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1、义乌学外语洋话连篇商务英语学习之商贸城晨练英语- 义乌做生意工作这些英语不得不学义乌学外语就来义乌洋话连篇外语培训学校,商贸城晨练英语学习资料为洋话连篇何老师整 理分享,请不要做任何商业用途,违者必究!lesson one greeting第一课打招呼part one new words 新单词take带走 just仅仅 time时间 name名字 cai'd卡片 again再,乂 welcome欢迎help帮助 like喜欢,想seat座位 coffee咖啡 tea茶sure确信 can(may)能,可以part two useful expressions 实用表达1. glad

2、to meet you.很高兴见到你。2. please step (come) in and have a look.请进来看一看。3. here you are.给你。4. take your time.随便看(慢慢看)。5. may i have a seat?我能坐卜吗?6. take a scat please.请坐。7. can i help you?需要帮忙吗?8. would you like some coffee or tea?你想要咖啡述是茶?9. it's my pleasure.不客气。10. welcome again(your next coining)!

3、欢迎再来!lesson two introduction intr*dkn第二课产品介绍part one words (单词) color 'kl颜色 popular ppjul流行的 else elsj其他的samplesmpl样品come out km aut推出anything *eni,0i任何事also f:lsu也part two sentences (句子)a: how many colors do you have?你们有多少种颜色?b: many. this is our new sample.很多。这是我们的新样品。a: when did it come out?什

4、么时候出的?b: 3 days ago. this is the most popular one. 3 天前。这是现在最流行的款式。a: anything else?述有其彳也的吗?b: how about this one? it's also popular.这个怎么样?也很好卖。lesson three introduction intr'dkn第三课介绍part one new words 新单词sample f'smpl样品 material m'tiril材料 qualitykwlti质量market 'ma:kit市场 durable &

5、#39;djurbl耐用的 popular 'ppjul流行的compare km'pe比较 this way please 这边请 newest nu:ist故新的part two sentences 句子1、the material is very durable.这种材料很耐用。2 you can compare them.你对以比较一下它们。3、here is our sample room, this way please.这是样品室,请跟我來。4、let me introduce our newest style to you.我来给你介绍我们最新的款式。part

6、three dialogue 对话a: hello. what would you like ?你好,想要些什么?b: i'd like some gloves. can you show me your newest samples ?我想要一些手套。能给我看一下你们的新样品吗?a: ok, no problem.好的,没问题。b: thank you.谢谢。a: here you are. these are the most popular styles in the market this year. 给你,这些是今年市场上最流行的款式。b: whafs the materia

7、l ? 什么材料的?a: it's woolen *wuln.羊毛的。b: how about the quality ? 质量怎么样?a: don't woity about the quality. it's very high.lesson four bargaining *ba:gini第四课讨价还价part one new words 新单词bargain 'ba:gin讨价还价 wholesale f'hulseil批发 retail 'ri:teil零售cost kstj 成本 lowest 'luistj 最低的 almo

8、st ':lmustj 几乎 already :l'redij 已经 piece pi:sj 件 satisfied 'stisfaid满意的 acceptable k'septblj 可以接受的part two sentences 句子1、 i" almost our cost price.这儿乎是我们的成木价了。2、it can't be cheaper. 不能再便宜了。3、arc you satisfied with the price ?你对价格满意吗?part three dialogue 对话a: how much is it ?

9、这个多少钱?b: wholesale or retail ? 批发述是零售?a: the wholesale price.批发价格。b: ifs9.5 rmb.九块五。a: il's too much. can it be cheaper ?太贵了,能便宜点吗?b: how many would you like ? the more the cheaper. 你想要多少?越多越便宜。a: if the price is acceptable, i'd like to order 5,000 pieces.如果价格合理的话,定五件。b: ok. the lowest price

10、 is 9 rmb. it already our cost price. 好吧,最低价九块。这己经是 我们的成本价了。a: all right. til take it. 好的,我要了lesson five order第五课订单part one new words 新单词order *d订单定货 quantity 'kwntt数量 medium 'midm 屮号 hundred 'hndrd百 blue blu蓝色size saz尺寸 large lad人号 thousand0aznd t* green grin绿色 purple f'ppl紫色minimum

