1、SC句子改错的基础(不含题)Sentences Correction(简称 SC),句子改错。我们经常称之为“语法”题,但是实际上SC考察的不仅仅是语法,或者说真正的语法考得很少。这里将全面讲解和介绍整个SC。问题格式句子改错的格式比较简单,下面是例题:Although WilliamPereira first gained national recognitionfor his movie set designs, includingthose for the 1942 film the“WildReapWind, ” future generationsremember him as th
2、e architect of the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University, and the city of Irvine.(A) including those for the 1942 film“ Reap the WildgenerationsWind, ” future(B) like that for the 1942 film“ Reap the Wild Wind,generations”future will(C) like those for the 1942 film“ Reap the
3、 Wild Wigend,erations” future(D) including that for the 1942 film“ Reap the WildgenerationsWind, ”willfuture(E) including those for the 1942 film“ Reap the Wild Wind,” generationsfuture will不要用自己的语言重写句子,我们需要从五个选项中找个相对较好的。题目由一个句子其中部分有下划线。如上例, 划线部分只是整句话中很少的一部分。但是下划线部分也可能包含大部分甚至整句句子。五个选项是可能替代下划线句子部分的答案
4、(如果整句话都有下划线,那么所有答案选项都应该是完整的句子)。在 GMAT 考试部分选项( A)与问题中下划线句子一样,其他选项则给出不一样的句子。题目要你选择哪一项从语法,意思和简洁角度出发,放在句中位子最合适。另外,( A)选项并没有什么特定的含义,和其他四个选项地位上是完全平等的。“最佳”不等于“理想”很经常你会觉得所有的选项包括正确的选项听起来都不是好答案(很多时候你的感觉是对的)。正确的答案可以听起来非常正式或者拗口,所以要谨记你的任务是评估给出的选项,不是去创造完美的句子。完美的句子常常不是选项,而且正确的答案可能看起来像错误。为了增加题目难度,不正确的答案选项常常听起来很正确。当
5、然,GMAT 就是利用了我们听到的英语常常充满语法错误的这个事实拆分和比较选项如果还没做过,没关系,现在尝试做一题吧:Although WilliamPereira first gained national recognitionfor his movie set designs, includingthose for the 1942 film “WildReapWind,the ” future generationsremember him as the architect of the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdi
6、ne University, and the city of Irvine.(A) including those for the 1942 film(B) like that for the 1942 film“ Reap the WildgenerationsWind, ” “ Reap the Wild geWinerationsd,”willfuturefuture(C) like those for the 1942 film“ Reap the Wild Wigend,erations”future(D) including that for the 1942 film“ Reap
7、 the WildgenerationsWind, ”willfuture(E) including those for the 1942 film“ Reap the WildgenerationsWind, ”willfuture(通常情况下,最简单的拆分是在一开始或结束选择答案的时候。)现在,你是怎么解决这个问题呢?你看过完整的句子,然后重新读句子的答案选择比较每一个可能的答案?这是一个非常普遍的策略, 但它却相当耗时, 为了完成整个语文部分 (其中阅读和逻辑都很耗时) ,你应该不超过 90 秒平均回答一道 SC。事实上,用一分钟来回答问题是比较符合考场的 Pace。在这段时间内选择答案
8、的关键是选项的区别,你可以遵循以下步骤:写下您的纸张上的“ABCDE的”读句子,并指出任何明显的错误。扫描选项,但不仅仅是读而是找出它们的区别。 例如,你可以将答案分组, 例如以 including 和以 like 打头。同样,在句末是否以 will 结束。(更重要的是 remember 的时态,是将来时来是现在时) 。理想的分组是将选项划分成两组,一组个另一组个,这种分组是在你可能确定能排除一些选项时使用。比较余下的答案选择重新分组。继续找到答案的差异,直到只剩下一个答案。分组和比选项是我们考GMAT 做题的基础每道题每个选项都有自己的问题所在,我们要的是抓住不要因为一些细枝末节而舍本逐末。
9、再看一下例题:主要矛盾 ,管理者一定要有大局观,Although WilliamPereira first gained national recognitionfor his movie set designs, includingthose for the 1942 film “WildReapWind,the ” future generationsremember him as the architect of the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University, and the city of Irvi
