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1、新人教版pep六年级上册英语教案 英语教学是一个循序渐进的过程,无论是对于英语是或者不是第一语言的人来说,英语学习在全球化快速发展的今天都是至关重要的。今天我在这给大家整理了一些新人教版pep六年级上册英语教案,我们一起来看看吧! 新人教版pep六年级上册英语教案1 一、教学内容 1.围绕本单元重点词汇和句型进行复习巩固。 2.进行听说读写四项能力方面的训练。 二、教学目标 1.能够正确理解和表达本单元词句。 2.能够围绕本单元重点内容完成段落书写。 三、教学重点和难点 1.本课的教学重点是:对前三个单元学习的基本词汇和交际用语进行全面的检测。 2.本课的教学难点是:b项对话活动。d项书写文段

2、的活动。 四、教学手段 教学录音磁带、卡片、挂图 五、教学方法 情境教学法、听说法、翻译法、语言交际法 六、教学步骤: 1.sort game read the flash cards 2.t show the pictures of parta. t: what can you see in these pictures? where are these places? what do you know about lhasa/egypt/crocodiles? 3.ss listen to the tape, and match. 4.discuss the answers with th

3、e partners, listen again and check the answers in class. 5.ask the ss to read partb. and listen to the tape. 6.the ss can make a dialogue in pairs, and act out. 7.part c read and answer the questions: when did marco polo come to china? did marco polo have an uncle? where did kublai khan send marco p

4、olo? when did marco polo leave china? did marco polo write many stories about china in a book? whats the name of this boo? 8.do the e_ercises, check the answers. 9.ask the ss to read part d, and choose one to think about. 10. write. 11.homework: finish the writing. 新人教版pep六年级上册英语教案2 教学目标: 1.能比较流畅地朗读

5、a部分对话,并进一步表演对话。 2.能熟练运用本单元的重点句型 whens your birthday? my birthdays on what would you like as a birthday present? id like根据实际情况进行问答。 3.通过完成d部分练习,使学生掌握听力填空的答题技巧。 教学重点: 能熟练运用本单元的重点句型 whens your birthday? my birthdays on what would you like as a birthday present? id like根据实际情况进行问答。 教学准备: 日历、录音机及磁带、句型小黑板、

6、 板书设计: unit 3 bens birthday a: whens your birthday? b: my birthdays on a: what would you like as a birthday present? b:id like 教学过程: a. free talk 1.greetings 2.look and say(看日历说日期) 3.free talk t: what day is it today? t: what date is it today? t: whens your birthday? t: what would you like as a birt

7、hday present? t: would you like a ? t: whens the teachers day?/whens the childrens day? s: its monday. s: its the s: its on the s: id like a s: yes, i do./ no, i dont. s: its on the tenth of september./its on the first of june. b. read and act 1. books opened at p22. read the te_t after the tape. 2.

8、 then read in chorus. try to recite the te_t. 3. act the dialogue. c. ask and answer 1.t:whens your birthday? t: what would you like as a birthday present? open the books at p25. ask and answer in pairs. 2. do a survey 全班进行汇总反馈 a: _s birthday is on he would like d. listen and write 1.books opened at

9、 p26.look at the picture , please. t: bens birthdays coming. he is talking to his family about his birthday party. what would he like as his birthday present? lets listen carefully. 2.t: what would he like as his birthday present? t: what else would he like? t: what color? t: what does ron want? 3.l

10、isten to the tape again and fill in the blankets. 4.check up the answers. 5.read the sentences in chorus. s: he would like a big cake with a lots of strawberries. s: he would like some fish. s: a blue one and a yellow one. s: he wants a blue fish, too. e.assign homework 1. ask and answer(p25) 2. 通过询

11、问制作全班同学生日表。 3. 预习part e。 新人教版pep六年级上册英语教案3 教材分析: 本课时主要是通过展示家庭居室结构,让学生学习各个房间的英文名称study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen. 家是每个学生最熟悉的地方,学生要学会运用本课所学知识来简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间。 “lets do”部分的教学是结合“lets learn”中所学过的单词进行扩展,让学生知道一些相关单词的指示用语。让学生在听懂这些用语的基础上,进行模仿和听、做活动。还可设计多种课堂活动,使学生掌握这一部分的内容,同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣

12、。 教学目标: 1.能简单描述自己的房间。 2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen,并能在日常生活中运用。 3.能听懂lets do中的指示语,并按照指令作出相应的动作。 教学重点: 1、听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 2、学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点: 单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 教学方法: 引导法 启发法 直观教学法 学法分析: 小组合作学习法 讨论学习法 自主学习法 教学过程: 1 wa

13、rm-up/revision 教师引导 1、集体唱英文儿歌。 2、复习上节课所学单词 2 presentation 1、出示study 的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:what are they? 教读单词 study, 并板书。 教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:we read the books in the study. 2、按照相同方法,教授单词 bathroom, living room, bedroom. 3、师把第46页lets learn部分的挂图贴到黑板上说:this is my home. how many rooms can you see? what are they? 4、

14、教师说指令。 学生回答提问:they are books 并跟老师认读study。 学生依次回答问题并跟老师认读单词bathroom, living room, bedroom. 学生用动作和语言表达句子,并说出相应的房间。 听录音,跟读lets do部分。 3 practice 出示练习题 习题练习并拓展 教学内容与教师的活动 媒体的运用学生的活动 教师进行逻辑选择 教学评价: 1、 学生评价:以小组为单位完成老师所提出的问题,然后进行小组交流,组内进行互评。 2、 教师评价:教师对完成情况进行适当正确的评价,并给与激励性 的语言,手势。 教学反思: 通过本节课的学习,学生基本掌握了所学到的