11、 'mnmm 低的 dollar fdl美元 problem prblm问题 red red红色 white fwal白色part two dialogue 对话a: what's your minimum quantity? 你们的最低起订量是多少?b: it's 10 thousand. 一力。a: how many colors?颜色有多少个呢?b: four. red, white, purple, and green.四种。红色、白色、紫色和绿色。a: i'd like 50 thousand. cheaper please? 我想定五力。便宜点?b:

12、 ok. the last price is 15 dollars.好的。最低价是 15 美元。a: well. how many sizes do you have?那行。尺寸有多少个?b: 3. large , small and medium. 3 种。大号、小号和中号。a: i see. i'd like medium .我明 口了。给我中号。b: no problem.没问题。lesson six quality第六课质量part one new words (新单词)quality 'kwliti质量 satisfy 'stisfai满意 guarantee

13、 ,grn*ti:保证 material miril 材料 priceprais价格 durable 'djurbl结实的part two sentences (句子)a:how about the quality?质量如何?b: i can guarantee you will be satisfied with the quality.我保证您一定会对质量满意的。a: really?真的?b: sure. the material is pretty good.对。它是rfl上好的材料制成。a: good. anything else?还有吗?b: they are durable

14、.它们还很结实,很耐用。lesson seven packing (1)第七课包装(1)part one new words (单词)pack pk包装 dozen 'dznj打 inner 'in内部的 outer aut 外部的save iseivj节省 cost kst成本 cartonka:tnj纸箱 according tol'k:di tu:j 根据part two sentences (句子)a: how do you pack the goods ?你们是怎样包装的。b: we use opp bag for inner packing.and use

15、carton for outer packing内包装我们会用opp袋,外包装用纸箱。a、1 piece in 1 opp bag, 12 opp bags in a dozen, 20dozens in 1 carton. 每件一个塑料袋,一打12个opp袋,一箱装20打。bn this packing can save the shipping cost这种包装能节约运费。a、of course! wc can also pack the goods according to your needs当然!我们也可以根据您的要求进行包装。lesson eight packing (2)第八课包

16、装(2)part one words (单词)linewith lain 用做衬里foamffumstrap strpl 带dimensiondirmcnn塑料泡沫规格reinforcecontainer,ri:nfs加 fkn'tcin集装箱 regular tegjul规范的part two sentences (句子)a: can you line the cartons with foam?你们能在纸箱内衬塑料泡沫吗?b: sure. and we'll reinforce the cartons with packing.straps.this packing is

17、strong and easy to handle.我们会川打包带加固纸箱。这种包装很结实而h很好搬运。a: what about the dimension? 规格是怎样的呢?b:the dimensions are 60*40*50cm规格为长 60,宽 40,高 50 厘米°a:and what's the cbm?那体积呢?b:the cbm is 0.12cbm. 400 cartons in one 40 feet container. 体积为0.12立方米。450箱装一个40尺柜子。lesson nine payment(l)第九课付款(1)part one w

18、ords (单词)terms of payment t:mz vrpeimnt付款方式cash k 现金enough i'nf足够的 first f:st首先 rest rest余卜的 check tek淸点 account number launt fnmb账号 transfer tmsf:汇款 part two sentences (句子)a: what are your temis of payment?你们的付款方式是怎样的?b: you better pay cash.你得付现金。a: but i prefer t/t.可以。但是我更喜欢电汇。b: you can t/t 3

19、0% deposit first. and you have to pay the rest within 2 weeks after delivering.你先电汇30%定金。发货后两星期内再付余款。a: good can 1 have your account number?好的。你能给我你的账号吗?b: here is my business card, our abc account no. is on it. and please transfer the money to my account on time.这是我的名片,我们的农行账号在上面。请准时将货款转到的账户。lesson

20、 ten payment (2)第十课付款(2)part one new words 新单词cash on deliveryk n di'livri货到付款 discount*diskaunt折扣 acceptk'sept接 受 withinwi'in在之内full paymentful 'peimnt全 额款项 after 'a :ft在z 后depend ondi'pendn取决于part two dialogues 对话a: when can you deliver the goods?你们什么时候发货?b: that depends on

21、 when you pay the goods? we accept cash on delivery.这取决于你们什么时候付款,我们接受货到付款哦。a: really?!真的吗? !b: yes! you will get 5% discount if you pay the goods within one week after you receive them. 是的,如果你在收到货后一周内付款,你可以得到5%的折扣。a: that's fantastic.这太棒了!b: and the full payment should be made within one month.全

