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1、外研版四年级英语教案 日常生活中,部分所用到的词汇是日耳曼语源。大多数法语和古拉丁语源的字汇通常用在更加正式的讲话和文章中,比如法庭发言或者编写百科全书。在医学、化学等的许多术语也为法语或拉丁语源。下面由我为大家整理了关于外研版四年级英语教案,供大家参考。 外研版四年级英语教案1:do you want some rice? 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 知识目标:学习句型do you want ? yes,please./no,thank you. have you got ? yes,we have./no,we havent. 能力目标:谈论中国和西方的食物。 教学重点

2、; 1 学习句型do you want ? yes,please./no,thank you. have you got ? yes,we have./no,we havent. 2 掌握单词及词组:chinese fast food/make noodles/nice/chopsticks/difficult 辅助资源: 课件、卡片 教学过程: 一、warming up 演唱歌曲:row you boat 二、revision 1 . 用单词卡片复习学过的食物单词。 2. 复习“have you got?”句型。把食物单词卡片分发给学生,然后提问,学生根据手里的卡片用“yes, i have

3、.或no, i havent.回答。 三、presentation 1、t : do you want some apples?(师手持食物卡片,提问学生) s1: yes. t: yes,please.(师引导学生完整回答,并操练) t: do you want some noodles? s2: no . t: no,thank you.(同样引导学生完整回答,并操练) 教师将所问的食物单词卡片贴入句型:do you want some rice?教师现场书写出:yes,please.和no,thank you.引导全班学生齐读问句和答句。 2. practice ask and answ

4、er: t : do you want some apples?(师手持食物卡片,提问学生) s1: yes,please.(师生相互击掌,表示赞同) t: do you want some pears? s2: no,thank you.(师配合手势和表情,表示遗憾) 引导学生用接龙的形式操练这几句话 利用自备的食物,操练句型,与同桌一起分享。老师进行指导,检查,并给予奖励。 四呈现课文。 1、在上一课的故事中,daming和amy在公园里逛了半天,感到有点饿了。本课讲的是他们在公园里的快餐摊上吃快餐的故事。 提出问题:amy想吃炒饭吗?amy想吃拉面吗?amy会用筷子吗?学生带着问题听课文

5、录音。 2、回答教师的问题,并跟录音磁带朗读课文。 3、学生分角色朗读课文。 五、practice 1、sb活动3。 2. 进行“你想吃什么?”的食物问答接龙游戏 3. 小组调查:师将准备好的调查表发给同学,请同学们帮助老师调查这次郊游,同学们想带什么食物,喜欢用 不喜欢用 name apples pears milk chocolate rice noodles oranges fish 六、homework 1、用“do you want some ?询问家人想吃什么,然后自己试着准备。 2、listen to the tape,and read the text. 外研版四年级英语教案2

6、:im making dumplings 教学目标: 1) new words: dumplings, want, make, nice, cook, vegetables, love 2) language: what are you doing? im making some dumplings. do you want some rice? yes, please. no, thank you. 3) talking about chinese and western food 教学重点: aim1, 2, 3 教学类型: new lesson 教学方法: look, listen, t

7、alk about, cai 教学教具: pictures, word cards, a recorder, food 教学过程: 一、warmer 1. review the text of module 5, unit 1 2. remember the text. 二、presentation 1. review the food words.(e.g.: noodles, soup, make, cakes, rice, fish) 2. ask and answer: do you want some? yes, please. no, thank you. 三、 practice

8、activity1. listen and say. 1. learn the new words.( dumplings vegetables, want, make, cook, love) 2. word game: who is the quickest? 3. learn the new sentences: im making。/im cooking 4. distinguish “cook” and “make” and do more examples, e.g.: im making soup/cakes/noodles. im cooking rice. 5. ask an

9、d answer: im making。/im cooking(dumplings/vegetables) 6. play the tape, pause it after each utterance, get ss to repeat the sentences. 7. read the text together. activity2.act it out. 1. look at the slide and read the sentences. 2. ask the students to read the dialogue together. 3. ask them to pract

10、ice in pairs, then make the dialogue. 四、 exercises listen and point. 1. look at the pictures of ab unit2 ex 1,point ,ask and say. (e.g.: what are they? who is he? who is she? what are they doing?) 2. listen and number, then point. 3. review the text, and then try to remember. 五、 homework 1. rememebe

11、r the following words: make, cook, want, love, vegetables 2. read part 1. 3. copy the following sentences: what are you doing? im making cakes. do you want some? yes, please. 板书设计: what are you doing? im making cakes. do you want some? yes, please. 外研版四年级英语教案3:can you run fast? 教学目标: 1.能听懂会说run fast

12、、 jump high、 jump far and ride fast等词汇。 2.能熟练运用句型can you?yes, i can. no, i cant. 重点难点: 情态动词can 引导的一般疑问句以及肯定和否定回答。 教学资源: ppt课件 预习设计: 自读第五模块单词 教学过程: step 1: greetings t:hello,boys and girls. how are you today? step2:lead-in 多媒体出示图片“踢足球” t: what are they doing? ss: they are playing football. t: can the

13、y play football? 多媒体出示图片“游泳” t: what are they doing? ss: they are swimming. t: can they swim? 引导学生回答猜测出can的意思 t: which sports can you do? step3:presentation (一)学习新单词 run fast 1.出示课本内容课件 t:what are they doing ? ss:跑步。 t: yes, they can run fast. can you run fast? 2.使用单词图片教学单词:run fast. 3. practise one

14、 by one to say the word. (二)用同样的方法教学jump high ,jump far, ride fast. (三)listen to the tape 1. listen and point. 2.listen and repeat. step4:practice 1.运用所学语言完成“我会做的运动”任务活动。 t:can you run fast/jump high/ride fast? 2.同桌进行练习。 step5: summarize 1.review the new words. 2.t:今天我们学习了如何询问他人所能做的运动,它是什么结构呢? can you .?那又如何回答呢?yes, i ca


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