



1、词类词类 一一 名词名词() 1.(2009广州)you look very tired thismorning. what did you do yesterday afternoon?i did _ christmas shopping.a. a lot ofb. a few ofc. a number ofd. a piece of【答案】 a() 2.(2009武汉)why do you get up soearly in the morning, tracy ?i generally make it a _ to be up by 7 toread english.a. planb.

2、 wishc. secretd. rule【答案】 d() 3. (2009 武汉) do the dishes, mike, ori will tell mum!mind your own _ ,sue!a. actionb. dutyc. businessd.way【答案】 c() 4.(2009广州)the letter from my unclewas short. there wasnt_ news.a. manyb. a fewc. muchd. few【答案】 c() 5. (2009威海) -why didnt you take a taxiback last night?-b

3、ecause i didnt have any_with me.a. foodb. bicyclec. friendd. money【答案】 d() 6.(2009成都)john always says that helikes apples of all the _ .a. vegetablesb. fruitsc. drinks【答案】 b() 7. (2009江西) -you look worried. whatsyour _ ?-i have trouble learning english.a. nameb. questionc. problemd. job【答案】 c() 8.(2

4、009南京)-oh, my god! we havemissed the last bus. what shall we do?-im afraid we have no _ but to take ataxi.a. choiceb. decision c. reason d. information【答案】 a() 9. (2009河南) i like _ a lot, and mymother usually cooks it in different ways.a. fishb. butterc. potatoesd. noodles【答案】 a() 10. (2009宜昌) -in m

5、y opinion, china hasmore _to deal with the disease ofa/h1n1.-i quite agree with you. chinese medicine workswell.a. advantagesb. interestsc. equipmentsd. materials【答案】 a() 11.(2009娄底)its said that you havemoved into a new house.yeah, and we need to buy some_ in themall nearby.a. foodb. furniturec. ha

6、mburger【答案】 b()12. (2009孝感) all the _teachersenjoyed themselves on march 8th, because it wastheir own holiday.a. manb. menc. womand. women【答案】 d() 13.(2009湖北孝感)emma, who are you taking _ of athome? my grandma, she got hurt in an accident.a. placeb. partc. seatd. care【答案】 d() 14.(2009山西)-how can i se

7、e thicksnow in most northern parts of china?-you have to wait till _ comes, steve.a. summerb. autumnc. winter【答案】c() 15.(2009山西)lets get some _about tourism on the internet.a. informationb. messagec. invention【答案】a() 16. (2009无锡) _ the teachers in theirschool is about 200 and one fourth of them are_

8、 teachers.a.anumber of ; womenb.anumber of ; womanc. the number of ; womend. the number of ; woman【答案】c() 17.(2009绥德)mike and his friend aregoing to the _to see the new actionmovie tonight.a. book shopb. restaurantc. concertd. cinema【答案】d() 18.(2009.安徽)-shall we go shopping now?-sorry. its not the r

9、ight _. im tootired.a. wayb. weatherc. placed.moment【答案】d() 19.(2009.安徽)-im afraid i cant getthere before 9 oclock.-thats ok. theres _ .a. no wayb. no wonderc. no doubtd. no hurry【答案】d() 20. (2009.漳州) -what makes you so upset?-i wanted to explain why i was late, but mr.white didnt give me a(n) _.a.

10、wayb. chancec. idead. excuse【答案】b() 21.(2009通化)we need to come up witha/an _ and make a decision at once.a. informationb. advicec. idea d. news【答案】 c() 22. (2009德州) look at the flowers! theyare in different _: red, yellow, pinka. colorsb. sizesc. pricesd. names【答案】 a() 23.(2009恩施)id like _ grapesand

11、 pears.oh, i only need _ orange juice.a. some; a fewb. a few; somec. a little; fewd. a little; a few【答案】 b()2 4.(2009阜康) what would you liketo drink?_, please.a. riceb. meatc. waterd.bread【答案】 c() 25.(2009朝阳)-you look very young,mrs. green. could you tell me how old you are?-oh, sorry. its a(n) _.a.

12、 problemb. instructionc. secretd. business【答案】 c() 26. (2009安顺) we should not eat _meat.a. too manyb. much tooc. too muchd. many too【答案】 c() 27.(2009安顺)i dont understand thestory though there are _new words init.a. fewb. littlec. a fewd. a little【答案】 a() 28.(2009安顺)this is not my dictionary.its _ .