10、ne.(A) including those for the 1942 film(B) like that for the 1942 film(C) like those for the 1942 film(D) including that for the 1942 film(E) including those for the 1942 film“ Reap the tureWildgenerationsWind, ” fu“ Reap the Wild geWinerationsd,”willfuture“ Reap the Wild Wigend,erations” future“ R
11、eap the WildgenerationsWind, ”willfuture“ Reap the Wild Wind,generations” willfuture看完选项首先先找到不同点来进行分组,一处是尾部的will remember 和之所以这样分组是因为动词的发起者是futuregeneration ,任何分配给remember ,必须在将来时。因此,( A)和( C)可以被淘汰。remember 。我们generation包括下一步,我们比较() ,()( E),我们发现之间可以用 those 和 that 来进行分组比较。由于这个词 those or that ,指代 movi
12、e set designs 一个复数名词,我们必须使用复数代词those。因此答案( B)和( D)可以杀掉,留下了我们正确的答案( E)。事实上,我们也可以使用另一处区别 including 和 like。Like 在 GMAT 中是不能引出例子,但是 such as 可以。由于强调段由一个例子开始, ( B)和()可以删除。使用 like 改变了句子的意思,暗示 William Pereira sdesigns,只是外观设计类似于 “Reap the Wind。”用上面的例子我们可以发现,在GMAT 考试中出题者往往用一道题目测试几个不同的方法。因此, 大多数的选项可以因为多种原因而被排除
13、。在你的复习过程中,你应该掌握所有的规则来测试一个特定的问题, 但考试当天, 你只需要用你平时所掌握的方法找到一个正确的答案。此外, GMAT 的测试只有数量有限的语法原则,其他内容我们将在下面的章节中进行讨论。阅读整个句子使用 分组和比较选项 将让你的注意力放在比较选项上, 这样将让我们避免重复同时也是低效率的重读选项。 但是,当我们做题时首先应该阅读整个句子。 例如这是一个句子中划线部分:and so was unable to go to recess你不能决定这个版本是否是正确的,直到看到整个的句子:The students came to school without their m
14、ittens and so was unable to go to recess.(确保你选择的答案在句子作为一个整体部分。)如果你忽略了非强调的部分,你就无法知道was 的使用的是不正确的。因为was 的发起者是 students ,一个复数名词,所以动词应用were。上面的例子是最基本的, 但是当你遇到更多的句子改错的问题, 你会看到划线和未划线部分的关系句子的强调和非强调部分是既复杂又至关重要的。 不理解这种关系, 也许你就会选择了错误的答案。所以, 请务必阅读整句话! GMAT 考试经常把重要的内容,远离划线的部分。选择合适的词正确的选项其句意一定是明确的, 不存在歧义。 所在在 GM
15、AT 考试中, 你的任务之一是选择最简洁明确的选项来传达作者的意图。 (正确的答案将永远清楚地反映作者的意思。 )一个英语单词往往不只一个意思,我们使用单词时是否是要表述其精确的意思?很少测试纯单词的知识,但通常考查的是在特定环境下单词的准确使用。GMAT 考试My decision to drive a hybrid car was motivated by ECONOMIC considerations.ECONOMICAL considerations motivated my decision to drive a hybrid car.第二个句子,这是短更简洁但其意思表达准确吗?Ec
16、onomical 意思是thrifty 、 efficient 。作者的原意是想表达希望有一个高效的汽车。正确的词组应该economic considerations 。思考下面对字和词句及其独特含义:aggravate (worsen) vs. aggravating (irritating)known as (named) vs. known to be (acknowledged as)loss of (no longer in possession of) vs. loss in (decline in value)mandate (command) vs. have a mandat
17、e (have authority from voters)native of (person from) vs. native to (species that originated in)range of (variety of) vs. ranging (varying)rate of (speed or frequency of) vs. rates for (prices for)rise (general increase) vs. raise (a bet or a salary increase)such as (for instance) vs. like (similar
18、to)try to do (seek to accomplish) vs. try doing (experiment with)一些单词的改变就能造成句子整体上意思的变化。 所以要注意每个单词在句子中的的准确含义。特别是一些助动词,像 may, will, must, should, 等,也会改变句子的整体意思。Example 1Certain The drop in interest rates WILL create better investment opportunities.Uncertain The drop in interest rates MAY create better