15、新词,熟读且能理解课文内容,并能够运用到实际情景当中,教者能够利用多种教学方法,提高了学生学习的兴趣,达到了预期的效果 新人教版pep六年级上册英语教案4 第一课时 一、教学内容: 六上project 1 a、b部分 二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标 (1)在语境中对u1-u4的知识进行复习和运用。 (2)复习并学习部分动词过去式的不规则变化形式。 2. 技能目标 指导学生运用学习策略,自主归纳学习。 3. 情感目标 通过本单元学习,激发学生对英语学科的好奇心以及学习兴趣。 三、教学重点: 复习并学习部分动词过去式的不规则变化形式。 四、教学难点: 复习并学习部分动词过去式的不规则变化形式。 五

16、、教学准备: 课件,练习纸三张, 板书 六、教学过程: step 1 greetings free talk 1. topic: travelling 2. show the students a map of the world. if you have a lot of money and a long holiday, where do you want to go? 设计意图教学一开始通过让学生自由设想要去的地方,让学生有话可说也愿意说,并未下文旅行话题做铺垫。 step 2 presentation and practice today,ill take you on a trip.

17、 the first stop: denmark 1. 大致了解丹麦的地理位置 do you know anything about denmark? for e_ample, big or small? where is the country? 2. 了解丹麦童话家安徒生及他的作品尤其是皇帝的新装 a. do you know any people from denmark? 引出anderson do you know his stories? ppt呈现他的童话作品并引出“the emperors new clothes” b. it was written by him. in ou

18、r book, it is called “the kings new clothes” ppt 呈现u1 learning tip: recite the te_t 因此要求学生以故事的形式复习u1 story time tips: 1. prepare to tell the story in group of 4. 2.tell the story picture by picture. each one in your group tells about one picture. ss 四人小组合作 / 上台讲故事 c. 引出皇帝新装加强版故事 heres another story

19、“ the emperors new clothes” 新故事共四段,从易到难。每位学生自己选择合适自己的一段,完成后可帮助他人。 check the answers. 从易到难校对新故事。 在讲述新故事内容时指导学生:note the past forms of these verbs. mark the new past forms. 并板书板书每段中出现的新动词过去式 第二段:give-gave begin-began 第三段:put-put praise-praised(用英语解释该词的意思) forget-forgot 由此引出学习策略1 how to learn better ab

20、out past forms:collect the past forms of verbs while reading. make a portable word book for yourself. learn more from a grammar book. 设计意图设计旅行这一话题,引出第一站丹麦并由此引出童话作家安徒生及他的代表作品,让学生扩充课外知识的同时巩固u1 皇帝新装的课文内容,之后呈现加强版的故事,让学生自主选择难易完成故事复习并学习部分动词过去式,并适时传授学生学好动词过去分词的策略。 the second stop: the uk 了解教师的英国旅行经历 a. ask

21、 and answer :guess what i did there? 可以让学生用did you ? 或特殊疑问句提问老师。 b. question time 出示老师在伦敦某一天的照片 让学生利用what ? where? who? when? how?结合图片信息小组合作完成五个问题。教师指正问题后请学生猜测问题的答案,老师评价。 c. show the answers 老师通过日记中诗歌的形式出示刚才图片的答案。要求学生先试着完成诗歌并朗诵,老师点评但不否定他们的答案。最后出示老师自己的诗歌。 并出示一些是诗歌中的新的动词过去式:wake-woke meet-met ride-rod

22、e sit-sat teach-taught feel-felt think-thought tell-told 按照规律整理动词过去式,并对比朗读,加深印象。 与此同时指导学习策略2。 the third stop: hong kong do you know the history of hong kong? 用已学的动词过去式,试着说说.的过去和现在。 for e_ample: .but now. step 3 homework 1. 复习u2-4课文 2. 整理学到的动词过去式 3. 准备旅行照片,预先查找照片上的地名如何用英语表达,准备下节课制作holiday album。 新人教版

23、pep六年级上册英语教案5 teaching aims(教学目标) 学生可以掌握单词及字母:boy,girl,egg,fan,ee,ff 学生可理解使用句型:are you kitty? yes,i am./no,i am not. teaching importances(教学重点) boy,girl,egg,fan,ee,ff teaching difficulties(教学难点) are you kitty? yes,i am./no,i am not. cultivation education training points(养成教育训练点): 继续培养学生对英语的学习兴趣,帮助学生

24、逐步养成善于观察、勇于表现的好习惯,引导学生发现身边的英语。 teaching methods(教学方法) 游戏法,小组竞赛法,情境法 teaching tools(教学用具) 多媒体课件 teaching procedures(教学过程) pretask preparations 1.播放音乐,带领学生朗读儿歌,感受are you ?句型。 are you a boy? are you a boy? yes,i am. yes.i am. are you a girl? are you a girl? no,im not. no,im not. 2.请个别学生用课时一学过的句子介绍自己。 s1:hi,im(name).im a (boy/girl). while-task procedures 1.出示listen and say的图片,播放录音或多媒体动画,让学生跟读对话。板书句型are you ? yes ,i am./no,im not.让学生跟读,然后通过提问帮助学生理解该句型的用法。 t: are you? s1:yes,i am./no,im not. 2.再次播放listen and say的录音,让学生跟读。然后请一个学生上来戴上眼罩,再请另外三个学生和教师一起参与游戏,在游戏中不断重复问are you? s1:are


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