+influence over sb】【对某人有影响力】【结构:have/has + a/an +形容词+influence on sb】【对某人有影响力】As Hugh grew older, she had less

10、 influence and couldn't control him.休慢慢长大,她的影响力变小了,无法再控制他了。I have rather a large influence over a good many people.我对很多人都有相当大的影响力。He denies exerting any political influence over them.他否认对他们施加了任何政治压力。The government should continue to use its influence for the release of all hostages. 政府应继续运用其影响力来

11、解救所有人质Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.凡·高对现代绘画的发展有着重大影响。The Shropshire landscape was an influence on Owen too.什罗普郡的风景也对欧文产生了影响。Many other medications have an influence on cholesterol levels. 许多其他的药物治疗对胆固醇水平都有一定的影响。I thought Sue would be a good influence on y

12、ou.我认为苏能对你产生良好影响。TV is a bad influence on people. 电视会对人们产生不良影响。【动词:影响;左右;支配】【结构 influence +名词/代词=影响某人/某事】【influence sb to do sth=影响某人做某事情】He is trying to improperly influence a witness.他在试图误导证人。The angry crowds could influence the government. 愤怒的群众可以影响政府。My dad influenced me to do electronics. 我学电子是

13、受爸爸的影响。We became the best of friends and he influenced me deeply.我们成了最好的朋友,他深深地影响了我。What you eat may influence your risk of getting cancer.你吃的东西会影响你患癌症的风险。They still influence what's played on the radio. 他们对电台播放什么节目仍然会有影响。【under the influence of someone or something=在影响之下;在控制之下】I fell under the

14、influence of a history master.我当时深受一位历史老师的影响。The very earliest sculptures were made under the influence of Greek art最早的雕塑作品受到了希腊艺术的影响。He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. 他因涉嫌酒后驾驶被捕。【under the influence=喝醉;(吸食毒品后)处于迷幻状态】Police charged the man with driving under the

15、 influence.警方指控那名男子酒后驾车。We find members of the opposite sex more attractive when under the influence. 我们喝醉时感到异性更具吸引力。【3】形容词: influential 【有影响力的;有权势的】It helps to have influential friends. 有几个位高权重的朋友很有好处。the influential position of president of the chamber.很有影响力的议院议长之位He had been influential in shapin

16、g economic policy. 他在制定经济政策方面起到了影响。one of the most influential books ever written. 最有影响的书之一【4】副词:influentially 【有影响地;有力地】affect, influence, impress这些动词均含“影响”之意。affect:作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响。influence:侧重在思想、性格、行为等方面所产生的潜移默化的影响,也可指自然力的影响。impress:强调影响既深刻又持久高频率核心单词:custom风俗;习俗The custom of lighting

17、the Olympic flame goes back centuries. 点燃奥林匹克圣火的习俗可以追溯到几个世纪前。Chung has tried to adapt to local customs. 钟努力去适应当地的风俗习惯。个人习惯;习性;惯常行为It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously.他习惯谨慎地处理每一个问题。As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris. 像往常一样,警方的法医

18、专家对残骸进行了仔细的查看。光顾;惠顾You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish.如果你这么不想来,你可以不再光顾。Providing discounts is not the only way to win custom. 打折并不是招揽顾客的唯一途径。定做的;量身设计的Her one-of-a-kind custom garments are priced from one hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars. 在她这里定做一件款型独一无二的衣服,价格从100

19、美元到1,000美元以上不等。habit, custom, manners, usage, practice, convention, tradition这些名词均含有“习惯,风俗,传统”之意。habit: 侧重于自然养成的,不易去掉的个人习惯。custom: 指一个国家、一个民族、一个地区或一个社会的习惯、行为方式或风俗习惯。也可指个人的习惯。manners: 指在某一时期或某一团体中盛行的社会礼仪或社会风俗模式。usage: 指持续时间长,为很多人公认采纳的惯例、习俗。practice: 常指习惯性的做法或行为。convention: 多指约定俗成的行为方式规则或公认的标准,或指艺术上公认

20、的技巧。tradition: 广义指世代相传的伦理、行为规范和生活方式,特指因长久奉行而几乎具有法律效力的习惯、习俗,侧重历史意义customize定制;定做;改制a control that allows photographers to customise the camera's basic settings. 使拍照者能够自定义相机的基本设置的控制按钮customized software. 定制软件customs专有名词海关(部门);不可数名词海关components similar to those seized by British customs. 及英国海关截获的那些

21、物品相似的部件customs officers. 海关官员;He walked through customs. 他步行通过海关。Customary习俗的;习惯的It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.向客人提供一杯饮料或一份点心是一种习俗。At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry. 圣诞节孩子们总要唱一些圣诞颂歌。They interrupted the customary one minute's silence