19、 investment opportunities.Either of these sentences could be correct. However, do not jump from one to the other! Stay with the intent of the original sentence, whether it uses will or may.Example 2Absolutely Necessary The court ruled that the plaintiff MUST pay full damages.Morally Obliged The cour
20、t ruled that the plaintiff SHOULD pay full damages.请注意,第二句是不正确的另一方面,第一个句子中的们要用 must。还应当注意,should 应该是指“道义上的责任”的东西,而法院不能强加。must 指的是原告实施的一项具有法律约束力的义务。因此,我GMAT 中 must 是指“道义责任” ,而不是“可能性。 ”Example 3Actual If Chris and Jad met, they DISCUSSED mathematics.Hypothetical If Chris and Jad met, they WOULD DISCUS
21、S mathematics.第一句可能是由不确定Chris and Jad是否见面的人说的。 “ If this did indeed happen, then thatisthe consequence. ”第二句则预测了这两个人见面后的结果“If this were to happen, thenthat would be the consequence.”合适的词放在合理位置一个单词位置的改变成以影响到句子的核心句意。我们来看个例子:ALL the children are covered in mud.The children are ALL covered in mud.上面的句子改
22、变了 all 位置将句意从数量上的全部儿童变成了儿童整个人。我们再看另外一个例子:ONLY the council votes on Thursdays.The council votes ONLY on Thursdays.第一句的意思表示只有council 在周四的时候会投票, (也许像董事会会在周一和周五投票)第二个句子表示council 只有周四时会投票其他时间不会考虑。所以我们在比较选项的时候特别要关注这种改变位置的词,特别是短的词,像only、 all 这种,对数量及其他方面限制。的词。有的时候你还需要注意整体语序。虽然单词都认得但整体句意却很含糊、罗嗦。The council g
23、ranted the right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALSTO CITY OFFICIALS指什么?市政官员有权进行法律的请愿吗?或其他人有权提出法律请求?无论哪种方式,正确的选项一定要解决这种歧义:The council granted CITY OFFICIALS the right to make legal petitions.The right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALS was granted by the council.如果句子的意思仍然混乱, 那就检查整体词序。
24、英语通常把主语放在动词的前面, 所以就尽量保持这个顺序。Awkward: A referendum is a general public vote through which IS PASSED A LAW OR OTHERPROPOSAL.Better: A referendum is a general public vote through which A LAW OR OTHER PROPOSAL IS PASSED.简洁 -避免冗余SC 很多问题都将涉及简洁。有的选项往往不仅包含语法问题同时也不够简洁。如果两个选项语法正确,意思很清楚的,但一个更简洁,则就选择这个答案(使用简洁这一
25、原则前提是句意和语法等都正确,换句话说简洁是最后使用的方法。不要简单地挑最短的选项。有时GMAT 考试将迫使你选择一个较长的选择而语法正确,意思很清楚的)。例如:Wordy: They HAVE DIFFERENCESover THE WAY IN WHICH the company should MAKE INVESTMENTS in new technologies.Better: They DIFFER over HOW the company should INVEST in new technologies.第一句是很容易理解, 但还是写得不好。“而且短语有分歧, have diff
26、erences, the way in which, make investments 可以更换为更简洁的表达,比如第二个句子。GMAT 考试使用单词优于词组。例如, have differences means the same as the word differ 。但相同情况下我们喜欢 differ 。简洁的另一个方面是冗余。 每个单词在句子中必须有必要的含义。 如果一个字可以删除而不改变句子的意思,则我们就希望有个更简洁的选项进行替代。关于 GMAT 考试常见的冗余陷阱是与使用的词有相同的含义:Wordy: The value of the stock ROSE by a 10% IN
27、CREASE.Better: The value of the stock INCREASED by 10%.Or: The value of the stock ROSE by 10%.(如果在 GMAT 句子两个词意思是相同的,则我们应该有意识的检测下句子是否有冗余,也许只有一个词是必要的。)因为rose 和 increase 两者都意味着增长,只需要一个Wordy: The three prices SUM to a TOTAL of $11.56.Better: The three prices SUM to $11.56.Or: The three prices TOTAL $11.
