



1、    基于探究课模式的初中英语教学设计    邹碧连摘 要:英语探究课的教学设计要在学生已有的英语知识的基础上,提供合适的情境的一种比较稳定的操作程序式的教学形式,在老师的指导下,通过充分的自主探索、共同合作交流的再创造的劳动来获得英语知识,形成良好的学习氛围。本文探讨初中英语教学设计体现主体性与主动性,体现学生的共同交流,体现民主性与合作性,体现人人都有收获,使学生体验获取知识、创造新的知识的活动的过程。关键词:探究课;初中英语;教学设计英语探究课的教学设计应该是以学生为中心,体现现代的英语教育理念,它是英语课程中引入的一种新的学习方式,有助于学生初

2、步了解英语概念和结论的形成过程,初步理解直观与严谨的关系,初步尝试英语研究的过程,体验英语创造的科学精神。英语探究课不仅能使学生经历知识获得的过程和能力获得的过程,更重要在于学生的英语素养和英语人文精神的形成过程。因此,以八年级英语上册为例,从以下几个方面来进行初中英语教学设计:一、教学设计体现主体性与主动性英语探究课的实践教学本身就是一种英语活动,通过这种活动让学生习得获取英语知识的方法和参与英语实践活动的经验,以及使学生感受终身受用的英语基本能力与创造才能。这对于素质教育和创新教育的时代要求尤其重要。八年级英语上册 unit 3 the fourth period (section b 3

3、a-self check),教学设计的step 2 3alook at the pictures in 3a. compare the two girls. then finish 3a.sl: wang lingling is tall. liu lili is tall. they are both tall.s2:wang lingling has long straight hair. liu lili has short straight hair.s3:wang lingling likes reading. liu lili likes sports.s4:they are bo

4、th popular.s5:they are both outgoing.s6:wang lingling is serious. liu lili is funny.s7:wang lingling is hard-working. liu lili is smart.object: describe a person by using adjectives.本節课内容是形容词和副词比较级,我让学生轮番表述自己的观点,提高学生浓厚的学习兴趣,教学效果也非常显著。二、教学设计体现学生的共同交流英语教育的社会责任是培养学生具有英语素养的社会公民,其重要标志是学会英语交流,要让学生从读英语、写英语

5、向讲英语(表达自己的英语思想):听英语(倾听他人的英语想法)转变。八年级英语上册unit 4 the third perod (section b 2a-2e)教学设计step2 2at: lucy sings best in our class. is she the most talented? do you think so?sl: no, i think tom is the most talented.t: why do you think so? what can he do?sl: he can play the piano and also sing best.t: make

6、a conversation with your desk-mates. and these words may be helpful for you: swim, play basketball, dance, run fast.(write these words on the blackboard. )object: practice the conversation using superlative.我在本节课中设计一个以讨论“谁是我们班里最的人”的话题,借此来复习知识点:the+形容词、副词的最高级。由于话题生动,班里的学生都积极参与。三、教学设计体现民主性与合作性英语探究课的目的

7、是让学生多接触实际的英语问题,用多种方法去解决所给出的英语问题,这就必须依靠集体的智慧,发挥大家的潜力。八年级英语上册unit 5 the first period (section a 1a-grammar focus)教学设计step4t: in activity lc, you are expected to make conversations like the examples on the right.first, i want one of you to read the dialogues in the box for us.student a reads.t: good! p

8、lease form into groups and make your own conversations like this. don- t forget the new patterns.when they work, the teacher walks around the room checking the progress.ask several pairs of students to share the conversations.object: improving the oral skills of students.attention: lf students have

9、trouble in pronunciation and making sentences, the teacher should give some directions.通过同学之间互相对话,培养学生英语思维能力,促进他们的合作交流。四、教学设计体现人人都有收获英语是通过其思想方法和思维方式来影响人们的思维方式,进而影响人们的生活方式甚至生存方式,英语探究是挖掘、提炼英语思想方法,展示应用英语思想方法的英语实践活动,通过对英语思想方法不同深度的理解使得人人都有收获。八年级英语上册unit 5 the second period(section a 3a-section b 2a)教学设计s

10、tep9 2at: we will discuss the three questions in 2a together. .there are many cartoons on tv, such as tom and jerry, mickey mouse, pleasant goat and the big wolf. do you like to watch them? what is your favorite cartoon ?s: my favorite cartoon is tom and jerry.t: why do you like it?s: because it is very funny.read the questions and let some students share their opinions.object: let students combine the target language to their own lives.在訓练学生的口语水平的同时,锻炼其逻辑思维能力。贴近实际的英语


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