13、she lent it to me this morning.a. my sisterb. my sistersc. my sistersd. my sisters【答案】 c() 29.(2009安顺)a school in anshun heldan activity called “recommend(推荐) books toyour teachers”. the students made a _ of1,0000 books!a. noteb. linec. menud. list【答案】 d() 30.(2009莆田)-i feel thirsty. i wantsomething

14、 to drink. what about you?-ok. lets go and buy some _ .a. orangeb. breadc. chocolate【答案】 a() 31.(2009莆田)hurry up. there is _time left.a. a littleb. littlec. few【答案】 b32.(2010内江)well,you look so happy!-because ive got a good _.a.workb. newsc.jobd. ideas【答案】c( ) 33. (2010上海)you can get much_aboutthe w

15、orld expo on the internet.a.mapb.picturec.ticketd.information【答案】d() 34. (2010 上海)the customers are pleasedwith the_of the restaurant.a.balanceb.experience c.surfaced.service【答案】d() 35. (2010晋江)lily has a silk _.listen, she is singing in the next room!- how nice!.a. lookb. noisec. voice【答案】c() 36. (

16、2010 通化) we need to come up witha/an_and make a decision at once.a.information b.advice c.idead.news【答案】c() 37.(2010 湖州)-would you like some _?-no,thank you.im not hungry at all.a.waterb.books c.clothesd.bread【答案】d()38.(2010荆州)when will the 2010world expo(世博会) come to a close?itll close at the end o

17、f _.a. septemberb. octoberc. novemberd. december【答案】b()39. (2010 武汉) why are you still waitingin line?-ive missed my _ . 全品中考网a. placeb. orderc. turnd. time【答案】c()40.(2010河南)it was very hard for me tomake a_but j decided to leave my job.asuggestionb decisionc pland speech【答案】b()41. (2010 黄冈) good ne

18、ws. we will havea _holiday.-ive heard of it.but its coming in_.a.three days ; three daystimeb.three days; three daysc.three-day; three daysd.three days; three-day time【答案】c()42.(2010聊城)why not go to qingdaoon may day,jim?-im afraid its not a good _.i havebeen there several times.a.wayb.placec.advice

19、d.idea【答案】d()43.(2010阜康)()mr black gave us_on how to learn english well.a.an adviceb.many advicesc.some adviced.some advices【答案】c()44.(2010黄石) with whom did youwatch 2010 world cup opening ceremony ? _.a.afriend of mineb.afriend of mec.afriend of my sisterd.afriend of you【答案】a()45.(2010荆门)oh, my god

20、! the kids aremaking too much_ here. i cant do anything.a. soundb. voicec. noised. footstep【答案】c()46. (2010 襄樊) whats your job , henry?im a _ ,i work late . im verybusy when people go out to dimters .a. waiterb. reporterc. teacherd. nurse【答案】a()47.(2010 鸡西)how many _can yousee in the picture?only on

21、e.a. dogb. sheepc. childd. tree【答案】b()48.(2010定西)whats your?i like swimming.a. jobb. agec.hobbyd. number【答案】c()49.(2010 定西)what would you like, sir?.a. two pop全品中考 b. two bottles popc. two bottles of popd. two bottle of pop【答案】c()50.(2010莱芜)i have a_forbreakfast everyday.a. hot dog b. cookie c. dump

22、ling d. hamburger【答案】d()51.(2010 哈 尔 滨 )a low-carbon(低 碳 )lifestyle has _ effect on our daily life.people are paying more and more attention tosaving _ these days.a. the, energiesb. a, energyc. an, energy【答案】c()52. (2010 三明)what a fine day! shall wego hiking, bob?-id love to.but iss not the right _.

23、iam busy now.a.placeb.momentc.weather【答案】b()53. (2010 天津) if you work hard,youll getgood _.a.gradesb.notesc.lessonsd.answers【答案】a()54. (2010 泰安) lucy, do you like _?-yes.most of my clothes are _.a.an orange an orangeb.orange ,orangec.oranges ,orangesd.orange,an orange【答案】b()55.(2010青海&宁夏)mr. li

24、regardsningxia as his second_ because he hasbeen here for over twenty years.a. familyb. housec. roomd. home【答案】d()56.(2010沈阳)im not sure about themeaning of the word. youd better look it up in a_.a. letterb. dictionaryc. postcardd. notice【答案】b()57. (2010 连云港) -whats the news about ?-_ entertainment

25、stars gathered to attactdonations for yushu. 全品中考网a.a member ofb.akind ofc.a packet ofd.anumber of【答案】d()58.(2010巴中)what a pity! liu xiangdidnt win the_hurdles(跨栏).a.110-meterb.110-metersc.110 meterd.110 meters【答案】a()59.(2010四川) when i was a student, iliked to sit in the front of the classroomso tha

26、t i could see the words more clearly on the_.a. blackboardb. deskc. dictionaryd. postcard【答案】a()60.(2010东阳) i saw many _ eatinggrass on the hill.a. horseb. cowc. rabbitd. sheep【答案】d()61. (2010 浙江) the land in the southwestof china is in great need of.yes ,it hasnt rained for a long time there.a. mil

27、kb.teac coffeed. water【答案】d()62. (2010 台湾) the pants i bought last yearare too small now. i think i need a new.a. beltb. pair c. shirtd. space【答案】b()63. (2010 台湾) mike: i always forget whati want to buy when i go to the market.oscar: well, you can make aofthings you want to buy.a. habitb. listc. packd. wish【答案】b()64.(2010巴中) what is the_of the2010 world expo(世博会)? it is “better city, better life”.a. songb. themec. custom【答案】b()65.(2010眉山)would you like somedrinks, boys?yes, _ , please.a. some orangesb. two boxes ofchocolatec. some cakesd. two boxes of cola【答案】d()66.(2010滨州)can i help you?i


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