28、56.由于 sum 和 total 达的涵义相同,只需要一个Wordy: BEING EXCITEDabout her upcoming graduation, Kelsey could barely focus on her final exams.Better: EXCITEDabout her upcoming graduation, Kelsey could barely focus on her final exams.这时, being 不会增加句子的意思,所以应该删除。事实上,这个词常常是冗余的标志,但在现在的考试中,出题者有时会故意用这点来迷惑我们,从而将正确选项误删除!我们在
29、考试的时候还要注意时间的表达。有时一个句子会出现两个表示时间的词(特别是如果一个表达式是在非划线部分,或者两表达并不像)。我们例举了些表示时间的词:PAST: Previously Formerly In the past Before nowPRESENT: Now Currently Presently At presentYEARLY: Annual Each year A year (e.g., three launches a year)一般来说, 一个句子应该包括只有一个这样的表达,的时间表达。但这并不意味着你无法重复一个句子中主谓必须都存在如果一个句子缺少主语或动词,则句子只是片
30、段,换句话说,不是一个完整的句子!考试常见的错误之一是无谓语:GMATWrong : The electron named in 1894.此句 named 看起来像一个动词。但是, named 肯定不是 The electron 自己主动发起的动作。Right: Stoney NAMED the electron in 1894.在这句话 named 是谓语动词。或者我们可以用另一种表达:Right: The electron WAS NAMED in 1894.在这句话中, WAS NAMED成为了谓语动词。而WAS NAMED中 named 是一个过去分词。过去分词本身不是一个谓语动词,
31、所以The electron named in 1894分我们要让所选出的答案和原名合成一个完整的句子。不是一个句子,而在SC部GMAT 考试中常见的另一种错误是用连词打头而没有主句,这种从句也都有其主语和动词:Wrong: BECAUSE the dog was never mine.Wrong: WHICH will be approved tomorrow.Because 和 which 是连词。而上面的结构也被称为从句,这些由连词打头的部分其本身无法成为一独立的句子。 为了不被迷惑我们需要将它有意识的关注主句或删除连接,比如第二句:The plan will be approved t
32、omorrow。主谓必须逻辑上匹配主语和谓语的一致性其中一点表现在逻辑意义上也必须有意义。我们看看下面这个错误的句子: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.乍一看, 这句话似乎还好。 但请注意句意: The development of a hydrogen car. will be able to travel. ? 这不是 development ,将 will
33、 be able to travel 。原句想表达的合理意思应该是氢汽车本身 will be able to travel.正确的写法应该是这样的: Once developed, a hydrogen CAR based on expected performance parameters WILL BE able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.请一定注意在读句子的时候,将主语和谓语首先揪出来,看看主谓在逻辑意思上是否匹配。找到句子主谓的方法(不含题)GMAT 考试中,出题者有多种方式隐藏主语和谓语。最常见的方式在主语和动词之间加
34、入插入语。我们必须学会消除这些干扰,揭示真理!此外, GMAT 考试,还常常使相当数量的单词放在主语之前。通常情况的判断方法是将这部分的词或句删除,而不影响句子的表达。有几个常见的类型:1)介词短语:一组由一个介词为首的话。of mice / in Zambia / to the store / for milk / with her / on their orders / by 1800 / at that level / from the office上述强调的介词是其中最常见的。 介词短语修改或说明句子的某些部分。 因此,消除这部分来找主语是比较好的方法之一。例如:Near Galway
35、, the houses on the road to Spiddle is/are gorgeous.(NEAR Galway), the HOUSES (ON the road TO Spiddle) ARE gorgeous.当然介词短语存在些特例,我们将在下面进行分析,例如Part OF,就由其后面的词决定谓语动词。例如Half of the pie IS blueberry, and half of the slices ARE already gone.2)从句:像许多介词短语一样,从句修改句子的其他部份,可以理解为大型的形容词或副词甚至名词。 无论哪种方式, 因为这些从句中不包含
36、主语或动词, 所以也是用来判断主语时也是可消除的部份:(When the auditors left,) the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad.3)其他修饰:逗号常常会将修饰的部分单独隔开,例如:(Limping,) the horse (once considered one of the favorites) was taken away.使用结构来决定我们先看一个例子:In the waning days of the emperor s life, the conquest of new lands on the borde