22、额付款要在一个月 z内完成。a: no problem. lets make order now.没问题,我们现在来看看订单。lesson eleven payment (3)第十一课付款(3)part one new words 新单词depositfdi'pzit订金cash k现金 amount f'maunt金额terms of payment t:m v 'peimnt付款方式usually 'ju:uli通常地generally speaking i'denrlij 'spi:ki通常来说 take back 把带回 secretar

23、y'sekrtri秘书part two dialogues 对话a: let's discuss the terms of payment, what terms of payment do you usually make?让我们讨论一下付款方式,你们通常都用哪种方式付款呢?b: generally speaking, we'd like to pay by cash. is it ok?一般来说,我们用现金付款,可以吗?a: that would be great. the total amount is rmb 10,000.那太好了,总额是 1 力元。b: so

24、rry, we don't have enough money right now. how about we take the goods back our company and send our secretary to pay?不好意思,我们身上没这么多钱。我们把货物先拿回公司,一会让秘书把钱送过来,可以 吗?a: thai's ok. but we need 30% deposit then, and that would be rmb 3.000.那也行。但是这样我们需要30%的订金,也就是3千元。b: all right. here your money.好吧,给

25、你钱。a: thank you for cooperation.谢谢你的合作。更多学习内容尽在洋话连篇官方微信,欢迎关注。lesson twelve time of delivery (1)第十二课交货时间(1)part one new words 单词deliverfdiliv交货 monthmne月份addressf'dres地址 afraid 'freid担心的besides bi'saidz此夕卜,l"j且 material m'tiril材料 warehouse 'whaus仓库part two sentences (句子)a: wh

26、en can you deliver the goods? 你们什么时候可以交货/b: about 15 days. 大约 15 天。a: i'm afraid it's too late.how about one week?恐怕有点太迟了,一周 口j以吗?b: sorry,wc can4 make it in such a short time.besides,our factory is very busy,and sonic materials are out of stock.很抱歉,这么短时间我们做不到,并ii我们工厂很忙,部分材料都木有现货了。a: oh,i se

27、e.ten days,ok?好的,明白了。那十天吧?b: well,where to deliver? 货送到哪里?a: to our warehouse.ril tell you the address later.送到我们仓库。我随后会告诉你地址的。lesson thirteen time of delivery (2)第十三课交货时间(2)part one new words 新单词shipment *ipmnt装运 otherwise 'waiz否则,不然season 'si:zn季节earlist 最早的 middlenidl中间的wonder 'wnd想知道

28、 casekeis事实 receive ri'si:v收到part two sentences (句子)1, shipment should be made before october, otherwise we are not able to catch the season. 十刀底前必须交货,否则就赶不上季节了。2. the earliest shipment we can make is early march三月初是我们能够做到的最早交货h期。3.shipment by the middle of october will be too late for us.十月中旬交货

29、太晚了。4.1 wonder whether you can make shipment in september.我想知道你们能否在九月份装运。5. in case you do not receive the goods on or before december 12, please let us know 万一你方没有在12月12 h或z前收到货物,请告知我方。lesson fourteen adjust the price第十四课价格调整part one new words 新单词present price f'prezntl 现彳介maintainmein'tein

30、®original pricef'ridnl原价 raw materials fr: m'tirilz原材料adjust'dst调整 accordingly'k:dili根据 acceptk*sept接受part two dialogues 对话a: what do you think of our price?你觉得我们的价格怎么样?b: your present price is higher than the last time's.现价比上次的价格高。a: i'm sorry we can't maintain the

31、original price. because the prices of the raw materials have been raised. and we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly.很遗憾我们不能保持原价了。由于原材料价格上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格作出相应 的调整。b: but your price is unreasonable. we can't accept the price.但是你方价格不合理。我们无法接受这样的价格。a: we have cut down our price to cos

32、t level.我们已经降到成本价 了。lesson fifteen trail order第十五课试单part one new words 新单词place an order 下订单 right now 立刻、马上 qualitykwlti质量 trail trel 实验 delivery d'lvri交货 usually juuli 通常 change fiend改变 inform n'fm 通知 satisfystsfa 使满意part two dialogue 对话 b : boss c : customerb: would you like to place an o

33、rder right now ? 你想现在下单吗?c: we are not sure about the quality of your products . we would like to place a trail order . 我方对你们的产品质量还不确信。我们想先下个试单。b: it,s ok. we will do our best to satisfy you .可以。我们会尽量做到让您满意。c: we would like to order 300 dozen . please pack them as you usually do .我们想订300打。请按你们一贯的方式来

