



1、听力口语特训班吉米老师2015-03-01此生能遇见你,已然幸福地一塌糊涂!卷首语课后作业f潼讲继续檬仿亠在360云盘或Q2群 料在360云盘也旬以直接观看鋅载QQ群问一下。 加直米孝1/巒信M尔进微信,QQ群,冶你云盘账号。鑑臺酬臨曙耦緡謙骗无二,和已肴书目名称不同。三大主题1、 动词不定式us2、 形式主语TE 碉 5 习-T 课件PPT在36。云盘791026787注明II班学3、Shopping1动词不定式在语法中,动词不定式是动词的一种不带词形变 化从而不指示人称、数量、时态的形式。它被叫 做丕定或,是因为动词不被限定,或者说不被词 形交化所局限。不定式属于非谓语动词。1.动词不定式

2、作主语作表语作动词宾语语者主动接使直由。的定语上一主面蘆表动逻有一为没这之上,称法作们语动我祀是者式义动定意使不的一词达这动菽O然它出虽但发作定语作状语作宾语补足语一.不定式作主语复习for example : ? ? ? ?一.不定式结构作主语注:多数情况下不定式主语多用系动词作谓语,主要为be动词(is are am were was)其他如seem ,sound become这些系动词也可以注:这种不定式主语结构也适用于某些谓语动词不是系动词的句子,如:It took us five hours to get there It made us very angry to hear him

3、 talk like that. To staythere all day may drive him crazy.一、不定式作表语复习for example : ? ? ? ?I、不定式结构作表语 |1.主语和表语都是不定式(其含义往往一是条件,一是结果), 如:To do that would be to cut the foot to fit the shoe.译:对敌人宽容就是对自己残忍。kind , enemy , cruel2.主 语 是 以aim, duty, hope, idea, intention, mistake, plan,proposal, job, suggesti

4、on等头j中心词的名词词细,或以what引 导的名词性从句表示,后面的不定式说明其内容,如:Your mistake was not to write that letter.What I would suggest is to start work at once.Extra : All we have to do is push the button. (?) The best thingwe can do when its raining is let it rain.一、不定式作宾语for example : ? ? ? ?|三不定式结构作动词宾语|1.“动词帯to的不定式结构”。这类

5、动词常见的有:afford, agree,arrange, ask, choose, decide, demand, desire, expect, hope,learn, manage, offer, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish, like,hate, prefer, continue, try, start, forget, mean, intend, begin,等,例如:Pve arranged to meet him at ten oclock.I didrVt expect to find you here.II三、不定式结构作动词宾语

6、II2“动词疑问词带 8 的不定式皓构”o(这种不定式结构 接近一个名词从句)。这类动词常见的有:tell, advise, show, teach, find out,decide, discuss, learn, forget, inquire, know, explain,remember, see, understand, wonder等。疑问词(也称关系代/副词)有有:what, where, who(m), when, how,whether, which (why除外没有why to do),如:I dont know what to do / where to go / who

7、 (m)to ask / whento stop / how to get there.注:如果作宾语的不定式结构有自己的补语,则应先加it,把不定式后置,例如I find it difficult to understand him. We thought it wrongnot to help her.1.不定式作定语通常只能放在被修饰的名词之后,如:Its time to go to bed.He is not a man to bow before difficulties.I want to get something to read during the vocation.2.能带

8、不定式结构作宾语的动词,转化成名词时往往也能带不 定式结构作定语,如:I dorVt wish to quarrel with you.*l have no wish to quarrel with you.They will attempt to cross the river tonight.They will make another attempt to cross the river tonight3.某些能带不定式结构作状语的形容词,转化 成名词时,也能带不定式结构作定语,如:He was obviously anxious fo go.His anxiety to go was

9、obvious 4.不定式结构与所修饰的名词,有时意义上有He has a large family to support (= that he mustsupport).注:处于动宾关系的情况下,如果不定式是亦物动词,它后面应加上着主谓关系或动宾关系,如:必要的分富如:The nurse has five children to look after.Let5s first find a room to put the things in 5.有时为了明确不定式结构的逻辑关系,可以在 不定式之前加上for+名词词组,如:Heres a book for you to read |五不定式结构

10、作状语|不定式结构可以作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词等,表示目金 原因、结果、条件等。表示目的:They ran over to welcome the delegates He went home to see his mother.注: 不定式结构表示目的时, 通常句子的主语就 是它的逻辑主语 (参见以上三句),但也有例外的情况, 例如:I stopped for him to speak to me.He brought a porter to carry the boxes / bags 注:为了强调表示目的的不定式结构,特别是在不定式结 构前有否定词not时,通常可以在不定式符号to

11、之前加上in order或so as,如:He came here in order to see Charlie I turned the radio down so as not to disturb him.注豈表示目的的不定式可以置于句首,这也是区别于其他 功能的标志之一。但是,置于句首表示目的的不定式之前可 以加上in order,但却不可以加上so as ,如:To draw maps properly, you need a special pen (In order to draw maps properly, you need a special pen.)To get th

12、e best results, use clean water.2.表示结果:What have I said to make you so angry?He came round to find himself in hospital.不定式结构表示结果更常见于下列句型:1 1so.asto Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle / tell methe time?2 2such as to Im not such a fool as to believe that.3 3enough toThe boy is old enough

13、to go to school.4 4tootoHis eyesight is too poor to read such small letters 3.表示原因蛊(不定式所表示的动作先于谓语动词的动作)She wept to hear the news I pretend to be happy to know him He laughed to seesuch fun.She seemed surprised to meet us.I六、不定式结构作宾语补足语I只能用不定式结构作宾语补足语的动词:1表示“希望” “愿望”等心理状态的动词,如:wish, desire,expect, lo