37、rs of the empirewas/were considered vital.看到这句话我们先找到谓语was/were considered vital ,同时要形成一个条件反射,这个动词的发起者是谁,可能有时我们认为new lands 是主语,实际上new lands 只是一个介词短语修饰 conquest ,所以请记住: 在 GMAT 考试中类似在介短中的名词是不可能作为句子的主语。所以上例的动词要使用was. 所以这种介词短语既可以用来迷惑选项又可以用来帮助我们快速找出主语!我们再看一个例子:The tidal forces to which an object falling i
38、nto a black hole is/are subjected is/are sufficient to tear the object apart.我们有两个主谓要正确匹配。首先,匹配主句的主语和动词。Better: The tidal FORCES( to which an object falling into a black hole are subjected )ARE sufficient to tear the object apart.接下来,匹配的从句中的动词,Right: The tidal forces to which an OBJECT(falling into
39、a black hole IS SUBJECTED)are sufficient to tear the object apart.我们之所以做出上面的判断不仅仅是基于句子的结构, 其核心最关键的是句子的意思, 在现在的 GMAT 考试中常常充斥的错误选项是结构匹配但是句意却一团乱, 所以我们在选择的时候要时刻以句意为导向,用句意来衡量一切的判断。擦亮双眼,还原句子本来面目在大多数的英语句子中主语先于动词再现, 然而 GMAT 考试中为了迷惑考生通常会将顺序颠倒。Wrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squat
40、ters.Flip: A lonely house, inhabited by squatters, SITS near those buildings.Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.原名中真正的主语应该是house 而非 those buildings ,再看一个例子:Wrong: There IS a young man and an older woman at the bus stop.Flip : A young man and an older woman ARE th
41、ere at the bus stop.Right: There ARE a young man and an older woman at the bus stop.通过转制可以看出a young man and an older woman才是句子的主语。在英语口语中,对于there is 往往使用不当,注意there be 具体由后面的词来决定其be 动词的选择。我们再看一个转换在从句中的应用:Uncertain: Pong is a classic game from which have/has descended many current computerpastimes.Flip
42、 it:Pong is a classic game from which many current computer pastimes HAVE descended.Right: Pong is a classic game from which主语为 And 及类似词汇AND 能联结两个或两个以上部分,形成复合主语。Joe AND his friends ARE going to the beach.Mathematics, history, AND science ARE mandatory high-school subjects.请注意,这种复合主语的谓语动词用复数采取复数形式。其他
43、许多单词和短语也都有and的功能。例如:along with Polly / accompanied by me / in addition to surgery / together with a tie / as well as the mayor / including salt and pepper这种类似的词也是句子中可删除的成分。这种类似的词和And 有时并不同,因为他们在句子中并无实际成分仅做修饰,并不能影响主语的数量。Joe, as well as his friends, IS going to the beach.Mathematics, in addition to hi
44、story and science, IS a required subject.但是如果是AND 的话就会改变句子的主语变为复数,所以请记住,类似于AND 的添加词并不改变句子的单复数。主语为 Or,Either,Neither有时我们会遇到诸如: Or, Either. or, Neither. nor 这样的词,而这样的词会联接两个名词,那么我们在使用时动词用什么形式?答案很简单:找到最接近的名词,并使动词与之一致。我们看两个例子:Neither the coach nor the players ARE going to the beach.Neither the players no
45、r the coach IS going to the beach.注意有时 either or neither 会单独出现而句中没有 or 或者 nor 时我们将其视为单数,使用单数的动词。主语为集合名词集体名词是一种名词看似(通常不以-S 结束),但指一组人或物体。一些例子包括:People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, teamItems: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture在一些特殊的情况下,集合名词也可以单复数考虑(例如,当强