34、包装。b: how about 8 cases , 320 dozen ?订 8 箱,320 打怎么样?c: no problem . next time , we may change the packing . we will inform you of the delivery place.没问题。下次我们可能会更换包装。我们会通知你交货地点。b: all right.好的。lesson sixteen making a call & greeting (2)第十六课打电话问候(2)part one new words 新单词telephone 'telfn / phon

35、e 电话 number 'nmb号码 speak spik说repeat ri'pit重复 loudly 'laudli大声地slowly'sluli慢慢地call kl打电话 lalciflcit稍后 answerfans回答part two sentences 句子1、hello , this is jecy calling . may i speak to alice ? 你好,我是jecy,请问alice在吗?2、how are you ? / how are you doing ? 你最近怎样?3、hello , jecy , so glad to h

36、ear hi from you . 你好,jecy,真高兴你打电话过来。4、sorry , she is not in . please call back later好意思,她不在,请稍后再打回来吧。5、sorry , can you speak slowly / loudly ?不好意思,能说慢点/大声点吗?6、who is calling ? can you repeat ?请问哪位?能再重复一遍吗?7、i think the number is wrong , because nobody answers .我认为这个号码是错的,因为没有人接。8、nice talking to you

37、 , byebye .很高兴和你通话,再见。lesson seventeen making a call (2)第十七课打电话(2)part one new words 新单词change tend改变 talk t: k about 谈论 mademeid使、做 mid-autumnf'md'tm festival 'festvl中秋节national*nnl day 国庆节traditionaltr'dinl传统的 staff 'sta: f员工 during 'duri在期间holiday hlidei假 h need nid需要 chec

38、k tek核对、商量part two dialogue 对话a: hello , this is mr wang. is that peter speaking ?你好,我是王先牛。peter 在吗?b: yes, this is peter speaking. what's up ? 我是 peteio 有什么爭?a: sorry, i'd like to change the delivery time. so i want to talk about it with you.不好意思,我想改一下交货时间。因此想给你讨论一下。b: why ? we have made it

39、 on this friday.为什么?我们说好了这个礼拜五啊。a: as you know, the mid-autumn festival and the national day are coming.你知道的,中秋节和国庆节就要来了。b: yes, i know . theye chinese traditional festivals.是的,我矢ii道,这是中国的传统节 h。a: some staff will go home during the holiday. we can't deliver on time.一些员工要回家过节,我们不能按时发货。b: 1 see. t

40、hen when can you deliver ?我明白,那么你们什么时候可以发货?a: how about next friday ?卜周五怎么样?b: i need to check it with my boss . and i will inform you later.我要跟老板商量-下,稍后通知你。a: ok, thank you. bye 好的,谢谢。再见b: bye。再见lesson eighteen making a call (3)第十八课打电话(3)part one new words 新单词free fri:l 空闲的busy bizi繁忙的 foreignfri外国

41、的visit f'vizit参观、拜访 get get in 到达 pick pik up 接 get 得到 send send 发送part two dialogue 对话a: hello, this is peter. is that mark speaking ?你好,我是 petero mark 在吗?b: yes, this is mark speaking .是的,我是 markoa: are you free tomorrow ? 你明天有空吗?b: r m free in the morning , but busy in the afternoon .我明天上午有空,

42、下午没时间。a: good. one of our foreign customers will visit our factory tomorrow .好的。明天我们的一个外国客八要來参观我们的工厂。b: yes, i know. he will get in yiwu tomorrow.是的,我知道。他明天到义乌。a: right. he will get in yiwu at 8:30 tomoitow morning. can you go to the airport to pick him up?对。他明天上午&30到义乌。你能去机场接他吗?b: tomorrow morn

43、ing ? ok, no problem. please give me his phone number and name .明天上午?好的,没问题。把他的电话号码和名字发给我。a: ok, thank you . the phone number is and his name is jecy.好的,谢谢。电话号码名字叫jecy。b: sorry, i don, t get his number. please send it to me later.不好意思,我没记住他的号码。请稍后发给我。a: ok. see you.好的,再见。b: see you.再见。lesson nineteen role-playing dialogues第十九课模拟场景对话role-playing dialoguesa: welcome to our stall st: 1. can i help you? 您好!欢迎光临,您需要些什么?b: no, thanks. i am just looking around ' raund不,谢谢。我只是随便看看。


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