



1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载what color is it.教学设计一.teaching content: what color is it.二.teaching objectives:1.knowledge objectives学会用英语表达事物的颜色,把握相关的单词:redyellowbluegreenpinkpurpleorangeblackwhite和句型 what color is it. -its、并能综合运用新.旧学问组织对话完成肯定交际任务;2.ability objectives:培育同学的观看力.想象力.动手操作才能, 提高同学感受美.观赏美的水平,

2、进展同学综合运用语言的才能;3.emotional objectives激发同学学习英语的爱好, 调动学习积极性, 引导同学积极与他人合作,在活动中培育同学的协作精神和竞争意识;三.teaching key points创设语言情形,使同学正确懂得和运用所学学问表达事物颜色;四.teaching difficult points激发同学的求知欲, 创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让同学体验参加,主动学习事物颜色的表达法;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载五.teaching material(一).材料预备1.“red.yellow.blue.green.pink

3、.purple.orange.black.white ” 单词卡片及“ what color is it. its”句型卡片;3.彩虹.熊猫.哆啦a 梦. hellokitty.葡萄等彩笔画如干及一些带颜色的实物;4.写有颜色的名牌;5.竞赛的纸6.歌曲 color song录音二学情分析三年级同学的年龄在九.十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜爱直观形象思维,对嬉戏.竞赛.画画特殊感爱好;同学学英语不久,有可能说的不好,有的仍不敢说,课堂上要以夸奖为主,注意培育学习英语的爱好,勉励他们大胆说.积极做.仔细唱!六.teaching procedurestep1warming up and lead-in

4、1.t: good morning、boys and girls.im very happy to have lesson with you、are you happy too.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载ss:yes.t:today we will have a competition、we have 5 group here.which group is the winner、which group can get the gifts、understand.so、try your best.竞争机制能引起同学学习的动力,能专心于课堂教学中;step2 pr

5、esentation1. first、lets draw a rainbow.do you know rainbow.who wants to have a try. .=how many colors are there in the rainbow. 嘉奖 how to say in english?先让同学说出已经学过的三种颜色:red.yellow. blue,再教剩下的 4 种颜色;嘉奖 2.黑色.白色和粉色分别以黑板.墙壁和同学的衣服颜色引出;what color is the blackboard? what color is the wall? what color is he

6、r t-shirt?用画彩虹的方式引出课题, 营造一个轻松轻盈的课堂气氛,激发同学的爱好,拉近师生间的距离;同学在感受.观赏美的同时,也让同学 对本课所学的颜色有一个整体的感知,为以后的教学活动作了铺垫;3.嬉戏环节 get on the train:让同学一个接着一个说出每一种颜色;4. learn the sentence pattern: what color is it? it s嘉奖精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载t:when you want to ask the color、you can sa”y、what color is it? it s”st

7、ep3 practice展现四幅图画,work in pairs,操练句型,遵循英语语言学习的“词不离句”的认知规律,同学学习起来比较简单;嘉奖step4 consolidation sing a song: color sang- who is wearing yellow today、yellow today 、yellow today .-i am wearing yellow today 、yellow today.以歌曲的方式巩固颜色;新奇好玩,能让同学们记得更加坚固;step5 summaryt: what did we learned today.ss:we learned.嘉奖

8、 t: wonderful.today we learned many color .s we learned the sentenceand we also learned a color song!you did a good job!im so proud ofyou. i think we had a good time、did you.if you did 、please sing the song to your parents and draw a picture and tell them the colors as your home work.understand. at last 、lets see、the winner is group 4.the 4 p


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