



1、lesson plans unit 10 funny cartoonspage 1 period 2 教学目标 : 1.知识目标:-学生能学会本节课的重点句型。-理解并运用陈述句来描述他人外貌。-学生能够很有感情地读出本节课的语篇并写出语篇。2.技能目标:-运用英语流利地进行口语交流,能根据人物特征准确地进行外貌描述。-初步了解语篇,能根据已经学过的单词和句子整合成一段话。3.情感目标:通过对本单元课时的学习,让孩子明白我们身边的朋友,不管是谁不管是什么样,我们都和睦相处并互相帮助,享受并快乐生活!主要活动 : activity 1. pre-reading:学生能够说出这节课主要两个卡通人物

2、的形象。activity 2. while-reading:学生学习两个不同卡通人物的外貌,扩展句型。activity 3. post-reading: 学生在老师的帮助下整合句子形成语篇段落,最后有感情地朗读,表演出来。重点单词短语: leg arm body foot feet hand head 重点句型 :i have . my is/ are he has . his is/are . . she has . . her .is/ are . 教具: pictures, ppt, paper, signs, cards contents method activitypurpose

3、i.pre-task: a song : free talking describe about beebo. t guides ss to sing a song . free talking about beebo talk about beebo : how am i ? sing a song free talking 通 过 歌 曲 引 出beebo 谈论 beebo的身体部位,引导孩子 复 习 上 节 课所 学 的 单 词 及句型。ii. while-task free talking my funny family. t guides ss to begin to create

4、my mother: 1.show mother s picture part by part. 2.describe about my mother. my fuuny family: t: is this your hair ? sa:no,my hair is short,her hair is long.it s your mother s hair. . create beebo s mother. 通 过 身 体 的 各个 部 位 来 拼 凑beebo的妈妈,lesson plans unit 10 funny cartoonspage 2 she is _. she has _.

5、 her_is/are_. she can. draw beebo s father and try to describe him in their own words. he is _. he has _. his _is/are_. t shows the whole picture of mother. let the students deacribe her. drill the key sentence she has _. her_is/are_. t:who is she? ss:she is your mother. t:how is she? ss:she is . sh

6、e has _. her _is/are_. t shows the pictures of mother.then let the students guess what mother can do ? ask and answer t:what can my mother do? sa: she can sing. sb:she can dance. t:can you sing and dance with her? ss:. play a vedio,and dance with it let s draw t:how about my father? ss: he is fat/th

7、in he has _. his _is/are_. show time have the students show their pictures of beebo s father,and try to describe him. drill the key sentence he is _. he has _. his _is/are_. talk about my family-mother ask and answer let s talk talk about the picture ask and answer let s enjoythink and draw. draw an

8、d write. let s act 同 时 介 绍 她 的各 个 部 位 的 特征。通 过 语 篇 展 示妈妈的形象。通 过 妈 妈 的 图片 猜 测 妈 妈 会做的事,引导孩子 们 复 习 以 前所学过的知识,并 通 过 歌 曲 和舞 蹈 来 简 单 地放松。通 过 小 组 合 作的方式,学生们可 以 根 据 自 己的 想 象 画 出beebo 爸爸的形象,并用学过的句 型 写 出 简 短的语篇。根据语篇 进 行 相 应 的表演。以达到知识的应用。lesson plans unit 10 funny cartoonspage 3 we are happy together! t shows

9、 a picture of beebo s brother. ask and answer t:look,who is he? ss: he s your father. t: no ,he s my brother.in my family,i have father and mother some brothers and sisters,i also have some funny friends.i can play with them . ss:how funny. drill the key sentence t:do you want to know my friends? let s enjoy a vedio. ask and answerenjoy a viedo. 通 过 图 片 让 学生 了 解 家 人 不仅 仅 是 爸 爸 妈妈,还有兄弟姐妹。另外生活中同 样 也 力 不 开朋友, 通过


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