22、 with jeers and shouts. 他们讥讽着,喊叫着,打破了惯常的那一分钟沉默。特有的;独特的;典型的The king carried himself with his customary elegance.国王保持着一贯的温文尔雅。Yvonne took her customary seat behind her desk. 伊冯娜坐在桌子后面那个她常坐的位子上。usual, customary, habitual, conventional, regular这些形容词均有“通常的,惯常的”之意。usual: 普通用词,概念广泛。指经常发生或意料中的事,既可指自然发生的现象,也

23、可指按个人习惯或惯例而做的事。customary: 指特定的个人或群体的平常习惯,或习俗性的行为。habitual: 指按个人习惯反复发生的事情。侧重经常性、习惯性。conventional: 语气强,指遵守已成习惯的事情,强调符合惯例,由人们普遍认可。regular: 着重遵守约定俗成的规则高频率核心单词:faith相信;信任She had placed a great deal of faith in Mr Penleigh.她对彭利先生极其信任。People have lost faith in the British Parliament. 人们已经对英国议会失去了信任。宗教Engla

24、nd shifted officially from a Catholic to a Protestant faith in the 16th century. 英格兰于 16 世纪正式由天主教改信新教。宗教信仰Umberto Eco's loss of his own religious faith is reflected in his novels. 翁贝托·艾柯个人宗教信仰的丧失反映在了他的小说里。背弃;对不忠;脱离【break faith with someone】If we don't, we're breaking faith with our

25、people! 如果我们不这样,就是对我们的人民背信弃义真诚地;真心实意地;好意地【in good faith】This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused. 我们发表这篇报道的初衷是好的,但对可能已造成的混乱深感歉意。信守(诺言);恪守【keep faith with someone】He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith wit

26、h his radical principles. 他秉承自己一贯的激进风格,制作出了本年度美国最有感染力的影片之一。belief, faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust这些名词都有“相信,信任”之意。belief: 普通用词,指单纯从主观上的相信,不着重这种相信是否有根据。faith: 语气较强,强调完全相信;有时也能仅凭感觉产生的相信。confidence: 指对某人某事有充分信心,断定不会使人失望,因而给予信任。conviction: 多指根据长期交往或实践,对某人某事有了认识和了解后产生的信心和相信,侧重其坚定性。credit: 语气

27、最弱,着重以声誉为信任的基础。trust: 强调相信、信任的完全可靠。Faithful忠实的;忠诚的;忠贞不渝的She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret. 她一直信守承诺,保守着这个秘密。Older Americans are among this country's most faithful voters. 较年长的美国人是这个国家最忠实的选民群体之一。(对丈夫、妻子或恋人)忠诚的,忠贞的She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband.她坚

28、持说自己对丈夫一直是忠诚的。I'm very faithful when I love someone. 我爱一个人是会非常忠贞的。复数名词(宗教的)忠实信徒,虔诚信徒The faithful revered him then as a prophet. 那时,信徒们尊他为先知。(叙述、翻译或抄本)如实的,忠实原文的Colin Welland's screenplay is faithful to the novel. 科林·韦兰的电影剧本忠实于原小说。faithful copies of household items used in the mid-1800s.

29、19世纪中期家庭用品的逼真仿制品(尤指值得信赖的)旧有物品,老牌产品We tested a selection of vacuum cleaners, from old faithfuls to those with the latest features. 我们测试了各种真空吸尘器,从值得信赖的老牌子到有着最新特色的产品,不一而足。faithful, loyal, constant, true这些形容词均含有“忠实的”之意。faithful: 多指对人对事或对诺言、誓言的始终不渝,侧重在任何情况下都绝不改变。loyal: 一般指对祖国、领袖的忠诚或对事业、原则、誓言的忠实,不动摇。 cons

30、tant: 侧重指思想状态的稳定或信念的坚定,也指爱情或感情等的忠贞不渝。true: 侧重个人感情上的忠实和不动摇。Faithfully adv. 忠实地;诚心诚意地;如实地(用作正式信函或商业信函末尾署名前的套语)您的忠实的1.to follow instructions faithfully 严格遵循指示 2. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully. 他们宣誓忠实履行自己的职责. 3. He has served the farm faithfully for 20 years. 他为这个农场忠心耿耿地操劳了20年.