46、调的个体而不是整体时)。注意: GMAT 考试,几乎集合名词都是单数!The CROWD in the stands IS cheering loudly as the home TEAM TAKES the field.Our ARMY of a hundred thousand soldiers IS attacking the enemy所以即使集合名词代表团体我们也通常视其为单数。主语为不定代词不定代词通常是指以 -one, -body, or thing 为结尾的词,例如 Anyone 下面再列举些相同类别的词: anyone, anybody, anything, each, ev
47、ery (as pronouns), everyone, everybody, everything,either, neither (may require a plural verb if paired with or/nor), no one, nobody, nothing, Someone, somebody, something, whatever, whoever但是请注意, 这里有五个词是单复数都存在的, 也就是说无论动词后是单数还是复数都可行,请记住: Some, Any, All, More/Most 。而遇到这四大天王时我们怎么办?这时就要回想起刚才所说的Of-结构,只有
48、遇到这五个词是看其后面的名词来决定其所使用的动词:Some of the money WAS stolen from my wallet. (money是单数 )Some of the documents WERE stolen from the bank. (documents是复数 )还有 none 很特别,因为其后面都可以认为是单数或复数,而not one 都认为是单数。例如Not one of my friends IS here this weekend.实在搞不掂了,做题的时候就按照单数来吧。因为不定代词作主语一般都是单数。主语为 Each和 EveryEach 和 Every 我
49、们都是使用单数的,例如:Right: Every dog HAS paws.Right: Every dog and cat HAS paws.Right: Each of these shirts IS pretty.但是当 each 跟着主语时其情况视主语而定:They each ARE great tennis players.主语为量词和短语比较常用的量词如THE number of 我们都很清楚是单数,而A number of 则为复数。例如: The number of hardworking students in this class IS quite large.再如 maj
50、ority, minority, and plurality 这些词也是单复数都可行的,具体情况要看语境及上下文,比如要强调个体时就可以用单数。The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers.In the Senate, the majority HAS coalesced into a unified voting block.平行介绍(不含题)可以说, GMAT 考试的最喜欢的SC 部分测试点是平行!解决平行的问题,就解决了一半的GMAT 问题!所谓平行不仅仅要求的是结构的平行,更要求逻辑意义上的平行和句意上的平行。T
51、he employees were upset by the company s low pay, poor working conditions, and that they didnot have enough outlets for their creativity.请注意,这个例子中有三个比较部分 upset the employees 。前两部分的结构类似,都含有名词性短语(名词为 pay 和 conditions )。但是第三部分有不同的结构全:它包含主语,动词和宾主的句子。为了使句子平行,我们必须改变的第三部分,使之变为一名词性结构,Right: The employees we
52、re upset by the company lows pay, poor working conditions, and shortage of outlets for employees creativity.请注意,我们一般不需要每个词的平行,而需要特别关注重要的单词的平行,如上例中的pay, conditions, 和 shortage ,因为这些都是名词。经过修改the company s可以修饰这三个部分:The companyslow payThe companyspoor working conditionsThe companysshortage of outlets fo
53、r employees creativity平行标志平时常用的平行标志有and, but, and or ,最常见当然是and,但现在的考试中常常隐藏平行标志, 取而代之的是句意上的平行,这种平行更加隐晦。为了方便大家熟悉平行结构,我们罗列了以下标志供大家参考:标志结构例子AndX and YApples AND pearsX, Y, and ZApples, pears, AND bananasBoth/AndBoth X and YBOTH apples AND pearsOrX or YApples OR pearsEither/OrEither X or YEITHER apples OR pearsNot/ButNot X but YNOT apples BUT pearsNot Only/But
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