14、ve, prefer, encourage, trust等。What do you desire me to do?2含有“让”“允许”“促使” “致使”等祈使意义的动词,如:let, allow, permit, decide, mean, lead, bring, put, hurry,cause,等。His father put him to mind the sheep 3带有“请求” “恳求”等感情色彩的动词,如:ask, desire,invite, beg, request, worry等。3.表示原因蛊(不定式所表示的动作先于谓语He begged me not to tell

15、 his father about it.4含有“建议” “劝告”等意义的动词, 如:advise, persuade,call on, urge等。The dentist advised me to have the bad tooth pulled out.5含有“命令” “强迫” “禁止”等意义的动词,如:order,command, require, charge, tell, make, oblige, force, drive,forbid, warn等。He required us to keep it a secret.I warn you not to do that aga

16、in see, watch, notice, look at, hear, listen to, observe, feel,have;imagine, find, discover, like, want, understand, hate,bring, get, leave, setDid you see anyone enter the house?We find him to be dishonest.He set the boys to carry water, ril leave him to solve theproblem for himself.既能用不定式结构又能用现在分词

17、作宾语补足语的动词2形式主语it作形式主语代替不定式、动词ing短语、或从句。It is amazing that at my age I am still fit It is easy to become addicted to smoking .it is no good crying over spilt milk.(覆水难H攵)It用作形式主语当不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句在某个句子 中作主语时,为保持句子结构前后平衡,避免头重脚轻, 因此常用it作形式主语置于句首,而将真正的主语放在 句尾。此时it只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。(for/of sb) to do sth主语从

18、句doing sth1.It+be+adj.+主语从句这是主语从句最常见的一种结构。It is uncertain whether he can come to Jennys birthdayparty or not.注意:如若形容词为important / necessary, good/wrongnatural.衰达一种要求,命令或者责 备时,多使用虚拟语气(should +V)但是如果只是表示陈述一个事实而不是强烈的感情,完全 可以用一般的陈述语气。不过考试建议你还是多用虚拟语气It is important that we (should) learn English well.It

19、be +adj+np p过去分词2. It + be +过去分词+主语从句, 这类过去分词有:announced,believed, expected, hoped, decided, reported, said, shown等, 如:It is reported that 16 people were killed in the earthquake It is not decided who will give the operation to the patient.It is said that he has come to Beijing 5. It + be+形容词+(for s

20、b.)+动词不定 式这类句型常用形容词easy, difficult, hard, important, possible,wise等作表语,有时候为了强调不定式动作 的执行者,常在不定式前加for sb,译为“对某人来说 做某事怎么样”如:It s necessary for the young to master two foreign Ianguage It is unwise to give the children whatever they want.注意:如果主句中的过去分词是表示请求,建议,命 令等词女口:suggested/ ordered / demanded /insis

21、ted / commanded.等时that后的从句要用虚拟语(should+动词原形),should可以省; 常译为,“据建议;有命令.)It is suggested that the meeting ( should ) be put off-It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours.4. It+不及物动词+主语从句这类不及物动词有:appear,seem happen,matter等。译头j好橡./碰巧./茹:It seemed that he didnt tell the truth.It happened

22、 that I was out when he called.6.It +be+形容词+of sb.+动词不定式如kind, nice stupid, clever, foolish, polite, impolite, silly,selfish, considerate等。某人和这 些形容词可以构成主系表结构。如: Its very kind of you to help me with the work.=You arekind to help me. It seemed selfish of him not to share his dictionary withothers 这类形容

23、词常是表示心理品质性格特征的形容词,=He seemed selfish not to share his dictionary with others 7. It + be+名词词组+动词不定式,如:It is not a good habit to stay up too late 8. It -i- be+名词或形容词+动名词,这类名词和形容词常常是:good, no good, no use, a waste of.,useless, senseless等,女口:Its a waste of time talking to her any more It is no use argui

24、ng about the matter with him. 9. It + take ( sb.)+时间(金钱)+动词不 定式,译为,做某事花了某人多长时间或多少钱。如:It took the workers almost three years to finishbuilding the dam It will take a whole day to get to the top of themountain on foot.Summary形式主语二三大句型 =It be +adj It be +n. It be +p.p3购物百货商店九个句型Department Stores1 嘿,我今天

25、要去商场,你想去吗?2.我们没有食品了 ,需要去买些了。3.懒汉,我们今天该去沃尔玛了。Department Stores1 .Hey,I was going to the mall today,want to come?嘿,我今天要去商场,你想去吗?2. We*re out of groceries.We need to go buy some.我们没有食品了 ,需要去买些了。3. Bummer.We be社er go to Wal-Mart today.懒汉,我们今天该去沃尔玛了。Department Stores4.我的鞋子真的快磨破了 ,我要买新鞋了。5.我也要买双亲斤鞋了,我和你一起

26、去。6.这些衬衫都挺好的,不过我想找些更暖和点的。Department Stores4.My shoes are really starting to wear out.I need somenew ones.我的鞋子真的快磨破了,我要买新鞋了。511 come with youcould use a new pair too.我也要买双新鞋了,我和你一起去。6.These shirts are pretty nice,but Im looking forsomething warmer.这些衬衫都挺好的,不过我想找些更暖和点的。7 你们现在有打折吗?8有”不过今天是最后一天了。Department Stores7. Are you having a sale now?你们现在有打折吗?8. Yes,but today is the last


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