31、 4. We took steps to ensure that rules should be faithfully carried. 我们采取了措施,以确保这些规章会不折不扣地得到贯彻. 5. His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin. 他的妻子和他同甘共苦,对他坚贞不渝.高频率核心单词:different【不同的;各式各样的;个别的;不平常】有差别的;不同的London was different from most European capitals.伦敦同大多数欧洲国家的首都都有所不同。If he'd at

32、tended music school, how might things have been different?.如果他上过音乐学校,事情会有怎样的不同呢?We have totally different views. 我们的观点截然不同。分别的;个别的;各种的Different countries specialised in different products.不同国家专门生产不同的产品。The number of calories in different brands of drinks varies enormously. 不同牌子的饮料所含的卡路里数大不相同。不同寻常的;及

33、众不同的This recipe is certainly interesting and different. 这种烹饪法的确很有意思而且及众不同。different, various, diverse这些形容词均含“不同的”之意。different: 普通用词,强调事物间的区别或本质的不同。有时侧重对比,不着重差别。various: 通常强调种类的数目。diverse: 语气较强,指性质完全不同,着重显著的区别。Difference差别;差异;不同之处That is the fundamental difference between the two societies.那是这两个社会之间的

34、根本性差异。There is no difference between the sexes. 男女之间没有差别。.the vast difference in size.大小的巨大差异We do have social problems here. The difference is the people know each other and try to help each other. 我们这里确实也存在社会问题。所不同的是人们都互相认识而且尽力互相帮助。差(量);差额The difference is 8532. 差为 8,532。意见的)分歧,不和The two communiti

35、es are learning how to resolve their differences. 这两个社群正在学着如何解决彼此之间的分歧。短语有影响;起作用【makes a difference or makes a lot of difference】Where you live can make such a difference to the way you feel.住在哪里会极大地影响你的感受。Exercise makes all the difference.锻炼身体非常重要。His retirement won't make any difference to the

36、 way we conduct our affairs. 他的退休不会影响我们处理事情的方式。在数量、价格上)折中,各让一步【split the difference with someone】Shall we split the difference and say $7,500? 我们折中一下,7,500 美元怎么样?短语非常有趣的;及众不同的【with a difference】For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West. 如果想去一个及众不同的海滨度假胜地,那就去基韦斯特吧。a politician with a differe

37、nce. 不同寻常的政治家短语意见分歧;看法不同Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money? 在如何利用那笔诺贝尔奖金的问题上有不同意见吗?difference, distinction, discrepancy, discrimination这些名词都有“差别,区别”之意。difference: 普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,也可指事物在某一方面的差别,还可指人们之间的不同意见。 distinction: 较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在某一方面或某一细节

38、上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。discrepancy: 多用于言论和记述方面,指两物之间缺乏使之相似或平衡的协调。discrimination: 侧重指在判断、见识方面的差别,也可指待遇上的区别differently 【不同地,相异地】Every individual learns differently.每个人的学习方式都不一样。They still get treated differently from almost every other contemporary British band.他们所得到的待遇仍然及当代几乎所有其他英国乐队都不同。The skeleton con

39、sists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments. 人体骨架是由依靠韧带连接的形状相异的骨头构成。高频率核心短语Its impossible to do sthIt is impossible for sb to do sthIt is impossible to finish the work in an hour.一个小时之内完成这个工作是不可能的It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password.因为没人知道密码,所以任何人都

40、不可能进得去。高频率核心短语in such a short text【in such a +adjective +名词】He worked out this problem in such an easy way他用如此容易方法解决了这个问题高频率核心短语consequently副词所以;结果Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压

41、断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都及轮椅为伴了。Relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close. 因此,两家公司之间的关系一直都不太亲密。accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。accordingly:书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。consequently:正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。 hence:较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。

42、so:用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。therefore:通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。thus:多用于书面语中,可及therefore换用。Consequence结果;后果;影响Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果,已有了入狱的心理准备。An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security. 一场经济危机可能严重影

43、响到全球安定结果;因此【in consequence or as a consequence】His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement他的死完全出乎意料,所以,根本没有安排替补人选。Maternity services were to be reduced in consequence of falling birth rates. 由于出生率下降,产科服务会随之削减。people who are suffering and dying as

44、a consequence of cigarette smoking.因吸烟而患病或死亡的人短语重要的;有价值的【Something or someone of consequence】As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence. 作为工头,他突然觉得自己是个重要人物。Where he is from is of no consequence to me. 他来自何方对我来说并不重要。承担后果;自食其果【take the consequences or face the consequences】These

45、 pilots must now face the consequences of their actions and be brought to trial这些飞行员现在必须为自己的行为承担后果,接受审判。If climate changes continue, we will suffer the consequences. 如果气候变化继续下去,我们将自食其果。consequence, result, effect, outcome这些名词均含“结果”之意。consequence: 多指随某一事件引起的,必然或自然的不良结果,不强调直接的因果关系,而侧重事件发展的逻辑关系。result:

46、 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。effect: 指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定及其影响。outcome: 普通用词,多指事物经过一系列发展变化所导致的最终结局,而不是某种原因的直接结果。常可及result通用。Consequent因之而起的;作为结果的The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all地球变暖以及随之而来的气候变化影响着我们所有人。The changes in social work consequent upon reorgani

47、zation have been considerable. 重组引起社会福利工作发生了重大变化。高频率核心短语describe描述;描写;形容;叙述We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time.我们请她描述一下她业余时间都在做什么。She broke down describing how she was arrested for refusing a breath test. 她在叙述自己如何因为拒绝接受呼吸测试而被捕时再也控制不住情绪。She read a poem by Carver whi

48、ch describes their life together她读了一首卡弗描写他们共同生活的诗。The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid's work.有关那喀索斯的神话故事在奥维德的作品中有过描述。Just before his death he described seeing their son in a beautiful garden. 就在临终前他说看到他们的儿子在一个美丽的花园里。把说成;把称为;认为【describes someone or something as a particular thing,】He descr

49、ibed it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale. 他说那是一个非常曲折复杂的故事。Eriksson described him as 'the best player on the pitch'.埃里克森称他是“场上最好的球员”。Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman.安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive

50、 and determined.即使他最亲密的盟友也认为他强硬决断、咄咄逼人,不达目的誓不罢休。He described the meeting as marking a new stage in the peace process. 他称这次会议标志着和平进程进入了一个新阶段。描画,画出(图形);形成的形状His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky. 他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。describe, represent, sketch, picture这些动词均有“描写,描述”之意。describe: 侧重指描

51、述细节,给读者或听众提供清晰的视觉图像。represent: 指有代表性或象征性地描述或讲述。sketch: 指快速地勾勒或概略地叙述。picture: 着重能够栩栩如生地把事物或场景等描绘出来description描述;形容;叙述;说明Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty警方已经发布了那名年龄在 50 到 60 岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。a detailed description of the movements and battle plans of Italy&

52、#39;s fleet.有关意大利舰队的行动和作战计划的详细说明He has a real gift for vivid description. 他很善于描述,说起事情来活灵活现的。单数名词种类;类型;性质the oldest Catholic church of any description in England.英国所有天主教堂中最古老的一座Events of this description occurred daily. 这类事件天天发生。the oldest Catholic church of any description in England.英国所有天主教堂中最古老的一座

53、Events of this description occurred daily. 这类事件天天发生。无法描述;难以形容【defies description=beyond description】His face is weary beyond description.他一脸难以形容的疲惫。We were in a disaster situation that defies description. 我们陷入了难以言表的糟糕处境。explanation, definition, description, exposition, interpretation这些名词都含有“解释”或expl

54、anation: 普通用词,指使人明白未知或不清楚的事。 definition: 主要指对某一词、短语或专门术语的含义作解释、下定义。description: 指对某一事物的重要方面进行详细叙述,常含教育及启迪意味。exposition: 通常指对论点、假设、理论等的重点作详尽的阐述。interpretation: 多指对文字上较难的段落,或难于理解,令人迷惑的问题作出解释或说明。Descriptive描述的;描写的;叙述的;说明的.his descriptive way of writing. 他的描写性写作手法the descriptive passages in the novel 小说

55、中的描写性段落 He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces. 他写了一本描写边疆各省的专著. Write a descriptive passage about spring. 写一篇描写春天的短文. This book is descriptive of a scientific exploration. 这本书是描写科学探险的. The book contains sublime descriptive passages. 这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段. 高频率核心短语the most important onesThis

56、is one of his most important paints.这是他最重要的绘画之一高频率核心短语start from从开始;出发;出于1. The suggestion is that they should start from scratch. 提出的建议是,他们从头开始. 2. It's completely ruined, so we'll have to start from scratch. 它完全毁了, 我们只好从头做起. 3. If you want to acquire profound knowledge, you must start from

57、 the ABC. 要想造就高深的学问, 就得从基础学起. 4. The great railway lines of England all start from London. 英国的铁路干线都以伦敦为起点. 5. The announcer gave out that the 3:30 train to Manchester would start from Platform 播音员通知:三点三十分开往曼彻斯特的火车将从4号站台发车.【The Middle Ages中世纪】【(5th to the 15th century AD) 公元5世纪到15世纪】【During the Middle Ages在中世纪期间】, 【the main aim of painters画家的主要目的】【was是】


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